
Chapter 209 A mixture of joy and sorrow

On September 11, 99988 in the Holy Calendar, at the suggestion of Frankish King Charles III, the Human Alliance approved a proposal to launch a war against the Orcs.

When the news came out, the Aslant continent was in an uproar.

"Race war" is no small matter.

Since the human race secured its position as the hegemon of the continent, the number of racial wars launched by foreign countries has been very few, averaging once every three hundred years.

In every war, the contradictions between the parties have accumulated to the extreme. Only when they can no longer be suppressed will everyone choose to go to war.

The last full-scale race war was a hundred years ago.

The current conflicts between the parties have obviously not reached the critical point of breaking out.

The race war was launched so quickly. I wonder if the orc army had wiped out the north and fought its way into the hinterland of the human race.

But the reality is that the battle to defend Da Pest has just begun. None of the three major powers in the north have fallen, and they are far from the point where the Human Alliance needs to fully intervene.

In any case, the Human Alliance's decision to start war is the best news for the countries that are fighting against the orcs.

Drive the orcs out?


This layout is obviously too small.

Although the human race has been divided for a long time, it is still the overlord of the continent. Once violence strikes, all races must deal with it carefully.

According to the practice of previous race wars, the Human Alliance will not stop unless it shows its power as the continent's hegemon.

In the city of Pest, all the princes and nobles who received the news couldn't believe it was true.

The turning point came too suddenly. The Human Alliance not only decided to take action, but also escalated the war to the level of a full-scale race war.

Although the reinforcements were not yet known where they were, everyone's confidence was instantly boosted.

“Count Renato, has the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed the accuracy of the news?

This is really the final resolution of the Human Alliance, not a proposal! "

Prime Minister Herceg asked concernedly.

It's not that he is making a fuss, the news is actually too shocking.

Proposals to launch an all-out race against the orcs are common. At almost every Human Alliance meeting, the Alpha Kingdom brings it up.

But it didn't pass even once.

There is no way, every country has its own little calculation. After defeating the Orc Empire, the Alpha Kingdom gained the most, and other human countries could only follow suit.

Some small countries can't even get soup, and even giving it to them in enclaves far to the north is useless.

Even though the Alpha Kingdom had publicly promised that after destroying the Orc Empire, it would be willing to exchange territory with other countries, it still failed to impress them.

Including the Principality of Moxi, they also voted against before not bordering the orcs.

It is all caused by interests. Without the restraint of the Orc Empire, it is almost inevitable for the Alpha Kingdom to grow in the north.

After hundreds of years of fierce fighting with the Orc Empire, the war experience accumulated and the mobilization system tempered are simply not comparable to those of other countries.

As a neighbor, if the Kingdom of Alpha grows bigger, it will be a nightmare for the Principality of Moxi.

It wasn't until it bordered the Orc Empire and saw the terror of the Orcs that the Principality of Moxi changed its stance.

In any case, the Alpha Kingdom is a human country and must abide by the rules of the game. It is impossible to provoke war at will when it comes to internal affairs.

If you look at the history of civil wars in various human countries, you will know that 99% of wars do not involve territorial changes. Even if you win the battle, you cannot take away the other party's land.

If you want to expand internally, the first issue you need to face is legality.

Without this thing, even if the land is knocked down, it can only be spit out.

The nobles will not admit illegal rule, and the Human Alliance will not allow illegal expansion.

Violating the rules of the game will result in the hostility of the entire aristocratic group, and the siege net will be full at any time.

Without the protection of rules, a small country like Ruilin County would have been swallowed up long ago.

Being a neighbor to a big country means you may feel a little aggrieved, but it is definitely not life-threatening.

If you are good at dancing, you may not even have to suffer the grievances.

Who said that most of the royal families in various countries are relatives?

Even if we are not relatives now, we can become relatives later. The royal family's circle is so large that it's hard not to get involved.

Now that the high-level relations have been dealt with, there will only be some minor frictions due to conflicts of temper. During the day the two gangs are fighting, and at night they can attend banquets together.

Maybe after a few glasses of wine, everyone will become good brothers again, and the war will be over.

How civilized!

Compared with the orc empire, which is killing and killing all the way, all human countries are model good neighbors.

It is useless to realize this. In the Human Alliance Parliament where the opposition has an absolute majority, adding one or two supporting votes will not affect the outcome of the resolution.

“Your Excellency Prime Minister, how could the Ministry of Foreign Affairs not verify such a big matter?

Our people have personally participated in voting.

It was Charles III who proposed launching a full-scale war. The reason was that the strength shown by the orcs exceeded the cordon.

You should have heard of the "Five Times Advantage Act". As long as the strength of any race on the Aslant continent reaches 20% of my human race, it will be automatically triggered.

In the just-concluded "Battle of Dacias", the super strength shown by the orc army made most representatives attending the meeting believe that the strength of the orc empire reached 20% of the human race.

That’s why this vote will pass smoothly. No one from the Holy See voted against this time. "

Renato said gloatingly.

If the Orc Empire knew that it would be suppressed by the Human Alliance because of its brilliant victory on the battlefield, it would probably make them regret it.

It's one thing to challenge the dominance of the human race. All races on the continent except the human race want to pull the human race from their dominance.

But no one dares to take action, including the Orc Empire, which has always been testing the bottom line of the human race, rather than directly stating that it wants to be a challenger.

The reason is very practical, the first rafters will die first.

Regardless of whether the human race can be pulled down from its dominance, the first person to challenge will definitely receive the most severe beating.

Seeing that everyone still looked puzzled, Renato continued to add:

“The Alliance Council’s ability to quickly pass the proposal may have something to do with the legendary 10,000-year catastrophe.

Especially this ten-thousand-year catastrophe, which happens to be stuck at the point of one hundred thousand years, no one knows what changes will happen.

In this context, all alien races on the continent are hidden dangers to our rule of the continent.

In the previous meeting, some representatives proposed to clear the venue, and they also received the support of many representatives.

It's just that the strength of all the ethnic groups in the mainland is not weak. Once we take action to clear the area, they will definitely join forces to resist.

If we start a war with all races at the same time, we have no chance of winning. This proposal was ultimately rejected by the rationalists.

The inability to clear the area on a large scale does not mean that the alliance cannot do anything. The Orc Empire came to the door this time, providing the Alliance with an excellent excuse to take action.

As for whether the strength of the Orc Empire exceeds 20% of my human race, it actually doesn't matter. This was only deliberately exposed to the outside world, mainly to cover up the purpose of clearing the place. "

This explanation is much more reasonable.

The strength of the Orc Empire is approaching the critical point, and it is not a matter of a day or two. There is no reason for it to be specially mentioned at this time.

But when the two problems are superimposed, they are no longer the same.

The failure of the battle was only the trigger, and the root cause was still the dominance of the human race on the continent. Before the legendary catastrophe breaks out, it is inevitable to attack a wave of competitors first.

As for whether there are other insider transactions, we can only ask His Majesty the King on the hospital bed. Such secret matters are usually handled by the king.

It's a pity that Chris IX fell ill due to overwork, especially the continuous high pressure after the outbreak of the war, and now he is running out of gas.

There are indeed ways to wake up the king, but in the current state of Chris IX, once he is awakened by stimulation, he will almost reach the end of his life.

With the current situation in the Principality of Moxi, the most important thing is stability. At this juncture, nothing can happen to the king.

Even if Chris IX is lying unconscious in the hospital bed, it is better than changing the king and causing political turmoil.

"No matter what the reason is, this is good news after all. We must deliver the news to every noble as quickly as possible to boost the morale of the army.

Including the previously formulated defense plan for Da Pest, it must now be revised. Although the reinforcements from the Human Alliance cannot arrive for a while, they can still provide us with some support.

For example: air power support.

The Holy See’s Flying Dragon Cavalry, the Frankish Kingdom’s Winged Dragon Cavalry, the Iliban Kingdom’s Giant Eagle Cavalry…

If the outside world coordinates well and invites them over, it won't be the Yingren's turn to be rampant on the battlefield.

The defenses of Da Pest are complete and we have regained air control. We may not be able to hold on until reinforcements arrive! "

Count Martins said enthusiastically.

No one is willing to give up their capital if they can hold on. In particular, the current terrain of the Principality of Moxi is special. Once the city of Da Pest falls, it will no longer be safe to defend.

Not only the northern region fell, but most of the provinces in the central and western regions could only tremble under the iron hoof of the orcs.

Except for a few mountainous areas that can be defended, more than 80% of the principality's land will be easily occupied by the Orc Empire.

It just so happened that the territories of many great nobles were located on this 80% of the land. It can be said that the fall of the city of Da Pest meant that everyone "lost their home."

Although there is a chance to get the land back after the war, they still have to clean up the mess of the human hell caused by the orc army.

At Bethel Fortress, the top five orc royal families gathered together again. From the gloomy faces of everyone, you can see the seriousness of the problem.

One moment they were celebrating victory in the battle, and the next moment they received news that the Human Alliance had launched a full-scale race war.

Most people's hearts can't stand this kind of reversal of ice and fire stimulation.

"The situation has completely gotten out of control. The various races that originally agreed to go to war against the human race did not respond to our actions in time, but instead made the human race angry.

Once the all-out racial war begins, the enemies we need to face are not just the three northern countries, but all races.

With our current strength, it is almost impossible to fight against the entire human race alone. There are not many choices before us now.

Either carry out strategic contraction immediately, give up all the land currently occupied, pack up and withdraw, and use the geographical advantages to slowly deal with the human army.

Or simply do something big and cripple the northern countries before the reinforcements from the Human Alliance arrive.

The positions of all ethnic groups on the mainland are not firm. As long as the situation develops in our direction, we don't have to worry about no one following us.

If all parties cooperate well, even if they cannot pull the human race from their position as the overlord of the continent at once, they can still inflict heavy damage on them. "

The Yingren Emperor said murderously.

Unfortunately, the fear that flashed across his brows from time to time revealed his true inner thoughts. It's okay to bully a few human countries in the north, but if it faces the entire human alliance, the power of the Orc Empire is obviously not enough.

The "Five-fold Advantage Act" of the Human Race Alliance is not a decoration, but a real implementation.

No matter which race it is, once it reaches the critical point, it will attract a thunderous strike from the Human Alliance.

This is not the first time in the history of the orcs that a similar beating has occurred. Even relying on a few words in history books still makes them feel scared.

Although the human race is now divided into pieces, the overall racial strength has not decreased much.

"Eagle King, the option of retreat simply does not exist. At this point, even if we want to stop, the clan cannot explain it.

Not all tribesmen know how terrifying the human race is. In the eyes of most of the people of the Beast God, the human race is just a group of two-legged sheep.

If we really force a retreat, I'm afraid something will happen to us internally before the Human Alliance can attack us.

Turning the northern countries of the human race upside down and attracting all races to join this war is our only way out.

To do this, many of our past habits must be changed.

Blind killing will only trigger the fiercest resistance.

Sometimes killing is not the best way to solve a problem. Appropriate use of flexible means can often bring greater trouble to the enemy.

For example: take young serfs for your own use and let them plow the land for us. Put the useless old and weak back and continue to consume the enemy's food.

Those hypocritical nobles who claim to be benevolent can't let their people go hungry!

If hundreds of thousands or millions of refugees rush in together, the destructive power they can cause is not necessarily worse than if we send out a large army. "

Crown Prince Alex said viciously.

In his opinion, the failure of previous wars was due to them helping the human race solve logistical problems.

The large number of refugees that were supposed to be generated by the war were all dealt with by the orc army, without extending the damage to the rear.

Especially this kind of bloody killing inspired everyone to fight desperately, causing a large number of casualties to the orc army.

"Alex, you think too simply. It's easy to let the serfs leave, but what about our logistics?

With the lengthening of the front line, the assistance that the rear can provide us has become minimal.

Now more than 80% of the army's material consumption depends on captures from the front line, and soldiers need a lot of meat to supplement..."

The Lion King shook his head and said.

Everyone can weigh the pros and cons, but logistics is also a big problem. Regardless of the smooth progress of the orc army, in fact, except for the main army's material supply, the other soldiers were often hungry and full.

If you observe carefully, you can often see orc soldiers picking wild fruits and leaves, digging fresh grass and wild vegetables to satisfy their hunger.

If the soldiers had not had strong digestive systems and could stuff anything into their bellies, they would have starved to death just by relying on the logistical supplies they provided.

Fighting is strenuous physical work, and the bodies of soldiers who eat only vegetarian food will definitely not be able to withstand it, so it is particularly important to supplement their diet with meat.

At the Flying Bear's Castle, Master Hudson felt particularly happy as he watched the defeated troops continue to gather.

The new corps, which has serious shortages, is now full. Looking at the current situation, as long as we work harder, the number of legions under our command can be increased by one.

No matter which country they were soldiers from, they were all soldiers of Master Hudson when they entered the Flying Bear's Castle. The noble officer had an opinion and wanted to discuss the issue of desertion on the battlefield first.

Regardless of whether he has the power to pursue accountability, Mr. Hudson will pursue it anyway. The obedient ones entered the army and performed meritorious service, while the disobedient ones were directly imprisoned on the charge of "escape from battle."

Evidence, no need. If he hadn't run away, he would have met the Lord of the Dawn long ago. Those who can save a life are those who escape quickly enough on the battlefield.

The explanation is meaningless. No matter how good the reason is, it cannot change the fact that he ran away from the battle.

Hudson had already verified that, except for Crown Prince Caesar who had issued an order for an orderly retreat, the commanders of the Principality of Auton and the Principality of Ruilin had not even issued an order for retreat.

Regardless of the situation, abandoning the army and running away can be charged with fleeing from battle.

With this crime, it is not about imprisoning nobles without authorization, but about arresting deserters.

Even if these guys are handed over to other countries after the war, they will not be able to escape accountability afterwards.

There were two paths in front of them: either go to the battlefield and perform meritorious service; or they could be deprived of their noble status and subject to military law.

They are all smart people, even if there are some hot-headed ones, their minds will become clearer after cooling off for a few days in prison.

The morale of the defeated soldiers was not good, but their physical fitness was still very good. They have gone through the test of life and death and stood out among the fleeing teammates before they were able to appear here.

As long as the morale problem is solved and a little training is done, it will be a unit with good combat effectiveness. If you win more battles, those who survive will be elite soldiers.

Extreme joy brings sorrow, which is the best portrayal of Hudson's life. While he was gathering his defeated troops to expand his strength, a letter of appointment from the Alpha Kingdom also fell into his hands.

"Commander-in-Chief of the Alpha Kingdom's Expeditionary Force in the Principality of Moxi" was a resounding name, but the kingdom only gave him a title.

In addition to the increased responsibilities and obligations on his body, Hudson still commands as many troops as he used to command.

Substantial power has not increased at all. The Alpha Kingdom was clearly telling him that there would be no reinforcements and that any problems would be solved by oneself.

The dream of returning to China early was shattered along with it.

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