
Chapter 199 Revenge

If you can't solve the problem, solve the people who created the problem. The Principality of Moxi was powerless against the orc army that was the instigator, so it could only attack its own family.

Looking out the window, after hesitating for a long time, Chris IX said helplessly: "According to Marshal Hoch's proposal, implement the strong wall and clear the country.

Tell the nobles that the orc army has arrived. The darkest hour of the principality is coming, so prepare them.

Facing the invasion of the orc army, the Alpha Kingdom can survive, and so can we.

Whether it was rushing to transport food or rush to repair the fortress, there was no time.

Migrate the serfs!

There is no need to leave everyone behind for burial. Except for the young men who were left to guard the city, the rest were transferred to the south.

Let the nobles along the way provide them with supplies, and all consumption will be settled between the principality and them.

Regarding the migration of serfs, the principality only made suggestions and did not force them. If the food problem can be solved, all the people can be left behind.

Almost all the castles and fortresses in the occupied area fell. Facts have proved that the preparations we have made are not enough to withstand the orcs' front.

If they are dispersed and garrisoned, they will only be easily defeated by the enemy. Allow nobles from all over the country to unite with the county government and defend a fortified city.

There is no need to force anyone to do so. If you think you are superior, you can guard your own castle alone, or even take the initiative to fight the orc army. "

Except for the forced execution of Jianbi Qingye, all the remaining orders are suggestions, which is enough to prove the inner contradiction of Chris IX.

Strong walls and clear fields are strategic materials. If you don't clear the crops in the field as soon as possible, it will be too late when the orc army comes to kill you.

No matter how heavy the losses are, it is better than taking advantage of the enemy. The grain harvested is immature and cannot be put into the warehouse. At least it can be fed to the livestock, which can make up for some losses.

Migrating serfs is a big project. Judging from the area with strong walls and clear wilderness, there are millions of people who need to migrate.

In the feudal era, this was undoubtedly a very crazy decision. Deep down, Chris IX wasn't sure it could be done.

Especially young people were left behind on the front lines, while all those evacuated were the old, weak, women and children. Migrating thousands of miles on foot from north to south, the number of people lost is absolutely astronomical.

It would be better to suffer heavy losses than to be completely destroyed in the hands of the orcs. Although he didn't say it directly, Chris IX's inner hesitation can be seen from his actual actions.

As a king, he is not optimistic about his own country. If this news got out, all the nobles of the Moxi Principality on the front line would burst into tears.

It seems that migrating serfs is just a necessary means to solve the food problem. In essence, it is to preserve vitality.

In the view of Chris IX, it was only a matter of time before a gap appeared in the defense line and several northern provinces fell.

The only ones that can struggle are the southern provinces of the principality. Trading space for time, if we keep resisting step by step, we might be able to hold on until reinforcements from the Human Alliance arrive.

When the time comes to counterattack and regain the lost territory, these serfs who migrated south will be the main force in post-war reconstruction.

The serfs must be saved as much as possible, and the nobles, who are the foundation of the principality, must be saved as much as possible.

With the precedent of the Alpha Kingdom, Chris IX is still very confident that in the future, with the help of the Human Alliance, he will regain his lost territory and regain his ancestral heritage.

The strategic deployment made now can't help but pave the way for the future.

The Principality of Moxi is preparing for the worst, and the political pressure on Crown Prince Caesar has suddenly increased.

Although no one said it clearly, the fall of Bethel Fortress and the slow movement of the expeditionary force were inevitably linked.

It is conceivable that once the news reaches the country, he will most likely be labeled as having no regard for the overall situation and insisting on his own way.

If he could not make timely remedies, leading to the failure of the strategic mission assigned by the kingdom, it would not be enough to lose all the reputation he had accumulated in the early stage.

"Are all the Moxi people useless? The orcs tore a gap so quickly. They are simply a paper defense line.

The Bethel Fortress has fallen now, so will it be Terence that falls next time, or simply Da Pest? "

The complaints coming from the depths of his soul were enough to prove that Crown Prince Caesar was really angry. Judging from the anger on his face, an uninformed person might have thought that he was the crown prince of the Principality of Moxi.

"Your Highness, the orcs are determined to capture a fortress. It is almost impossible to hold it with just the strength of a noble family.

The Mossi people's mistake was their misjudgment. They underestimated the orcs' determination to capture Bethel Fortress and failed to provide timely reinforcements.

Slow action and poor control over the frontline battle situation are also their chronic ailments.

From the fall of the former Fort Augustus defense line to the loss of the current Bethel Fortress, this has been confirmed.

The Mossi people are unreliable at the critical moment. We must learn from this lesson and never let the army be trapped in an isolated city. "

Count Jose persuaded him earnestly.

It seems that they are talking about the garrison issue, but in fact they are telling Crown Prince Caesar in a subtle way: The Mossi people are unreliable, so hurry up and give up the unreliable plan before!

"Good news!"

"Good news!"

The sudden sound of "good news" interrupted the conversation between the two. Immediately afterwards, the guard handed a sealed document to Crown Prince Caesar.

After a cursory glance at the contents of the victory report, Crown Prince Caesar's clouded face suddenly turned cloudy.

This "good news" came just in time.

Bethel Fortress had just fallen and received this turning point news. If anyone criticized the expeditionary force for its inaction, he could directly respond.

Encircling and annihilating a full Beamon Cavalry Regiment in a field battle was not only the first time since the war began, but even if the time was extended for hundreds of years, such an achievement was rare.

It's not that the human army can't fight, it's mainly fighting in the wild. If you want to implement total annihilation, you must have the right time, place and people.

With the combat effectiveness of the Beamon Cavalry, as long as you don't make any mistakes, you can break through and run away even if you can't defeat them.

For a full Beamon Cavalry Regiment to be surrounded and annihilated in the wild is simply unlucky.

"Count, look! The arrogant orc army is actually nothing more than that. It is not as powerful as the Moxi people say."

While speaking, Crown Prince Caesar had already handed the good news document to Count Jose. After all, he was still too young to remain calm and write his inner thoughts on his face.

After taking a look at the contents of the victory report, Count Jose was also shocked, and then recovered immediately.

With this good news, the political dilemma they faced disappeared in an instant.

However, his complaints about Crown Prince Caesar were simply ignored by him. If the orc army had not been strong, the three northern kingdoms would not have been passively beaten all the time.

"Your Highness, please send the news back to the country as soon as possible! It is best to send the good news to the royal capital before the news of the fall of Bethel Fortress arrives."

This is what politics is all about: magnifying one's own advantages as much as possible to cover up problems that one does not want to expose.


“Our trouble is gone, but the Mossi people’s request for help must still be taken seriously.

If they really collapse early, no matter how brilliant our tactical record is, we will not be able to cover up our strategic failure.

The order is passed, starting from tomorrow, the marching speed will be increased to forty miles, and we will try to get to the front line as soon as possible.

The Behemoth clan has always been determined to retaliate, so they sent someone to remind Earl Hudson to be careful of the orcs' revenge. "

In the face of interests, the conflict between the two people was not worth mentioning at all.

A strong man always has more privileges.

Compared with the continuous defeats of others, Hudson's two consecutive victories had a completely different status in the mind of Crown Prince Caesar.

Before that, he wished that Hudson would take a big fall, but that won't happen anymore.

Common interests made Crown Prince Caesar give up his original prejudices. Even if there is still a gap, it will only be kept deep in my heart.

They all learned it from their father. Even the powerful Caesar III was often silenced by others in military meetings.

Under the inheritance system of aristocratic monopoly, the talent base itself is not large.

Those with the ability to cultivate outstanding generals are large and medium-sized nobles who control core resources. There are only a hundred and eighty in the entire Alpha Kingdom.

It is not easy to train several generals who can fight with such a small base.

It is too unrealistic to expect them to have super high emotional intelligence while being able to fight.

Since I was a child, I have heard and heard a lot, and my ability to adapt has naturally become stronger. With the threat of the orc army, the first factor now is to be able to fight, and other issues can be postponed.

As for after the war, everyone returned to their respective families, and only a few remained in the army.

Most of the noble generals have returned to their fiefdoms, and may not be able to see the king for ten or eight years. It is a typical case of out of sight and out of mind.

In the Behemoth Camp, Crown Prince Alex’s expression was terrifyingly gloomy. A full Beamon Cavalry Regiment disappeared directly on the battlefield.

Such an unprecedented thing happened to him, a coach with insufficient prestige, which undoubtedly poured cold water into the frying pan.

"I just asked Royeia to take people to the bear camp to check. Why did it suddenly disappear?"

Competition within the five imperial courts is still unavoidable. There was a big explosion in the Ursine tribe's camp, and each tribe naturally sent people to check it out.

It would be rude to send someone to investigate from the air. If someone thinks of him as a "human spy" and kills him, he won't be able to reason with him.

The cautious Crown Prince Alex directly dispatched a cavalry regiment. Theoretically, this kind of force is enough to deal with any emergency situation.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, there was an encounter between us and the bear camp.

However, the traces on the battlefield were almost destroyed, and the identity of the combatants could not be directly determined.

Judging from the position where Royeia sent out the signal for help, the two almost overlapped, and it can be roughly concluded that the fighting party was the cavalry regiment led by him.

About three or four hours after the big explosion, the bear tribe also sent the remaining eagle people to investigate, and we also found several eagle corpses nearby.

According to the intelligence coming from behind the scenes, the Ursines suffered heavy losses in the attack on Bethel Fortress. One of the main legions was almost completely wiped out, and no less than 30,000 auxiliary troops were lost.

In addition, many strong men fell into the enemy's scheme and stayed in Bethel City forever.

Preliminarily, it can be judged that it is not the bear tribe's evil hand. The other three imperial courts have not dispatched their main army recently, so suspicion can be ruled out.

It is basically certain that the cavalry regiment led by Royeiya was ambushed by the elite human legion and suffered a tragic disaster.

Just when they were in trouble, a human army passed by nearby. They are the First Legion of the Alpha Kingdom Expeditionary Force and the newly formed Twenty-Third Legion of the Mossi people.

The two forces have been operating together for some time. The last time the troops sent by the Silver Moon Imperial Court met them halfway, and in the end they were almost completely wiped out.

With their strength, if they are prepared in advance, they can still defeat one of our cavalry regiments. "

Prince Butzweig analyzed with a solemn expression.

Royeyia was promoted by him single-handedly, and the Behemoth Cavalry Regiment he led was also his old unit, a full lineage force.

He didn't do anything, he only went out to perform one mission, and his entire army was wiped out, which greatly weakened his strength.

If he hadn't been sure that this was an accident, he would have doubted whether Crown Prince Alex wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife and take the opportunity to cut off his wings.

Of course, this is just a thought. Although the internal fighting among the Behemoth clan was bloody, they were not so prodigal as to give a cavalry regiment to the enemy for the sake of internal fighting.

The entire Behemoth clan has less than 300,000 people, and the loss of a thousand-man regiment at once is a major matter that needs to be reported to the imperial court.

When something like this happened, Crown Prince Alex, as the supreme commander, was also to blame.

After a long silence, Crown Prince Alex said slowly: "Your Excellency, this matter will be left to you.

Find their location and kill them. Use their heads to pay homage to our dead warriors! "

The truth is not important, the key is to find a target to kill and give an explanation to the country.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, the enemy's position has been determined. Judging from the direction they are heading, they should be heading to the Flying Bear Castle to change defenses.

Counting the days, they are almost arriving now. It was too late to intercept halfway.

The Castle of Flying Bear has a longer history than the Principality of Moxi. The city defenses are very strong, and a storm cannot be completed overnight.

And we have to be vigilant about Bethel Fortress. The heritage of the established human nobles cannot be underestimated.

My Behemoth clan are all cavalry and are not good at attacking cities. It is best to find an opportunity to settle accounts with the enemy in the field.

What's more, the Flying Bear's Castle is not within the area we are responsible for. If the army moves across the border, it still needs to negotiate with the Bear Tribe. "

Prince Butzweig decisively refused.

Knowing that there is a pit and jumping into it is definitely not the behavior of a wise man.

Unable to take advantage of Beamon's cavalry and relying solely on a group of miscellaneous soldiers to attack the enemy's heavily guarded fortress, Butzweig's brain was not broken yet.

Naturally, you cannot take on tasks that are destined to be impossible to complete.

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