
Chapter 215 The Battle of the Royal Court

Seeing that the overall situation on the battlefield had been decided, Hudson directly delegated authority to his men and climbed onto the back of a bear to pursue the cavalry team.

In order to lure the enemy into the trap, the four cavalry regiments really went straight to the orc royal court.

Counting the time, it was almost time to launch a feint attack.

Thinking of this, Hudson secretly thought it was a pity.

The miscalculation in advance was that the allies were just showing off and did not actually attack the orc imperial court.

The Ursine Legion is rushing back with all their strength. Even if they notify their allies, it is still unknown who will reach their destination first.

With more than 6,000 elite Ursine infantry, even a tired army is not easy to deal with.

His main force was still entangled with the defeated orcs, and could not catch up for a while. With only the strength of his allies, Hudson felt really unsure.

He had witnessed the destructive power of his pig teammates with his own eyes.

If the allies don't work hard enough and the Ursine Court overturns the situation, the achievements they finally achieved will be greatly reduced.

The main reason was that the nearby defenders had no record to add to their ranks, and even bragging records could not be shown. There was really no reason for Hudson to trust him.

The speed of the "flying bear" on the earth is extraordinary. In the blink of an eye, Hudson ran in front of the bear infantry.

The savage Bear Stearns took Hudson and passed directly over the heads of the bear army. The bear's paws crackled and slapped fiercely, and countless unlucky bears met the beast god in advance before they knew what was happening.

As a bear knight, Mr. Hudson was naturally not idle, throwing the magic he knew on the ground for free.

Sometimes it rains hail, sometimes fireballs fall from the sky, sometimes the ground is stung, and sometimes there is fog...

What kind of magic you encounter depends entirely on luck. Anyway, they are thrown randomly, and the unlucky ones are the ones they hit.

The most terrifying thing was that the Ursine warrior who had met the beast god got up from the ground again, picked up his weapon and slashed his comrades with the butcher knife.

A bunch of instant magic was thrown around, and those who didn't know it thought they were throwing magic scrolls. Under normal circumstances, without the cultivation of a great mage, it would be impossible to achieve this speed.

Especially this kind of magic from all departments competing to appear first. I have never heard of who is the great mage in the Aslant continent.

Not to mention all the great magisters, not even all the magicians have appeared.

If we insist on saying that there is, it can only be the omnipotent god in legend. Anyway, they are all legends and stories, no one has ever seen them with their own eyes.

The chaotic scene made the already low morale of the Ursine infantry become even more turbulent.

By the time they reacted, one person and one bear had already disappeared into the sky. Hundreds of people were lost without even touching the enemy's shadow. Bruno almost fainted from anger.

There is no way, this kind of enemy that comes and goes without a trace is the most troublesome. If you want to take revenge, you don't know how to start. .

"Despicable villain! He has no bearing of a strong man at all, he is just..."

Cursing endlessly still doesn't help. The man and the bear who disappeared from sight were already far away and could not be heard at all.

The strong man's magnanimity is a joke.

Mr. Hudson was never a strong man, so how could he have the air of a strong man?

As for Bear Stearns, as a four- or five-year-old toddler bear, he is at his most naughty and has no concept of being strong.

As a vindictive bear, Bear Stearns has not forgotten the last time he was attacked by bears. Even the route of advance was chosen exactly the same as that of the Ursine Legion, and it was clear that they wanted to vent their anger on them.

As the commander of the main army, Bruno's strength is naturally not weak. But compared with Bear Stearns, there is still a long way to go.

Although he was shouting loudly, his body still stayed in place very honestly, and he didn't have the intention to catch up.

He was also a personal participant in the siege of Bear Stearns that day. I have witnessed with my own eyes several masters of the same level who were only slightly weaker than him, having their heads slapped away by bear paws.

If it weren't for the overwhelming number of people, I'm afraid the Bearman Imperial Court would be shaken up.

It cannot be said that there is no gain at all. Combined with the battle just now, Bruno has already locked the suspicion on Hudson.

The only problem is that the information doesn't match up. According to the information, Hudson's mount bear is just an adult bear of the earth, and it shouldn't be so strong.

It is understandable that the skin is strong enough to withstand beatings. The Earth Bear's defense is already high. The problem is that the strong magic power cannot be accumulated by a newly adult bear.

If his strength doesn't match up, Bruno can only choose to accept it. Ninety-nine percent of people will never encounter the Earth Bear, a creature as precious as a giant dragon, let alone form a contract with it.

In a short time, one man and one bear caught up with the cavalry team. At this moment, the cavalry regiment is launching a feint attack on the Bearman Imperial Court.

There are two ways before Hudson, either to stop and leave immediately with the team; or to turn into a feint attack as the main attack and use the only four cavalry regiments at hand to forcibly attack the Bearman Imperial Court.

After taking a look at the main camp of the Bear Man Royal Court, the number of defenders was smaller than expected. Hudson suddenly felt that he could still work hard one more time.

Four thousand elite cavalry against a 10,000 orc cannon fodder army theoretically has a high chance of winning. The only question is when reinforcements from the Ursine Court will arrive.

The five major orc royal families are full of conflicts. It is not uncommon for them to dig holes in each other and torment their teammates, but this does not mean that everyone loses sight of the overall situation.

Once the Ursine Imperial Court falls, it will not be a trivial matter to deceive teammates, but a tragedy that will defraud oneself as well.

The Human Alliance has declared war on the Orc Empire. It is already at a critical moment. If they don't unite, the Orcs will be in trouble.

At this time, once the Orc Empire shows its decadence, the human nations will definitely swarm in and wipe them out directly.

The "clearance" operation before the catastrophe was no longer an ordinary racial war, but had risen to the level of racial strategy.

The weaker the Orc Empire appears, the more hesitant its potential allies will be; on the contrary, if it acts stronger, it will be easier to gain support from all races.

"Bear Stearns, look for an opportunity to take down the orcs' camp defenses."

There was not much time left for him, so naturally he could only use the most convenient method. As for Bear Stearns' exposure, that is inevitable.

The orcs are not stupid. Even if there is no perfect intelligence system among the humans, they can still capture a few nobles and extract confessions.

After all, they are only a minority who regard death as death. Under torture, there will always be people who cannot bear to confess.

Deep in the camp, the Bear King, who had witnessed the battle with his own eyes, was already furious.

Our troops only left the house in the morning, and the enemy came over in the afternoon. If he didn't know he had fallen into the trap, his life would have been in vain.

Just the sight of the cavalry in front of them had brought them enough trouble. If there are still human troops coming from behind, the imperial court will definitely not be able to defend it.

At the moment of life and death, life is more important than face after all, so the Bear King can only lower his face and ask for help from everywhere.

However, the five imperial courts have their own defense zones, and the distance between them is no less than a hundred miles. The nearest reinforcements to them were the troops that had just been dispatched.

"Have you found Bruno?"

Seeing the Eagle Man descending from the sky, the Bear King asked with concern.

"Found it, just..."

Seeing the Yingman hesitating, the Bearman Emperor became furious. If this was not a scout borrowed from the Yingren Imperial Court, he would have slapped him with a big slap.

Having a bad temper means being impatient. Before Yingren could finish his words, Bearman Emperor interrupted forcefully:

"It's just what it is, tell me quickly!"

"Your Majesty, General Bruno is leading his team back and will arrive at the Imperial Court in another two hours.

It’s just that the state of the army is not very good, it looks like it has been defeated, and the total strength is only about 6,000..."

Seeing the Bear King's face gradually darkening, Yingren decisively chose to shut up.

Forget it if you don't want to hear it, he's not a soldier of the Bear Court. If you really can't hold the camp, just flap your wings and leave.


With a cold shout, the angry Bear King was about to get angry when he suddenly heard a loud noise.

The defensive facilities set up at the entrance of the camp were suddenly destroyed by a giant bear that was more than ten meters high. The experts in the camp were preparing to intercept it, but the cavalry team had already followed the gap opened by the giant bear and rushed in.

An older priest walked up to the Bear King and persuaded him: "I'm afraid your Majesty's camp is in danger. Please retreat first.

When the army returns, we will settle the accounts with these human armies. "

After all, they were caught off guard, and many of the Bearman Imperial Court's methods were unable to be used.

If they were in their lair, not to mention 4,000 human cavalry, even 40,000 human cavalry might not be enough.

"No, the camp cannot be given up. No matter what, we must hold on.

This is not only related to the face of our Ursine clan, but also determines our status in the Orc Empire.

Use the secret method, even if I abandon this legion in the camp, I can't retreat! "

The Bear King's words left the old priest speechless. Let the Bear King retreat just to facilitate the use of secret techniques.

Otherwise, it would be worse if they were all within the coverage of the secret technique and the Bear King was also affected by the secret technique. He rushed out with weapons and fought bloody battles with the enemy.

"Your Majesty, how about you retreat to the back camp with your guards first to avoid being affected by the secret technique?"

The old priest explained hurriedly.

Realizing that he had misunderstood, the Bear King smiled awkwardly and walked silently to the rear camp.

It's not just a matter of letting him become a deserter. There is no bear king among the bear people who abandoned the camp and ran away. Even if they were to leave, it would be a strategic shift.

Without any worries, a mysterious war song suddenly sounded in the camp. The orc soldiers, who were originally in low morale and defeated steadily, were resurrected with full health after hearing the war song.

The red eyes and the green forehead are particularly penetrating.

Realizing something was wrong, Hudson hurriedly summoned Bear Stearns to stop him, but the orc masters in the camp blocked the way.

In just such a delay, the secret technique of the orc sacrifice was completed. All efforts were in vain, and Hudson was filled with anger.

Not to mention capturing the Bear King alive, just by defeating the Bear King's Court, he could be sent to the ranks of famous generals on the mainland.

We just need to be stable in the future. After the war, there is still a good chance of becoming a real earl.

Of course, this kind of thing still depends on opportunity. In this era where every carrot is a pit, credit is only secondary, the key is to have a pit.

Under the current rules of the game, if no ownerless county appears, no matter how hard you work, it will be in vain.

All the king can give is a bunch of empty titles. For example, if you seal the land of the Orc Empire to the outside world for free, you can take it yourself if you have the ability.

If you go deeper, you will find that the base of the Orc Empire has been divided out more than a dozen times by successive kings of the Alpha Kingdom.

In order to prevent the proliferation of titles, fiefdom lords could not be granted titles, and titles ended in one generation.

What is left to future generations is a glorious history that can be shown off and then lamented about bad luck.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

The sound of arrows piercing the air spoke of Hudson's rage.


A scream came from the orc sacrifice, and three of the four arrows were blocked, and only one achieved victory.

Without time to verify the results of the battle, Hudson, whose position was exposed, decisively stepped out and hid himself among the army.

“Jim, let the people below use the photo stone to record it in detail.

Especially the top brass of the Bearman Imperial Court must appear on the screen. "

Hudson ordered to his men.

No matter how you say it, the great achievements of attacking the Ursine Imperial Court cannot be given up in vain.

Record the battle scenes, and maybe when the kingdom is promoting it, it can be directly beautified for political needs and become the victory of the Ursine Royal Court.

This kind of exaggerating the record has been done twice before, and Hudson is also familiar with it.

The only regret is that there is no Crown Prince Caesar in front this time, otherwise it will not only be possible, but will definitely become "conquering the Ursine Royal Court".

The bloodthirsty orcs desperately blocked the progress of the cavalry, and their combat effectiveness increased significantly.

In an instant, Hudson thought of the legendary "Orc Sacrifice Song." Although this secret technique has a time limit, unfortunately what he lacks now is time.

Once the delay here is too long, it will not be the expeditionary army attacking the Ursine Imperial Court, but the orcs trying to destroy the expeditionary army.

Seeing the fluttering war flag of the Ursine clan, Hudson's eyes lit up instantly. I finally made the trip, so I had to take some souvenirs back with me.

The exotic and unique Ursine battle flag is undoubtedly a good choice.

Although doing this is a bit of a hatred, but things have developed to this point, the hatred between the two parties has long been as deep as the ocean.

"Bear Stearns, don't be obsessed with fighting. Find an opportunity to take away the royal battle flag of the orcs and make these bear cubs angry to death."

Hudson imitated the tone of the cub and communicated mentally.

Fortunately, the contract is magical enough to allow spiritual communication between people and monsters. Otherwise, shouting like this will arouse the idea of ​​​​the strong orc, and then there will be no chance.

There was only a snapping sound, and the flagpole suddenly broke from the middle. Bear Stearns picked up the fluttering Ursine flag and rushed out.

Seeing this scene, Hudson ordered without hesitation: "Retreat!"

The biggest advantage of cavalry is that they can run fast. Even if the orcs behind them want to catch up, they can only watch the horse's butt eat ashes.

A few strong orcs can keep up with the speed of the cavalry. But facing an army alone is obviously not a good choice.

In this aspect, neither humans nor orcs can compare to Warcraft.

Warcraft with rough skin and thick flesh can run two circles in the army without much problem, but intelligent races such as humans and orcs cannot.

No matter how powerful it is, its defense is not as good as that of monsters of the same level, not even warriors who specialize in body training.

"Stop the pursuit!"

The Bear King ordered coldly.

The anger that filled his heart did not extinguish his reason. Chasing them out at this time has no real meaning other than a waste of effort.

The days are long, and deep down in his heart, the Bear King has made up his mind. When his army is assembled, he will definitely pull out the nail in the Flying Bear's Castle to relieve the hatred in his heart.

Not long after Hudson's army withdrew, the Bear Legion that had been coming all the way finally appeared outside the camp.

Looking at the Imperial Court camp with corpses on the ground and the disappeared Imperial Court battle flag, Bruno looked ashen.

Fortunately, the orcs who were constantly active in the camp pulled him out of despair. As long as the imperial court is saved, there is room for maneuver in everything.

After bravely walking into the camp and appearing outside the Bear King's tent, Bruno's steps suddenly slowed down.

Although this time it was for the savior, he was not able to participate in the battle to defend the imperial court. The army he brought out suffered heavy losses, but it actually happened.

Regret is out of the question. If he had to do it all over again, he would still do it.

This is a matter of principle. No superior wants his subordinates to gamble with their own lives.

No matter how correct the judgment is, ability is not worth mentioning in the face of loyalty.

After stepping into the Bear King's tent, a roar sounded in the camp.

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