
Chapter 216 The rise of a famous general

When they left the Ursine Imperial Court and returned to the battlefield with the cavalry, the battle had come to an end.

It can be seen from the corpses all over the ground that the results of the battle were brilliant. Leaving aside ordinary orcs, the most important thing is to kill thousands of elite bear men.

When bragging in the future, the expeditionary force can openly announce to the outside world that they are also an elite division that has defeated the main bear army head-on.

Twenty thousand infantrymen clashed head-on with an army of 30,000 orcs, including an army of bearmen known as the continent's first infantrymen. This record was enough to brag about for a lifetime.

The attack of four thousand cavalry on the Ursine Imperial Court was a classic battle worthy of a book. Two shocking victories in one day were enough to leave a mark in the history of the human race.

Military victory is second, and the key is political influence. With this record, it was enough to offset the previous defeat of the expeditionary force in the Battle of Dacias.

If this record was spread back to the country, I guess Caesar III would secretly regret that he recalled his son too early.

If the crown prince is allowed to stay in the position of commander of the expeditionary force for a longer period of time, he can also take advantage of this wave of military success and save some reputation.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world. Who would have thought that the expeditionary force, which was seriously injured, could actually make a comeback in a difficult situation?

No need to think about it, we know that as a negative example, Crown Prince Caesar will have even more miserable days in the future.

In the eyes of the outside world, the expeditionary force can still fight. The failure of the Battle of Dacias was purely caused by the commander's blind command.

At the very least, the nobles of the Alpha Kingdom will adhere to this view as a bargaining chip in the subsequent political game.

Even if Crown Prince Caesar succeeds to the throne in the future, it will be difficult for him to have much say when it comes to military issues.

Hudson couldn't think too much about things that would harm Chi Yu. We will have time to sort out the political and military victories later, but the most urgent task is to count the losses and consider the aftermath.

Of the 4,000 cavalrymen who went on the expedition, when they returned to the castle, only more than 3,200 were left, with a loss rate of nearly 20%.

This was one of the reasons why Hudson decisively ordered the withdrawal and did not continue to struggle in the Bear Court.

Even when he encountered tired bear infantry on the way back, he chose to let them go.

It's not that he is soft-hearted, but the cavalry losses are too great. If he fights the bear infantry again, the cavalry troops in his hands will be lost.

In the absence of supplements, highly mobile cavalry power is undoubtedly very valuable.

Had it not been for the expansion of so many cavalry, Hudson would not have dared to plan this classic battle.

Once the cavalry is gone and the expeditionary force relies purely on infantry support, it will be difficult for the expeditionary force in the future.

Compared to the cavalry, the infantry regiment's situation is much better. In addition to the elite collision in the early stage, which resulted in the loss of many soldiers, in the later stage, they were all beaten up.

The number of attrition is about 10%, which is completely acceptable to Hudson compared to the brilliant record.

The only regret is that despite the brilliant achievements, not many trophies were captured. The orcs came out to fight, and they didn't carry much supplies with them.

There are a lot of good things in the Bear Man's Imperial Court, but it's a pity that Hudson didn't dare to let the soldiers grab them.

If they really carry a large amount of loot and lose the mobility of the cavalry, it is unknown whether they can escape unscathed.

The biggest gain was actually the ambush team sent out to fish in the first place.

More than 300 carriages were occupied, and although one-third of them were hauling horse corpses, it was enough to make Hudson smile.

Most of the loot that filled more than two hundred carriages were gold coins or gold products, and the total value of this part alone was no less than two million gold coins.

The remaining loot was of all kinds, including seven noble girls and five elf slaves.

At first glance, you can tell that this is a gift for the important people in the Bear Court, and now everything is cheaper for Hudson.

But he didn't touch any of these beauties. We are all nobles, so when we meet the family members of our colleagues, we must rescue them and comfort them.

At least in front of countless nobles, no one dared to add insult to injury. Mr. Hudson, who cherishes feathers, will not make mistakes on this.

Five elven slaves, not to mention. Surprisingly, they are all men, and Mr. Hudson does not have such strong tastes.

Deep down in his heart, he was speechless for a while because of his special love for the Moxi nobles. It’s really a lot of fun to hold on after eating.

I asked around the nobles in the army, maybe I was embarrassed in front of everyone, but no one wanted to take over.

Hudson had no idea how to deal with it. We can only lock the person up first and wait for the noble with a special hobby to come and claim it.

Of course, the probability of this happening is low. Special hobbies are nothing new in aristocratic circles, but few dare to make things public.

With so much loot, Hudson certainly couldn't keep it all to himself.

All nobles who participated in the war received a portion, and an additional portion was reserved for those who died in battle.

In these face-saving projects, Hudson has never been stingy.

The expeditionary force headquarters also has to leave a fund for activities. Although I don’t have money to spend now, who can say for sure what will happen in the future?

War can only stop ordinary people. For those warmongers eager to make war fortunes, troubled times are the best opportunity.

Mercenaries from all over the world have been pouring into the Principality of Moxi recently. If the city of Da Pest had not been under siege, I guess there would have been an endless stream of people reporting there every day.

"Crisis", that is, only when there is "danger" can there be "opportunity".

Without this opportunity, civilians and nobles would always be two different classes.

The supreme mobilization order of King Chris IX cleared the legal obstacles for commoners to become nobles.

Theoretically speaking, by taking risks and achieving outstanding achievements in war, you can achieve a leap in life.

As for whether you can cross it, it still depends on luck. Many noble ancestors made their fortunes this way.

Prosperity, decline, revival, decline...

As long as it doesn't perish, it's a cycle.

There is no eternally prosperous family in this world. Even if it is an ancient nobility that claims to have been inherited for thousands or tens of thousands of years, the ancestors may only have one surname.

Gold coins and gold products are easy to handle, the value is clear at a glance, and can be divided up directly.

The remaining mess can only be dealt with after getting rid of it.

After all, this is war time, and the previous price system has long since collapsed.

Various handicrafts that were once highly sought after are now less valuable than bread.

The prices of goods linked to war have soared to the sky.

No one wanted the elf slaves, but the magic equipment among the trophies was robbed by a group of nobles as soon as they appeared.

The final solution is very simple, just put it up for auction - the highest bidder gets it.

All that could be digested internally was digested, and the remaining magical materials with less use, as well as a bunch of strange and unrecognizable things, were all left in the warehouse of the expeditionary force.

As the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, Hudson naturally took the biggest share of the cake, followed by Mr. Bear Stearns, who was in charge of combat power.

The battle flag of the Royal Court of Bears alone cannot be easily measured with money.

The only problem is that the battle flag cannot be given away now, or Hudson is unwilling to hand it over cheaply.

The current Principality of Moxi has too much time to take care of itself and cannot afford such a high price.

Giving it to them has no real meaning other than to boost morale. No matter how generous the promise was, Hudson would not foolishly go to the Principality of Moxi to guard the border for them.

Take it back home, the journey is so long, who knows what will happen?

If the orcs snatch it back halfway, all your hard work will be in vain.

What's more, Hudson is unable to return home at this moment, and there is no one in the Koslow family in the court. Even if he takes the things back, it will be difficult to get the rewards he deserves.

Rather than making wedding clothes for others, it is better to keep them in your hands for decoration. When you hang it in the living room, no matter who sees it, you must respect it.

When training troops, you can also show it off from time to time to eliminate the fear of orcs among ordinary soldiers.

After experiencing this battle, Hudson clearly felt the transformation of the army. Not only did the troops participating in the battle become more and more confident, but the morale of the defenders in the city also increased.

The fact that you wet your pants when you hear about orcs will never happen again.

Listening to the constant bragging of his colleagues, the local nobles of Moxi who stayed behind felt envious.

In a battle of this level, as long as the number of people participating is enough, it can be used to brag for a lifetime.

Unfortunately, before the competition started, not many people dared to sign up. Of course, even if they were willing to sign up, Hudson would not give them the opportunity to cause trouble on the battlefield.

If you want your name to appear on the list of military exploits, there is no chance at all. As long as you give Mr. Hudson a generous gift, you can be hung up.

The size of military exploits is entirely determined by the value of the gift. Anyway, the expeditionary force and the Moxi garrison are two systems, and they will not snatch each other's resources.

After sorting out the internal issues, a successful letter of artistic processing was distributed to all parties in the name of the expeditionary force.

Thinking of this, Hudson couldn't help complaining: The country did not pay attention to the expeditionary force, and it was difficult to even contact the royal capital directly.

Every time a message was sent, he would either have the Mossi griffin cavalry deliver the message, or he would send his own messenger to run thousands of miles on horseback.

Communication difficulties are not entirely a problem. The biggest advantage is that Hudson's authority is high enough and he doesn't need to ask for instructions on everything.

Even if he provokes a big battle, there is no need to report to the kingdom. If you lose the battle, you can even block the news directly.

As long as the expeditionary force is controlled well and the soldiers damaged in the battle are replenished in time, they can be fooled.

For a country that has been fighting fierce battles with orcs for a long time, being chased by orcs is not a big deal at all.

As long as the position is not lost and there is no significant loss of troops, it can all be considered a strategic transition.

"What, Earl Hudson went to attack the Bear Court?"

Marshal Hodge asked in disbelief.

Before the battle report was sent out, the news had already spread. I had communicated with my neighbors beforehand, and everyone was paying close attention to the battlefield.

The specific situation is unknown, but just by looking at the chased orcs running around, everyone knows that Hudson won the battle.

Of course, it is necessary to inform his boss about such a good thing. Originally, Marshal Hoch only regarded it as a small victory and didn't take it seriously.

But the news that came back one after another made him more and more frightened. As someone who has seen big scenes, Marshal Hoch can still barely hold his own.

Now that the news of the attack on the Bear Royal Court came out, the old marshal was also broken. No longer caring about his image, he directly asked the doubts in his heart.

"Yes, Your Excellency Marshal. We just received the news from the people below. We couldn't believe it and sent people to the bear camp to investigate.

Judging from the situation at the scene, they had indeed just experienced a big battle, and the camp was severely damaged.

According to the news from the defenders in various places, the armies of the other four imperial courts also suddenly mobilized, all heading towards the location of the Bear Man Imperial Court.

It can be initially determined that the Bearman Imperial Court was forced to seek help from the other four imperial courts because it was under serious threat from foreign enemies.

The only people nearby who have the strength to pose a threat to the Ursine Royal Court are the Alpha Kingdom Expeditionary Force stationed at the Flying Bear's Castle.

Just on the day of the incident, the expeditionary force also mobilized a large number of troops, and the defenders of several nearby castles also dispatched troops to coordinate.

However, the originally agreed upon plan was for everyone to pretend to attack the Bearman Imperial Court and force the orc army to come back for reinforcements.

I don’t know what happened in the middle. In the end, the feint attack turned into a strong attack.

Perhaps Earl Hudson discovered the fighter plane, or perhaps there was a reason to attack. The Alpha Kingdom Expeditionary Force did launch an attack on the Ursine Imperial Court.

Judging from the intelligence collected, the expeditionary force should have taken advantage this time. For the specific situation, we still have to wait for Earl Hudson's battle report. "

Harley replied seriously.

Everyone was pushed to the ground and rubbed by the orcs, and they had to be extremely careful when making any small moves out of the city.

Now, someone actually dares to stab the Ursine Imperial Court, and even takes advantage of it. The news is really unbelievable.

But the idea is not important, the key is that the facts are in front of you. The expeditionary force really did it, and they did it beautifully.

After calming down, Marshal Hoch's face suddenly turned rosy and he said with a smile:

"This is a great joy. With Earl Hudson's move, the pressure on Da Pest will be greatly reduced.

If the Royal Court of Bears is really hit hard, the pressure on our nearby castles will also be greatly reduced in the short term, and we can expand the scope of our activities again. "

It can be seen that he is happy from the bottom of his heart. Seeing that the situation was becoming increasingly unfavorable for the Principality of Moxi, he, the marshal, was also under great pressure.

The voices of criticism within the principality have never stopped. He was not kicked out just because he couldn't find a more suitable candidate.

Personal fame and fortune were nothing more than that. The key was the overthrow of the principality, which worried him the most.

There are no eggs left to fall apart. Once the Principality of Moxi collapses, all the nobles, big and small, attached to the Principality will fall into the quagmire.


"Marshal, there is an urgent battle report from Flying Bear Castle, please..."

Before the visitor could finish speaking, Marshal Hoch grabbed the battle report and opened the seal to read it.

There wasn't much on the parchment, but it weighed as much as a thousand pounds in his hands.

The further down he looked, the more obvious the change in Marshal Hoch's expression became. In the end, his mouth turned into a big O-shape.

“Harley, send someone immediately to forward the battle report to the royal capital.

To prevent accidents, please make several copies and send them out via different routes. "

Bear Emperor, facing the reinforcements from the four imperial courts, the Bear Emperor looked embarrassed.

The nest is not safe, so we have to ask our allies for help. If word spreads, we will be laughed at for the rest of our lives.

Judging from the half-smiling expressions of the visitors, you can tell that they are all laughing at him now.

He knew they were watching a joke, but he also recruited these reinforcements himself. Being able to come over is a favor.

Losing face is a matter of the Ursine Imperial Court itself, and cannot be blamed on its allies.

"Your Majesty Bear Emperor, is this Earl of Hudson really so powerful?"

Crown Prince Alex asked with concern.

Although the Beamon clan also fought against the Hudson, it was a pity that the unlucky cavalry regiment was completely destroyed without any valuable information being sent back.

Due to strategic needs, the Behemoth Imperial Court never had time to retaliate, but the account was still recorded first.

Even though the Beamon tribe and the Ursine tribe have always disliked each other, they still recognized the strength of the Ursine infantry.

Now that this old enemy has suffered a big loss at the hands of Hudson, Crown Prince Alex, who is interested in revenge, will naturally pay attention to it.

"He is the most powerful enemy among the enemies we have encountered since the war began.

Not only is he good at using troops, he is also very capable in running an army. Especially the first legion of his direct expeditionary force is the top legion among the human race.

If we encounter him on the battlefield in the future, everyone must be careful. This time we were careless and fell into his trap. "

The Bear King replied bravely.

It's okay not to praise him. If he can't prove that Hudson is powerful, then it will appear that he is too incompetent as a member of the Bear family.

In order to prevent yourself from becoming useless, you can only make your enemies more powerful.

It was a little unnatural at first, but the Bear King soon got used to it. Apart from himself, two of the other four people present actually nodded in agreement.

In a blink of an eye, the Bear King understood what was going on.

Both the Silver Moon Wolf Clan and the Beamon Clan were defeated at the hands of Hudson. Although the Ursine Royal Family suffered the most heavy losses, the other two families suffered considerable losses.

The enemy is huddled in the Flying Bear's Castle and has tens of thousands of soldiers. The matter of revenge cannot be carried out for a while.

But leaving Hudson active outside would make everyone lose face. The Bear King wants to brag about how powerful Hudson is, and they just go with the flow.

Since the enemies are so powerful, the small defeat they encountered before seems to be a matter of course.

No matter what, everyone is here to mess around, and they still have to show their face.

Three of the five major royal families say they are powerful, and it is difficult for the remaining two families not to believe it.

With the approval and endorsement of the Orc Empire, a general star was raised.

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