
Chapter 185 Epic Victory

It is very dangerous to expose your back to the enemy. The Wolf Cavalry, eager to break through, made this mistake now.

After catching up, Hudson did not rush to lead a charge, but decisively chose to entertain them with a rain of arrows.

The Wolf Cavalry, whose back was exposed, became a living target, and screams broke out in an instant.

They were blocked by Mossy infantry in front and pursued by Hudson cavalry in the rear. The morale of the already panicked Wolf Cavalry became even lower.

Realizing that something was wrong, the old man could no longer care about the army at this moment, and coldly ordered: "Disperse and break out!"

As he spoke, the wolf warrior mount under him had already jumped out, and in the blink of an eye the figure disappeared into the army.

The already chaotic Wolf Cavalry became even more chaotic at this moment. Many soldiers couldn't care less and rushed out in any direction.

At the critical moment of life and death, the greatest potential can always be unleashed. The sudden burst of wolf cavalry startled Hudson.

But after seeing how hard these guys were trying to break through, Hudson's worries disappeared instantly. The trapped beast is still fighting, so there is nothing to worry about.

If thousands of cavalrymen stubbornly resisted, it would not be easy to take them down for a while, but once they were defeated and fled, the situation would be completely different.

The wolf cavalry was running away, and the orc infantry on the side was even worse. At this moment, they were being chased all over the world by the Wright County Legion.

The only regret is that the heavy infantry moves too slowly and cannot do the job of chasing and killing. However, they were not idle either, and were slowly approaching the cavalry battlefield.

If the wolf cavalry does not break out of the encirclement, they will soon experience the wonderful feeling of being squeezed by the heavy infantry.

The siege lasted for two hours before Hudson ordered the pursuit to stop.

Except for a few wolf riders who were lucky enough to break through, most of them were destroyed in the final encirclement and killing.

The only regret was that the battlefield was too chaotic and the commander of the orc army escaped accidentally.

There is no way around this. As long as a strong person wants to run away in a big melee, it will be difficult to be left behind.

Even if it was discovered, there was no way Hudson would let Bear Stearns pursue it.

If there is still an orc strongman lurking, after Bear Stearns leaves, give him a hard blow, wouldn't it be a tragedy in life?

Without enough time to count the results of the battle, Hudson hurriedly organized priests to rescue the wounded.

Life is a matter of life. Survival on the battlefield is more important than anything else. Only those who survive need to consider the future.

Looking at the second generation wailing all over the ground, Hudson found that these guys could still get along. In normal times, everything is unreliable, but at critical moments, it can really stand up.

There is no need to appease the morale of the military, as the victor only needs to celebrate.

Anyway, with the presence of the priest, the lightly wounded will soon be able to be alive and kicking, and the seriously wounded will soon belch. It is enough to just count the dead.

This is the privilege of the "elite troops". If it were an ordinary ragtag army, the priest would not have time to treat the lower-level soldiers.

It's not a matter of being cold-hearted, it's mainly because the number of priests is limited and they simply can't be equipped.

Especially the high-level priests, there were only two in the entire Wright County Legion, and they were only equipped by the kingdom after their elite status was confirmed.

The second-generation Mossi army only has a high-level priest accompanying the army.

Ordinary cannon fodder corps simply cannot find such high-end talents.

Differential treatment is all-encompassing.

Not only the medical resources, but also the logistical equipment and equipment of elite legions and ordinary legions are completely different.

There is no sawdust or sand in the bread of the elite army, it is just some vegetables added.

Not to mention that the meat tube is full, but meat and fish can still be seen every day.

Every ten days, you can also receive a small piece of sucrose. Where conditions permit, you can also get some egg supplements.

These benefits are not what the cannon fodder army can expect.

There are enough benefits that Hudson performed hard along the way.

The war ended, and the exhausted army naturally could not continue on the road. After cleaning the battlefield, choose a place nearby to set up camp.

As night fell, a heavy rain suddenly fell from the sky. The rain washed away the blood on the battlefield.

Only the half-burned corpses spoke of the cruelty of war in the rain.

In a luxurious tent, Hudson and a group of officers were busy counting the results and casualties.

During the day's fighting, the Wright County Regiment suffered few casualties.

In the early stage of the battle against the orc infantry, the heavy infantry were in front, and their thick armor blocked most of the enemy's attacks.

During the cavalry battle, Hudson opened fire again, and it turned into a one-sided massacre.

The total number of casualties on both sides was only a few hundred, and the wounded were slightly more than four digits. However, after the treatment of the priests, they have almost recovered.

You just need to add more nutrition later, and you can regain your combat effectiveness after a few days of training.

On the contrary, the losses of the Moxi Army were even more severe. Although they were beaten hard, they still paid a heavy price in the face of an enemy that was trapped and still fighting.

Hudson did not ask about the specific number of casualties. If you are not your own soldier, you will not feel bad when you die.

Compared with the glorious achievements, these casualties are not worth mentioning.

There were more than 10,000 orc corpses found on the battlefield alone.

Hudson didn't care whether the torn bodies were double-counted.

The bloody scene is difficult to identify unless you look closely.

When the human race was defeated all the way on the battlefield, any victory was worthy of praise.

Politicians in various countries are now eager to expand their achievements tenfold, but no one will delve into these details.

Once it is struck, it will be a fire, leaving no evidence at all except for the fleeting record on the photo stone.

There are no prisoners.

Race war is cruel. Either you die or I die.

Any act of mercy will have disastrous consequences.

Winning tens of thousands is nothing.

Orc cannon fodder is worthless, and elites fight cannon fodder. Everyone will take such a record for granted.

What is really worthy of special mention is the more than 400 corpses of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan on the battlefield.

These are the five major orc royal families. After artistic processing of the data, the credit book becomes the victory of two thousand orc royal families.

It was not that Hudson was falsely reporting his military exploits, it was purely a matter of human nature.

The nobles of the Wright County Legion need military merit, and the second generation of the Mossy Legion also need military merit.

Even if you have this small amount of military exploits, you won’t be able to get many substantial rewards after being divided up, so you can just show them off and brag about them!

How many orc cannon fodder have been killed, how can anyone kill the orc royal family to be impressive?

If the cake is not divided enough, then you can only think of ways to make the cake bigger.

Having corpses all over the ground as evidence is more convincing than just bragging.

As for the insufficient number of the orc royal family, no one stipulates that a corpse can only appear once on the image stone.

Turn over, turn sideways, make a cut... you can record it again.

As long as it looks roughly the same and can be used for publicity, it is enough.

This kind of "small" modification of data is beneficial to both the soldiers on the front line and the politicians and bureaucrats in the rear.

"This is the final result. In the daytime battle, we defeated an army of 30,000 orcs and killed a total of 11,367 orc heads.

Killed six thousand orcs and wolf cavalry, including 2,124 from the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, and killed orc officers...

Seized 800 swords, 500 warhammers, 100 shields...

The specific battle report details are all on the parchment, you all should take a look!

If there is no problem, then everyone can jointly report it. "

Hudson said expressionlessly.

He was still a little disturbed by lying about his military exploits.

Originally, Hudson hated this kind of deceitful person the most, but he had no choice but to end up living his life as the person he hated the most.

If nothing else happens, this battle report will be further modified and expanded after it is passed on.

Some names that do not appear in the credit book will also be added, and may even be ranked in front of Hudson.

It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong, everything is due to practical needs.

The Principality of Moxi needs a victory to boost people's morale, and the expeditionary force also needs a victory to get off to a good start.

The results that everyone calculated together, although the final number was blocked by Hudson, were still enough to satisfy everyone.

After all, bragging should also consider the actual situation. If you brag too much, your awesomeness will turn into a fool.

Capturing two thousand orc royals is acceptable to the outside world, but if there are more, it will be easy to get involved.

Seeing everyone smiling, Hudson suddenly changed his tone and said solemnly:

“Although we don’t know what happened on the front line, it’s definitely not normal that such an army of tens of thousands of orcs appeared here and we didn’t receive any news.

We are guest troops and do not know the terrain of the front line very well. Where can so many troops rush in without being discovered by the defenders? "

As if they were undergoing soul torture, the faces of the second-generation disciples who were originally full of excitement suddenly turned ugly.

Not only is there a problem, there is clearly a big problem.

"It must be some bastards on the front line who are derelict in their duties. With so many orc troops crossing the border, it's impossible for the defenders to know nothing!"

Raquel said angrily.

This time, by luck, he moved with the Wright County Regiment to reinforce the front line. If they acted alone, it was unknown whether they could save their lives, let alone gain military exploits.

That was all, and Hudson had no time to intervene in the internal affairs of the Principality of Moxi.

It is up to the Mossi people themselves whether they will be held accountable in the future. If there wasn't a common enemy, he wouldn't even bother to bring it up.

Da Pest is under curfew late at night. Apart from sparse patrols, it was hard to see anyone on the street.

A sudden frontline battle report broke the tranquility in the city.

"Good news!"

"Good news!"

The rough voice spread all the way into the palace. Awakened Chris IX from his sleep.

Being disturbed from his sweet dream, Chris IX was not annoyed at all, but had a smile on his face.

"Good news", this thing is really rare.

Ever since the fall of Augustburg, he had been surrounded by bad news.

He couldn't even sleep peacefully, for fear that when he woke up, the orcs would attack him.

The princes and ministers who heard the inquiry also hurriedly got up from their beds and rushed to the palace as quickly as possible.

According to the practice of the Principality of Moxi, being able to deliver the news with such a big fanfare must mean that the front line has achieved major results.

The kind of small victory that beheaded a thousand children or eight hundred people, and sent the victory report directly to the Ministry of Military Affairs. Just wait until work time the next day and then report it. There is no need to do it so intensively.

"The newly formed 23rd Legion and the Wright County Legion of the Alpha Kingdom jointly reported that they encountered an army of 30,000 orcs during the day and made a lot of gains.

I have already seen the battle scenes recorded on the photo stone.

They are worthy of being the elite of the Alpha Kingdom, and their fighting prowess is formidable.

With equal strength, a frontal charge severely damaged an orc wolf cavalry.

Thousands of cavalrymen chased thousands of orc and wolf cavalrymen. The sight made people's blood boil.

Of course, our newly formed 23rd Army Corps also performed well.

The wolf cavalry who blocked the enemy's breakthrough from the front led to the most glorious victory since the beginning of this war! "

Looking at the smile on Chris IX's face, everyone knew that the gain was not small. But after listening to his explanation, everyone looked confused.

The Wright County Legion can fight, and they can accept it. Elite troops, if they can't fight then there will be a problem.

But what kind of thing is the newly formed 23rd Army Corps? Can they still not know it?

The "Second Generation Gilded Concentration Camp", from the very beginning, everyone's definition of this unit was that it would wander around the battlefield and then quickly return to rest.

Not only did he have no confidence in the soldiers of the newly formed 23rd Legion, but he also knew his juniors too well, and they were not good at leading soldiers.

If they weren't forced by the principality's military service system, they wouldn't let these unreliable guys go to the battlefield.

See what the king told them now?

The newly formed 23rd Army Corps performed well, but it really baffled many parents.

Prime Minister Herceg was the most confused, and he knew all about his boy's abilities.

Eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, he is proficient in everything. Using troops to fight a war is just stupid.

"Your Majesty, the newly formed 23rd Army Corps and the Wright County Army Corps are on their way to the front line. How could they encounter an army of 30,000 orcs?

Even if the orcs are brave and dare to cross the fortress on the front line and go deep alone, it is impossible for our defenders to know nothing! "

Prime Minister Herceg bit the bullet and questioned.

When it comes to your own cubs, it’s impossible not to stand up.

Before the news spreads, even if there is a problem, there is still room for maneuver.

If the content of the victory report is announced and someone discovers that he has fabricated his military exploits, it will be the end of the world.

Based on his understanding of the second-generation disciples, it is not impossible to kill a few orcs and call it a victory.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister!

The wonderful battle recorded on the photo stone and the corpses of orcs all over the ground cannot be deceived.

At most, the number of enemies killed is somewhat limited.

I have personally read the record of the photo stone. Even if there is a discrepancy in the number of enemies annihilated, the error will not be too large. "

Having said this, the smile on Chris IX's face gradually solidified.

If the good news is true, it means there is a problem on the front line.

Tens of thousands of orc troops appeared in the hinterland of the kingdom. The border defenders did not report it, but it was a major incident.

This time, due to luck, reinforcements from the Alpha Kingdom stepped forward and wiped out the lone army that had penetrated deeply.

Otherwise, an army of tens of thousands of orcs would wreak havoc, which would be enough to turn the hinterland of the Principality of Moxi upside down.

"Send the order and let the front line conduct a strict investigation on the orc army's infiltration.

This time, there must be an explanation.

No matter who is traced, they must be dealt with seriously.

I don't want something like this to happen again.

Regarding the assessment of the merits of the newly formed 23rd Army Corps and the Wright County Army Corps, the Ministry of Military Affairs will discuss with Prince Caesar as soon as possible, and the results must be produced in the shortest possible time.

The Principality needs a big win! "

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