
Chapter 211 The Cold-faced Duke

After a brief conversation, Hudson understood Harley's purpose.

As expected, the battle situation in Da Pest was tight and they needed to make some moves.

Cutting off the logistics of the orc army is simply a great goal, and it cannot be imagined without drinking a few pounds.

I guess the guys in the capital don't have such illusions either. The main purpose is to get them moving to prevent the orcs from continuing to increase their troops.

Although there is no specific data, based on the troop mobilization of the Ursine Royal Court, Hudson can also calculate that the orc army besieging Dapes will not be less than 300,000.

This number is still increasing. Although the elite troops are only the initial ones, there seems to be no upper limit for cannon fodder.

The reasons for all this are clear to everyone without studying Hudson. It's just that the nobles in the inland provinces are easier to bully and it's easier to obtain food supplies.

Any castle can be conquered and there will be a lot of gains.

Even if the defenders burned down the granary, it would be useless. The orcs' intestines and stomachs were strong enough, and the food turned into charred food could still be used to satisfy their hunger.

As long as the city is destroyed quickly enough, the food will not be burned out.

With meat and grain all available, the pressure on logistics has been reduced, and naturally we can continue to add troops to the front line.

The ants kill the elephant.

Watching the besieged orc army growing in number, one can imagine the pressure on the isolated and helpless defenders.

"I understand, Baron Harley. Please tell Marshal Hodge that we will wait for an opportunity to find a fighter.

The expeditionary force will plan a big operation within this month at the latest, and just let him wait for our good news. "

Hudson promised heartily.

There is action, but the specific time depends on when the orcs give it a chance.

After all, elite soldiers are produced, and Hudson also needs to find a suitable opportunity to let the two newly formed regiments see blood.

The Battle of Dacias cannot be counted. The defeated troops being chased by others will not have any training effect at all.

"Thank you Earl Hudson for your understanding. Your Majesty the Marshal is under a lot of pressure right now. To be honest, we have made several attacks without success.

You know the situation in Da Pest. The Human Alliance decided to launch a war against the orcs, but the issue of troop quotas was still quarreling. "

Baron Harley said worriedly.

Unlike outsiders like Hudson, the local nobles of the Principality of Moxi have great expectations for the defense of Da Pest, or it may be said that this is their last hope.

Once Da Pest falls, the Principality of Moxi can basically be declared dead. Just move the capital and fight again. The richest plains are lost, and the remaining bad land cannot support the next war at all.

Restoring the country after the war will depend on the situation. If they just drive away the orc army, with this evil neighbor around, it is estimated that not many people will plot the land of the Principality of Moxi.

But this time the Human Alliance is determined to give the orcs a good look, in case it really severely damages the orc empire, helps the Alpha Kingdom regain its lost territory, and the Principality of Moxi becomes a safe rear area again.

Wealth + security, it is inevitable to be robbed. The nobles who participated in the war came together to share the pie, and the Principality of Moxi, which relied on others to support the restoration of the country, did not speak harshly.

The best way is for the family to hold on, lest they all be turned into exiled nobles, with no capital at all, and can only let outsiders come and share the cake.

"Don't worry, Baron Harley. The problems facing our two countries are similar now. If there is a problem in your country, we will not be much better.

What the beast watchers did was clearly the final act of madness.

They were probably frightened by the alliance's decision, and tried to quickly sweep across the northern land before the coalition forces from various countries arrived, in order to attract other foreign races to join the war.

However, this evil approach is destined to fail. The great Lord of the Morning would not watch his people being slaughtered by orcs.

Now is the last darkness before dawn, the light will come soon.

In view of the delay in the arrival of reinforcements from various countries, I think your country can first seek some help from the alliance that can be delivered as soon as possible.

For example: the lack of strategic materials, weapons and equipment, or high-end power support, especially air power.

The Eagle Man was flying above our heads all day long, and many secrets were exposed, which was really hard to guard against.

The connections between our various units still need to be strengthened. If there is enough air power and the defenders on the entire defense line are linked together, the combat effectiveness that can be exerted can definitely be doubled. "

Hudson tried to persuade.

If you don’t take anything from the Human Alliance, you won’t take it for free. If it really gets funding from various countries, as the expeditionary force representing the Alpha Kingdom, it will definitely be able to get a piece of the pie.

As for the debt issue involved, that was a matter for the Principality of Moxi and had nothing to do with him, the visiting general.

Small calculations are not important, the key is that these suggestions are really solving problems.

Nestled in the Flying Bear's Castle, he dared not take action, not because the orc army was powerful, nor because Hudson was timid. The main reason was that every move he made was exposed under the eyes of the enemy, and he really couldn't take action.

In recent days, Hudson has been studying the habits of the Eagle Scouts, trying to find an opportunity to give them a rough ride and plan a hunting trip.

However, there is still a high degree of uncertainty here. If the Eagle Scouts were cautious enough and only observed from a distance without coming within range, there was nothing Hudson could do.

Even if they succeeded the first time, the scouts would not return for a long time, causing the enemy to send people over for the second or third time. It was only a matter of time before they were exposed.

Even if Bear Stearns takes action, there is no way to guarantee that a large number of Eagles will be left behind. After all, flying in the air has a wide view.

There can be a sufficient distance between adjacent Eagle Scouts. If you want to silence them, it is difficult to do so at the same time.

If we really want to take action, we will only have a few hours left for the army to take action. The battle must be ended quickly and the troops withdrawn.

"Your Excellency, I will report the issues you have reported to the country truthfully. I will notify you of the results as soon as possible.

However, to strengthen contact, I can apply for two gryphon cavalry to be permanently stationed at the Flying Bear Castle. If necessary, we can contact you immediately. "

Baron Harley replied seriously.

These problems were far beyond his authority, even beyond the authority of Marshal Hodge. All he could do was report them.

The final decision-making was made by the powerful people in the capital. Even two gryphon cavalry need to apply to Marshal Hodge.

"All right!"

Hudson nodded and said.

Something is better than nothing. Although only two gryphon cavalry have been fooled for the time being, it is still a good start.

The main responsibility is to strengthen communication, and occasionally go out to investigate the enemy's situation, which is feasible.

There are few aerial scouts, so use some of them. Don't expect to know the enemy's detailed information, just determine the enemy's movements at the critical moment.

Deep down in his heart, Hudson became more and more passionate about the idea of ​​forming an air force.

Unfortunately, this is not a problem that can be solved without thinking about it. Let alone an individual, even a country has many difficulties in building an air force.

The biggest problem is that flying monsters are hard to find. They all fly in the sky, and the probability of being captured alive is very low; those that can be domesticated are even less likely.

Under normal circumstances, you can only plot the eggs of Warcraft, take them back and figure out how to hatch them yourself.

Now among the human race, the most widely used one is the gryphon cavalry. The griffin cavalry is not the most powerful in combat, mainly because the hatching success rate of griffin eggs is higher compared to other monsters.

On the contrary, for high-level flying monsters, even if their eggs are obtained, it is difficult to hatch them, let alone mass-produce them.

Frankly speaking, this is a long road and requires accumulation of knowledge. Even if the monster is hatched, it will be difficult to put it to use in a short time.

The establishment of an air force often requires the efforts of several generations. If you want to reproduce and expand, the financial, human, and material resources that need to be invested are astronomical.

Distant water cannot quench the near thirst, so Hudson can only temporarily abandon unnecessary thoughts and place his hope in the power of the human alliance to solve the threat in the sky.

The eastern defense line of the Warhammer Kingdom has been calm in recent days, except for the orc army that came to test it in the early stages of the collapse of the Fort August defense line.

Incredibly quiet. If the diplomats of the Warhammer Kingdom hadn't been active outside all the time, it would have been almost overlooked that they were also one of the protagonists of the war.

If the orc army does not invade, the Warhammer Kingdom will not dare to take the initiative to cause trouble. In addition to continuously expanding its army, all that is left is to strengthen the defense line.

In a sense, it is the shameless low-keyness of the Warhammer Kingdom that has created the current tragedy of the Principality of Moxi.

If they had followed the example of the Alpha Kingdom and started causing trouble on the border from time to time after the orc army turned towards the Principality of Moxi, the current situation would definitely be different.

Of course, if they really do this, the Principality of Moxi may indeed be saved, but they may be the ones who get hammered.

On one side, the allies were beaten, and on the other side, they themselves were beaten. This multiple choice question is easy to do.

Although it is somewhat unethical, between countries, it is not possible to make ends meet by relying on morality.

The peaceful years will eventually be broken one day. At some point, Duke Daniel's handsome tent suddenly appeared at the border between the Principality of Moxi and the Kingdom of Warhammer.

With a few guards, he walked low-key on the border, measuring the mountains, water, and place with his feet, just like a low-level orc officer patrolling the border.

It was a strange scene, and the soldiers of the Warhammer Kingdom did not come out to stop it. It's not that the officers and soldiers on the front line are bloodless, the main reason is that the kingdom suddenly issued an order not long ago prohibiting them from provoking border conflicts.

Counting the days, it happened to be after the Human Alliance made the decision to go to war with the Orc Empire.

Prior to this, although the Warhammer Kingdom was also low-key, due to the pressure from its allies, it still went out to kill a few orcs from time to time.

The sudden stop now is naturally because the danger is about to be lifted, and the original Three Kingdoms Alliance has become useless.

From the perspective of Warhammer Kingdom, this is definitely the most correct choice. Only by preserving strength in the early stages of the war can it be possible to gain sufficient benefits for the kingdom later on.

Of course, for the senior officials of the Warhammer Kingdom, as long as they don't continue to be neighbors with the orcs, it doesn't matter even if they get nothing.

The Alpha Kingdom wants to regain its lost territory without any problems. As the best allies, they have absolutely full support.

There is no other reason. Since becoming neighbors with the orcs, their daily military expenses have tripled.

This isn't the end yet. Under the harassment of the orcs, many lands in the border areas were forced to be abandoned, and many northern provinces were unrest.

In the current war, it seems that the Warhammer Kingdom did not suffer much loss. In fact, from the day the war broke out, the powerful men of the kingdom rarely slept well.

The enemy may come at any time, but the days when they don't come are often the most painful.

We need to be vigilant at all times. After being suppressed for a long time, and seeing the tragic situation of the Principality of Moxi, the top management of the Warhammer Kingdom became more and more conservative.

It's a pity that this kind of restraint and goodwill are seen as cowardice in the eyes of the orc high-level officials. In the Orc Empire, only the weak need to be coy, and the strong disdain it.

There was some distance between the defense lines, and Duke Daniel suddenly stopped and said coldly: "There is no need to continue, these cowards in the Warhammer Kingdom are well prepared.

Although the defense line has not yet been completed, it will be difficult to break through in a short time just based on what we see now.

The Human Alliance has intervened, and we don't have much time left. We can't waste it here with them.

Send a message to the Imperial Court that I support the attack on the Warhammer Kingdom. However, I must be responsible for selecting the place for breakthrough. "

If there is any inconsistency, the accompanying special envoy of the Silver Moon Wolf Emperor will be completely trapped. But due to the majesty of Duke Daniel, he could only suppress his doubts.

"The cold-faced Duke" is not called him for nothing. Unless this person is willing, no matter who he is facing, he will not explain.

Originally, such an arrogant person should not be able to survive in the imperial court. However, the final results every time proved that Duke Daniel's judgment was correct.

In the Silver Moon Imperial Court, which worships the strong, the outstanding Duke Daniel quickly stood out from his peers.

When a person continues to succeed, his unruly character is no longer a shortcoming, but will instead be regarded as the unique temperament of a strong person.

Don't ask why, just say it's natural. In the vast orc empire, there are not even a few good-tempered strong men.

Although Duke Daniel behaved extremely coldly and arrogantly, unwilling to take any blame from anyone, he was too capable to fight against him.

Taking stock of past achievements, no matter whether it is unmatched in the Silver Moon Imperial Court, or even looking at the entire Orc Empire, there is no comparison.

The "god of war" who was created with one knife and one shot was naturally worshiped by everyone. His status in the Silver Moon Imperial Court has also risen with the tide.

Of course, in addition to personal abilities, Duke Daniel’s background is also a plus.

As the precious son of the contemporary Silver Moon Wolf Emperor, he has been the pride of heaven since he was a child. Others want to suppress it but don't have the courage to take action.

Being one minute late is no big deal

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