
Chapter 191 The menacing orc army (please vote)

Looking at the pitiful Viscount Gio, Hudson couldn't help but wonder if he had gone too far.

However, this kind of intolerance only passed away in a flash. A corrupt bureaucrat who drinks the blood of soldiers is not worthy of sympathy at all.

The race war is so cruel and can hold back at such a juncture, no matter how hard it is dealt with, it cannot be done too much.

Hudson has no extra sympathy for scum and scum. Even if Viscount Gio looks miserable now, it is his own fault and he cannot blame others.

Now that you know you regret it, why did you go there earlier?

Without these bureaucrats holding them back, I dare not say that the situation on the battlefield could be reversed. At the very least, the mental state of the soldiers on the front lines of the Principality of Moxi would be much better.

"Viscount Gio, why are you coming to my camp if you don't sleep this late at night?

Could it be that you feel you suffered a loss during the day and want to get it back now?

Or do you think I'm easy to bully and can you tolerate your coming to your door? "

Hudson said mockingly.

Maintaining the dignity of the nobility also depends on the person. A scumbag like Viscount Gio was not worthy of his face.

Seeing this scene, Viscount Gio's face became even more ugly. If possible, he wanted to cut Hudson into pieces.

It's a pity that the gap in strength and status between the two sides is too big. Even if all the connections are used, there is nothing that can be done to Hudson.

Those friends who were close friends in the past, after receiving the news, all avoided him.

Full of plans but no ability to carry them out. The thought of "revenge" can only be buried in the bottom of my heart.

Under pressure from his colleagues, Viscount Gio had no choice but to go to the door and apologize to his most hated enemy.

"Dear Earl Hudson, what happened during the day was purely a misunderstanding. The main reason was that we made a mistake in our work and did not understand your identity.

I'm extremely sorry for the trouble this has caused you. Now, on behalf of the Logistics Department, I assure you that similar things will never happen again in the future! "

It's not a blank check. The bureaucrats in the logistics department have already opened their eyes due to the hapless guy like him.

The ignorant behavior of extorting money without knowing the identity of the person is enough to alert everyone if it happens once.

While speaking, Viscount Gio was also annoyed. If I had asked a few more questions that day and found out Hudson's identity, this kind of incident would never have happened.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world. After receiving a beating that cost him half of his life, whether he could escape unharmed now depends on whether Hudson is willing to let go.

If the matter continues to escalate, it is uncertain how many people will be involved in the end, and he, the person directly responsible, will definitely die an ugly death.

If not, he might even be labeled as a "traitor" for colluding with the orcs. Not only is his life in danger, but his family is also in trouble.


If Viscount Gio came here just to say these words, then you can leave now.

We, the Wright County Regiment, represent the Alpha Kingdom and have come all the way to reinforce your country. No credit but hard work!

When I arrived at the front line, I actually enjoyed such unfair treatment. Even if I can forgive you, the dignity of the kingdom cannot be insulted.

Your Majesty the Viscount, do you think that the dignity of the Alpha Kingdom is so cheap, can it be solved with just an apology?

To tell you the truth, I have prepared to write a letter to the royal capital and propose to the great Caesar III to withdraw the reinforcements from the kingdom and enter the Principality of Moxi. "

Hudson hit the line.

Opportunities for extortion are not so easy to come across. Anyway, Viscount Gio was not in a position to verify this with Caesar III.

Regardless of whether the Alpha Kingdom would withdraw its troops as a result, they couldn't afford to gamble. As long as the window paper is punctured, the Principality of Moxi must give an explanation.

"Your Excellency, this must not be done. The battle situation on the front line is urgent now. If there are no reinforcements, something big will happen.

Please, for the sake of the human race, give us another chance. If you have any requirements, please feel free to ask us. As long as we can do it, we will do our best to meet it. "

Viscount Gio assured again.

He was really scared this time.

Although the surrounding neighbors have promised to send reinforcements, the core leader is still the Alpha Kingdom. If this leader "withdraws the reinforcements," the reinforcements promised by various countries will come to nothing.

Without the help of reinforcements, the Principality of Moxi might be in trouble.

After causing such a big incident, not only the people of the kingdom would not be able to spare him, but even the vested interest groups behind the Logistics Department would not be able to help but destroy his entire family.

Hearing Viscount Gio's promise, Hudson smiled slightly and said casually: "What do you mean, what do I want?

Shouldn't you take the initiative to make compensation for this kind of thing?

I won’t say any more nonsense. What do you think the dignity of the Alpha Kingdom is worth? Just give it to me!

I guess you can't make the decision, so it's better to go back and discuss it with the people who can make the decision as soon as possible to see what kind of sincerity they can show.

In short, the dignity of the kingdom cannot be desecrated. Any country or individual organization that dares to challenge the dignity of the kingdom will be severely punished! "

It doesn't matter what you want, what matters is what these people can provide. It is obviously unrealistic to expect them to cut their own flesh.

In the end, the price they paid will most likely be paid by the Principality of Moxi. This means that compensation is very limited and will probably be what they have on hand.

In an instant, Viscount Gio understood Hudson's true purpose. It's a pity that he really can't make the decision in this kind of thing.

Thinking about it, he felt aggrieved. It was obvious that he had suffered a loss, but now he had put down his dignity and came to apologize. Instead, he had to run for his enemy and help the other party achieve his goal as much as possible.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that our sincerity will not let you down."

Viscount Gio bravely promised.

Regardless of the final result, he must first stabilize Hudson. Otherwise, the lid won't be able to cover it if things get to the top.

Seeing that this was the case, Hudson did not continue to be aggressive. It's easy to make things worse, but it won't do him any good except offending others.

Cleaning up moths in the Principality of Moxi is purely a thankless effort. Any country that has lasted for hundreds of years will inevitably breed carrion within it.

Removing carrion can certainly lead to new life; but in the process of removing it, you may also die directly.

In essence, this is the sequelae of highly solidified classes. It cannot be reversed by personal power.

Especially during war, large-scale internal changes are even more dangerous.

At the expeditionary force camp, after the Second and Third Legions completed their rendezvous, Crown Prince Caesar launched a vigorous military training operation on the spot.

Even though the Principality of Moxi repeatedly requested them to go to the front line to support them, he made excuses to fool them.

There were more than 30,000 people in the two legions, all of whom were training under his command, and Crown Prince Caesar gradually became more energetic.

It's just that the strength in his hands obviously doesn't match the plan in his heart.

Even if the nobles below were happy to receive personal training from him, the crown prince, it could not change the fact that the quality of the soldiers varied greatly.

The elite among them can be compared with the main army. But most of them are still at the level of cannon fodder, and at most they have some military foundation.

After struggling for a few days, with little success, Crown Prince Caesar's patience gradually wore away a lot, and he couldn't help but ask:

"Count Jose, they are all county soldiers. Why is there such a big gap between the second and third legions and the first legion?"

Upon hearing the question, Count Jose rolled his eyes secretly. Even if you want to say this, you should avoid saying it in front of the commanders of the second and third corps. Isn't this a slap in the face?

He wanted to think about it, but he couldn't remind him in front of everyone. As a crown prince, the young Caesar could care less about worldly things, but he, a court noble, could not be so straightforward.

"Your Highness, there is actually a special reason why the First Legion has its current strong combat effectiveness.

From the composition point of view, the First Legion mainly consists of three parts, namely: the private army of the Koslow family, the private army of the noble children of the North, and the private army of the local nobles of the Southeast Province.

The private army of the Koslow family was carefully built by Earl Hudson. It can be said that all of them are first-rate elites.

A large part of the private army of the noble children of the North came from the battlefields of Northern Xinjiang, and the proportion of veterans was very high.

The last group of private armies of local nobles in the southeastern provinces also had combat experience. Most of the noble officers had participated in suppressing the Skull and Bones rebellion.

In the past few years, there has been constant friction between the native aristocrats of Wright County and the nobility of the Northland. The special environment also forced both sides to increase military investment.

This chaos continued until the war broke out. In the end, Earl Hudson came forward to mediate the conflict between the two parties.

The officers and soldiers of the First Legion themselves have rich combat experience. After the war broke out, Earl Hudson conducted intensive training for them for a period of time, which gave them their current combat effectiveness. "

Count Jose analyzed calmly.

As the person in charge of the recruitment work, an elite regiment suddenly appeared under his command. How could we not do an in-depth study?

This research clarified the ins and outs of the Wright County Regiment. Although the story is somewhat legendary, this is indeed the most reasonable explanation.

Of course, the purpose of introducing the First Legion in such detail and repeatedly emphasizing the "specialness" of the First Legion was mainly to relieve the two embarrassing legion commanders next to them.

In Count Jose's opinion, the performance of the second and third legions was pretty good. At the very least, it can be called excellent compared to the bottom legions behind it.

The combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the First Legion, that's as it should be.

If all the county soldiers reached the level of elite divisions, now it would not be the orcs invading the Alpha Kingdom, but the Alpha Kingdom's army galloping into the orc empire.

Crown Prince Caesar was clearly dissatisfied with this explanation. "Special" means that it is difficult to copy, and it also means that his idea of ​​​​building all the following legions into elites will go bankrupt.

Fortunately, this was just an idea and was not raised in front of everyone. Otherwise, there will be a big joke.

If the soldiers under his command could be trained into elites, who would be willing to go to the battlefield with a group of cannon fodder?

The problem is that this not only requires a large amount of financial investment, but also requires the commander to have sufficient military literacy, and it also takes a lot of time.

Without systematic military study, no experience in actually commanding military operations, and relying solely on the experience passed down by family elders, there are very few people who can become generals through self-study.

Rather than betting on this probability, everyone prefers to cultivate an army of cultivators. As long as the individual combat effectiveness is strong enough, they can be taken out to fight a few battles and they will become an elite force.

"According to the news from the front line, the orcs have added more troops to the front lines of the Principality of Moxi. This time the reinforcements are not cannon fodder, but the elites of the five royal families.

The Moxi people kept urging us to go to the front line, but they were actually frightened by the orcs' actions.

Preliminary estimates indicate that among the orc armies currently outside Terrence's defense line, there are at least two Beamon legions, three Silver Moon Wolf Cavalry legions, four Bearman legions, three Lionman legions, and two Eagle man legions.

The total strength should be between 150,000 and 200,000.

In addition to these elite troops, there are also more than half a million vassal race soldiers.

If it were not for defending the city, with the strength of the Moxi Principality, it would not be a match for the orc army.

With so many troops gathered, it was estimated that the orcs' general attack was about to begin. The time left for us to prepare now is very limited, everyone must seize the time to train the troops! "

As soon as Crown Prince Caesar finished speaking, everyone's expressions became solemn.

The orc army gathered on the front lines of the Principality of Moxi, which was definitely not a good thing for the expeditionary force.

Once the Terrence line of defense collapses, it may be difficult for the next third line of defense to stop the advance of the orc army.

As reinforcements, everyone will inevitably go to the battlefield to fight with the orcs.

If the six legions coming for reinforcements are all elite, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Even if you encounter the main force of orcs, you can still bite off a piece of meat.

"Your Majesty the Crown Prince, the orcs have gathered so many elite troops, and our little strength alone may not be able to help.

Don’t the Mossi people place all their hopes on us? "

Viscount Andres asked uncertainly.

He didn't know the strength of his allies, but he had absolutely no confidence in the Second Legion of the expeditionary force he led.

It's okay to bully the orc soldiers, but if you encounter the orc elite, it's simply giving away your life.

Based on past experience, only elite troops can compete with the elite orcs. When ordinary legions and orc elites encounter each other in the wild, it is easy for the opponent to break through the line.

"Don't worry, the Moxi people are not that stupid. As the first principality of the human race, they still have some strength.

With the efforts of the whole country, at least hundreds of thousands of elites can be gathered. Although the quality is not as good as the elite orcs, as a defensive side, they can still make up for it with city defenses.

Compared with our human race, the five royal families of the orcs are indeed powerful in combat, but their number is still too small after all.

It was impossible for them to lose hundreds of thousands of elites just to destroy the Principality of Moxi. "

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