
Chapter 208 Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force

"Daniel, you came really fast!"

Prince Butzweig couldn't help but mocked.

The two parties agreed that everyone would join forces to do something big. He led his men to fight all the hard battles, but the final spoils were snatched away by Duke Daniel and his men.

The Orc Empire pays attention to the law of the jungle, and the trophies that are eaten are never regurgitated.

After a great battle, apart from gains in reputation, the Behemoth army saw no substantial benefits.

Although a lot of weapons and equipment were seized, they were also obtained in exchange for the casualties of soldiers. Not to mention the loss of the cannon fodder troops, the key is the loss of the Beamon cavalry.

"The rabbit will bite people when it's in a hurry."

What's more, the opponent is the human army.

Facing the large-scale charge of the Beamon cavalry, the expeditionary army really had no choice. However, facing the Beamon cavalry who split up their forces to pursue them, the fleeing noble knights were not so timid.

The nobles of the Alpha Kingdom are also experienced in how to deal with the lone Beamon Cavalry. Even if you haven’t personally experienced it, you have heard the elders in your family boast about it.

I don’t know if it’s true or not. Anyway, nobles who can walk down the battlefield may not learn the ability to command thousands of troops, but they must have learned a lot of pure combat skills and life-saving skills.

This kind of inheritance can be found in almost every noble family. After all, if you are unlucky, the elders who participated in each war will be killed, and the family inheritance will not be what it is now.

If three or five Behemoth cavalry pursue them, they will never come back alive. At the critical moment of life and death, the noble knight with explosive potential still has the determination to fight to the death.

As a result, the Behemoth Cavalry's losses in the previous battle were less than four digits, but because the troops were too dispersed when pursuing the enemy, the losses increased to four digits.

After taking stock after the war, Prince Butzweig was surprised to find that the total strength of his direct legion had dropped from more than 8,500 before the battle to less than 7,000.

Compared with the achievements achieved, such losses are indeed nothing, but the physical pain is still inevitable.

If the Wolf Cavalry had come a little faster, the Behemoth Cavalry's losses could definitely be controlled within a thousand.

After losing troops and being robbed of spoils of war, Prince Butzweig didn't get angry on the spot. That was all due to his restraint.

"Your Highness, that's a compliment!

We, the Silver Moon Wolf Cavalry, are not as brave and good at fighting as the Beamon Cavalry. The only advantage we have is speed.

If the speed were any slower, I'm afraid there wouldn't be a place for us in the five imperial courts. "

Duke Daniel responded indifferently.

It was as if this battle was truly won because the wolf cavalry arrived in time.

Prince Butzweig was helpless when he encountered such a shameless person. Things have happened, even if you win the argument, it will not help.

This time the Silver Moon Imperial Court took advantage, so they had to find a way to make up for it next time. The internal fighting among the five imperial courts does not happen every day or two. It has long been the norm to dig holes into each other.

If his position changes and he deceives his teammates, Prince Butzweig will also not show mercy.

No matter how much the fight was fought, the final victory was achieved through the combined efforts of the two imperial courts.

If the Silver Moon Imperial Court's army had not attacked the human coalition camp, the expeditionary force would not have collapsed. Facing the Behemoth Cavalry alone, the Alpha Kingdom Expeditionary Force can survive no matter how heavy the casualties are.

After all, what is fought on the battlefield is confidence.

As long as the morale of the army does not collapse, even if more troops from the Silver Moon Imperial Court join, the expeditionary force with the advantage in strength can still fight to the death.

Maybe it will fail in the end, but at least it will have a decent ending. For example: both sides suffered losses, and the orc army only suffered a miserable victory.


After giving a cold shout, Prince Butzweig turned his back. When he failed to ask for an explanation, he wrote down the account.

From the beginning of the war to the present, the direct legion's personnel have been reduced by more than 30%, and Duotuo has suffered heavy losses.

Fortunately, the battle was won beautifully, and the additional troops from the imperial court were already on the way, which somewhat comforted Prince Butzweig's wounded heart.

On the fourth day of the failed battle, which was September 7, 99988 in the Holy Calendar, the Principality of Mossi finally gave this failed battle an official name, the "Battle of Dacias."

There is no technical content in the naming, just because the main battle locations were Daqi and Yas. After some quarrels, everyone compromised and chose to put the two place names together.

The senior leaders of the Principality of Moxi chose to block the news of the defeat internally, but they had a completely opposite attitude towards the outside.

The news was delivered immediately after the first high-level meeting after the defeat. In order to obtain more international aid, they even exaggerated their own losses.

As one of the unlucky ones who jointly paid for the defeat, when the news reached the Alpha Kingdom, Caesar III's beard stood up in anger.

It doesn't matter if you lose troops or generals. From the moment the expeditionary force was dispatched, there was no hope that these troops would be able to retreat intact.

But the crux of the problem is that the supreme commander commanding this battle is actually his precious son.

It is conceivable that this epic failed battle will be recorded in history along with the life of his son, Little Caesar.

The reputation of the royal family has been completely lost this time.

Even if you want to find someone to take the blame, this battle was too tragic. At the same time, the Principality of Moxi, the Principality of Oton, and the Duke of Ruilin suffered heavy losses, and others could not bear the blame at all.

"Tell the Mossi people, I don't care what happens in this battle, nothing can happen to Little Caesar anyway!"

Caesar III said angrily.

If you can't wash away your reputation, then you might as well not bother to wash it off. The big battle can be defeated, but nothing can happen to my precious son.

With no place to vent his anger, Caesar III couldn't help but vent his anger on the Principality of Moxi. If he hadn't gone to help them, he wouldn't have trapped his son in it.

Originally, he just wanted to provide a high-level experience. According to his original plan, the crown prince just went there to observe and learn, and gain some military exploits by the way.

Of course, if you can develop extraordinary military command capabilities, it will be even more profitable.

Everything went very smoothly in the early stage. The first army was fighting on the front lines and gaining military exploits. As the commander-in-chief, the crown prince only had to sit back and watch.

Two big pieces of good news came, and Caesar III thought that his son had grown up and learned the necessary skills for a king - and enjoyed the fruits of his success.

It's a pity that the slap in the face came too quickly. The country was still publicizing the record of the First Legion of the Expeditionary Force annihilating the Beamon Cavalry Regiment, and his son immediately suffered an epic defeat.

Even counting the wolf cavalry participating in the battle, the total troop ratio invested by both sides was 180,000 vs. 70,000. This was an absolute strength advantage and resulted in a huge rout on the first day of the battle.

Placed anywhere, it is a perfect negative teaching material.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured. At this time, the Moxi people will not let anything happen to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Perhaps at this time, they have found His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but they just didn't have time to pass the news over. "

The Grand Duke of Newfoundland forcibly comforted him.

He can completely understand the suffering of His Majesty the King. It would be uncomfortable for anyone to meet such a careless son.

As for the safety of the crown prince, as long as all the guards sent out are not dead, there will be no accidents.

What's more, in addition to the experts sent by the royal family, the Principality of Moxi also sent experts to protect it secretly. Everyone is extremely careful about this top-notch second generation.

In a sense, the Mossi people attach more importance to the safety of Crown Prince Caesar than their own crown prince.

Who allowed Caesar III to be like this?

If an accident happens, who knows what the crazy Caesar III will do next.


"When that traitor comes back, I will make him look good.

The order was passed, and the crown prince was relieved of his position as commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, and was replaced by Viscount Hudson, commander of the First Army.

After finding the crown prince, take him back to the country immediately. If you don't obey me, tie me back. "

Caesar III said angrily.

It can be seen from his slightly soothed expression that Caesar III's anger has been suppressed a lot.

My dear, there is no way. As long as his son doesn't have an accident, he doesn't have to worry about other problems.

The failure of the great battle can basically declare that the Principality of Moxi will be in ruins.

At this time, to stay in the Principality of Moxi is to dance on the edge of a knife. If you are not careful, you will lose your life.

Removing the crown prince from his position may seem like a punishment, but it is actually a father's love for his son.

As for the title of commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force falling on Hudson, there was simply no choice.

Five of the six legions that went on the expedition were directly defeated. Among the senior officers on the front line, with the exception of Hudson, the rest were still burdened with the responsibility for defeat even if they could save their lives.

It would be nice for a defeated general not to be held accountable, so how can he continue to be promoted?

Unless the Alpha Kingdom is willing to fill the quagmire of the Mossi Principality with more troops. Otherwise, the First Legion will be the last face of the expeditionary force.

Regardless of whether there are personnel appointments, Hudson has now become the de facto commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force.

Competitors do not exist. Originally, everyone thought that rescuing the Principality of Moxi was like entering a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, but now this is only better confirmed.

Even if there are more senior nobles, they will not jump out at this moment to grab this hot potato.

Even though he knew that the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force was of high rank, he also had very wide authority. In the Principality of Moxi, it can represent the Alpha Kingdom.

In the Principality of Alton, King Alton 19 could not help but curse after receiving the news.

Starting from Crown Prince Caesar to the top commanders of the countries participating in the war, he greeted them all.

Of course, the one who received the most criticism was the expeditionary force coach Raimondo. It didn't matter if they suffered a defeat, but losing the 30,000 troops that the Principality of Auton had painstakingly raised would be extremely excessive.

The most important thing is that once the Principality of Moxi becomes cold, the Principality of Oton will also become dangerous. Without this neighbor at the front, these small countries would be unable to withstand the orcs' front.

"Your Majesty, issue the highest mobilization order!

This major battle directly destroyed hundreds of thousands of mobile troops, and the Mossi people have lost the ability to launch a strategic counterattack.

The next battle to defend the city of Da Pest can only delay for a while. According to the military's most optimistic estimates, they can last for up to a month and a half.

This means that at the end of October, the Principality of Moshi will be lying down. If it is delayed until November at most, the resistance of the Principality of Moxi will reach a low point.

The orc army, which has nowhere to release its energy, will look for new prey.

It can be the Alpha Kingdom, it can be the Warhammer Kingdom, and it can also be us. "

Prime Minister Jacob said with a serious face.

The sorrow of a weak country is reflected at this time. The defeat of the expeditionary force directly exposed the reality of the Principality of Alton to the orc army.

Once the orcs set them as a breakthrough target, even if they only send a partial army to invade, it will be difficult for the Principality of Alton to resist.


This short word seemed to use up all the strength of Alton XIX.

Similar scenes continue to play out in the homes of neighbors in the Principality of Moxi. Realizing that the danger was really approaching, everyone entered the national mobilization mode.

One serf after another was continuously recruited into the army; one legion after another was constantly being trained.

Overnight, all northern countries launched national mobilization. Regardless of the combat effectiveness of these armies, their numbers have indeed swelled, as if only numbers can reassure everyone.

If all the countries had worked harder in supporting the Principality of Moxi, even if it was only one-third of the current mobilization intensity, the situation would definitely not collapse to this point.

In Lutetia, after receiving the news of the defeat in the Battle of Dacias, the noisy members of the House of Representatives rarely calmed down and began to think.

To be precise, everyone is waiting for the decision of the forces behind them.

The situation has deteriorated too quickly, and the original delaying tactics can no longer satisfy the current development of the situation.

The more countries involved, the lower the efficiency of decision-making will be, and the final implementation will be even worse.

As a person in power, these issues must be taken into consideration. Even if the support plan is launched immediately, it will be a matter of the coming year when reinforcements from various countries gather.

It's been such a long time, and I still don't know what changes will happen in the middle. It would be fine if the northern countries could hold on, but if they all suffered the same defeat as the Principality of Moxi, it would be over.

The strength of the northern countries accounts for almost one-fifth of the human race's strength. If it were damaged, all the alien races suppressed by the human race would probably jump out one after another.

The scene of fighting hundreds of tribes alone makes one's scalp numb just to imagine it.

The human race can achieve the status of continental hegemony, only three points rely on military strength, and the remaining seven points rely on political means.

Dividing, disintegrating, and provoking confrontation among various ethnic groups have been the core strategies of the Human Race Alliance for a long time.

Unfortunately, as the human race became the hegemon of the continent and continued to occupy the living space of all races, gradually becoming the public enemy of the continent, these political methods became increasingly pale.

No matter how nice it sounds, it still depends on what is done. There are more and more dark histories, and the relationship between human race and other races is becoming more and more subtle.

It has developed so far that it has gradually transformed from the original three-point military and seven-point politics to seven-point military and three-point politics.

A continental hegemon dominated by military means must maintain a strong position at all times. Any trace of decadence may trigger a new continental war.

“Members of Congress, everyone can see the news coming from the north.

After so many years of development, the Orc Empire has become stronger than during the last war between the two races.

Judging from the comparison of strength, the strength possessed by the Orc Empire has exceeded the critical point, posing a serious threat to our dominance.

The topic we need to discuss now is, in addition to driving the orcs back to their hometown, we also need to consider how to eliminate this potential threat.

We don't expect to completely annihilate them, and the various races will not allow us to do that, but at the very least we must severely damage the Orc Empire, and it is best to defeat them.

Members of Congress, the peaceful days have passed for too long, and many alien races have forgotten the majesty of our human race.

Now is the time to find a target to establish authority and show off the prestige of our human race in order to frighten hundreds of races on the mainland. "

Charles III's words instantly caused an uproar.

Everyone had no idea until they opened the lid. Now that they thought about it carefully, they realized that the strength of the Orc Empire has actually reached 20% of the human race, and may even be higher.

There is no doubt that in the Aslant continent, which is filled with many races, this time the proportion has reached the warning line set by the sages of the human race.

No matter what race they are, no matter how good their relationship is, as long as their strength exceeds 20% of the human race, they must be suppressed.

What's more, the people who have this power now are orcs who hate humans extremely, so there is no need to discuss it.

The congressmen who were originally waiting for their own forces to weigh the pros and cons and make decisions suddenly realized that there seemed to be no need to waste time.

Note: Pig's trotter is a fiefdom viscount in the Kingdom of Alpha, and its official title is: viscount.

In private, he is called by the highest title - earl.

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