
Chapter 178 The Crown Prince is coming

Soldiers are expensive and quick, but after all, it is only an ideal state.

Even if the kingdom received a rescue letter, it still took a lot of time to make decisions and send reinforcements in the shortest possible time.

Fort Augustus fell in early May of Holy Calendar 99988. By the time the reinforcements from Wright County officially set off, it was already late at the end of the month.

Even at this speed, Hudson received a verbal commendation from the king's envoy. Compared with the colleagues who are still wrangling, this is a rare high efficiency.

Without any surprise, Hudson's Wright County Regiment became the first team to go to the rescue.

Politically related things will become unusual as long as they are number one.

Being forced to steal the limelight, Hudson was helpless.

Who knew colleagues were so resistant?

Even though I knew I couldn't escape, I still wasted my time.

In matters like rescue, it is not safer to go as late as possible.

If the army of the Principality of Moxi really collapses, the reinforcements from the Alpha Kingdom will not be enough to fill the hole.

Colleagues did not help, and this political achievement fell directly on Hudson's head.

Then there was nothing more. Apart from a little increase in prestige, Mao didn't see any substantial benefits.

The Alpha Kingdom's positioning of its army is very clear - "reinforcement".

To put it simply, they play a supporting role on the battlefield, perform some city defense tasks, or fight orcs.

In a decisive battle with the main force of the orcs, it is estimated that even the most optimistic bosses in the royal capital would not dare to have such illusions.

Geographically, there are seven provinces in the southeastern region of the Kingdom of Alpha. Fengyun Province is still fighting on the front line, so naturally this reinforcement mission will not fall on them.

The remaining six southeastern provinces nominally allocate troops from one county to participate in the war. When it comes to specific operations, there are many problems.

Some small counties simply cannot provide 15,000 elite troops, so the shortfall can naturally only be shared by other counties in the province.

There was so much quarrel in some provinces that no one was willing to take on this hard work, and in the end it had to be shared among the counties.

The most typical characteristic of the assembled army is chaotic command. The temporarily appointed army commander has limited power to intimidate nobles from all over the country.

Hudson led the Wright County Army for more than ten days, and there were reinforcements from two provinces, but the internal relationship was not clear.

There are people providing logistics along the way, so there is no baggage pressure. You only need to be responsible for the journey.

The marching speed was naturally a little faster than usual. On the first day, Hudson led the troops to advance sixty miles.

Then the speed naturally slowed down. The first day was excellent because the king's envoy came to follow the troops and euphemistically called them a farewell.

It is necessary to show off in front of the leader.

If we weren't afraid of overacting and ending up badly later, walking another twenty or thirty miles wouldn't be a problem.

After all, this is a local march with guaranteed safety and does not require soldiers to ensure combat effectiveness at all times.

Even burying the pots to make rice and setting up camp, there are people who do it for them.

Just looking at the mobilization and coordination capabilities of nobles from all over the country, it is absolutely a miracle that it appeared in a semi-slave and semi-feudal era.

But the only one with this ability to cooperate is the Alpha Kingdom. In other countries on the continent, the nobles and gentlemen along the way would not be so cooperative.

These are all the achievements of the Orc Empire. It is all thanks to the efforts of the Orc army for hundreds of years to develop everyone's coordination ability.

The nobles along the way will do their best to cooperate, and the nobles participating in the war will also strictly restrain military discipline. Everyone has already formed a tacit understanding.

In the Emerald Palace, looking at the information gathered in his hands, Caesar III became furious.

There are reinforcements, but the performance of this "two hundred thousand" army is really hard to describe.

Except for the Wright County Regiment led by Hudson, which set off on time within the specified time, the remaining reinforcements all went wrong.

The reasons are endless, but the end result is the same. In order to urge the various reinforcements to set off, Count Jose, who was responsible for coordinating the deployment, could only complain to the king.

"Your Majesty, going out to support the Principality of Moxi is a hard job, and it is very normal for the people below to be resistant.

At the beginning, our mandatory number of troops was also difficult for the provinces to implement it.

Count Jose did not have enough prestige. Before this, nobility from all over the country had never heard of his name. It was normal for him to be unable to intimidate the arrogant soldiers below.

It would be better to replace him with a nobleman with high prestige and go to the army to serve as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. "

The Grand Duke of Newfoundland advised.

As prime minister, he is fully aware of the difficulties faced by the local government.

The slow action was mainly due to two aspects: the resistance of the nobles responsible for carrying out the mission, and the confusion in the command of the assembled team.

Especially the latter has a greater impact. Compared with the teams that were put together, the teams that directly deployed their troops based on counties performed much better.

The more complex the team, the higher the demands on the commander. Theoretically, there is no problem in sending a count to command the coalition forces.

Regrettably, Count Jose was a court count conferred by the king. The status is quite high, but if you want to command a complex coalition team, it is far from enough.

If it weren't for the sake of the king and giving this "king's special envoy" some respect, I guess the people below would not wait for him.

Giving face is one thing, but how to do it is another. Even if the commander of the Airhead Earl wants to establish his authority, he does not have the ability to scare the monkeys.


After giving a cold shout, Caesar III said unhappily: "The orcs have always been scheming, the frontline has been in danger for a long time, and the important generals of the kingdom are not suitable to leave at this moment.

Nobles with high reputations all have their own problems, and they can't get away from them even if they think about it.

That's all, let's let Little Caesar go through it. It just gave him the opportunity to see the world and exercise his military command skills. "

The crown prince was going to the battlefield for training, and everyone tacitly chose to keep silent on this issue. Rational politicians all know that it is best not to get involved in this kind of thing.

In the continent of Aslant, it is common for kings to go to the battlefield, and it is not surprising that the crown prince goes to the front line to "gild".

This trip to the Principality of Moxi is full of uncertainty after all. Although the Principality of Moxi does not dare to let an accident happen to Crown Prince Caesar, the problem is that the orcs dare!

The battlefield is full of uncertainties. If something happens to the crown prince, whoever chooses to support him at this time will become the target of anger afterwards.

Not to mention objection.

Doubting the crown prince's ability will not only offend the current king, but also the next king. There is no "bright" future.

Even if there are other nobles who can carry out this task in the past, there can only be none now.

After receiving the news about the sudden high-level personnel transfer, Hudson decisively ordered his subordinates: "Pass the order, and the marching speed will be reduced to twenty miles per day.

Tom, send someone to notify the officer responsible for coordinating supplies. The reason is: the reinforcements from each county are too slow, and we have to wait for them to catch up and act together. "

Traveling twenty miles a day, only one morning is enough, and it is a completely passive and slow work.

There is no way, who made Count Jose's title of commander-in-chief suddenly revoked by the royal capital?

There is no audience left, but you are still showing such enthusiasm. Who can you show this to!

In official circles, it is not enough to just perform well, you must also always be aware of the trends above.

Count Jose needs everyone to arrive in the Principality of Moxi as soon as possible, which is not the same as the next coalition commander, who also thinks so.

Especially the new commander, who is also the top second generation of the kingdom - the crown prince.

The first time he received the news, Hudson thought someone was joking with him.

The crown prince actually led the team on such a dangerous mission?

Even if Count Jose is unqualified, he can be replaced by a noble noble with high reputation. If that doesn't work, sending a member of the royal family nearby will do.

However, thinking of the traditions of the Aslant continent, Hudson gave up his original idea.

These reinforcements used to be dangerous, but the crown prince's past gold plating was the safest.

It is impossible for the people of the Principality of Moxi to let Crown Prince Caesar go to the front line. Fishing in troubled waters is much easier than plating gold in China.

At home, if the crown prince wants to gain military exploits, he must at least go to the front line to participate in command, not to mention personally going into battle to kill the enemy.

In case of a big defeat, the crown prince might also be compensated. In the history of the Kingdom of Alpha, more than one king died in battle, and even more princes died on the front lines.

Caesar III only had one son, so naturally he couldn't participate in such high-risk gilding activities.

But if you want to secure the throne, without any military exploits, you will not have the confidence to face the great nobles in the country in the future.

In this kind of joint-stock kingdom, the king is only a major shareholder. If his own prestige is not enough, it is easy for small shareholders to control the management and usurp the right to speak.

This rescue operation is undoubtedly a good opportunity. You only need to coordinate from the rear. If there is a victory on the front line, the crown prince will have a share of the credit; if there is a defeat, someone will take the blame.

Following this kind of second-generation war, Hudson had no interest at all. He only wanted to share the military achievements, and he was most afraid of giving blind orders.

As for hugging someone's lap, for a nobleman of his status, as long as he doesn't want to go to the central government for development, there is no point in trying to please the king.

As powerful as Caesar III, he had been in power for decades, but he had not supported a rising noble family.

The kingdom's resources are limited and it falls into a typical "one carrot, one pit" model. Unless a big family declines, no one can think of bucking the trend.

Normally, he would stay in his own land and farm, living an ordinary life without fighting with others. It was a waste of time to please the crown prince.

The cautious approach he is taking now is just because he doesn't want to offend others, lest he become a target of power.

The march slowed down, and Hudson had time to pay close attention to marching discipline. Thanks to the efforts of a group of noble officers, the team became more orderly.

Fifteen thousand people walked together at an almost unified pace, and the momentum alone was frightening from afar.

Judging from the faces of the nobles along the way, you can tell that they were all shocked by this military appearance. "Elite", this is definitely an elite force.

They were advancing at a snail's pace, and before they could win any military exploits, Hudson's name was first heard throughout half of the Alpha Kingdom.

Under the scorching sun, just as Hudson ordered to rest on the spot, a group of gryphon cavalry appeared above the team.

After glancing at the sky from a distance, Hudson simply ignored it. A similar scene happened more than once along the way.

There is a transiting army within our sphere of influence, so it is appropriate to send griffin cavalry over to investigate.

Above the clouds, a magical beast eagle with golden feathers and sharp eyes radiated, looked particularly eye-catching.

Sitting on the back of the eagle was a young man in rich clothes, looking down at the earth.

"It's better to meet than to be famous. I didn't expect that the private army of the nobles in Wright County is really an elite force. It seems that this mission is becoming more and more interesting."

Crown Prince Caesar said slightly excitedly.

When leading troops on an expedition for the first time, stability should be the top priority. It is better to lead an elite force into the battlefield than to lead a ragtag group of reliable troops.

"Your Highness, please do not take it lightly. Among the reinforcements sent by the kingdom this time, the Wright County Army Corps led by Viscount Hudson can be used.

The performance of the other five legions is really hard to describe. Once you have seen it, you will find that this task is not simple. "

Count Jose, who was riding a gryphon, hurriedly persuaded.

He didn't get the position of coach, but the position of assistant coach did fall on his head. Now his main task is no longer to lead troops to fight, but to keep an eye on the young crown prince in front of him.

Young people all have the problem of being conceited, and the more distinguished they are, the more serious this aspect is.

Count Jose did not want his crown prince to misjudge the strength of the coalition forces and regard all the expeditionary forces as elites to take on tasks that were beyond the capabilities of the coalition forces.

"Oh, I'd rather go and see how bad those legions are!

I can make His Excellency the Earl's memory so fresh.

But for now, let’s go take a look at this interesting Viscount Hudson.

Being able to train such an elite division shows that his troop training ability is among the best in the entire kingdom. "

While speaking, Crown Prince Caesar had already operated the eagle and began to slowly descend.

Everyone hurriedly followed, and the soldiers with quick eyes and hands even took off the big flags on their backs and waved flags to signal, lest they be mistaken for the enemy by the soldiers below.

As soon as he landed, Count Jose, who had been in the army, was recognized by a nearby noble officer and hurriedly came forward to greet him:

"Dear Count Jose, welcome to your arrival. The legion commander will be here soon. Please go into the camp and take a rest."

It can be seen that the noble officers were not aware of the changes in senior officials, and mistakenly thought that Count Jose was still the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, so they directly gave him the highest courtesy.

The rightful owner was ignored, and Crown Prince Caesar's dissatisfaction arose spontaneously. It's just that his natural acting skills have made him accustomed to showing off his emotions.

However, the flash of displeasure between his brows was still caught by the sophisticated Count Jose, who hurriedly rushed forward to greet the noble officer and introduced:

"This is the new commander-in-chief of the coalition forces - Crown Prince Caesar. Please ask the Commander of the Hudson Army to come over and greet him."

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