
Chapter 181 Going to the front line (asking for votes)

The army appeared under the city of Da Pest and was immediately warmly welcomed by the entire Mossi Principality.

Chris IX personally led a group of princes and nobles to go out to greet him, and performed the highest-level reception ceremony.

Even though he knew it was all for show, Hudson was still in a good mood. It is better to be valued than to be despised.

Of course, in order to get this treatment, in addition to the fact that the Wright County Regiment was the first reinforcement to arrive, what was more important was their military appearance and their ability to handle it.

Let's take a ragtag group and advance all the way to cause harm to the local area. Before anyone reaches the front line, the notoriety has already spread throughout the country, and there is no capital to use it for political propaganda.

With uniform steps, tens of thousands of people walked together, and the momentum alone made everyone in the Principality of Moxi very satisfied.

I have personally confirmed that this is a truly elite division and definitely not some parallel import.

As for why this elite came from a remote county, that was an internal matter of the Alpha Kingdom and had no obligation to explain to the outside world.

The army was stationed in the camp outside, but Hudson followed Prince Caesar into the city for the banquet.

Unlike before, in order to establish an image of a strict and self-disciplined general, he had to stay in the military camp for a long time.

Necessary entertainment involving military affairs is obviously different from the previous treats for nobles along the way. This is official business.

Naturally, the noble officers below could only stay at the camp obediently. Even if you want to go, you won't receive a banquet.

As the head of a country, he was willing to personally invite Hudson to a banquet, which was already the limit of courtesy for a corporal.

The barons and knights further down the hierarchy were so disparate in status that they were not qualified to participate in such a banquet.

If you want to break the restrictions, there is only one situation, and that is the celebration party.

Walking on horseback in the bustling city of Da Pest, the air is filled with the tense atmosphere of war.

There are only more than two hundred miles away from the front line. It seems that there are three lines of defense in the middle, but in fact, each one is more fragile than the last.

The vast plains have contributed to the strength and prosperity of the Principality of Moxi, and also determined the strategic defense difficulties of the Principality of Moxi.

Except for the Augustburg defense line, which was built on the remnants of the Parhati Mountains, the remaining lines of defense were all built on the plains.

Having lost its most important line of defense at the start, Hudson didn't know how to evaluate the Principality of Moxi.

Calling them useless, they are now relying on the second line of defense to temporarily block the front of the orc army.

To say that they are powerful, they have lost their most important line of defense.

If the Augustburg defense line is in hand, even if the orc army concentrates its main force to attack, the Principality of Moxi can hold on for a long time.

Now, we can only look forward to reinforcements from our allies.

The luxurious banquet was an eye-opener for Hudson, and he couldn't help but marvel at the wealth of the Principality of Moxi.

During the war, they dared to spend so much. I don't know if it's because my family is really rich, or because I haven't experienced the power of an orc's beating.

Contrast that as soon as the war broke out in the Alpha Kingdom, the king took the lead in stopping the banquet. The mental expectations of both sides regarding war losses are not at the same level at all.

"Princess Anne and Princess Susan are here!"

Beauties can attract attention anywhere, especially beauties with status and temperament, which are more lethal to men.

Two beauties, one big and one small, instantly attracted a large number of young heroes. Seeing everyone surrounding them, Hudson silently chose to watch from a distance.

These two people in front of him were not something he could peep at. The continent of Aslant is very hierarchical. For the king's daughter to marry, political marriage is essential.

Either he is a prince from various countries, or he is the eldest son of a great noble. The rules of the game are like this. Marriage across classes is destined to not be blessed.

Looking at the situation at the scene, we can see that on the surface, the two princesses treat all the objects of their attentiveness equally.

In fact, the treatment enjoyed by Crown Prince Caesar is obviously different. No matter how much he said, his eyes said it all.

In addition to the young heroes who were immersed in it, all the onlookers, including Hudson, noticed that something was unusual.

We are all smart people, and no one is stupid enough to cause trouble at this time. As the heir to the Alpha Kingdom, Crown Prince Caesar has the capital to enjoy differential treatment.

For all the important people present, if a marriage between a certain princess and Crown Prince Caesar could be achieved, it would definitely be beneficial to the Principality of Moxi.

Perhaps the royal families of the two countries have communicated secretly about this matter. Otherwise, with so many great nobles in the Alpha Kingdom, why would Crown Prince Caesar have to lead the team?

Even if it is gold-plated, it is enough to arrange the position of the deputy. It is irresponsible in itself to let a prince who has never been on the battlefield command an army.

He didn't dare to mess with the princess who was above him, and Hudson also kept a respectful distance from the ladies and ladies below.

There is no way, I don’t know anyone, who knows where they all come from?

A romantic encounter, that also takes time. If you don't manage your belt well at this juncture, and you don't realize that you've offended someone, you'll easily be deceived.

"Viscount Hudson, don't you want to talk to the noble ladies?"

While enjoying the food alone, a strange voice sounded in his ears. Looking along the voice, Hudson was slightly startled, and then said with a smile:

"This kind of opportunity should be left to others. I already have a fiancée, so I won't join in the fun now!"

This is the truth. He really has no interest in the aristocratic lady who can only look at but not touch her.

Unlike a singer like Isabel, even if she gets married into a house, it's just a romantic affair.

If a lady of the same status or a higher aristocracy is infected, his fiancée will not be able to explain it.

Maybe the marriage won't work out, and instead it will turn into a feud. After all, to the nobles, singing songs were just for fun.

Her father-in-law has raised a lot of people, so Melissa's mental endurance must have been tempered by her father's actions.

No matter how much she is pampered, a singer is always just a singer and cannot threaten the mistress's status.

But it's different if it's a noble lady. If this kind of extramarital affair continues, it can easily turn into a mistress taking over.

Although divorce is not popular in Aslant, there are still widows!

No one can tolerate this kind of existence that may threaten their status. Especially before the wedding, there is no possibility of tolerance.

"That's such a pity! If this news spreads, I'm afraid many noble ladies will secretly feel sad.

Look over there, are there several noble ladies staring at you? "

Prime Minister Herceg joked.

Hudson's appearance can only be considered average, and he is not the type that is popular with people. However, he has already become famous and exudes the charm of a strong man.

Mu Qiang is a woman's natural instinct.

The status of Crown Prince Caesar is too high for everyone to reach. Growth stocks like Hudson are also the favorite of noble ladies.

"Yeah, that's really a pity.

But with my little charm, I don’t dare to compare with His Excellency the Prime Minister.

The group of ladies over there are looking forward to seeing you! "

Seeing that Prime Minister Herceg was deliberately getting closer, Hudson put aside his worries about the gap in status and started joking directly.

Anyway, he is a guest now, so even if he is a little rude, it is not a big problem.

"Viscount Hudson is really good at talking, but I am still very confident in my charm.

Even though I am old, there are many ladies who want to take advantage of me. It's a pity that time is not kind to anyone, and my body and bones are not as young as yours. "

After hearing Prime Minister Herceg's narcissistic words, Hudson rolled his eyes secretly. Even with her paunchy appearance, I dare to talk about charm.

If it weren't for the status bonus of the prime minister, I'm afraid no one would pay attention to it, let alone take the initiative to embrace him.

If you study the identities of these noble ladies carefully, you will find that most of them married into declining noble families, or were directly widowed.

Being able to have fun is purely because no one cares. In other words, interests require sacrifices in exchange for some family benefits.

Morality has always been a luxury. For the rotten nobles, this thing does not exist at all.

Not knowing the purpose of Prime Minister Herceg's visit, Hudson simply dealt with some irrelevant topics. Regarding specific matters, it’s one push, four, five, six.

Make your position clear with practical actions: If you have any issues, talk to Crown Prince Caesar. Others will talk lightly and won't join in the fun.

It is indeed unethical to blame the boss directly, but who told Prince Caesar to be busy chasing women at the moment?

Deep down in his heart, Hudson already felt something was wrong. The Principality of Moxi is playing a honey trap. If the one-year-old crown prince falls for it, there will be big trouble next.

The only good thing is that he was prepared in advance and labeled the Wright County Regiment "elite".

Elite teachers are a luxury in any country. Unless absolutely necessary, we will not abandon an elite force.

I was just afraid that I would be unlucky and bump into the main force of the orcs. The scene between fake elites and real elites is simply unimaginable.

Of course, if they were defeated in the wild against the Behemoth Army, it would not be a big deal.

With the same strength, there is no human army that can compare with Beamon in terms of combat effectiveness.

Encountering such a powerful opponent, even if they suffer a defeat, no one will doubt the combat effectiveness of the Wright County Legion.

A character who is good at using soldiers will not collapse, but a character who is "good luck" will be difficult to maintain.

Unless they can safely evacuate with most of their troops after encountering the Beamon Army. You can also shamelessly announce to the outside world that you escaped unscathed from the Behemoth Army.

Fearing what would happen, on the fifth day after the banquet, Hudson received the order to send troops.

"Your Highness, all our troops have not arrived yet. With only the strength of the Wright County Regiment, if we rush to the front line, we may not even be able to stir up the waves."

Hudson argued rationally.

He has made up his mind. If there is no satisfactory answer, whoever wants to send troops can do it.

Even the crown prince cannot force a noble to lead his troops to die.

If things get serious, Hudson will certainly have a hard time, and Crown Prince Caesar's reputation will also be affected.

No one likes a person with a crooked butt, not even the crown prince. Before making a decision, the crown prince must also prioritize protecting the interests of the kingdom.

"Viscount Hudson, don't be angry. If I didn't have to, I wouldn't agree to the proposal of the Principality of Moxi.

The war on the front line is really urgent, and the Terence defense line that the Principality of Moxi has painstakingly built has now become shaky.

The morale of the frontline officers and soldiers has been greatly affected, and they are in urgent need of good news to stimulate them.

The Wright County Regiment is now rushing to the front line, mainly to show the middle and lower-level officers and soldiers of the Principality of Moxi, and does not need to enter the battle immediately.

We just need to take the army and patrol the front line to prove to the frontline soldiers of the Principality of Moxi that reinforcements are coming.

After the mission is completed, the Wright County Regiment will be transferred to the castle near the rear to garrison. As long as the front line doesn't collapse, we basically won't encounter the orc army. "

Seeing the relaxed look on Crown Prince Caesar's face, Hudson was also speechless. On the surface, there is nothing wrong with the proposal of the Principality of Moxi.

But the battlefield is ever-changing. If we get to the front line, will it still be as simple as the Mossi people said?

"Basically there will be no encounter with the orc army", which means that an encounter is possible. I'm afraid no one can tell what the exact probability of this encounter is.

Judging from the appearance of Crown Prince Caesar, it is obvious that he has agreed to the Mossi people. If you refuse at this time, Mr. Hudson will no longer be a human being.

After all, everyone promised not to participate in the war, just an armed march.

“Your Highness the Crown Prince, if the Mossi people can guarantee it, then it wouldn’t be a bad idea to go to the front line.

It's just that we have to say the ugly things first. If something unexpected happens midway and we are asked to send reinforcements, it will depend on the situation.

Now the flags of the five major orc royal families have appeared in the Principality of Moxi. Even if not all of the main force came, at least 10% to 20% came, and the number is still increasing.

In the event of an encounter with them, heavy losses are inevitable, and whether they can escape unscathed is still unknown.

For safety reasons, it is best for His Highness to stay in the city of Pest. "

Hudson said unhappily.

I don’t know if it was due to the honey trap, but Crown Prince Caesar was able to get rid of him as a front-line commander and directly agreed to the Mossi people’s conditions. Hudson did not dare to take him to the front line.

If something goes wrong on the battlefield and the situation gets out of control, as a vassal of the king, he has no way to leave the crown prince and run away.

For the sake of safety, it is better to leave this unstable factor to the Principality of Moxi.

As long as they don't stay together, even if something happens to the crown prince, he can avoid his responsibility.

As if being stimulated, Crown Prince Caesar looked at Hudson angrily and asked: "How can this be done?

If I am not with the troops, who am I as a commander?

Viscount Hudson, don’t forget that I am the supreme commander of the coalition forces! "

Seeing this scene, Hudson was also a little confused. Judging from Caesar's performance alone, he didn't know whether he was acting or if he was really angry.

"Your Highness, the mission we are performing is an armed parade. Naturally, the faster the better.

Not only do you represent yourself, you represent the Alpha Kingdom. In terms of etiquette, one must not bring shame to the kingdom.

If you go to the front line in person, all kinds of ritual items will be a big trouble. This will greatly reduce the mobility of the troops. "

Hudson said nonsense.

It is true that the pomp and ceremony of representing the kingdom cannot be spared, but that also depends on when. They all went to the battlefield and still had to abide by these rules. It was just a joke.

Seeing that the conflict was showing signs of escalating, Earl Jose on the side hurriedly tried to persuade him: "Your Highness, Viscount Hudson is right.

The kingdom's face cannot be lost, but these things are really not suitable to be brought to the front line. If you encounter an orc army and accidentally leave it on the battlefield and fall into the hands of the orcs, it will not end well. "

After all, he knew about military affairs. Hudson was worried that Crown Prince Caesar would go to the front to cause trouble, and Count Jose was also worried about Caesar's safety.

Unlike the human civil war, the orcs do not care about their status or dignity. Not to mention the crown prince, even the king would still be killed.


After giving a cold shout to express dissatisfaction. Crown Prince Caesar waved his sleeves and turned to leave without looking back.

Whether he was really angry or just acting, Hudson didn't have time to delve into it. Anyway, he knew that he was out of trouble for the time being.

Without his immediate superior, Mr. Hudson has the final say on how to fight on the battlefield.

"Viscount Hudson, I'm sorry. Your Royal Highness, he has been in a bad mood recently, so he was a little out of control just now.

You still need to worry more about matters in the military. Especially after going to the front line, the Mossi people may not really fulfill their promises.

If something goes wrong, you still need to make a decision on the spot. As for the military orders, unless they are sent by our people and handed down from others, you don't have to recognize them. "

Count Jose said awkwardly.

Crown Prince Caesar can walk away, but his deputy must stay and deal with the aftermath. He couldn't afford to offend the crown prince above, and he also didn't want to offend the powerful nobles below.

Along the way, he had experienced Hudson's control over the Wright County Legion.

Even if the nobles below wanted to flatter the crown prince, none of them dared to take action.

So much so that the Crown Prince's order must be approved by Hudson before the officers and soldiers below will carry it out seriously.

This is also the origin of the conflict between the two sides. After finally getting an opportunity to command the army, he unexpectedly found that he was a rubber stamp. Normal people would be angry.

For being able to hold back his anger, Crown Prince Caesar is already considered to have a good temper.

No matter how good your temper is, it has its limits. The unhappy conversation just now made Caesar realize that his dignity had been seriously challenged.

It's understandable to persuade him to stay, but he still has to come up with a decent reason. Using the nonsense excuse of "etiquette" made him feel that his intelligence was deeply insulted.

What's even more annoying is that the deputy not only did not side with him as the coach, but also echoed from the sidelines.

A wonderful misunderstanding caused the conflict to escalate. It made Hudson dumbfounded.

From beginning to end, he thought that Prince Caesar was acting. With a beautiful princess accompanying her in the city of Da Pest, who would be full enough to go to the front line to experience the light of swords?

It is impossible to explain. This kind of thing will only make it darker and darker. After all, Crown Prince Caesar is just a young man who has not been severely beaten by society, and has not yet become accustomed to the aristocratic circles.

If you can't bear this little grievance, you won't be able to live the future. The great nobles in the kingdom do not have a fuel-efficient lamp.

If the king shows signs of weakness, they will rub his nose in his face. Even a powerful hero like Caesar III was not less angry with the nobles in the country.

If you want to become a qualified king, you will have to go through a lot of things like being rebutted by nobles in the future. If your heart is not strong enough, you may be angered to death.

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