
Chapter 200 The Cake Painting Master

After a long and dusty journey, he arrived at the Flying Bear's Castle. Looking at the tall city wall in front of him, Hudson's face looked much better.

In addition to the main city, there are more than a dozen castles of various sizes nearby, which are closely connected with the Flying Bear Castle.

Compared with the main city, these castles obviously lack the vicissitudes of time. You can tell at a glance that this was a temporary construction.

It was obvious that the Erwin family put great effort into city defense. Unfortunately, their luck was not very good, and the main force of the family was lost on the battlefield early.

"Welcome Earl Hudson and Viscount Raquel!"

A cheerful voice came from the welcoming team.

But judging from the man's fully armed appearance and the troops behind him who were ready to go, it was clear that he was not here to welcome him, but more like he was about to run away.

It seems that they can't wait for this defensive change and don't want to stay on the front line for a moment longer.

"Your Excellency, you're welcome! Is this what you want?"

Hudson asked pretending not to know.

The middle-aged officer felt a little embarrassed when the topic was pointed out.

It's normal to switch defenses and leave, but running away in such a hurry is a bit too much.

They were all forced out. The fall of Bethel Fortress had frightened the defenders of Flying Bear Castle.

The Leblon family tried their best, but they couldn't stop the orc army, let alone them.

The situation is calm now, that's because the orcs previously reduced their forces and attacked Bethel Fortress with all their strength.

Before the battle to defend Bethel Fortress began, the defenders of Flying Bear Castle also received a lot of beatings. The two legions stationed here have been tortured by the orcs for a long time.

It took a lot of effort to change defenses and rest. If we didn't run quickly, when the orc army came to kill them, we wouldn't be able to leave even if we wanted to.

"Your Excellency, I have been waiting for you.

After days of fighting, we are already exhausted, lest there be any problems with the fortress.

Now that you are here, we can go back to rest and catch up on a good night's sleep.

The Castle of Flying Bear is for you!

Earl Hudson and Viscount Raquel, let’s take a step forward and wait until we get together after the war..."

After saying the polite words, the middle-aged officer couldn't wait to lead the team and set off without giving him any chance to stay.

Seeing this scene, Hudson was also speechless.

But after looking at the team leaving the city, I immediately understood what was going on.

Obviously, these guys only knew about the fall of Bethel Fortress and had no idea about the heavy price paid by the Bear Court. They mistakenly thought that the enemy would attack soon, which is why they reacted so radically.

It was impossible to explain. They were in a hurry to leave, so Hudson didn't bother to keep him.

The war has just begun, and I am still fine now, but I don’t know when I fell asleep. Making friends at this time is just adding to your troubles.

Watching the two legions leave, Hudson found that their team was much shorter than the normal legion.

During the war, the main battle regiments on the front line were dissatisfied. There was only one explanation: they were lost on the battlefield.

You can tell autumn by looking at a leaf. It was definitely not just the defenders of the Flying Bear Castle who suffered heavy losses. I am afraid that the defenders on the entire defense line were tortured by the orcs.

The foreign garrison left, but the Erwin family members were still there. Although a family head dies, it does not mean that the obligation has been completed.

Unless he could give up his inheritance of title and territory, the lord still had to bear the obligation to protect his land.

As a member of the aristocratic group, Hudson knew very well how closed-minded this group was. Once he gave up his foundation and wanted to get it back, it was almost impossible.

Staying behind is a narrow escape, but starting a new business is a risk of death. Even if you can really let go of it all, the ending won't be much better.

Without aristocratic status and not protected by the rules of the game, they are just fat sheep that have just been released from the slaughter. Anyone who sees them will kill them.

Voluntarily giving up is different from being an exiled noble. The fief is lost, the head of the family is killed in battle, and the heir who wants to inherit the territory cannot inherit it, but he is still the legal heir legally.

Theoretically, as long as the Principality of Moxi regains its lost territory, they can still inherit the territory.

The choice of the Erwin family is similar to that of these nobles. The new head of the family fully cooperated with the defense of the city, and naturally everyone was happy.

If you can't hold on, arrange for your descendants to leave, lose a new head of the family and the remaining family private army, and wait for the day when the principality regains its lost territory, and regain everything it has lost.

After taking over the power of city defense from the young Viscount William, Hudson led a group of trusted officers to patrol around the city. When it comes to his wealth and life, he doesn't dare to take it lightly.

In Da Pest City, the news of good news made Chris IX's gloomy face slightly improve. If he had received such good news before the fall of Bethel Fortress, he would definitely have a drink to celebrate.

But it was too late. Tactical victory could not make up for strategic mistakes. The greatest significance of "good news" is to boost morale.

"Have you verified the record? Did they really wipe out a whole Beamon Cavalry Regiment?"

Chris IX asked with concern.

Reporting achievements using artistic techniques has long become the norm.

The principality needs to appease people's hearts. If it is not modified, no one can bear the report of losing every day.

But this time there was an exception. The record of annihilating a Behemoth Cavalry Regiment was already great enough. If you add water into it, it will look too fake.

"Your Majesty, our Military Affairs Department has verified the record many times. The Wright County Corps and the newly formed 23rd Corps did annihilate a Beamon Cavalry Regiment halfway."

Martins replied with certainty.

This wave of results is truly untrue. No matter how much you pick, you can't find any problems.

The modifications in the battle report simply concealed the fact that the Beamon Cavalry had fought a bloody battle with the enemy before falling into their encirclement.

The flaws in the details are all minor issues. The process of fighting is not important, the key is that the number of Behemoths captured is appropriate.

Real results are the most convincing. If it comes a few more times, the Behemoth clan will definitely not be able to bear it.

"As long as there are no problems, let's just promote it! With this good news, it will also be a big stimulus to the morale of the domestic military."

Chris IX said calmly.

"Your Majesty, it's not without problems. There's nothing wrong with the record and battle reports, but there's a big problem with the battle damage.

According to the data they reported, the Wright County Regiment lost more than 2,800 horses, and the newly formed 23rd Regiment lost 500 horses.

But according to the information we have, the entire Wright County Regiment does not have 2,000 horses, so how could it lose so many horses!

We sent people over to communicate with Earl Hudson, but he insisted that the loss was so great and asked us to replenish it as soon as possible. "

Martins said rather helplessly.

False reporting of battle losses is nothing new.

When a battle is won, as long as there are not too many false reports, the Ministry of Military Affairs will choose to acquiesce, which is regarded as a reward for the meritorious ministers.

If it crosses the boundary, someone will have to be sent to investigate. Under normal circumstances, everyone abides by the tacit understanding and will not go too far.

The Ministry of Military Affairs only approves, and the subordinate Logistics Department is responsible for replenishing supplies. If the people below are allowed to lie, the logistics work will be impossible.

Over time, the logistics department has also learned a lot. Usually, he would first calculate a number based on the information he had, and then use it as a standard. When replenishing supplies, he would cut the battle damage reported below.

For example: the newly formed Twenty-Third Army Corps reported a battle loss of 500 horses, but the final number may only be 300 horses.

The Wright County Regiment is an exception. As a guest army, there is no need to abide by the unspoken rules. If the Military Affairs Ministry confirms the battle damage figures, the Logistics Department will only be able to provide the full amount.

The Logistics Department, which had suffered a loss once, now wanted to stay away from Hudson when they saw him. How dare they chop at his supplies.

If trouble breaks out, this unspoken rule cannot be used as a reason for them to escape responsibility.

"How many horses were lost in the Wright County Regiment?"

Chris IX asked with concern.

"According to the news from the Logistics Department officials stationed at Flying Bear's Castle, the fodder received by the Wright County Legion has only been slightly reduced.

Inferring from this, they would not have lost more than 200 horses, and possibly even less than 100 horses. Even if the horses were included, the battle losses would not exceed 500 horses.

Judging from the intelligence we gathered, this Earl of Hudson was particularly keen on cavalry. In addition to a standard cavalry regiment, it is also equipped with a large number of rhinoceros horses.

All the soldiers of the Wright County Regiment had learned to ride horses. This time around and killing the Beamon Cavalry Regiment, the infantry turned into cavalry. The number of cavalry they dispatched alone was as high as 3,500.

Some of these many horses were obtained in exchange for weapons and equipment captured on the battlefield, and most of them were extorted from our logistics department. Their original horses with the army are still pulling carts.

If this continues, I highly doubt that the Wright County Regiment will become a cavalry regiment before the war is over. "

Martins couldn't help but complain.

As Minister of Military Affairs, he likes all the troops that can fight.

Even if the elite legion needed more supplies, he would not blink an eye. He has also seen a lot of the various tricks of the tough guys.

But this was the first time he encountered this kind of gameplay of infantry regiment transforming into cavalry regiment.

Complaints are complaints, but he still did not express his objections clearly. Although it is a bit unruly, the strong have privileges.

"give him!"

Chris IX rubbed his forehead and said.

After hesitating for a moment, he added: “Tell Earl Hudson that the war horses are just a minor problem.

If he can kill another 5,000 Behemoth cavalry, or annihilate 10,000 other royal troops, I will have no problem changing them all into cavalry! "

Huabing, naked Huabing.

If so many elite orcs could be killed, it is estimated that there would not be many left in the Wright County Legion. With everyone gone, the promised change of clothes will naturally not be a problem.

It would be better if there wasn't too much damage. By paying some equipment, an elite cavalry legion will be available, and the Principality of Moxi will not suffer any loss.

As for whether Hudson could turn elite infantry into elite cavalry, there was a case of annihilating the Beamon Cavalry Regiment, and Chris IX was not worried at all.

"Your Majesty, how do you think the matter of rewarding meritorious officials should be resolved? How about we follow the old practice and accumulate it first and calculate it together after the war?"

Prime Minister Herceg asked tentatively.

My own son is also on the battlefield. Even if he is following along to make military achievements, they are still military achievements. As a person with vested interests, concern is inevitable.

With his eldest son's life and death uncertain, he now had to devote more energy to his second son.

Perhaps Raquel's personal abilities were average, but he was lucky enough to win. He was on his lap at the beginning, so he just followed up and won.

With his luck, the probability of surviving this troubled world is very high. Coupled with the fact that people are young, there is still a lot of room for plasticity. It is still possible to train him as a spare tire for the family heir.

"Send someone to ask for their own opinions. In addition to the merits last time, many people's merits are enough to upgrade their title or exchange for a fief.

If they want to settle, the principality can give them settlement rewards. Titles, fiefdoms, gold and silver jewelry, beauties, and training resources are all at their discretion.

If you are not prepared to settle, then according to the old practice, it will be accumulated and calculated together after the war.

The Ministry of Military Affairs must do a good job in relevant explanations and avoid causing trouble.

In the Wright County Legion, the title cannot be promoted, so let’s reward them with some kind of rewards!

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued to contact them and tried to win over as many nobles as possible. You can be more generous when it comes to titles and fiefs.

Especially that Earl of Hudson, if we can win over him and let him garrison the northern Xinjiang region, we can also..."

Chris IX's words seemed unintentional, but in fact he said them deliberately to everyone. The main reason is that I am worried that my subordinates will not work hard. After all, no one wants to divide their own interests.

Although the Principality of Moxi is less attractive to the nobles of the Alpha Kingdom, it can still fool a few fools as long as they promise huge profits.

I have been active for such a long time and have achieved nothing at all. If I say that it has nothing to do with the passiveness of my subordinates, I am afraid no one will believe it.

Now specifically naming the troops stationed in the northern Xinjiang region is the best commitment to the domestic nobles. After going through this war, there may not be many nobles who are still willing to be neighbors with the orcs.

According to the past experience of the Alpha Kingdom, the Orc Empire will launch a full-scale invasion every few decades. Maybe we will encounter it a second time in our lifetime.

Boundaries always need to be guarded by someone. If you don't want to go there, you can only let others go.

If the nobles of the principality don't want the northern territory, and it ends up in the hands of the king, we can't let the royal family top it, right?

Directly under the central government?

Not to mention that there is no such precedent, the problem is that everyone is worried! If you judge others by yourself, no matter what kind of thing you are, most of the others will not be much better.

Although everyone did not say anything about the rapid fall of the Augustburg defense line, they knew in their hearts that it was definitely related to the bureaucrats who were in charge of building the defense line.

There was no accountability because the guys who were in charge of building the defense line are now buried. The last unlucky guy fell on the battlefield together with the defense line.

This cannot be solved by substitution. The noble lords built their own castles. Once problems were discovered, they would rework the castle. The cost is not worth mentioning in the face of wealth and life.

But bureaucrats are not good enough, no matter how clean they are, it is useless. After all, the budget has a limit and cannot be reworked at will.

Even if a problem is discovered, he will choose to cover it up for the sake of his own position. Anyway, as long as the orcs don't fully invade during his term, the thunder will not explode.

Having suffered a loss once and paid a bloody price for it, no one is willing to do it a second time.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs will definitely work hard to complete it!"

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