
Chapter 182 Encountering the Enemy

It was decided to send troops, but it was still delayed until three days later.

It was not that Hudson was deliberately delaying, it was mainly that the army of the Principality of Mossy who was accompanying him was not ready.

Just looking at the efficiency, you can tell that it has nothing to do with the speed of soldiers and nobles.

It is difficult to operate in a foreign country without the cooperation of local troops.

The Mossi people are not in a hurry, so of course Hudson will not worry about them.

After this incident, he finally understood why the Augustburg defense line fell so quickly.

It's not that the officers and soldiers on the front line are incompetent, it's simply that the slow bureaucracy has trapped us.

Judging from the speed of reaction, it is clear that the cognition of the officials of the Principality of Moxi is still at the level of civil war among human nations.

But the problem is that the orcs never talk about martial ethics, and they won't let them prepare at all, so they slowly launch the attack.

Bathed in the morning light, the army finally embarked on the journey.

All the senior officials of Moxi Principality personally came to see him off, and the etiquette was impeccable.

Crown Prince Caesar also appeared in the team. Compared with the unhappy breakup a few days ago, his mental state has now been adjusted.

Looking at the happy expression on his face, Hudson knew that he had been having a lot of fun in the past few days.

Of course, Hudson is happy now. Before the army set off, the Mossi people also gave them a generous gift.

From this perspective, there is nothing wrong with being a bureaucracy. At the very least, he has a solid handle on human relations and sophistication.

The holding hands are short, and Hudson was very cooperative during the march.

No matter how many miles a day the army of the Principality of Moxi marches, the Wright County Army will follow up and never waste time.

In the orc camp, a large number of troops gathered, and flags were flying in the sky. The scene was very spectacular.

When there are too many people, there are too many things to do. An empire co-governed by five royal families has never had anything to do with unity.

When dealing with the human race, the five royal families are allies. In normal times, everyone is a competitor.

Forced by the threat of the human race, the overlord of the continent, the five major orc royal families were able to sit together and discuss the problem.

If there is no external threat, they can do it themselves.

The end of the hegemony of the Orc Continent was partly due to the human race and partly the result of their internal fighting.

The five royal families have been arguing about the choice of the main direction of attack for a month, and they are still deadlocked.

The Lion Clan and the Silver Moon Wolf Clan advocated continuing to attack the Principality of Moxi, while the Behemoth Clan and the Eagle Clan proposed to change direction and attack the Warhammer Kingdom. The Bear Clan said both sides were acceptable.

Both sides have their own reasons, and no one can convince the other.

As the army continued to gather and the direction of the attack had not yet been determined, the five royal families were also a little anxious.

“We can’t drag it out any longer!

According to the intelligence we collected, reinforcements from the Alpha Kingdom have entered the Principality of Moxi and are about to arrive at the front line.

Reinforcements from other human nations are now starting to set off one after another. In the next month, the Principality of Moxi will be able to obtain reinforcements from at least five countries.

The Human Alliance meeting is about to be held. If we don't make a breakthrough on the battlefield quickly and attract all the races on the mainland to join this war, we will be driven back in despair! "

The Yingren Emperor said indifferently.

Orcs respect the strong.

He took the lead in making a breakthrough in the Principality of Moxi and achieved the greatest record since the war began, which undoubtedly greatly enhanced his voice.

Seeing that the strategic advantage that was finally obtained was disappearing in the quarrel, the Yingren Emperor became angry.

"Eagle King, don't worry. We all know the efficiency of the Human Alliance meeting. It won't take more than a year and a half to produce results.

Without the full involvement of the Human Alliance, just a few human countries in the North are not our opponents at all.

Regardless of the fact that various countries are sending reinforcements to the Principality of Moxi, they are actually a bunch of scumbags.

Looking at the reaction of the Alpha Kingdom, we know that they themselves do not expect their allies to be able to block our front.

It seems that reinforcements were dispatched immediately, but a lot of energy was also put into the construction of a new line of defense.

Countless wars in the past have proven that it is unrealistic to pull the human race from the mainland hegemony at once. The best way is to gradually encroach on their territory.

The Principality of Moxi is indeed easy to capture, but it is also easy for the human race to take it back.

Located between the Alpha Kingdom and the Warhammer Kingdom, the human race would not tolerate the loss of such a strategic location.

In comparison, the Warhammer Kingdom next door is different.

To the north is a world of ice and snow, only occupied by some declining races and completely devoid of climate.

There are only a few small human countries to the west. It is estimated that the group of elves will take them down before we can attack them.

After taking over the Warhammer Kingdom, the smooth Principality of Moxi is still within our grasp.

At that time, we can completely spend time with the human race in the Principality of Moxi, and wait and see the changes in the situation on the mainland before making the next decision.

If all the tribes join in, we will continue the war; if the situation deteriorates, then we will abandon the Principality of Moxi and stick to the territory of the Warhammer Kingdom.

After digesting the results of the battle, the next war will continue to settle the settlement with the human race. "

Crown Prince Alex analyzed calmly.

In the last war, the Orc Empire captured some of the northern provinces of the Alpha Kingdom, and everyone reaped the dividends.

After so many years of development, the physical strength of the Orc Empire has increased by 10% to 20% compared to before the last war.

This number may not seem large, but for a race that is trying to survive in the cracks, any increase in strength is of great significance.

Realizing the benefits of cannibalization, the Behemoth family's ideas have also changed. Instead of pursuing the annihilation of human hegemony in one battle, they instead advocated a cannibalization strategy.

"Alex, you think too well. The human race is not stupid, how can they watch us continue to encroach on their territory and do nothing?

The last time was an accident, but this kind of accident never happens all the time.

If we take the Warhammer Kingdom, the Human Alliance will definitely counterattack at all costs.

I'm afraid not to mention defending the Warhammer Kingdom, even the land we currently occupy will be lost.

The only way to keep the loot is to severely damage the human race so that they have no time to take care of us.

The top priority is to destroy the Principality of Moxi as soon as possible, sweep through a bunch of small countries behind them, and then turn around and destroy the Alpha Kingdom and the Warhammer Kingdom.

As long as we are fast enough, it is entirely possible to complete most of these strategies before the human reinforcements arrive.

What's more, the enemies of the human race are all over the continent. As long as there are big changes in the North, all races will not be idle.

By then the entire continent will be in chaos, and the Human Alliance may not even have the energy to dispatch reinforcements!"

Silver Moon Wolf Emperor retorted.

As a radical among the orcs, he did not want to give up halfway.

We finally gained the strategic initiative. If we don't kill the human race, we don't know when the next time will be.

In his opinion, the Eagle Emperor is born of nature. He is used to doing evil things in secret, and he doesn't dare to confront the human race head on.

Alex's choice would be even simpler. In the last war, Emperor Behemoth's cannibalization plan was implemented.

As the crown prince, if he overthrows his father's strategy, wouldn't he think that his position is too stable and want to find excitement?

"Everyone, no matter what the strategy is, we have to fight it out.

In my opinion, it is better to tear through the defense line of Moxi Principality first and annihilate their main force.

After solving these enemies, it will become easier to destroy the Principality of Moxi or change direction to attack the Warhammer Kingdom. "

The Bear King said casually.

Looking at that lazy look, he doesn't look like an emperor at all, but more like a lazy bear.

He does not have the ability to mediate the conflicts between the two parties. Coming up with a better strategy is also impossible.

The only thing he is good at is He Xini, jumping out at critical moments to ease the conflicts between the two parties.

“Although the Terrence Defense Line in the Principality of Mossy is not as good as the Fort Augustus Defense Line, they now have heavy troops stationed there, so it will not be easy to take it down.

Unless we take the risk, cross their fortress and lead a large army to attack the city of Pest, forcing them to mobilize their main force for a decisive battle! "

The Lion King on the side said with a sneer.

The border defense line of the Principality of Moxi also stretches for hundreds of miles. With such a long distance, it is naturally impossible for all of them to be fortresses.

In most areas, only city walls were built. Only at important passes and strategic locations were solid fortresses built.

As for other areas, there is only one castle set up five to ten miles away.

The defensive power can only be considered average. It can stop a small group of orcs, but it is only a matter of time before it encounters a large army and falls.

Theoretically, as long as the orc army is willing, it can break through the defense line at any time.

But the problem is that the fortress on the only road has not been captured, and the logistics may be cut off at any time.

Fight to feed war, just listen. If a fight really breaks out, you will find that the loot is far from keeping up with the consumption.

Even if the orcs are not picky about food, the consumption of more than 600,000 troops cannot be easily satisfied.

Even if food is not considered, some necessary supplies are still indispensable.

A sneak attack is based on the fact that the enemy is not prepared.

The Moxi army along the way is not dead. The orc army broke through the barrier and entered. This kind of news will definitely be passed back as soon as possible.

A well-prepared big city cannot be captured in three to five days.

In the face of life and death, aristocrats and bureaucrats can also fight tooth and nail. The seemingly paunchy aristocratic gentleman can also kill people with a knife.

With the complete city defenses and various magical black technologies, the price to pay for the storming of Da Pest City is definitely not small.

The quick fix is ​​just a joke.

Forcing the main force of Moxi Principality to come out from the fortress for a decisive battle is a complete gamble on luck.

Not only are they betting that the senior officials of the principality will make wrong decisions, they are also betting that the nobles and generals on the front line are good boys and will obey the orders of the principality 100%.

Without the oil bottle, leading the army to gallop on the land of the Principality of Moxi, Hudson felt relaxed all over.

It's a pity that there is a group of followers behind him.

Now he finally understood why Prime Minister Herceg wanted to get close to him. It was his son who led Moxi's army this time.

Looking at the performance of Moxi's army, we can see that this is another improvised private army of nobles.

Except for a few soldiers who are elite, most of them are ragtag. The visual training time should not exceed three months.

Soldiers who had not even completed basic military training were sent to the battlefield.

The quality of the soldiers has dropped to this point, which is enough to prove how difficult it is for the Principality of Moxi to resist.

Just defending the city doesn't seem to be a big problem. It's nothing more than exchanging lives for lives. The three northern countries are now playing with the orcs in exchange for lives.

Smart people are different. They know that there are many dangers on the front line and arrange their children to a safe area early.

Compared with the local army, which is responsible for defending the territory, the guest army undoubtedly has a much higher degree of freedom and can escape when in danger.

Especially with a "master" like Hudson, his survivability on the battlefield is much higher.

Taking a group of second-generation children to the battlefield, Hudson could only lament that having too much fame is not a good thing.

With so many people watching, it was inconvenient to do anything. In the event of a major defeat, resulting in a large number of second-generation disciples being killed, even the guest army would not be able to bear it.

The only advantage is that the possibility of becoming cannon fodder is greatly reduced.

With so many wealthy and powerful children involved, if you don't take special care when assigning tasks, at least you won't receive tasks that will lead to death and no life.

Of course, the most important thing is that Hudson hinted to the Mossi people with practical actions: He will not do the task of sending someone to death.

The fight with Crown Prince Caesar was not in vain. In the territory of the Mossi people, the quarrel of the day naturally reached the ears of these powerful people.

A guest army that can fight but is not very obedient. When everyone was helpless, some smart people also saw another opportunity.

Children who need special arrangements from their parents will naturally not be much stronger in their personal abilities. The true elite children have long since entered the military service and devoted themselves to the battle to protect their homes and country.

The remaining disciples are all good and bad. They can't go to the battlefield. They are proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. However, they have military service and cannot avoid it, so they must go to the battlefield.

Unfortunately, she became a nanny, and Hudson became more and more cautious. Looking into the distance, he immediately ordered:

"Give the order, half of the heavy armored infantry put on armor and move forward. Scout the horse and set out for thirty miles to detect the enemy's situation, and pay close attention to all strange movements around you."

You can never go too far wrong. Although the possibility of a large orc army crossing the defense line and marching straight in without being discovered is very low, it does not mean that it is impossible.

If something happens to you, if you are not prepared, you will suffer a big loss.

As soon as he finished speaking, a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Viscount Hudson, you are too cautious. This is the hinterland of the principality, still a hundred miles away from the front line. Even if we encounter the orc army, there will only be a small group of miscellaneous soldiers who accidentally intruded.

If a large force broke through the barrier, it would be impossible for the defenders on the front line not to send back information. With the strength of your army, there is no need to worry at all! "

After rolling his eyes at the fat man behind him, Hudson replied angrily: "Viscount Raquel, we are going to fight, not for an outing.

Any negligence may cause huge losses to the troops. All other actions can be lost, but don't forget that we only have one life.

You don’t want to experience what will happen if it falls into the hands of the orcs! "

As he spoke, the image of a fat man falling into the hands of the orcs and being tied to a barbecue grill appeared in Hudson's mind, and the two soldiers could not lift him no matter how hard he tried.

Weighing over five hundred pounds, it is full of fat as far as the eye can see. It is definitely the best food for orcs.


The sound suddenly sounded, and the marching team silently made way for a road, allowing the Tanma to run wildly on the road.

"Commander of the Army, traces of the orc army have been found thirty miles ahead. The specific number of people is still in the process of being ascertained."

Hudson was almost shocked when he heard the bad news. Raquel's crow mouth just said that he would not collide with the orc army, but he did so so quickly.

I can't bear it anymore, that's it for today, don't wait any longer.

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