
Chapter 187 Big Plan

"Justice and strictness" is a serious proposition. They are all old politicians who belong to the aristocratic circle, and they can see the true purpose of Chris IX at a glance.

Propaganda can be expanded, but military merit assessment cannot cross the line. This is the foundation of the Principality of Moxi and must never be broken.

After all, the awesomeness is just bragging. It fools the ordinary people, but it cannot fool the people in power above.

Whether it is the generals on the front line or the princes and nobles at the rear, the moisture in it can be seen at a glance.

If you cannot give a convincing result to everyone, many things will be difficult to handle later.

"Your Majesty, our descendants are all children of the Kingdom. They participate in the war mainly to drive away the orcs, and they don't care about military merit and rewards.

The battle situation on the front line is urgent now, and everything is focused on the battlefield. It is not suitable to come back to participate in the reward celebration.

Personal suggestion: put aside the reward issue first, and then conduct unified evaluation after the war is over.

On the contrary, they are guest troops participating in the war. They have no obligation to fight for the kingdom and must be rewarded heavily as an incentive. "

Prime Minister Herceg said helplessly.

Can't find it cheap anymore. Then you must embody the "high-spirited" side. Prestige is never too much.

The king left the reward matters to them, which meant that military achievements could only be suppressed and could not be expanded beyond the norm.

As a pragmatic nobleman, Prime Minister Herceg had very simple ideas. Nominal rewards are optional, but substantial benefits must be obtained.

The war is not over yet, so talking about fiefdom is just a fool's errand. The Borderlands are basically on the front lines, and who knows if they can be reclaimed from the orcs.

Wouldn't it be a tragedy if the acquired fiefdom fell into the hands of the orcs and could not be recovered, becoming an empty lord.

What's more, although this military achievement is great, there are so many people who can't bear to share it. With so many second generations carving it up together, only a few will fall on everyone in the end.

There is no shortage of gold, silver, jewelry, cars and beauties for nobles like them. It is better to accumulate the military merits there first and then settle them together after the war.

Compared with these useless rewards, it is better to take the opportunity to seek a higher military position and obtain substantial benefits.

If he didn't mention it directly, it was because Prime Minister Herceg had no idea about his son's abilities. Promotion is a good thing, but now we are at war.

If there is a mismatch between abilities and positions, accidents can easily occur.

The newly formed Twenty-Third Legion was able to stop the orcs from breaking out, not only because of the smooth fighting, but also because the guards arranged by each family for the younger generations also played an important role.

In contrast, the military merits of outsiders such as the Wright County Legion are easier to deal with.

"Are there any nobles in the Wright County Legion who want to obtain a fiefdom in our Principality of Moxi?"

Chris IX asked with concern.

Everyone covets the elite troops.

If he could undermine the Alpha Kingdom, he would never be stingy with a reward. Even if the reward is a bit heavy, everyone can understand it.

Anyway, most of the ownerless fiefdoms are now concentrated in border areas. If some people are willing to go there and bear the thunder, everyone will be happy and relaxed.

"Your Majesty, we have secretly contacted these nobles. Perhaps it is difficult to leave their homeland, and the final result is not optimistic."

Renato replied slightly embarrassed.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is really working hard, but unfortunately everyone is doing well in the Alpha Kingdom and has never thought about changing jobs.

No one is a fool. Everyone avoids the land in the northern border area of ​​the Alpha Kingdom. How can they come here to defend the border for the Principality of Moxi?

Especially the promised fiefdom is still in the hands of the orc army. Whether it can be taken back is unknown, and there is no need to talk about it.

Turning around and sighing, Chris IX said angrily: "Well, since they don't want to come, forget it.

The order was passed, and Crown Prince Caesar was canonized as Earl of Augustburg, and Hudson was canonized as Earl of Moonfall Bay.

For the remaining nobles, watch and get them banned!

In addition, we will prepare some fine wine and delicious food to serve the troops, and the treasury will allocate 200,000 gold coins to give bounties to the officers and soldiers on the front line. "

There is no doubt that such a generous reward must be an honorary noble. Although the place name is included, it is only to show the "glory".

If you want to become a real earl, you have to fight the "turning battle" in the propaganda, or severely damage the orc army on the battlefield.

If you want to accumulate military merits, you have to accumulate at least a dozen times to have any hope of winning at this level.

It’s not that the threshold is high, it’s that land resources are limited. With more monks and less meat, competition is naturally fierce.

If you want to lower this threshold, unless the war situation further deteriorates and more unclaimed lands appear in the Principality of Moxi.

In a sense, this is also the biggest drawback of the aristocratic military merit title system. When development reaches a certain level, there will be no land left to seal.

If the orcs hadn't broken through the Augustburg defense line and harmed the nobles in a large area of ​​land in the north, the Principality of Moxi wouldn't even be able to get a decent fiefdom.

“Send the propaganda war report of the Principality of Moxi back to China as soon as possible, and make a copy for the remaining legions to read.

Everyone received the order together. The Wright County Regiment has already made great achievements, and they are still dawdling on the road. What does it sound like! "

Crown Prince Caesar said in a good mood.

Although he was dissatisfied with Hudson's behavior of treating him as a dragster, it did not affect his joy for the victory on the battlefield.

As the supreme commander of the Alpha Kingdom Expeditionary Force, he has a share of credit for all the victories on the front line.

Correspondingly, if his troops suffered a defeat, he would also be responsible.

To publicize the victory of the Wright County Regiment was to publicize himself.

As long as he didn't tell anyone about the small incident that happened earlier, no one would know about it.

In the face of interests, some unpleasantness is not worth mentioning at all.

Instead of worrying about these details, it is better to turn passivity into initiative and let this war turn into a booster for his prestige.

Deep down, the seeds of Caesar's unwillingness were sprouting.

If Hudson dared to stand up to him, it was because the Wright County Legion could fight.

Since ancient times, arrogant soldiers and powerful generals have not been so easy to command, so everyone has their expectations in advance.

If you switch to an ordinary legion, you won't have such confidence. If you dare to stab in front of the commander-in-chief, your little shoes will be put on in minutes.

Constantly urging the following legions to speed up, that's because Crown Prince Caesar now has no troops available. No matter how many ideas I have in my mind, I don’t have the ability to implement them.

"Your Highness, the six legions will be renumbered according to your will. Currently, the second legion and the third legion of the expeditionary force have entered the Principality of Moxi.

According to the current marching speed, they can reach the royal capital within five days.

The Fourth Army has also arrived at the border and is expected to arrive within ten days.

The remaining two legions were slightly slower. It is estimated that he will be able to reach the royal capital in half a month.

Compared with other countries, this speed is actually not too slow. You must know that reinforcements from the nearest Principality of Oton are still on the way. "

Count Jose persuaded.

As a close official of the royal family, he did not want to see the crown prince fall out with the nobles below.

Although the reaction speed of the following legions was indeed a little slower, that was because of their special circumstances.

With the improvised team, we were able to achieve the current speed, and the people below also worked hard.

They are obviously a cannon fodder legion, but they insist on holding others to the standards of an elite legion. Isn't this deliberately embarrassing others?

The marching speed was second, and what he was most worried about was that in order to show off his abilities, Crown Prince Caesar would use the cannon fodder legion as an elite legion.

Judging from the reaction of the royal family, we know that if the king believed that the crown prince had military capabilities, how could he not equip him with a direct line of troops?

The current situation is essentially that the king has no confidence in the crown prince's military capabilities and is reluctant to bring out his elite to cause him trouble.

Sending him here to build his reputation was essentially using the noble private army as guinea pigs for his son's experiments.

If it succeeds, it will be a bloody profit. If it fails, it will lose a few cannon fodder legions, and the Alpha Kingdom can also bear it.

The plan was correct, but the situation could not stand the rapid change.

The Wright County Legion's good start has already gained prestige for Crown Prince Caesar.

At this time, what is most needed is not to make persistent efforts and create greater glory, but to stabilize the results.

If we act blindly and cause a huge defeat, the previous results will be in vain.

What the royal family needs to cultivate is a king's heir, not the so-called military god.

Military merit is just an embellishment on the king's road. A keen political sense and mature political skills are what the crown prince needs to possess most.

"Perhaps I am too impatient. The situation on the front line of the Principality of Moxi is worse than expected.

Tens of thousands of orc troops broke in, but the defenders did not report the news in time.

I don't know if it's the noble officers on the front line who are derelict in their duties, or there's something wrong with the bureaucracy in the royal capital. In short, this is very dangerous.

Fortunately, there were not many orcs coming this time, and they happened to be bumped into by the Wright County Legion, so the hidden danger was eliminated in advance.

If the orcs dispatched an army of 100,000 to 80,000 people at once and sneaked in secretly, the defenders on the front line would still be clueless. Where do you think they would attack?

More than two hundred years ago, our Alpha Kingdom encountered this once! "

Crown Prince Caesar said with a sneer.

What is the military capability? Without the opportunity to go to the battlefield, no one knows what the specific level is.

But Caesar has memorized history books by heart since he was a child. When I encountered a familiar plot, I naturally made associations.

After all, he grew up in the royal family, so he still has some political acumen. When he discovered something was wrong, he did not report it to the Principality of Moxi immediately.

For this kind of invisible thing, correct reminders won’t get much credit, and incorrect reminders can easily lead to complaints.

Although he had a great time in the Principality of Mossi these days, Caesar still did not forget his identity.

"Your Highness, do you want to..."

Halfway through his words, Count Jose swallowed them back.

There is no way, this plan is too risky.

It's okay if the guess is wrong, since no one knows about it anyway, just pretend that nothing happened.

Once the judgment is correct, the opportunity to grab grain from the fire will indeed come.

The question is, with their strength, can they really turn the tide?

If the operation goes wrong, the Principality of Moxi will be directly killed by the orcs, and the orc army will march straight in. The pressure that the Alpha Kingdom will have to face will be great.

"Your Excellency, what if you don't give this opportunity a try?

The Principality of Moxi was seriously ill-prepared for the invasion of orcs, and even now, many people's views have not changed.

Coupled with the disparity in strength between the two sides, it is unknown whether they can survive for half a year if they continue to defend.

Although there are only more than 600,000 orcs on the front line now, this number is increasing every day.

Even if all the reinforcements promised by various countries arrive on time, it will only last an extra month or two.

If we don't take dangerous measures and find opportunities to weaken the strength of the orcs, it will only be a matter of time before the Principality of Moxi collapses. "

Caesar said enthusiastically.

After being on the front line for so long, this was the first time he discovered a fighter plane. He really wouldn't be willing to give it a try.

Originally, he was not so confident, but the victory of the Wright County Legion strengthened his determination.

Even if the strength of the following legions is greatly reduced, they are still soldiers who have been trained for more than a year and still have some combat effectiveness.

Combining the strength of the six legions, joining forces with the Mossi, and the imminent arrival of reinforcements from nearby countries, it is still possible to defeat the orc army that is alone and deeply entrenched.

Even if the plan fails, Da Pest will not fall in a short time, and there are still opportunities for rescue by various countries.

The emergence of a substantial threat will, to a certain extent, allow the Human Alliance to make a rescue decision as soon as possible.

“Your Highness, it is best to consult the Commander of the Hudson Corps for this plan.

If we want to encircle and annihilate the lone orc army, among the forces we can mobilize, the most effective one is the First Legion. "

Count Jose said bravely.

I have to admit that the scene described by Caesar is indeed very tempting.

Not to mention direct annihilation, even if they just defeat the orc army that is advancing alone, they can gain huge political benefits.

Giving help in times of need is always better than adding icing on the cake. If the Principality of Moxi is not in danger, how can their importance be highlighted?

But for some reason, he always felt unsure. Deep in his heart, there was always a voice telling him: Be cautious, be cautious.

After the rain, the sky cleared, and looking at the rainbow rising in the sky, Hudson decided to stay where he was for another day.

There is no way, the muddy road is really not suitable for marching. Even if the soldiers can hold on, the vehicles can't stand it.

Deep down, he had complained more than once about the ways of the Mossi people. This is the lifeline of transportation leading to the front line, and it is actually a pure natural dirt road.

In normal times, muddy roads are no big deal. But this is war time, and poor roads will directly affect logistics transportation.

It's useless to complain. Even if you want to build roads at this time, you won't have enough time.

The summer flames are so poisonous that the muddy road is almost dry after being exposed to the sun for a day.

As for the potholes on the ground, they can only be repaired along the way. This is how everyone comes here anyway, Moxi is not in a hurry, and he is too lazy to be a villain.

"Legion Commander, a group of Mossi sergeants escorting supplies appeared outside. It is said that they are here to work for the army.

The people of the newly formed Twenty-Third Legion have determined their identities and are now waiting for you to come over and take charge of the overall situation. "

After hearing what the captain of the guard said, Hudson nodded slightly.

After winning a great victory, how could the Principality of Moxi not show its support?

If you treat the meritorious officials poorly, who will work hard later?

Without much delay, Hudson appeared outside the camp after changing into a military uniform.

Looking at the labor force half-covered in mud, it is impossible to say that they are not moved at all.

Judging from this situation, the labor force must have come in the rain.

The fact that the work can reach this point is enough to prove that the princes and nobles above attach great importance to this war.

The feeling of being taken seriously is always refreshing.

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