
Chapter 210 Logistics Line

There are pros and cons, and there are gains as well as losses.

As the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, it is impossible to return home early, but what is matched by this is that Hudson's voice has greatly increased.

Now he is no longer a simple frontline commander, but also represents the Alpha Kingdom. The weight of speaking and doing things is completely different from before.

The most direct impact was that the gathered troops became more and more calm, especially the officers and soldiers of the Alpha Kingdom Expeditionary Force, who behaved particularly well-behaved.

Different from the previous overstep of authority, now Hudson is their legal commander and can pursue them for "deserting" at any time.

"Repudiation of crime and meritorious service" is no longer a joke, but has really become a reality.

There is no need to deliberately target them, just report the facts, and what awaits them is to seize the title and investigate.

It's no use looking for connections. The responsibility for the failure of the great battle now rests entirely on Crown Prince Caesar. The king was worried about how to relieve his son of his responsibilities.

If they dared to jump out, Caesar III would definitely not mind. The reason for the failure of the battle can be attributed to the fact that some noble officers were greedy for life and feared death, and escaped before the battle, causing the army to collapse.

There is no blame-shifting now. That is because the country does not know the situation on the front line. Otherwise, they, the surviving noble officers, would most likely take the blame for the crown prince.

Of course, this is not an injustice.

When the great rout broke out, they were the ones who took the lead in fleeing and failed to fulfill their responsibilities.

But Hudson can understand this kind of thing. We are all ordinary people, and it is normal not to be able to face life and death calmly.

Failed in the field, this kind of thing happens all the time.

Had it not been for their encounter with Hudson, the fate awaiting these guys would have been permanent wandering. No matter where you go, you won't be able to return to your hometown anyway.

With the handle in hand, these nobles showed extra strength during training.

Only a few surviving legion commanders have been out of shape. Just because the lower nobles don't know the seriousness of the matter doesn't mean they don't either.

It is true that "paying for one's crimes and making meritorious deeds" does exist, but the merit that needs to be achieved is not even a small amount, at least it is several times the fault.

Especially this group of people, including the crown prince, were passively involved in the power disputes in the kingdom.

Unless there are big people to protect it, a little credit will not fill the gap at all.

All this, of course, cannot escape Hudson's eyes. These guys are not qualified to be legion commanders, but they can still be useful if they can be downgraded to one level.

Apart from anything else, the private army in the hands of these guys has very good combat effectiveness.

Even if they encounter a huge defeat, they can still gather hundreds of people to run away together, which is considered an elite force.

Fighting in a foreign country, any strength is precious. No matter how moral these people are, it is impossible for them to defect to the orcs anyway.

If you put it in the right place, you won't have to worry about it not being able to function.

"Viscount Andres, Viscount Goodson, and Viscount Robles, in your current state, are you dissatisfied with me for removing you from the position of legion commander?

Or maybe you think I'm deceiving you guys, and it's just a joke to plead guilty and make meritorious deeds?

Why is my reputation so worthless, so I can join in just to deceive a few of you defeated generals? "

Hudson is not good at playing with people's hearts, but it doesn't matter, he can deceive.

In this age where fame is a source of income, no one dares to ignore their reputation. It's definitely not worth it to risk your reputation for a few defeated generals.

"Your Excellency, we have never doubted your sincerity. However, this matter is too big. The kingdom may let the people below go, but we will definitely be held accountable."

As he spoke, Viscount Andres looked at Hudson with resentment in his eyes.

It seems to be saying, if you didn't send someone to find us, we would have run away long ago.

Anyone who disappears on the battlefield will be considered dead in battle by default.

The deceased does not need to bear responsibility, the son can inherit the title, and the family can continue to live as a noble.

They were very unfortunate. On their way to escape, they were found by the cavalry sent by Hudson.

The news that they are alive has been exposed. If they escape, they will be wanted by the Human Alliance. There is no place for them in the entire continent.

We had no choice but to report to the Flying Bear Castle according to the information given by the cavalry.

“Viscount Andrés, you are too absolute.

Everyone knows what happened in the Battle of Dacias. From the moment the war was launched, the outcome was doomed.

Put your army in the wild to fight the orcs. Even if you succeed in defeating Beamon's army, the armies of the other four imperial courts will soon pounce on you.

In the face of absolute strength, it cannot be reversed by personal will, so there is no need to take it to heart.

As for the Kingdom, it’s actually not as bad as you think. If you are convicted of a felony, Crown Prince Caesar can get away with it.

A great Caesar III is enough, no one wants to see another great Caesar IV. Now everyone wants Caesar IV to be mediocre.

All three of them knew what this meant.

The battlefield is a magical place that can make people fall into the abyss and rise to high positions.

How do you know you can't do it if you don't try?

Instead of giving up and waiting for accountability, it is better to fight. Even if the worst case scenario is nothing, you can still choose to die on the battlefield! "

Hudson tried to persuade.

It doesn't matter whether these people can get away with their crimes and make meritorious service. The key is that Hudson needs them to work hard now.

After the war, that is a post-war matter. First, you must ensure that you can survive until the end of the war before you are qualified to consider post-war issues.

"Your Royal Highness, it's time for us to leave."

Count Jose tried to persuade him.

Since the defeat, Crown Prince Caesar seemed to have changed into a different person as he embarked on his escape.

First he was furious, then he was crying, and finally he became silent.

The young boy who was just starting out has been on the road for more than ten years, and he has always been taught that he is the best. The sudden and severe beating had a huge impact on Crown Prince Caesar.

But this is also a necessary part of every king's life.

After going through ups and downs and coming out of the trough, you have the opportunity to become a qualified monarch.

Even if there are no setbacks, their parents will often deliberately set difficult problems for them to sharpen their minds.

Compared with others, the only difference is that the pit that Crown Prince Caesar stepped into was deeper, and it was more difficult to climb out.

"Where do we go now?"

Crown Prince Caesar asked coldly.

Out of shame, he now doesn't want to see anyone he knows. He always felt that others were being polite on the surface, but secretly they were mocking him.

Although no one mentioned the failure of the battle in front of him, Caesar, who could receive royal education, still noticed something strange.

"An order came from the country, His Majesty asked you to return home immediately. The position of commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force will be taken over by the commander of the Hudson Army."

Count Jose told the truth.

These things will be known to Crown Prince Caesar sooner or later. Having been forcibly ordered to return home, it was naturally impossible for the expeditionary force to allow him to continue commanding.

There were six legions when they came out, but now there is only one single seedling left, but they can't be harmed anymore.

"I know. As expected of him. He is always so ruthless towards losers, even if my son doesn't get a second chance."

After hearing Crown Prince Caesar's complaints, Count Jose wanted to plug his ears. It's okay for the crown prince to complain about the king, but he, a retainer, shouldn't hear it.

Deep down in his heart, his opinion of Crown Prince Caesar was growing.

"Second chance" sounds simple, but the problem is that the cost is too high.

In the Battle of Dacias, five legions of the kingdom were lost. If it happened again, the nobles of the kingdom would have to explode.

Now the best choice is to recall Crown Prince Caesar, stop the training in advance, and stop losses in time.

It's a pity that this kind of thing, which seems very natural to ordinary people, is obviously not so easy to accept for the young crown prince.

After all, I have experienced too little and I don’t realize the cruelty of the world.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty also has difficulties. This incident has caused great criticism in the country.

Especially now that the situation in the Principality of Moxi has deteriorated and it may collapse at any time. Many people attributed the responsibility to the failure of this battle. "

Count Jose explained bravely.

"Your Excellency, there is no need to explain, I understand all of this.

If I leave later, the blame for the collapse of the Principality of Moxi will also be placed on my head, or are they already preparing to put this crime on my head? "

Crown Prince Caesar said with a sneer.

Having heard and heard about it for so many years, he was very familiar with political matters.

Shifting the blame and enlarging the responsibility are just the most basic methods.

If the situation was not tense now and everyone was busy dealing with the orcs and had no time to provoke internal fighting, things would never have ended like this.

Now that the big nobles in the country are not causing trouble, it does not mean that the matter is over. After the war is over, someone will inevitably come forward to settle old scores.

There is no room for tenderness in the power struggle. As local princes, the great nobles naturally do not want the monarch's power to expand indefinitely.

Facing the powerful Caesar III, everyone was powerless. Then we can only catch the bully crown prince and use this to negotiate terms with the king.

Knowing does not mean being able to understand. Not everyone can face it calmly in the vortex of the storm.

Crown Prince Caesar hated this kind of political struggle and wanted to make his own way. It's a pity that the wrong payment was made after all.

Peaceful years are always short-lived. The Battle of Da Pest began, and the situation in the Principality of Moxi reached its most critical moment.

Round after round of offensives made the defenders in the city exhausted. The Human Alliance, which has high hopes, has indeed agreed to send troops, but dozens of countries are involved, and no one can say when reinforcements will arrive.

The only thing that is certain is that this year it will be too late. Even the countries that had already sent troops found excuses to withdraw after the Battle of Dacias.

The alliance's air force support can only be thought about first. The envoys are still on the way, and they will definitely not be expected in a short time.

At the Terence Frontline Headquarters, Marshal Hodge was looking at the military order in his hand with worry.

On the third day of the battle to defend the royal capital, he received three similar military orders - to cut off the logistics of the orc army.

Taking the initiative to cut off the logistics of the orc army, there is nothing wrong with the strategy. But the problem is that when it comes to specific implementation, the situation changes.

As soon as the defenders left the city, the orc army followed them. After a tentative exchange, they could only retreat into the city in dejection.

It's not that there weren't bold officers who took the risk to attack the orcs' logistics, but the results were a bit touching.

He didn't rob much of the food and fodder. On his way back, he was blocked by an army of orcs who came after hearing the news.

After a fight, they defeated the nine oxen and two tigers before escaping back to the fortress.

Fortunately, the commander was shrewd enough and did not covet the loot. Instead, he directly set fire to the grain truck.

“Marshal, judging from the current situation, the troops left by the orcs here can still suppress us.

It is almost impossible to completely cut off the logistics of the orc army under their noses.

We can only fulfill the orders from the royal capital selectively. How about simply letting the defenders in various places perform freely and take the initiative to attack every few days to cause as much trouble as possible to the orcs. "

Harley couldn't help but suggest.

Frankly speaking, he knew very well how unreliable his suggestions were, but the domestic military orders were even more unreliable.

Disrupting the logistics transportation line of the orc army, everyone can barely do it despite their hard work. If you want to completely cut off the enemy's logistics, do you really think that the orc army outside the city is dead?


"Just send a message to the generals below. Over there with the Alpha Kingdom Expeditionary Force, go and visit in person.

That Earl of Hudson has gathered a lot of defeated troops recently. I heard that he has restored half of the six regiments of the expeditionary force.

It was really difficult for him. At such times, everyone can pull the team together. It's a pity that Crown Prince Caesar doesn't know how to employ people, otherwise it wouldn't end in disgrace.

Of all the garrison, Earl Hudson now had the most abundant troops. If you want to go out and attack the orc army's logistics, their help is indispensable. "

Marshal Hoch said with emotion.

When it comes to his ability to pull a team together, he truly admires Hudson. Other people's numbers of soldiers decrease the more they fight, but this man's soldiers increase in number the more he fights.

After obtaining the position of commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, Hudson immediately legalized the private expansion of the force. The flags of the Second and Third Legions of the Expeditionary Force were hung.

It is not yet clear what the combat effectiveness of these legions composed of broken soldiers and civilians is. Anyway, the number of troops has expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Adding the three legions together, the total strength of the expeditionary force has reached 43,000, which is almost half of the strength in its heyday.

If the newly formed Twenty-Third Legion of the Moxi Principality and the Flying Bear Castle City Defense Legion are added, even more troops can be mobilized.

At the Flying Bear's Castle, Hudson was busy training his army. Especially the two newly formed legions were given special care.

Different from the past, noble officers were trained first and then soldiers were organized for training. This time, in order to save time, the officers and soldiers were directly trained together.

Aristocratic dignity is not something that a group of people who have committed crimes and performed meritorious deeds are entitled to.

This "inferior" gap was completely created deliberately by Hudson. The purpose is to stimulate the self-esteem of these guys.

"Shame can only be washed away with blood. If it's not the enemy's, it's your own.

If you want to regain respect, you can only get it back on the battlefield.


Indoctrinating these guys over and over again, Hudson was also worried about reviving the morale of the army.

"Your Excellency, Adjutant Harley from the frontline headquarters is here."

The captain of the guard's words reminded Hudson of the official document he threw into the trash can a few days ago.

"Ask him to come over!"

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