
Chapter 192 Alliance Meeting

Da Pest, since receiving the news of additional troops, Chris IX's good mood has disappeared.

I thought that with the arrival of reinforcements from various countries, the situation would turn around, but I didn't expect that with the increase of orc troops, everything would return to the starting point.

Not to mention launching a counterattack against the orcs, the defense alone was too much for them to cope with.

"Your Majesty, the military pressure on the front line is very high now. Marshal Hodge has issued two orders for help, and many fortresses on the front line have been captured by the enemy.

Although the core pass is still in our hands, if the current situation continues, the defenders on the front line may not be able to hold on for long.

According to the battle losses reported from the front line, in the last half month alone, we have lost more than 20,000 troops. "

Martins said with a bitter look on his face.

There may be moisture in other things, but it is absolutely impossible to overreport battle losses. One less soldier means one less material is distributed, and no one dares to make fun of the soldier's belly.

Losing 20,000 people in half a month doesn't seem like much. But the problem is that the Principality of Moxi is the one defending the city. From the outbreak of the war to now, they have lost 200,000 troops.

Most of them were caused by the fall of the Fort Augustus defense line, and the rest were accumulated in successive battles.

For a country with a population of just over eight million, this is already one-fortieth of the population.

If the enemy were not ferocious orcs, I am afraid that different voices would have emerged in the country.

"Where are our allies?"

Chris IX asked with concern.

No one can do anything about the battle losses on the front line. The domestic war potential has almost been tapped.

Even if there are still young men available, training still takes time!

From serf to soldier, such a career span cannot be adapted to in a year or a half.

In fact, this transformation will only take longer. Who makes the Principality of Moxi lack enough qualified grassroots officers?

With the fall of the Fort Augustus defense line, the Principality of Mossi lost not only its army, but also a large number of officers with rich combat experience.

Even the most elite legions of the principality suffered heavy losses on the front lines and have not yet been able to regain their strength.

"Your Majesty, the follow-up reinforcements from the Alpha Kingdom are less than a hundred miles away from Da Pest and are currently resting and training.

Crown Prince Caesar promised that as long as the remaining five legions of the expeditionary force were assembled, they would go to the front line.

The reinforcements from the Principality of Oton are currently one hundred and twenty miles away from Da Pest. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already completed the communication work and expects to be able to go to the front line in ten days.

The reinforcements from the Principality of Fike and the Duke of Ruilin entered our country five days ago and are expected to be able to go to the front line by the end of the month.

The remaining countries have also completed military recruitment training. It is expected that next month, he will be able to go to the front line to fight.

The trouble is that something went wrong on the Warhammer Kingdom side. They used the excuse of containing the orc army to keep all the promised reinforcements in the border area. "

Renato replied calmly.

The answer sheet submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot be said to be perfect, but it can be considered satisfactory.

Allies, this thing. It would be nice to be able to come and help, but it would be a bit difficult if you want others to act as the main force.

Even if reinforcements are sent, the proportion of standing troops is very low. In this current situation, there are really not many people who are optimistic about the Principality of Moxi.

Countries are sending troops to reinforce, in addition to fulfilling their obligations as allies, they are also buying time for themselves.

For a group of small countries, they also hope that the Principality of Moxi can delay until the Human Alliance joins the war to avoid bringing the war to their own territory.

Looking at the reaction of the Warhammer Kingdom, we can see that it seems to be doing a great thing under the banner of containing the orc army, but in fact it is strengthening the defense of its own border area.

There is nothing to blame. It is human nature to tend to advantages and disadvantages. The prerequisite for helping your allies is to protect yourself first.

"Deploy three new legions in training to reinforce the front line, recruit all advanced mages from the Magic Academy, recruit domestic mercenary organizations, chamber of commerce armed forces... and other civilian forces to join the army.

Tell Marshal Hodge that reinforcements will be arriving soon. The principality has no retreat, and the Terrence defense line cannot be lost no matter what.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs directly raised the mercenary missions previously issued in the mercenary country to the highest level, inviting all mercenary groups on the mainland to participate in the battle against the orcs.

Everything is based on the number of five royal orcs killed, and there is no upper limit on the bounty. We can give you gold, silver, jewelry, beauties, training resources, and even fiefdoms.

The specific standards will be formulated through consultation among you.

The assassin organizations hiding in the dark cannot be ignored. Hang up all the great orcs and kill them all.

In short, our Principality of Moxi has reached a moment of life and death. From now on, we must make up our minds and use all our strength to deal with the orcs! "

After speaking, Chris IX sighed deeply. He has done all the work he can do, and the rest can only be left to fate.

If increasing mobilization intensity and recruiting mercenaries to fight are normal operations, then going to the Assassin Organization to complete tasks is a sign of a broken moral integrity.

If he hadn't been at the end of his rope, Chris IX wouldn't have used such unsavory methods to ruin his reputation.

On July 17, 99988 in the Holy Calendar, the 17th Human Alliance Meeting kicked off in Lutesia.

There were no flowers, no applause, just solemn looks on the faces of the representatives.

The turbulent situation on the mainland has become increasingly intense, which has had a serious impact on the human race's dominance on the mainland.

The alien races that are ready to make a move seem to be getting better. In recent days, they have been extending their tentacles to test, as if it is a prelude to the coming storm.

As the initiator and host of this alliance meeting, Charles III naturally became the host of this round of meetings.

“Welcome to Lutesia, everyone, to participate in the 17th Alliance Expansion Meeting of the Human Race Alliance.

Like all previous meetings, the topic we are discussing now is still how to maintain the status of our human race on the continent of Aslant.

The mainland has been peaceful for decades, and now it has entered an era of turmoil. I think everyone has felt it. In the past few years, the friction between us and various ethnic groups has suddenly increased.

The relevant information was handed over to you two days ago, and everyone must have read it by now.

According to past experience, every special year such as a hundred, a thousand or ten thousand years in the sacred calendar, the Aslant continent will be filled with smoke.

And these disasters are still coming one after another. From the Titans and Dragons in the ancient times to the elves in the Middle Ages, almost every change of continental hegemony is related to the ten thousand year node.

Although they did not fall immediately, they all made mistakes at such critical points, hurting their own vitality, and then slowly declined and were replaced by latecomers.

Comparing the major events that happened every ten thousand years in history, the current invasion of the northern orcs and the frequent riots by the alien races in various places can only be regarded as the prelude to the coming of the great era.

Especially now that we have caught up with the first hundred thousand years, there is a full-scale invasion of alien races, a comeback of the Sea Race, or perhaps an invasion of demons. No one knows what weird disasters will happen this time.

Today's meeting was held in order to deal with the complex situation that may occur next.

Out of a responsible attitude towards the human race, I hope that all congressmen and representatives can put aside past disputes and make fair and objective decisions in the following meetings!


Charles III's speech made the already solemn atmosphere in the hall become even more depressing.

The fate of race is a topic that is too burdensome. Even some representatives who had no dealings with the Frankish Kingdom did not dare to mess around on this issue.

If history happens once, it may be a coincidence, but if it repeats itself every time, it is definitely not a coincidence.

Any carelessness may lead to unpredictable consequences.

In ancient times, the human race was just one of many small races. It was thanks to the replacement of mainland hegemons and the reshuffle of forces over and over again that they slowly accumulated wealth.

In fact, it only took a few hundred years for the human race to truly seize the hegemony of the continent. Compared with the ancient races that had ruled the continent for many years, they did not have any advantages.

The only difference is that the human race is divided and faces internal and external competition that has never stopped. Everyone has a stronger sense of urgency.

Even if some countries are corrupt and degenerate, most human countries are still functioning normally and have not entered a period of decline.

Unlike the overlords in ancient times, there is only one unified political power. Once the internal degeneration begins, it will embark on a road of no return.

"His Majesty Charles is right. As the 100,000th year of the Holy Calendar approaches, we must unite to face the challenges we may encounter next.

I suggest that we all join forces to first eliminate the hidden dangers that may threaten us, such as the orc empire that invades the northern border of our human race. "

The Alpha Kingdom representative was the first to respond.

The script has been arranged, and now it is just performed according to the prior agreement. Anyway, what was stated are all facts. Orcs are indeed the biggest unstable factor.

In the past years, they have launched dozens of wars in an attempt to regain their lost hegemony.

If we really decide to clear the place early, the Orc Empire will be the first nail to be pulled out. Even if they cannot be uprooted, the orcs must be disabled first.

This proposal, which was in line with the interests of the northern countries, instantly won the support of representatives from the northern countries. Coupled with the strong support of the Frankish Kingdom, the voting stage followed.

Without any surprise, the proposal was passed with a high vote. But when it comes to the specific deployment of troops, the scene is completely different in an instant.

Supporting the proposal is because everyone is considering the overall situation. In the past years, beating orcs was also a routine activity among humans.

Almost every few decades, the two sides will have a big fight. After a series of twists and turns, all countries have long been extremely disgusted with the orcs.

When it came time to contribute, everyone's vital interests were involved, and all the representatives turned from passion to rationality.

Terrance Defense Line, staying in the military camp, Hudson finally welcomed a heavyweight visitor, the chief quartermaster of the front line of the Principality of Mossy - Earl Sanford.

Unlike his indifferent attitude towards the unlucky Viscount Gio, when faced with a powerful bureaucrat like Earl Sanford, Hudson still gave him enough face.

According to aristocratic etiquette, the reception was conducted in a decent manner. While complimenting each other, the two chatted happily, as if they were meeting old friends.

"Dear Earl Hudson, we are deeply sorry for the logistical misunderstanding ahead.

I am here this time to apologize to you on behalf of the ignorant guys in the logistics department.

In order to show sincerity, I also brought the magic crossbows allocated to your regiment by the royal capital in advance. "

After listening to Earl Sanford's words, Hudson knew that the main topic of today had begun. When there is a conflict of interest involved, it cannot be resolved with a few polite words.

Obtaining the magic crossbow in advance can only be regarded as a favor at best, but it is still far from enough to satisfy Hudson.

"Earl Sanford is too polite. If it's just a matter of my personal face, this is indeed a small matter. I just need to clear up the misunderstanding.

But the problem is that this matter involves the dignity of our Alpha Kingdom, so your country must make a gesture to prove that it values ​​us. "

Hudson said with a smile.

Originally he hated going online the most, but when it was his turn, he suddenly discovered that this thing was really useful.

When the dignity of a country is involved, it cannot be solved by friendship. No matter who you find as a lobbyist, everyone must be cautious on this issue.

"Earl Hudson, you can rest assured that I come here with the most sincere sincerity. Whatever you think we can do to make up for our previous mistakes, just ask."

As he spoke, Earl Sanford's heart was bleeding. This was the first time since he served as quartermaster that he was being ripped off by others.

In the past, no matter which general met him, he had to be polite. Every now and then, I have to give you a generous gift.

Even Marshal Hoch, the commander-in-chief of the front line, had to show some dignity when meeting him. There has never been such humiliation.

"I have already felt Earl Sanford's sincerity. Since your country is so sincere, I won't hide it.

For the sake of the friendship between the two countries, I will not make any excessive demands. Now there are only a few small symbolic requests, all of which are within the scope of your authority. "

While speaking, Hudson handed over a piece of prepared parchment, and Earl Sanford was instantly dumbfounded.

I thought that the friendship he had worked hard for so long would be handled with ease, but I didn't expect that the turning point would come so quickly.

Looking at the supplies on the list, Earl Sanford's face turned green. It's just ordinary meat and arrows. It's not a big problem to distribute a little more to the guest troops.

The problem is various magic equipment, such as: magic crystal cannon, magic bed crossbow, magic trebuchet...

As long as it is owned by the Principality of Moxi, it will appear on the list. Weapons and equipment are all gone, and ammunition supplies are naturally indispensable.

Looking at the number of magic cores and magic crystals required above, Earl Sanford was very suspicious of wanting to empty out his logistics department.

"Earl Hudson, there are too many of these things. To be honest, even if all the inventory on the front line is opened, I can't get it together.

What's more, a lot of the equipment on here are heavy weapons. Although the power is very good, it is very inconvenient to carry in the field.

In addition, there are craftsmen, peasants, and livestock, which you have no need at all! "

Earl Sanford cried helplessly.

As a quartermaster for so many years, he felt like a poor man for the first time. Looking at this list, it’s like you’ve never seen it on the market.

"Ha ha……"

"Earl Sanford, you are too petty. If you don't have one on the front line, that doesn't mean you don't have one in the principality. As long as you are willing to think of a way, you can definitely get it together.

It's nothing more than reporting more battle losses. The battle on the front line is so fierce that it is reasonable for the magic equipment to suffer greater losses.

As for the peasants, craftsmen, and livestock, once these things are available, won’t they be needed?

Anyway, they are all for dealing with orcs, no matter which legion they are equipped to, they are still the same.

If you are worried about trouble, we can publicize that this kind of weapons and equipment are brought from the Alpha Kingdom.

If anyone has any objections, let them go to Alpha Kingdom to investigate. If I can find out the evidence, all the responsibility will be mine! "

Hudson said unceremoniously.

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