
Chapter 198 Strong walls and clear fields

Royea's death not only did not collapse the remaining Behemoth Cavalry, but instead made them become even more crazy.

It's a pity that this kind of madness is destined to be in vain in the face of absolute military superiority.

No matter how brave a warrior is, he cannot stop the spears thrust from all directions.

What's more, they had just experienced a fierce battle, and the Beamon Cavalry was not in peak condition. The crazy death struggle only made the failure seem more tragic.

Witnessing a battle where ants killed an elephant, Hudson secretly reminded himself: When fighting a war, you must be more steady.

Royaiya lying underground is the best negative teaching material.

If it weren't for that arrogance that made him lose himself. As long as a few more scouts are left outside to monitor the surrounding movements, they won't get dumped.

"Clean the battlefield immediately, burn the corpses on the spot, and then retreat with the wounded! This place is not far from the orc camp, so we must move quickly."

Hudson pretended to be calm and ordered.

Annihilating a full Behemoth Cavalry Regiment, even if it was done at a bargain, is still something worthy of celebration.

As the first total annihilation of the Beamon Cavalry Regiment since the outbreak of the war, it will definitely be written down by various countries and given special political meaning.

Not being fond of appearance is the basic quality of a general. Especially when winning a battle, you must always remain rational.

Even though he was happy in his heart, in order to maintain his high-quality character, Hudson still forcibly restrained his emotions.

The coach can restrain his joy, and the officers and soldiers below will not make the same mistake. Judging from the joyful expressions on everyone's faces, you can tell that everyone is very satisfied with this battle.

Hudson has already begun to enjoy the dividends brought by victory in the battle. The most direct impact is that his prestige in the military has increased.

Not only was it effective in the Wright County Regiment, but it was also effective in the newly formed Twenty-Third Regiment of the Mossi people.

Continuous victories have raised everyone's confidence in him to its peak.

Now that the orders given to the newly formed Twenty-Third Army Corps no longer need to be relayed by Commander Raquel, the officers below will execute them on their own initiative.

Under normal circumstances, if this kind of suspected class-stealing and power-grabbing incident occurred, both parties would have to fall out.

But now is the time of war. His smart and capable brother is besieged by the orc army and may be sent to see the Lord of the Dawn at any time. Raquel is too late to hug him, so how can he dare to cause trouble.

Command power, that's a small issue. From Raquel's point of view, no matter how powerful Hudson is, he is just an outsider and will not take root in the Principality of Moxi. Taking away the power to command the army is only temporary.

What he needs most now is to follow in the military exploits.

If his brother unfortunately dies, and by the way he has completed his great deeds, the merits he has accumulated now may be life-saving medicine at some point in the future.

After arranging military affairs, Hudson turned his attention to the rescued small team.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

It's not that Hudson deliberately caused trouble. From a geographical point of view, this place belongs to the area under Bethel City. Because it is too close to the front line, it has long been completed and cleared.

Under normal circumstances, no one should pass by at this time. If he had not fought against the orcs just now and proved that he was not a spy of the orcs, he might not have been interrogated later, but would have been captured directly.

In extraordinary times, extraordinary measures are taken. The Principality of Moxi has long issued a ban prohibiting domestic people from entering the warring areas.

After hearing the question, Anthony, who had not yet recovered from his grief, replied without hesitation: "We are a passing caravan. We were robbed by orcs and fled all the way here."

As soon as they finished speaking, several experienced old men in the team realized that something was going to happen.

This excuse is really too nonsense. The loopholes inside are simply countless.

Whose caravan doesn’t even have a carriage?

Whose caravan has such a strong escort?

Whose caravan dares to come to the front line at this time?

There are too many questions that cannot be answered. Getting together is tantamount to directly telling the other party that there is a problem with their identity.

They were all forced out. In their current state, if they encounter an unfamiliar army, who knows what will happen if their identities are exposed?

The inheritance of the Leberon family is very tempting. Even relatives and friends from the past may be able to do evil things to them, let alone strangers with whom they have nothing to do.

Just label any deserter and capture them directly. In this wilderness, if you want to complain, you have no chance.

"Dear General, we are the servants of the Warren Chamber of Commerce. We were invited by the Erwin family to do business. This is a special pass issued by Viscount John."

While speaking, the old magister also took out a piece of parchment contract document to prove that they were really a caravan, which was a supplement to the loopholes in Anthony's previous words.

It's a pity that this scene fell into Hudson's eyes, but it made him more and more suspicious of the identity of these people. He was so well prepared, as if he had planned it deliberately.

The rules are all for ordinary people. If you are a member of the four major chambers of commerce in mainland China, it is not a problem to directly get a pass issued by the king.

Now is the time of war. These giant chambers of commerce roaming the mainland can obtain a large amount of strategic materials and are welcome guests wherever they go.

As long as they are not doing business with the orcs and greet the generals on the front line in advance, everyone will give them face.

"Really, I happen to be going to Flying Bear's Castle to switch defenses, so you can go together!

Although Viscount John died in the battle, the business could still continue based on the reputation of the Erwin family.

Even if you have an accident on the road, as long as you explain the situation in the past, as well-educated nobles, they can understand.

No need to thank me, it's all done casually. When you go out and make things convenient for others, you are also making things convenient for yourself. "

After saying that, Hudson turned around and left without giving the old man a chance to refuse.

Hide your identity, it doesn't matter.

If I don't know these guys, it doesn't mean that the nobles of the newly formed Twenty-Third Legion don't know them either. There were more than forty survivors, and he didn't believe that they were all hidden in the dark and had never shown up.

Once someone is recognized, their identity is revealed. It will be completely too late to consider the disposal issue when the time comes.

There is no concealment of the conspiracy, and naturally it cannot be hidden from everyone. After watching Hudson leave, Anthony said angrily: "It's all my fault for being so hasty. What should my uncle do now?"

"It has nothing to do with you. After all, our plan is not thorough enough. With the strength of our group, no matter what identity we use to hide it, people will find something wrong.

You all saw the battle just now. From beginning to end, the entire battle process was very clean and tidy.

Troops with this kind of combat effectiveness are rare in the entire principality. Even the most elite troops in the family are not guaranteed to do better than them.

Judging from the accents of these people, most of them are from the Alpha Kingdom. The general who came to ask questions just now should be the Earl of Yueluo Bay who was recently canonized by the principality.

There are many legendary stories about this person. Whether the rumors are true or false cannot be verified, but one thing is certain, this count is very powerful.

Being targeted by this person, we may not be able to fool him with the reasons we prepared in advance.

I just found an acquaintance in the crowd. If we hadn't looked so embarrassed now, I might have exposed our identity.

Next, he has to act with the army. It is only a matter of time before his identity is exposed. Rather than being suspected after his identity is exposed, it is better to go directly to the showdown.

We have no grudges against this Earl of Hudson in the past, and no grudges in recent times. Come to think of it, he wouldn't kill us for no reason.

The current Leblon family cannot withstand the hardships, so if the conditions are not excessive, then it should be regarded as a thank you gift for this life-saving effort. I hope this person has the same integrity as the rumors say and doesn't go too far with his appearance. "

The old mage said helplessly.

A plucked peacock is not as good as a chicken. The current Leberon family is a plucked peacock.

The family's strength has been greatly reduced, and the Leblon family's profound heritage has become a child holding gold bricks in the city, and will be remembered wherever he goes.

After cleaning the battlefield and counting the casualties and gains, Hudson was very satisfied with the one-to-two exchange ratio.

The object of this exchange is the Behemoth Cavalry. Looking at the entire Aslant continent, there are only a few armies that can fight with them head-on.

Not to mention that the exchange ratio is one to two, even if it is reversed to two to one, for the human race, it is still a great event worth celebrating.

There is no doubt that this battle report is watery. The Beamon cavalry who were killed in front were also included in the calculation.

It wasn't that Hudson wanted to embezzle their military exploits, it was entirely because these people themselves identified themselves as "caravans". Since it is a caravan, the actions of the coalition forces are to rescue them.

As the rescued party, it would be nonsense to divide the battle merits. The rules of the game cannot be broken, and Hudson can only accept this victory silently.

Once the record on the photo stone is completed and a fire is set, this siege and annihilation battle will come to a successful end.

I don't know whether it was because they were too far away or because they were too late, but when the army was evacuating, the figures of the Yingren scouts appeared in the sky.

How could Hudson be polite to the enemies who came to his door?

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Lifting the bow, nocking the arrow, aiming, and shooting the arrow, the whole process is done in one go without any lag.

With the sound of arrows piercing the air, the eagle scouts in the sky fell directly, and their bodies were smashed into pulp.

Others bend their bows to shoot at the big eagle, but Hudson could only bend his bow and shoot at the big eagle. But this feeling is still pretty good.

The only problem is that after these hawks are hit by arrows, they fall like a huge boulder falling from the sky, and their lethality is not small at all.

Just a moment ago, a rogue horse was hit by a hawk-man falling from the sky and died immediately.

This was considered lucky. If he was not lucky enough, he would have to go to the Kingdom of God in advance to listen to the teachings of the Lord of the Morning.

While commanding the evacuation of the army, Hudson did not forget to send good news to Crown Prince Caesar and Chris IX respectively.

His political sense told him that both men needed this feat now. At the moment when Bethel Fortress fell, any victory seemed precious.

In particular, this classic battle of annihilating the Beamon Cavalry Regiment is worthy of special mention.

It's just that Hudson didn't know what to do. The last encounter with the orc army was turned into a turning point.

This time the situation is more special and has more promotional significance. I don’t know what it will be blown into.

After all, Mossi propaganda has the attribute of a crow’s mouth. The last "Turning Battle" was publicized, and now a turning point has really taken place.

It's just that this kind of turn is not what everyone wants. The fall of Bethel Fortress directly caused the situation in the Principality of Moxi to take a turn for the worse.

If the crow's mouth attribute is used again this time, it will become unknown whether the Principality of Moxi can hold on.

Based on Hudson's understanding of the Principality of Moxi, if he wanted to mobilize troops to re-establish a fortress to block the orc army in a short period of time, the probability of success would not exceed 30%.

Good news is still on the way, but bad news has arrived in Pest first.

Taking the battle report from Marshal Hoch and looking at the content recorded on it, Chris IX couldn't believe it was true.

"Are the Leboron family such useless people?"

Facing the king's questions, everyone lowered their heads. As a long-established noble family in the principality, the Leberon family has always given everyone the impression of being powerful.

Even if it is going downhill, no one dares to look down on this old family.

If it weren't for the fact that this family is relatively unsophisticated and has always been deeply rooted in the local area and has little involvement in the affairs of the central government, there must be a place for them among the dignitaries present.

Just because there are no family members in high positions does not mean that they have no say in the central government. There is still no shortage of relatives, friends and political allies in the central government.

Most of the dignitaries present were related to the Leberon family. Of course, these people can also be related to each other.

There are only a few great nobles in the Principality of Moxi. The circle is so big that marriage between them is inevitable.

"Your Majesty, the fall of Bethel Fortress is not only the responsibility of the Leberon family. Compared with the behemoth of the Orc Empire, any noble family is insignificant.

When the orcs are determined to conquer a fortress, its fall is only a matter of time.

Before the fall of Bethel Fortress, they also sent many letters for help to the principality, detailing the difficulties they faced.

However, due to the constraints of special circumstances on the battlefield and the tight strength of the frontline troops, additional reinforcements were not sent to them in time.

Judging from the situation recorded on the photo stone, the battle to defend Bethel was very brutal, and the Leberon family had done their best. "

Martins couldn't help but say something fair.

As the Minister of Military Affairs, he has a deeper understanding of the situation on the front line than everyone present, and he is very aware of the difficulties of the defenders.

It is miserable enough for people to wrap their bodies in horse leather and stain the city with blood for the sake of the principality. It would be unkind to continue to hold the dead accountable.

As an in-law, he must stand up at this time.

"Your Majesty, the situation has developed to the point where it is now. We can discuss the issue of right and wrong later. The top priority is to deal with the aftermath.

The situation on the front line was indeed very bad now, and Marshal Hodge made it clear that he did not have enough mobile power to plug the gap.

The orc army already has the ability to march forward at a long distance, and the next war situation will definitely become more difficult.

In view of the current situation, we must carefully consider Marshal Hodge's proposal to expand the scope of the Strong Wall Clearance.

According to the experience of the Alpha Kingdom, every time the orcs invaded, they would carry out large-scale clearings of the wilderness in many provinces in northern Xinjiang.

Previously, we followed suit and cleared some areas. Judging from the current situation, the results are pretty good.

Without these preparations, perhaps what we are facing now is not just an army of more than 600,000 orcs, but an army of millions of orcs.

But the problem is that the price to be paid is also very heavy when implementing strong walls and clearing wild areas on a large scale.

Not only was the food and grass provided by the northern provinces to the front line gone, but the lords everywhere were nobles and had to reach out to the principality to ask for food in order to survive for a long time. "

The good and the bad have been mentioned, but no solution to the problem has been proposed. It’s not that Prime Minister Herceg is not intelligent enough, it’s just that this is an unsolvable proposition.

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