
Chapter 175 Expedition Meeting

After returning from Beda City, Hudson immediately convened a meeting of the county's nobles.

Without any surprise, everyone greeted Viscount Sith and his family.

It can be seen from the chaotic scene that everyone is really angry.

Hudson even suspected that if he were not here, he might also be the target of verbal criticism.

The human heart is the most unpredictable thing. It is impossible not to be angry when encountering such unfortunate events.

Even though Viscount Sith had picked it up cheaply, many people were still unwilling to accept the reality.

Deep down in my heart, there was indispensable criticism: Why didn't Hudson smoke it, but let the unlucky Sis get it?

As for Hudson's difficulties, they were simply ignored. We cannot expect every noble to be smart and able to see through the nature of the problem.

The lucky persona has certainly brought countless benefits to Hudson, but it has also brought negative effects.

For example, when it came to drawing lots, those old foxes kicked him out in a reasonable manner.

In the end, we didn’t even get out, so we can’t just compete with the boss of the province just for a lottery ticket, right?

Military obligations must be completed sooner or later, and you cannot escape them by hiding.

Going to fight in the Principality of Moxi has no obligation to defend the territory. For Hudson personally, it may not be a bad thing.

It seems that Hudson fell into the trap along with the Wright County nobles, but in fact, the real unlucky ones were the ordinary nobles.

There is no obligation to bind, and in a critical moment, Hudson can run away without pressure.

Personal safety is guaranteed, which is why Hudson can quickly accept reality and face the task calmly.

"Viscount Sith, why didn't you come?

Guards, send someone over to hurry up.

How could he, the county governor, be absent from such an important meeting! "

Hudson asked pretending to be concerned, as if without Sis as the county guard, today's meeting would not be able to proceed.

"Dear Viscount Hudson, Viscount Sith's convoy left Beda City two days ago and is heading north."

Hudson was not surprised by the results.

The military power was taken away, and all the nobles in the county were offended.

If you don't run away quickly, you might have to follow the army to the Principality of Moxi.

Do you really think nobles are easy to mess with?

Revenge and revenge are the true reflections of the aristocracy.

If he dared to follow him to the Principality of Moxi, with Sis's luck, it would only be a matter of time before he was tricked to death.

Hatred has arisen, and this cannot be solved by releasing a political signal.

Escape is impossible, Sith are not that stupid.

If nothing else goes wrong, he should have taken the initiative to sign up for the front line with his men and join the Kingdom's standing army.

With Grand Duke Kavadia's reputation, the military would probably buy into such a trivial matter.

Without hundreds of elites, Hudson didn't feel bad either. Being able to get rid of this evil spirit is the key.

Judging from the relaxed expressions on the nobles' faces, you can tell that they all have similar ideas.

"Baron Bazel, are you sure you read correctly? Viscount Sith really left with his men?"

Hudson asked, feigning surprise.

"Your Excellency Viscount, how dare I say such things?

In order to confirm the authenticity of the news, I also went to Dadir City on the way here. Viscount Sith is indeed not in the city, and it is his steward who is in charge of the affairs of the territory.

I learned from the butler that Viscount Sith was urgently recruited by the front line. Because time was too short, I didn't have time to say goodbye to everyone. "

Baron Bazel replied seriously.

This is not because he wants to betray the Sith, but because everything has happened, it is impossible to keep it a secret.

Anyway, everyone has been gone for two days. Even if everyone is angry, it is impossible to lead the team to catch up now.

Counting the time, almost as soon as he returned from Beda City, Viscount Sith led his people to run away.

This decisiveness alone cannot be compared to ordinary people.

Saying goodbye was impossible.

He has tricked everyone so badly that if he dares to come to the meeting, he will be beaten.

An empty-headed county guard cannot intimidate everyone.

When he gets angry, he beats someone up, so he beats him up.

I don’t know if I can come back alive, so who would care about the face of a grand duke who is thousands of miles away.

After waving his hand to stop everyone's discussion, Hudson slowly said:

“Now that the Sith Sheriff accepted the call from the kingdom and left, I will be responsible for presiding over the next affairs.

The task of rescuing the Principality of Moxi has now fallen on us in Wright County, and there is no point in talking about anything else.

According to the regulations of the kingdom, the minimum number of troops sent should not be less than 15,000, and they must be elite.

There is no room for negotiation of conditions. Without the Sith Sheriff, the mission cannot be compromised.

The assignment of tasks is still the same as the old rules, and everything is carried out according to the rules of the kingdom.

Special circumstances may be considered as appropriate.

Underage nobles do not have to go to the battlefield. However, other military obligations must continue to be performed.

Elderly nobles can be replaced by the heir to the title.

I think everyone knows these rules by heart.

What I want to emphasize is the quality of the soldiers. They must be elite and not just stuffed with rubbish.

Even if I don't pursue the case, I still can't pass the Kingdom test.

When the time comes, I will be caught and it will embarrass everyone, so don’t blame me for being unkind.

You don’t have to be too pessimistic!

It is indeed dangerous to go to the Moxi Principality, but it is not a fatal mission.

It is right to want to preserve strength for the family, but the prerequisite is that you yourself must survive first.

You can come back alive, but if you lose your life because your soldiers are unqualified, that would be a joke! "

Whether the younger brother can fight is directly related to whether he can win the battle. Leading an army on an expedition for the first time, Hudson did not want to suffer defeat.

It is not easy to build a personality, but it is very easy to destroy it. As long as he loses a few battles, the reputation he has worked so hard to build will be ruined.

If you really want to defeat the war, you must create a tragic heroic image of "a crime other than war".

As long as the number of enemies killed is enough and the performance is impressive enough, even if the entire army is wiped out, everyone will help find reasons for defeat.

In this regard, Alpha Kingdom has done very well. When evaluating the merits of famous generals, the results and casualties are considered together, and heroes are not judged solely on the basis of victory or defeat.

They were all forced out by the orcs. As the weaker party, if the blame is mechanically determined based on victory or defeat, the kingdom will have no generals available.

In the face of the enemy's absolute strength, if you can persist for a few more days, or the defeat is not so ugly, you are already at the level of a famous general.

Every time we ask the frontline generals to defeat the strong with the weak, that's just a mental illness. Forcing one to succeed will only create a group of adventurers.

A kingdom that is resilient and has endured countless wars is destined to not be an adventurous kingdom.

Rather than gambling on a slim chance of survival, everyone prefers to play it safe and steady. Even if you continue to suffer defeats, as long as you delay enough time as planned, it will be a strategic victory.

Based on this steady guiding ideology, the strategic deployment of the Alpha Kingdom has always been very conservative, and all battles must serve the strategy.

The only thing that has to be sacrificed is the reputation of the frontline commander. Almost all the main generals of the kingdom have accumulated a series of defeats, and even the number of defeats is far more than the number of wins.

The title of "Famous General" can only be talked about within the kingdom, and is not recognized by the outside world at all.

Many people even attribute the fact that Alpha Kingdom has been passively beaten because of the lack of "famous generals" in Alpha Kingdom. As long as there are a few "famous generals", it can reverse the occupation.

Hudson was completely dismissive of this argument. Being able to survive being beaten by orcs for hundreds of years is enough to show that the strategy implemented by the Alpha Kingdom is correct.

According to the gameplay of various countries in the mainland, you will either win a big victory or suffer a big defeat. The Alpha Kingdom has long since disappeared in the long river of history for playing like this.

There is no way, the absolute strength gap cannot be reversed by winning one or two battles; but as long as the bet is lost once, the kingdom will be gone.

"Dear Viscount Hudson, this mobilization mission is too urgent. Can you ask the kingdom for it and wait until after the autumn harvest?"

Baron Kettle's proposal was also what everyone wanted. According to the normal mobilization sequence, it will be next year at the earliest when it is everyone's turn to go to the battlefield.

The sudden recruitment mission not only disrupted everyone's plans for the territory, but also disrupted everyone's troop training plans.

Despite what Hudson had said before, asking everyone to bring out elite troops, in fact Wright County simply could not muster 15,000 elite troops.

Even if you add the Koslow family, you can only make up half of the elites at most, and the rest can only be filled with serf soldiers.

Considering the actual situation, it is impossible for the Koslow family to play stud, the nobles cannot go out in full force, and the number of elite soldiers will be even smaller.

Elite soldiers are not trained in a day, but the autumn harvest can be seen immediately. Even if we are going to the battlefield, we can't forget the food in the fields.

"I'm very sorry, Baron Kettle. The war in the Principality of Moxi is tense. The orc army has completely occupied the defense line of Fort Augustus, and its troops are pointing directly at Terence City.

With the power of the Moxi Principality, no one can guarantee how long it can last. In order to help our allies stabilize the front, we must set off as soon as possible.

Everyone can rest assured that we are not the only ones in Wright County who are sending troops to reinforce the Principality of Moxi. The six major provinces in the southeastern region of the empire will allocate troops from one county to participate in the war.

In other neighboring countries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also coordinating. At least the countries bordering the Principality of Moxi will not sit idly by.

Preliminary estimates indicate that the total number of troops from various countries to reinforce the Principality of Moxi will not be less than 500,000. Coupled with the existing military strength of the Principality of Moxi, it is still very promising to stop the orc army. "

Hudson struggled to draw a path.

Alpha Kingdom's reinforcements are certain, but whether other countries will send reinforcements and what kind of troops are all unknown.

The so-called 500,000 reinforcements is just a number randomly made up to increase the confidence of the younger brothers.

True or false is not important, the key is that everyone needs some comfort in their hearts. The small amount of troops that Wright County put into the battlefield was just a drop in the ocean.

If you are not careful, your entire army will be wiped out. Even if the Alpha Kingdom's front line is well prepared, it is not unheard of for all the organized county soldiers to be wiped out.

Not to mention the Principality of Moxi. Except for a few noble officers who escaped from the army stationed at the Fort Augustus defense line, they were actually beaten by the orcs.

Such wasteful behavior cannot but be shocking.

The situation was special. Facing the hawk-man slinging army, reinforcements could not arrive in time. This was just the self-comfort of the Principality of Moxi.

Essentially, there was still insufficient preparation in advance and reinforcements failed to arrive in time.

As long as the defense line is regained, the city defenses are utilized, and magic crystal cannons and magic crossbows are used to attack the Yingren Air Force, even if the defense line cannot be defended in the end, it can still cause a large number of casualties to the enemy.

The rescue of their own people is so ineffective. Once the guest army encounters a similar situation, who dares to expect reinforcements from the Principality of Moxi to arrive as soon as possible.

After appeasing everyone, Hudson directly assigned their respective tasks. Without the unfortunate Sith, everyone's responsibilities have become even heavier.

It is estimated that everyone's desire to kill the Sith Viscount has become more intense.

Fortunately, this unlucky guy knew the severity and ran away by himself. Otherwise, an accident would have happened on the battlefield, and Hudson wouldn't know how it would end.

It seems that killing the Sith is a relief, but once a precedent is set for causing Xiao Qiang, there will be endless troubles.

There were quite a few nobles with grudges in the Wright County army. If they started fighting each other on the battlefield, the army would be completely destroyed.

After sending away all the younger brothers, Hudson also took action. As a corps commander, he is also not exempt from military obligations.

The military obligations that the Mountain Leader and the various branches of the Koslo family need to bear this time are not small. Even if Hudson uses his power for personal gain and reduces his mission quota as much as possible, more than 5,000 troops will still be sent.

When the family's private army goes to the battlefield, arrangements must be made for who will follow and who will be responsible for staying behind.

There is nothing much to say about the nobles who have fiefdoms in each branch. Just pack your things and go out with the army.

There is a clear military obligation, and there is no way to hide from it. With more than seventy people involved, Hudson didn't dare to cover up.

“Father, you don’t have to go to the Moxi Principality this time.

With such a huge family matter, someone has to be responsible for staying behind.

Involving all the major branches, there are too many things that need to be coordinated, and Nelson and Evola may not be able to handle them. "

Staying behind is just an excuse. The centripetal force of a family connected by blood is far more reliable than an ordinary alliance.

Especially in this critical moment of life and death, everyone knows the importance of staying together. Even if someone wants to cause trouble, they will be blocked by other members.

After all, playing to check and balance Hudson is a professional. The children of the family who defected seemed to be favored, but in fact everyone's power was restricted.

Everyone has selfish motives, and Hudson is no exception. The future of going to the Principality of Moxi was uncertain, so he was naturally unwilling to take the risk with Baron Redman.

If danger occurs, he can leave others and run away, but he cannot leave Baron Redman alone.

"This is not good! Everyone is going out with the army, and I am specializing myself. I'm afraid it will easily cause..."

Before Baron Redman could finish speaking, Hudson interrupted: "Don't worry, I've already thought of an excuse for you, just say that you lost your vitality while practicing.

If anyone has any opinions, let them come and talk to me.

Besides, it's not like we're failing to fulfill the kingdom's military obligations. If you don't go to the front line, Nelson will do it for you.

Even if someone goes to the Governor's Mansion to complain about some minor matters, the provincial government will not delve into the matter.

There are a lot of complicated things in the mountain territory now. I am not in charge of the territory. If you leave with me and trouble occurs later, who will be responsible for handling it? "

To be honest, the only person he could trust unconditionally was Baron Redman.

Others, even brothers, may not want to come back. After all, the foundation of the Mountain Territory is still very important.

Fortunately, these are troubled times. Even if some people want to worry about it, they know that without Hudson, the Koslow family will not be able to maintain this legacy.

"Okay! Since you have made all arrangements, I will stay behind.

But the journey from here to the Principality of Moxi is two thousand miles away. Fighting in an unfamiliar place is not as simple as suppressing the rebels.

Hudson, I know that you have good military capabilities and have always acted steadily, but I still want to remind you.

The enemy we are facing now is a ferocious orc army. We must be careful in everything we do and do not try to be a hero on the battlefield! "

Baron Redman said earnestly.

Although he has many sons, only Hudson is the one who really stands out.

Even Nelson, his eldest son, whom he is most optimistic about, can only be said to have great ambitions now. The problem is that ambition is one thing, and whether you can get up is another.

A noble who can truly counterattack not only has the ability and ambition, but also needs luck.

After all, there are plenty of capable people in this world. But most of them fell on the way, and few survived to the end, let alone those who succeeded in ascending to the throne.

Aristocratic children like Hudson, who have emerged at a young age, are rare in the entire Aslant continent. The weight in Baron Redman's heart is naturally different.

"Don't worry, father. This is not our war. We are here to support the Principality of Moxi mainly to help them stabilize the front.

Generally speaking, this war must be based on defense.

As a guest army, our military tasks will not be too heavy. Some of the most important fortresses were garrisoned by only their own troops.

The fall of Augustburg was just an accident. They won't make the same mistake twice.

As long as we don't go out of the city without authorization to fight the orc army, the risk is actually controllable. Even if the defense line collapses, there is still a chance to retreat. "

Hudson said calmly.

Confidence is a very mysterious thing. Even if he himself is not confident, everyone must be confident.

After convincing Baron Redman, Hudson's attention quickly shifted to troop deployment. There must be elites, but the left-behind forces cannot be ignored.

When traveling long distances for rescue, the most important thing is mobility, and cavalry is definitely indispensable.

Just thinking about the pitiful number of war horses in the territory gave Hudson a headache. The entire Koslow family combined could barely make up a thousand war horses.

Obviously, it is impossible for all of these war horses to be equipped with cavalry. The mounts of the knights must be protected as a priority; the horses of the messengers and scouts must also be deducted.

These people must have one person and two horses, and the number of horses is directly halved. With the remaining horses, Hudson could only scrape together a cavalry regiment.

After walking out of the room to relax and looking at the cattle grazing on the hillside in the distance, Hudson suddenly came up with the idea of ​​​​cavalry.

Of course, this isn't a real bull rider. Although the mutated cattle in their territory are genetically powerful, they cannot run as well as war horses.

The so-called bull cavalry was mainly considered for heavy infantry. Wearing heavy armor and traveling in the summer would be a disaster.

If you march without armor, if you encounter an enemy suddenly, you will become a light infantry.

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