
Chapter 184 Cheating Cavalry Showdown

The power of an individual can only play a small role in the melee of tens of thousands of people.

Seeing the chaotic orc team rushing over, Hudson put away his bow and arrows.

The purpose of destroying the enemy's morale was accomplished. The group of cannon fodder in front of him was not worth his waste of arrows.

Seeing the enemy approaching, Hudson secretly regretted that he did not have a long-range attack weapon in his hand. Otherwise, in this chaotic scene of the orc army, he could definitely kill a large area in one go.

"A group of archers are ready, release!"

"The second team of archers is ready, let go!"

"Spear thrower prepares, release!"

Quietly watching his officers direct the battle, Hudson seemed like an outsider.

At this moment, his eyes were no longer on the group of miscellaneous fish in front of him, but on how to eliminate the werewolf cavalry behind him.

The rain of arrows failed to stop the orcs' attack. There were many disadvantages to the chaotic charge, but one thing was good - the soldiers in front could not retreat.

Behind him are not only comrades, but also a sharp blade. Not to mention turning around and running away, even if you stay still you may be accidentally injured.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, they can only charge forward.

In an instant, the two sides were fighting together.

The orderly military formation exerted extraordinary power at this time.

The uniform heavy infantry appeared in front of the formation, pressing forward steadily step by step, while the archers behind were still firing.

The overall coordination is still a bit immature. But it's still enough when you encounter a ragtag group of orcs.

The position continued to move forward, and it was obvious that the Wright County Army had the upper hand in this confrontation.

The handsome flag of the orc army in the distance gradually appeared in the sky. Looking at his own army retreating steadily, the old man riding on the giant wolf cursed in his heart a waste.

Realizing that the cannon fodder under his command was of no use, the old man coldly ordered:

"Send the order and let the war team take action. Anyone who retreats will be killed without mercy!

Savarnes, you lead a thousand wolf cavalry to attack from the enemy's left flank.

Gnelland, you lead a thousand wolf cavalry to attack from the enemy's right flank.

Brando, you lead a thousand wolf cavalry to attack behind the enemy's back.

If you find that the enemy cavalry is blocking you, you must entangle them to buy time for the army to lay siege.


Three thousand light cavalry were dispatched in one go, seemingly to attack the military formation, but the real target was the cavalry traveling outside the military formation.

Seeing this scene, Hudson smiled slightly. They did not attack from the flanks and bypass the enemy's rear because they were worried about the opponent's wolf cavalry.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's coach had such a good appetite and divided his forces to attack him in one go.

Seeing two groups of wolf cavalry going to the left and one group of wolf cavalry going to the right, when the other party was approaching, Hudson ordered without hesitation:

"Cavalry attack, follow me to intercept the enemy on the right wing!"

In an instant, the distance between the two cavalry teams narrowed to 300 meters. Hudson did not continue to lead the charge stupidly, but took out his bow and arrow and shot.

In the sound of "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..." arrows piercing the air, the few war wolves at the front were struck by arrows and rolled over.

Caught off guard, the wolf cavalry behind him also hit him. In a chain reaction, more than a dozen wolf riders overturned their vehicles in an instant.

Before the wolf cavalry, who was beaten to pieces, could take a breath, he was mercilessly trampled by his companions.

"Go around..."

The enemy general just opened his mouth to give orders, but before he could give the order, he was taken away by an arrow.

There is no way, this guy is so stupid that he dares to enter the range of Hudson.

With Hudson's start, when the distance between the two sides further narrowed, the officers and soldiers behind him who were skilled in riding and shooting began to follow suit.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of wolf riders would be killed.

The wolf cavalry reacted and turned around to bypass their fallen comrades and launch an attack in a roundabout way.

There was no rout, and Hudson was slightly stunned.

There were so many casualties, and the enemy commander was killed, but the team did not collapse.

But this was just a minor problem. Facing the scattered wolf cavalry, it seemed that they had avoided a stampede, but it also disrupted the charging formation.

"Bear Stearns, use the gravity spell on the enemy Wolf Cavalry soldiers ahead!"

The bear's eyes rolled, and a large-scale wolf-turning incident broke out instantly. Dozens of wolf warriors rushing forward suddenly fell to the ground.

Many of the wolf riders had arrows inserted into their bodies. If you didn't look carefully, you would have thought they were following in their previous footsteps.

Only Hudson heard the sound of fractures and understood what was going on.

Bear Stearns' gravity technique did not target the entire wolf rider, but only stayed on a certain front leg.

If a wolf loses its front hoof, it will also have to turn over.

Even if it's just a temporary leg cramp, a roll while running at high speed can result in a broken bone.

Seeing this scene, Hudson decisively ordered: "Kill!"

The originally promised cavalry battle turned into a drama of cavalry attacking infantry as the "Wolf" stumbled, and the infantry were still unprotected by armor.

The originally ferocious wolves were either dead or injured, and could only stay where they were and struggle.

Seeing this scene, the remaining wolf cavalry could no longer hold their nerve and turned around and ran away, exposing their backs to the rain of arrows.

A thousand-man cavalry was immediately defeated after just one hedging.

The wolf cavalry who were preparing to come over for reinforcements were also greatly shocked.

"The elite of the human race, definitely the elite of the human race!"

Except for the top elites of the human race, it is simply impossible to eat a thousand-man wolf-riding team so quickly.

Ignoring the two thousand wolf cavalry that were encircling the military formation, Hudson had already set his sights on the enemy camp.

Just as they were fighting, the enemy commander had already charged towards them with the remaining cavalry.

I just saw that my cavalry was defeated too quickly, and now I felt a little hesitant and couldn't help but slow down.

"Follow me to attack and capture the enemy commander alive!"

Hudson immediately ordered.

Victory came too easily, and the fake elites turned into real elites at this moment.

Killing a thousand-man Wolf Cavalry team with one charge, the morale of the army was completely raised to its peak at this moment.

The idea that the orcs are nothing more than this has now been implanted in their minds.

The spiritual transformation is reflected in actions, that is, everyone becomes more confident.

"Bear Stearns, I'll find a way to get the other side's flag down later."

Seeing that the human coalition launched a countercharge, the old man who led the wolf cavalry forward suddenly became upset.

If he had known that the enemy was so powerful, he would not have blindly divided his troops.

After losing one thousand-man team, the other two thousand-man teams are still running in circles around the enemy camp, so that now only the two thousand wolf cavalry on hand are available.

With these two thousand wolf cavalry alone, can they hold off the enemy until another two thousand wolf cavalry can come over for reinforcements?

The old man was completely unsure about this issue. After all, they are just an ordinary wolf tribe, and most of them are ordinary werewolves.

In the entire team, the Silver Moon Wolf Clan accounts for less than one-tenth.

If it were the extraordinary elite composed of pure silver moon wolves, he would never hesitate to face the elite human cavalry.

Retreating doesn't seem to be possible. Judging from the current situation on the battlefield, if he dares to turn around with his troops, it will turn into a huge rout in an instant.

I came here on a mission this time, not just for an outing. If he loses his army and runs away, the imperial court will definitely not spare him when he comes back.

Thinking of this, the old man felt like crying.

Wasn't it agreed that all the elites of the human race would be in the fortress on the front line?

Why did he hit the iron plate as soon as he sneaked over the city wall? This leaves him to find someone to reason with.

Gritting his teeth, the old man ordered cruelly: "Kill!"

The dignity of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan did not allow him to escape without a fight. Rather than go back and accept military law, it is better to fight.

As long as the two thousand sent wolf cavalry are dragged back, with four times the strength advantage, even the most elite cavalry of the human race can fight with it.

The magic signal flare was launched into the sky, and Moxi's army, which was lurking a mile away, instantly stood up from the wheat field.

Although the second-generation disciples are not very capable, they are very courageous, especially when fighting against the wind.

With such a small distance, and with the assistance of magic equipment, nothing that happened on the battlefield was hidden from their eyes.

The specific details are unclear. Anyway, the Wright County Army is currently suppressing the orc army.

The performance of the cavalry led by Hudson himself doubled their confidence.

I saw Raquel pulling off the straw that covered the war horse, leaping onto the horse, raising his arms and shouting:

"Send out the whole army and let the son-of-a-bitch orcs know that we Moxi people are not easy to mess with!"

After saying that, he rode directly in front of the team, leading the whole army to set off.

A group of second-generation disciples who realized it later also followed suit.

Opportunities to beat up a drowned dog are rare.

If you miss this opportunity to make a contribution, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Given their status and background, if they fought two such wars, a wealthy fiefdom would not be a problem at all.

The sudden appearance of the human army made the orc army, which was already at a disadvantage, even more frightened.

The old man who directed the battle was so angry that his beard stood up.

He had long known that this rabble was unreliable, but he never expected that they were so unreliable. They didn't even know that there was a human army lurking nearby.

This is an ugly misunderstanding. There is an army lurking at such a short distance. How can it be kept completely secret?

However, there are many races among the orcs, and there are many conflicts between them. In addition, the battle broke out so suddenly that the orc soldiers who discovered something was wrong had no time to report it and were sent to the battlefield.

They were all sent on a death mission, so they simply didn't bother to report it.

Having been tricked by his own family, it was already too late for the old man to regret it.

The arrows that shot through the air kept devouring the lives of the wolf cavalry, telling that the distance between the two sides had shortened.


After a loud noise, the handsome flag behind him fell down directly. If the old man hadn't reacted quickly, he would have almost been hit by his handsome flag.

The old man hid, but the guard in front of him was not so lucky. He and the wolf were directly photographed and turned into meat pies.

Under normal circumstances, a handsome flag would never have such power.

"A master is attacking the camp!"

Realizing this, the old man's hair stood up.

In terms of strength, he is not inferior to ordinary human earth knights. But even so, I still don't know who did it.

Fortunately, the enemy was targeting the handsome flag. If the target of the sneak attack was himself, he would probably end up not much better than that handsome flag.

Thinking of this, the old man cursed himself for being stupid.

When we meet the elites of the human race, how could we not have experts accompanying us?

The series of previous victories made him mistakenly believe that the human race was nothing more than this. They completely ignored that the overlord of the Aslant continent was the seemingly insignificant human race.

He didn't even know the strength of the enemy, so he led the army to kill him. Now he wanted to give himself a big mouth.

It was useless to say anything. They started fighting hand to hand, and even if they wanted to retreat, they couldn't escape.

I just don’t know why, but the frequency of “wolves” losing their front hoofs is extremely high.

In one round of cavalry confrontation, hundreds of wolf cavalry stumbled because of the "wolf" and stayed on the battlefield permanently.

There was no time to compare the casualties on both sides, so he only looked at his remaining team. The old man immediately ordered:

"Let's go and join the team first!"

Hudson, who had just turned his horse's head, saw that the enemy had already fled, and his expression suddenly became serious.

The big advantage just now was not due to the fierce combat effectiveness of our own cavalry, but mainly because of Bear Stearns' secret help.

First he broke the opponent's commander's flag, and then he constantly plotted against the opponent's cavalry, and then he achieved a brilliant record.

If the remaining more than a thousand cavalry were to join the other two thousand-man teams, the next battle would not be so easy.

With the enemy's absolute numerical advantage, even if they can win, the losses will not be small.

At least in the previous round of hedging, dozens of cavalrymen fell off their horses, and now they don't know whether they are alive or dead.

"The enemy has escaped!"

I don't know who shouted such a voice, and the situation on the battlefield changed drastically in an instant.

The orc infantry who couldn't find their own flag, only saw their own cavalry being chased and killed, and their shaky morale completely collapsed.

Facing the soldiers of all ethnic groups who were hurriedly fleeing for their lives, the supervising team seemed powerless.

In order to escape for their lives, the orcs directly aimed their knives at the intercepting supervising team, and forcibly cut a bloody path from the rear.

After being defeated like a mountain, the old man realized that the defeat was certain. After gathering his own cavalry, he did not bother to seek revenge from Hudson and ran away.

Unfortunately, their luck was not very good, and they happened to collide with the Mossi army who came to beat up the drowned dog.

Normally, when encountering so many cavalry charging towards them, even if they don't drop their weapons and run away, they will tremble with fear.

But this time it was different. The second generation who wanted to make contributions took the initiative and directly led the army and wolf cavalry to meet them.

The military formation is full of flaws, and the scene when encountering the wolf cavalry can be imagined. They were rushed into the formation in an instant and suffered heavy losses.

The heavy casualties did not deter the Mossi people.

The power of hatred and the desire to make contributions made the second generation once again organize an army to stand in front of the Wolf Cavalry.

After all, it is an army of tens of thousands of people. How can it be so easily penetrated when one's own side has won a great victory?

Arrows, short spears, flying hammers... all were parried at the wolf cavalry, and for a while the two sides actually fought back and forth.

After a short delay, Hudson's team appeared behind them, and a battle of annihilation began.

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