
Chapter 177 Reviewing the Team

Through coaxing and deception, as well as being tortured and morally kidnapped, Marshal Borg was finally invited out of the mountain.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, new troubles appeared in front of Joseph II.

As an ally, the Principality of Moxi must give a clear answer to its request for help.

Prior to this, no country had expressed its position, and the Warhammer Kingdom could still wait.

But now the Alpha Kingdom made a high-profile announcement that it would send "200,000" troops to support the Mossi Principality, which suddenly forced them into a corner.

Everyone is an ally. The Alpha Kingdom, which was attacked by the orc army, all mobilized their troops. It is obviously unreasonable for the Warhammer Kingdom to sit back and watch.

Send troops to rescue, there is another threat from the orc army.

If the reinforcements just set off, the orcs will attack immediately.

If you fail to rescue your allies, you become the one asking for help, which would be a joke.

"Marshal, what do you think about the affairs of the Principality of Moxi?"

Joseph II asked.

I have never led troops or been on the battlefield.

Regarding military issues, the rational Joseph II thought it would be better to consult professionals first.

Although he himself promoted many generals, he ultimately had no experience in commanding large armies in combat. Judgments based on one's own knowledge may not necessarily be accurate.

“Your Majesty, the Principality of Moxi must be saved!

Whether politically or militarily, the kingdom cannot sit idly by.

Otherwise, if the alliance relationship deteriorates, the next time the orcs target us, it will be difficult to ask for help from other countries.

Unlike the Principality of Moxi, which is sandwiched in the middle, we are no longer bordered by the Kingdom of Alpha.

Even if the kingdom falls under the iron heel of the orcs, it will not have much impact on them in the short term, and it is not a place that must be saved.

Without the leadership of the Alpha Kingdom, several of its neighbors to the west would be of no use, and the Principality of Moxi would not be able to take care of itself.

Once the orcs change direction, we will be left to fight alone.

Now the kingdom not only needs to rescue the Principality of Moxi, but also must follow the example of the Alpha Kingdom and send troops to rescue with great fanfare.

This is not only for the Principality of Moxi, but also for the countries of the Human Alliance.

If possible, we will also persuade the Principality of Moxi to counterattack to regain the Augustburg defense line and reverse the current strategic passivity. "

Marshal Borg said with a serious face.

Militarily, the more land the Principality of Moxi fell, the longer the flank defenses of the Warhammer Kingdom were exposed.

Politically, it is more related to the survival of the Three Kingdoms Alliance.

"Marshal, the Alpha Kingdom sending 200,000 troops is probably just a bluff.

Although the orc army changed its attack direction, the number of troops staying on their border was still huge.

Even if the Alpha Kingdom is stronger than us, the deployment of 200,000 troops at once will still affect their mobilization system.

I think they can at most provide 100,000 reinforcements. With the reinforcements from several other small countries, it would be a miracle to be able to gather 300,000 troops.

Moreover, the quality of these reinforcements is also very doubtful.

The standing army of the Kingdom of Alpha cannot be mobilized, so it can only send out private armies of nobles. Several other small countries have just begun mobilizing, and maybe some people will use serfs to make up the numbers.

With the quality of these soldiers, it is okay to send them out to defend the city. It is hopeless to expect them to help recover the lost territory.

Even if the kingdom is added, there is still no chance of winning. Forcibly regaining the defense line will result in heavy losses at least, and the entire army will be annihilated at worst.

Once another major defeat occurs, countries will not be able to mobilize enough reinforcements in a short period of time. The Principality of Moxi, which was already in panic, was afraid that it would completely collapse. "

Prime Minister Guy frowned and said.

It's one thing to rescue the Moxi Principality, but it's another thing to help them regain their lost territory.

From a strategic point of view, regaining the Fort Augustus defense line will definitely benefit the Warhammer Kingdom without any harm. The only problem is that it can't be done.

"Ha ha……"

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, what we want to discuss now is what is best for the kingdom, rather than letting you worry about your allies.

From an overall perspective, it would be best to help the Principality of Moxi stabilize its defense line. But the losses that the kingdom needs to pay are huge.

Do you think that the orc army that cannot make a breakthrough will go to gnaw on the hard bone of the Alpha Kingdom next, or will it turn its attack direction towards us?

Unlike the heavily invested northern defense line, the Kingdom's preparations on the eastern front were seriously inadequate.

Beyond Fort Augustus is the vast Warhammer Plain. Apart from our unfinished steel defense line on the border, there are only sporadic noble castles left.

Once it encounters the main attack of the orcs, it is only a matter of time before it falls. Without fortifications, if you want to stop the orc army in the wild, even if you mobilize the entire country's army, you can't do it.

If you don't want the kingdom to be reduced to ashes, then you can only sacrifice your allies. The orc army marching straight into the Principality of Moxi will indeed make us more passive strategically.

But all this will take time, and they will not risk launching a full-scale attack on us without pulling out the nails in the road.

During this period, we can strengthen the defense line while exaggerating the strength of the orcs to the human nations that have not yet been involved, forcing them to make decisions in advance.

With the stimulation of the frontline defeat, it is possible for the alliance meeting in July to make a decision in our favor and allow all countries to send troops in advance.

Of course, the risks involved are also great. If a group of foreign races seize this opportunity to take action and contain the reinforcements from various countries, they will be in big trouble.

However, this is a small probability event. Even if they want to take advantage of the situation, each tribe will choose to wait for reinforcements to arrive before jumping out to cause trouble. "

Marshal Borg said coldly.

He didn't want to cheat his teammates either. There is no other way. If there is no problem in the Principality of Moxi, there will be a big problem in the Warhammer Kingdom.

Even if the plan was to quench his thirst by drinking poison, Marshal Borg had no choice.

If something didn't happen, it would be impossible to stop the orc army's attack with the unfinished defenses on the eastern front.

Unlike the Alpha Kingdom, which was experienced in being beaten and was ready to be invaded at any time, the nobles occupied dangerous areas early, built castles and fortresses large enough to accommodate all the people in the territory, and also stored enough food.

Warhammer Kingdom's preparations for this war were completely rushed. According to their prior predictions, they had always believed that it would be impossible for the orcs to invade with all their strength before the old Emperor Behemoth died.

If you make mistakes in strategic judgment, you will naturally have to pay for it. Based on the experience of the past wars when reinforcements from various countries gathered to counterattack the orcs, most of the nobles of the Warhammer Kingdom overestimated their own strength.

Even now, there are still many small and medium-sized nobles in the Warhammer Kingdom who are optimistic about this war. They naively believed that as long as they fully mobilized, they could drive the orcs back to their hometown.

In this state, if the orc army is allowed to march into the heart of the kingdom, it may really be beaten to nothing.

Everyone was wiped out by the orcs, and even if the Human Alliance helped regain the lost territory afterwards, it would be difficult to revive the Warhammer Kingdom.

After a slight hesitation, Joseph II nodded helplessly. Deep down, he was secretly relieved.

Fortunately, Marshal Borg was invited out, otherwise it would have been a tragedy if he had stupidly stood up for the Principality of Moxi according to the plan of his men.

In the Principality of Moxi, King Chris IX breathed a deep sigh of relief after receiving the news that the Kingdom of Alpha had sent troops.

With this big brother taking the lead, the remaining problems will be easier to handle. Neighbors nearby have to contribute more or less.

A family can gather tens of thousands of reinforcements, which adds up to a large number. Even if they can't defeat the main force of the orcs, they can at least help stabilize the situation.

In addition to reinforcements, what the Principality of Moxi needs most is "confidence." Resistance with reinforcements and fighting alone without reinforcements are completely different concepts.

"Your Majesty, this is a note from the Warhammer Kingdom. They propose to combine the efforts of our two countries, plus reinforcements from various countries, to jointly regain Fort Augustus and restore the previous defense line."

While speaking, Foreign Minister Renato handed over a document.

After taking the document and flipping it over and scanning the contents, Chris IX fell into hesitation.

The reason given by the Warhammer Kingdom is very good. The terrain of Fort Augustus is difficult, so it is the best place to build a defense line.

In contrast, the current Terrance City defense line was built entirely by manpower. The so-called natural danger is nothing more than a hill 180 meters high.

If the hills are more continuous and form a hilly terrain, then it can be used.

Unfortunately, there aren't many hills in this area. The real mountainous terrain is still in the southern part of the Principality of Moxi.

No matter how we retreat, we can't abandon the principality's foundation and go to the valley to fight guerrillas with the orcs!

What's more, even if it's not a white land, there aren't many living people in the places where the orc army passed. It is also very difficult to swim.

After closing the document, Chris IX asked slowly: "What do you think of the Warhammer Kingdom's proposal?"

It can be seen that he is really tempted this time. The pie painted by Warhammer Kingdom is really too tempting.

Once the Fort Augustus defense line was recovered, everything returned to before the war. The Principality of Moxi, which is on the verge of subjugation, will be resurrected directly with full health.

Even because of the war, it was possible to passively develop an army with good combat effectiveness. In the next battle against the orc invasion, they had a better chance of winning.

"Your Majesty, from a strategic point of view, regaining the Augustburg defense line is indeed the best choice. The only two questions are:

Politically, whether it will affect the alliance meeting in July; militarily, whether the troops can really complete combat missions as expected. "

Prime Minister Herceg said worriedly.

Although the plan is good, in the end it still has to be implemented by people. The orc army is coming in a steady stream, and it is no easy task to regain Fort Augustus from them.

If a proactive attack leads to a huge defeat on the front line, and the party changes from a party that regains lost territory to a party that flees in a hurry, then it will be the end of the world.

In comparison, the Human Alliance meeting in July was not that important. According to past practice, the alliance can make a big fuss when encountering any incident.

For such a big matter as sending troops to reinforce, it will not enter the voting process at all without a period of commotion.

"Your Majesty, this is a rare opportunity. With the cooperation of the Warhammer Kingdom and the gathering of reinforcements from various countries, this is our best chance to regain the lost territory.

If the Alpha Kingdom is persuaded to contain the orc army on the front line, the probability of success will be even higher. "

Military Minister Martins said cautiously.

"Opportunity" is just a matter of probability and does not mean that it will definitely be realized.

The battlefield is ever-changing, but in the final analysis it still depends on strength.

Unfortunately, many problems are not just simple military issues, but also include a series of political issues.

The front line continues to lose cities and territory, and the pressure on the military is increasing day by day. Domestic calls for Martins to be replaced are getting louder and louder. If he doesn't make some achievements, he will leave.

Even though he knew there were risks involved, Martins could only bite the bullet and take a gamble. For him personally, everything is easy to say if he wins, and it won't be much worse than now if he loses.

Looking at the north hesitantly, Chris IX asked solemnly: "If we join forces with the Warhammer Kingdom to regain the Augustburg defense line, what is the probability of success?"

In Wright County, after a series of preparations, the expeditionary force ushered in the day of assembly.

Looking at the team of big and small bags, Hudson was very suspicious that this was a team going to the market rather than an army going on an expedition.

People are humble when they leave their hometown. It's a journey of two thousand miles, and it's impossible to fight in a foreign country without being fully prepared.

Other daily supplies can be provided by the Principality of Moxi. Clothes and quilts for all seasons must be prepared in advance.

Out of distrust in the logistics capabilities of their allies, the nobles took a rare moment to prepare outfits for all the soldiers participating in the war.

Fifteen thousand soldiers are only a little more than that. Counting the men and animals together, the total strength directly exceeds 20,000. We are waiting for the kingdom to send people to check and accept.

While inspecting the neatly arranged team, a sense of pride welled up in Hudson's chest. Looking at this magnificent momentum, his hard work for so long was not in vain.

The noble officers on the side who were responsible for counting the number of people were startled by the momentum displayed by the team.

It’s not that they were ignorant, but the morale of the Wright County soldiers was beyond expectations. There are also elite reinforcements in other areas, but when they heard that they were going to fight the orcs, they all felt as if their parents had died.

The exception was the Wright County soldiers. Apart from complaining about the long journey, they paid no attention to the orc army they were about to face.

There was also a vague sense of disdain and arrogance.

There is no doubt that this temperament was deliberately cultivated by Hudson. When they were undergoing training in the Mountain Territory, these people were sent out in batches to supervise the work of the orc slaves.

For soldiers who have wielded whips and supervised the work of orc slaves, it is easy to think that orcs have only this kind of psychological advantage.

The subtle psychological suggestion implantation gave everyone a sense of superiority towards the orcs. So much so that when it comes to going out to fight the orcs, everyone feels a deep contempt in their bones.

This mentality made the morale displayed by the expeditionary army far exceed that of the reinforcements sent by neighboring provinces.

"Viscount Hudson, your military training ability is so amazing! Looking at the entire continent, you are one of the best.

Perhaps you should take on heavier responsibilities, such as serving as the chief instructor of the kingdom's army and training an elite force for the kingdom that can compete with any opponent! "

The middle-aged officer was not lying, he was really prepared to recommend it to the king. With the national crisis at hand, anything that can enhance the kingdom's military strength is of great significance.

It's just that his family knows their own business. The training of Wright County soldiers seems to be replicable, but in fact it is very difficult to operate.

It is not that there are no orc slaves in the Alpha Kingdom, but there is really no other company that uses orc slaves on such a large scale as the Mountain Territory.

This alone blocks the road to large-scale imitation.

As for the rest of the queue training, it is only effective in improving the discipline and momentum of the new recruits. The veterans are not interested in these.

If Hudson were really put in charge of training the country's troops, the problems of these people would soon be exposed. Coupled with the fact that there are not enough military instructors, blind reform will only make things worse.

"Count Jose joked, I am exhausted from commanding the team in front of me. How can I shoulder the important task of training the national army.

In normal times, there is no harm in trying military reforms. But this is war time, and every move will be magnified.

Rather than carrying out reforms with uncertain prospects, it would be better to maintain the status quo and wait until the war is over. "

Hudson declined.

They are all telling the truth. Wartime is really not a suitable time for military reform. As for after the war, the war has been fought, so what else is there to reform?

As a traditional and conservative country, the Alpha Kingdom itself is not suitable for radical reforms.

The basic national conditions of the princes everywhere determined that any reform would be difficult to replicate nationwide.

Seemingly thinking of this, Count Jose, who was originally very interested, nodded helplessly and did not continue to dwell on this sensitive topic.

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