
Chapter 186 Follow-up

Once the state machine is running, the propaganda effect is just right.

Especially when a group of second-generation children are involved, the opportunity for their descendants to show their faces has come. How can a group of princes and nobles not contribute their efforts.

The copied photo stone quickly spread throughout the city of Pest. Countless people were celebrating the victory, and the joy of victory in the battle dissipated the oppressive atmosphere in the air.

Because the battle took place at Yueluo Bay, the unexpected encounter also had a resounding name: "Victory at Yueluo Bay."

In order to boost morale, the official of the Principality of Moxi even directly declared: This is a turning point in the war between humans and orcs.

It can be called a "turning battle", but Hudson's battle report seems a bit petty.

Images are needed as evidence. The number of beheadings did not increase much, but the number of orc troops encountered directly expanded to 100,000.

After defeating an army of 100,000 orcs and beheading more than 10,000 people, the weight of the "great victory" instantly became different.

Any battle that defeats an enemy's army of 100,000 will be recorded in history.

The Principality of Moxi needs this victory, the second generation family needs this victory, and Prince Caesar also needs this victory.

Blow, blow hard.

With the combined efforts of all parties, an ordinary encounter was quickly turned into an "epic victory."

Hudson, who was only slightly famous at first, became famous immediately in one battle, and he was like a rising "star".

Hudson, who didn't know that he had become famous passively, was looking at the heavy rain outside and felt worried.

Since the war started that day, it has been raining continuously for three days. Even if it gets sunny occasionally, the muddy road is not suitable for the army to move forward.

Seeing the soldiers digging holes in the rain to dispose of the bodies, Hudson felt helpless. What was originally a fire, now has to be dug and buried.

The corpses soaked in rain decomposed at an unusually fast rate.

In order to avoid the plague, only the most primitive methods can be adopted.

I originally wanted Bear Stearns to help dig the hole, but I couldn't stand the resentful look in Uncle Xiong's eyes, so I had to give up.

The main reason why this war was won so easily was because the information between the two sides was unequal.

If the orcs had known about the existence of the Earth Bear in advance, they would not have divided their forces foolishly, and this battle would still have to be fought.

The news can be kept hidden for as long as it can be, and as many people can be tricked into death as possible.

Given the relationship between the five royal families of the orcs, if something like this happened, everyone would just cover it up tightly.

Maybe some of the escaped orcs realized something was wrong, but the probability of being able to directly associate them with the Earth Bear was still low.

Unless there is a human traitor who betrays him, the existence of Bear Stearns will not be spread among the orcs in the short term.

Thinking about the Eagle Scouts who appeared overhead from time to time, Hudson felt that Bear Stearns would be better off showing up less often.

Working hard in the rain, although a little tiring, has its advantages and disadvantages.

In recent days, Mr. Hudson has had enough food. The corpses of orcs need to be disposed of, but this does not affect everyone's ability to eat the corpses of war beasts.

In order to preserve the meat delivered to the door, the camp was filled with smoke for several days.

The unprofessional smoking techniques filled the camp with various smells, forcing Hudson to use magic to block the smell from entering his tent.

These are all minor problems. For soldiers at the bottom of society, as long as they can eat meat, a little taste is nothing.

Affected by the continuous heavy rain, the march date was also delayed, and there was only one day left before the final deadline. Hudson didn't panic at all about this little problem.

If there hadn't been this encounter, there would have been no choice but to rush to the front line despite the rain.

Military orders are like mountains. Even if it is a cross-border operation, the basic rules of the game must still be followed.

It's different now. "Handling the battlefield" is enough.

The long time it took to dispose of the corpses also proved the brilliant results of this war.

With the scene in front of him of busy handling corpses, Hudson did not forget to ask people to take photos and record them. These are good promotional materials and can prove that he is a responsible nobleman.

If these corpses are not disposed of properly, if a plague occurs, the consequences will be serious.

For the fragile Principality of Moxi, it cannot withstand any turmoil now, let alone a terrible plague.

In a camp full of wolf-head flags, an old man was kneeling on the ground tremblingly, lowering his head and waiting for the final judgment of fate.

"Claudine, you have followed me for so many years, and you have made great contributions to the imperial court.

But for so many years, you have been able to complete the task cautiously. Why do you still make such mistakes in your later years? "

After listening to Silver Moon Wolf King's words, Claudine's body trembled more and more.

Orcs don't believe in tears, and all losers must pay for their own failures.

This time he led a large army into the hinterland of the Principality of Moxi. Not only did he fail to complete the mission assigned by the Silver Moon Wolf Emperor, but he also ended up with his entire army annihilated.

It is unjustifiable to not give a decent explanation for committing such a serious crime.

"Your Majesty, this complete failure was an accident. No one expected that the Alpha Kingdom would actually send its most elite troops.

It was all those damn hawks who failed to deliver the information on time, and we accidentally encountered the enemy.

Although our soldiers are all brave, they still cannot hold out in the face of the enemy's absolute strength.

But your Majesty can rest assured that we have not brought shame to the royal family. On the battlefield, everyone behaved bravely.

If I didn't want to pass the news back, I would fight to the end and choose to wash it away with blood..."

Claudine struggled hard.

In order to reduce the punishment on himself, he also risked his life. While exaggerating the strength of the Wright County Legion, he also blamed the Eagle Man.

But these are not enough. Excuses are just excuses after all, and they must be recognized by the Wolf King in front of him.

After giving the old man an indifferent look, the Silver Moon Wolf Emperor sitting above him walked down and said in a cold tone: "Okay, I already know everything.

Don't say I'm heartless and won't leave you a chance. After causing such a big disaster, all parties must be given an explanation.

Otherwise, if everyone follows suit in the future, wouldn’t our Silver Moon Wolf Clan be on the verge of decline?

As you said, humiliation can only be washed away with blood. Take a few days off and report to the crime camp! "

After hearing the Silver Moon Wolf Emperor's words, Claudine's whole body became sluggish. Blood washes away shame, that's just talk.

If he really wanted to fight for his life, he wouldn't have come back. He directly stayed and fought with the human army, and finally died on the battlefield with his own soldiers.

Orcs advocate blood and there is no shame in dying on the battlefield. Those who shed blood on the battlefield are all warriors, and no one will cling to the faults of the dead.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Claudine replied with a trembling voice.

There is a saying that has been circulating among the Silver Moon Wolf Clan: Once you enter the "criminal camp", you are not in control of your life or death.

Since he has to use blood to atone his sins, he naturally has to undertake the most painful and dangerous tasks. Therefore, the casualty rate of officers and soldiers in the "criminal camp" has always remained high.

Heavy losses are common. If the war situation is in trouble, it is not a new thing for the criminal camp to be defeated and disorganized.

No matter how dangerous the crime camp is, it is better than being directly held responsible for the defeat. If you are lucky enough, you can come out alive after surviving ten battles.

There was no time to pay attention to the complex thoughts of his subordinates. Being able to show mercy outside the law and not cut off Claudine's head directly, the Silver Moon Wolf Emperor felt that he was interesting enough.

The Silver Moon Wolf Clan could afford the loss of 10,000 to 20,000 soldiers and horses. The problem was that the original plan failed.

According to the agreement, the five royal families sent their troops to cross the enemy's defense line and detour into the rear to storm the capital of the Principality of Moxi.

The plan is wonderful, but the risks are also very high. No one is willing to take risks on this kind of high-risk job.

The team led by Claudine is the best example. Because he met the wrong person at the wrong time, he ended up with an army nearly wiped out.

The team that set off together was far more than just this one team. However, the operation had just begun, and one-fifth of the strength of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan was missing, so everyone could only passively withdraw their troops.

If you want to force the enemy's main force to come out of the fortress for a decisive battle, you must first be able to besiege the city of Da Pest.

It would be a tragedy if the entire army was annihilated without even touching the city of Da Pest.

Cannon fodder troops are also an important force on the battlefield. If you were to accompany him for one hundred and eighty thousand yuan at a time, the five imperial courts would be in pain.

Now it is not only consumption for consumption, but more importantly, to realize their strategic plan of weakening the human race and strengthening themselves.

In the previous months of bitter fighting with the Alpha Kingdom, they had killed tens of thousands of defenders, and their own casualties were only over 100,000.

Just for a plan that doesn't know whether it will succeed or not, it will cost one hundred thousand troops. No matter how rich the family is, they can't withstand such a torment.

It can be said that the sudden encounter confused the five major orc royal families. For a time, there were differences in the prediction of the human race's strength once again.

Since the Alpha Kingdom can deploy a main force to support its allies in a bitter battle, who can guarantee that the Principality of Moxi will not have a main force to stay in the royal capital?

It doesn't take much, just a main army, plus a group of miscellaneous soldiers, can keep the army they sent out.

If there are two main legions and three or four ordinary legions, a counterattack can be organized. There is no need to mobilize frontline troops to come back to support them in order to drive them out.

As the Silver Moon Wolf Clan that caused the planned bankruptcy, they were suddenly thrust into the limelight, and various criticisms followed.

Deep in his heart, the Silver Moon Wolf Emperor was also secretly considering whether to send out his elite to take a risk.

Thanks to the sudden heavy rain, which covered up the traces of the army's retreat, their strategic plan was not really exposed.

The unit that the Silver Moon Wolf Clan lost would at most be considered to be sent to cause trouble. After all, a mere 20,000 orc army is not qualified to attack Da Pest City.

As long as the adventure plan is successful, previous failures are not a problem. Not only will all criticism disappear without a trace, but you can also gain a lot of reputation.

But once the plan fails, the consequences will be very serious. Although the elites of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan are not as rare as Beamon, they are not that numerous.

If you are accidentally bitten by the enemy and lose tens of thousands of people at once, you will also feel physical pain.

No one knows what will happen in the future. If you suffer heavy losses in your adventure now, and then suffer heavy losses unfortunately, you will not have a good life in the future.

There has never been peace within the Orc Empire. If too many main forces were lost on the battlefield, the Silver Moon Wolf Clan's voice in the five imperial courts would inevitably be greatly reduced.

If you are unlucky, you may be kicked off the throne of the royal family and lose the power to control your own destiny.

It would be perfect if the other four royal families could be encouraged to dispatch their elites to jointly execute this adventure plan.

Vaguely, Silver Moon Wolf Emperor felt like he was okay again.

It’s not scary to take risks, and it’s not scary to suffer heavy losses. The terrible thing is that their family suffered a loss while others did not.

When one ebbs and flows, the balance is broken, and that is the beginning of disaster.

In the city of Da Pest, after the heated publicity, a new problem posed before everyone.

Once the "epic victory" was announced, rewards became a big issue. Especially when it comes to joint operations between the two countries, there are more issues to consider.

At this moment, Chris IX suddenly understood why so many epic heroes in history received treatment that seriously did not match their own merits.

Perhaps it was not just jealousy that deliberately lowered the rewards for them, but a large part of their outstanding achievements were blown out.

This is not a random guess. Comparing what is recorded in history books with what is happening now, there are too many similarities.

Chris IX shivered when he thought of the powerful villain who had been criticized for countless years. He didn't want his reputation to be ruined just because of a piece of political propaganda.

"Prime Minister, what suggestions do you have for rewarding heroes?"

A king who cannot shirk responsibility is definitely not a good king.

He couldn't break the rules and give rewards beyond the actual merits of the war, and he didn't want to be criticized by future generations. Naturally, Chris IX wanted to pass the blame.

"Your Majesty, my second son is also on the list of meritorious officials. Regarding the reward, I need to avoid suspicion."

Prime Minister Herceg said with a smile.

"Avoid suspicion", this reason is really perfect. Anyone who listened could only praise the prime minister for his integrity.

Before Chris IX could speak, a bunch of princes and nobles came out one after another to express that their children were on the list of meritorious officials and they needed to avoid suspicion.

Seeing this scene, Chris IX, who was originally worried, suddenly lit up.

According to normal operation, lowering the rewards for heroes will definitely cause criticism among the people.

But when it comes to the descendants of a group of princes and nobles, if their parents and elders step in to suppress them, the situation will become different.

"Don't say any more. Regarding the reward for the meritorious officials, there must be a result today.

This matter will be left to you. As long as everyone does it fairly and strictly, I believe no one will criticize it. "

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