
Chapter 327 Transaction in progress

"Count, Archduke Efiero is here to visit."

Just after calming down a dragon-bear war, Hudson was speechless when he received this big news.

Having dealt with Archduke Efiero, it was a bit of a warm relationship, but this little friendship was obviously not enough to make the Minister of Military Affairs, who was busy with everything, come to visit him in person.

You don't need to think about it to know that Archduke Efiero must have come here for Maxim.

He had known for a long time that someone would be targeting his dragon, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly. The war had just ended, and everyone was busy taking over the fiefdoms. The Minister of Military Affairs came to the door. This efficiency was also very good.

But it’s normal to think about it. Something like a giant dragon going into heat is inherently full of uncertainty. If you don’t communicate in advance, you won’t know when the next time will be if you miss it.

Just refer to the practice of the Frankish Kingdom. People prepare the female animals that need to be bred in advance and wait for the dragon to come into heat.

None of the kingdom's great nobles came to the door, probably because they didn't have time to prepare the female beast. After all, although the dragon's genes are powerful, the genes of the mother beast are equally crucial.

The minimum requirement must be a Warcraft. Even if an ordinary beast is bred with a giant dragon, the potential of the sub-dragon beast born is not high.

Of course, it won't work if the level of the Warcraft is too high. Not to mention the probability of genetic mutation is too high, the sub-dragon beast's fertility will also be limited, or even directly lose its fertility.

In the final analysis, what everyone wants is a Warcraft legion that can be mass-produced, not a cub with powerful talents.

The most basic thing is that the female animal can give birth, preferably one litter at a time, and the growth cycle should not be too long.

In addition to these limitations, the attributes of Warcraft must also be considered. Maxim is a fire-type dragon, so choosing a fire-type monster to borrow seeds is undoubtedly the best choice.

There are so many restrictions that even the great nobles cannot deal with in a short while. After all, borrowing seeds is also full of uncertainties, and it cannot be achieved by just one or two female animals.

"Invite him to the living room, I'll be there right away!"

Hudson immediately ordered.

A personal visit from the military minister representing the kingdom must be taken seriously. The main thing is that his Warcraft Legion will be here soon!

With the ability of the Koslow family, God knows how much time it will take to find a suitable female animal to breed with Maxim.

The rational Hudson would naturally not do such a waste of time and energy. If you have a dragon in hand, you can wait for everyone to come to your door to discuss cooperation.

There is no free lunch in the world, and you need to pay a price if you want to borrow seeds. Collecting gold coins is too tacky and can easily hurt feelings. It is better to share the results directly.

Of course, this is limited to potential female beasts. After all, the more races the Warcraft Legion has, the better. That will add a lot of intangible costs.

The most economical way is to devote the kingdom's efforts to cultivating one or two excellent war beasts and build a Warcraft Legion based on them.

Judging from the successful cases, this is basically how it works. Although the sub-dragon beasts cultivated by everyone are all kinds of strange, there are only one or two types that can be selected as mounts for the Warcraft Legion.

This kind of thing requires a certain amount of luck.

For example: The Iliban Kingdom has done this many times, but so far it has not produced a sub-dragon cavalry suitable for the air force. It can only use giant eagle cavalry, griffin cavalry... instead.

The main reason is that due to the limitation of the dragon's estrus time, if the breeding fails once, I don't know how long it will take to do it a second time.

When the dragon knight's life span was exhausted, the dragon ran away directly, and the experiment had to be suspended. In the years of owning the Dragon Knight, no one can say how many times he can experiment.

"The tea is very good. It seems that His Excellency the Earl is also a person who loves life!"

Grand Duke Efiero said with a smile.

For a group of nobles whose staple food is meat, tea to relieve greasiness has long become a necessity in life.

But when it comes to tea tasting, Hudson is an amateur. This kind of drink from overseas is a luxury product in the Aslant continent. Only wealthy nobles have the right to be picky about tea varieties.

The pot of tea brewing in front of me was sent by Isabel, and the selected tea variety was completely unknown to Hudson.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know. Since the customer says it’s good tea, it means it’s really good tea. Anyway, this meeting was not for tea.

"Haha... That's natural. I didn't expect that His Excellency the Grand Duke is also a person who knows tea. If you like it, you might as well take some back with you!"

Hudson said with a smile.

Everything was so natural, as if he really understood tea.

"Then thank you very much, Your Excellency, for your kindness!

In addition to reminiscing about old times, I am taking the liberty of visiting you this time. There is also an important matter involving the future development of the kingdom that I need to discuss with you! "

Grand Duke Efiero said cautiously.

From that serious expression, Hudson understood everything. Without any hesitation, he immediately asked cooperatively: "I wonder why the Grand Duke came here this time?"

Politics is like this, you can't act too smart. The play to be performed must be completed through the process.

"Your Excellency, you personally commanded the troops to participate in this war, and you probably have a deep understanding of the military strength of various countries in the mainland.

In particular, their Warcraft Legion has shown impressive combat effectiveness. I wonder if your Excellency the Count has any ideas? "

Grand Duke Efiero asked with concern.

There are actually differences within the kingdom's military regarding the vigorous development of the Warcraft Legion. Some expressed support, while others expressed opposition.

Both sides had their own reasons, especially after Hudson proposed building an army of magic crossbows and magic crystal cannons, the dispute reached a climax.

Compared with the magical beasts that may have accidents at any time, lifeless magic crossbows and magic crystal cannons are obviously much easier to control.

Now within the Ministry of Military Affairs, everyone has just reluctantly reached an agreement: to vigorously promote the construction of the Warcraft Legion.

If he wants to develop the Warcraft Legion well, he must first win the support of Hudson, otherwise the plan will not proceed at all.

"To be honest with the Grand Duke, the Warcraft legions of the major forces are indeed very powerful. In my opinion, once the problem of the cost of Warcraft is solved, the Warcraft legion will definitely become the mainstream of the mainland army.

It is said that the Tyrannosaurus rex of the Frankish Kingdom, with the help of magic potion, only took seven years from birth to going to the battlefield.

Pterosaurs take slightly longer to cultivate, but not more than ten years.

Although this growth time is much longer than that of a war horse, it is acceptable. If research continues, this time may be further shortened.

If costs are not considered, they already have the ability to cultivate World of Warcraft on a large scale.

The progress of several other major forces is slightly slower, but the gap is not too huge if you think about it. Perhaps it will only be a few decades before the Warcraft Legion becomes popular! "

Hudson said worriedly.

This information is made public among the coalition forces. As the commander-in-chief of the kingdom's army, Hudson naturally has to pay attention to the information from his allies.

As for the question of whether the news is true or false, it is actually not that important. Now that Archduke Efiero has come to visit, it is obvious that the kingdom wants to develop the Warcraft Legion.

"His Majesty and His Excellency the Earl have the same view, and both believe that the Warcraft Legion will be the mainstream of future wars.

It is not only our human race that has conducted in-depth research in this area, there are also many races among the alien races that have formed Warcraft legions.

At present, the one that has gone furthest in this field is actually not the Frankish Kingdom, but the ancient elves. Compared with us humans, elves have the natural ability to be close to nature, and it is obviously easier to get close to Warcraft.

Exactly how far they have gone is still unknown. But what is certain is that the Franks are already preparing to form a large-scale Warcraft Legion.

According to the intelligence collected by the kingdom, Charles III privately announced that he would form eight Tyrannosaurus Rex legions and five Pteranodon legions within five years.

The exact number of people is unknown, but based on the status of the First Kingdom on the Mainland, a legion they formed must have at least several thousand Warcraft Cavalry.

The Holy See, the Iliban Kingdom, the Black... and more than a dozen major clan powers all have similar plans.

The remaining human forces have also taken action secretly, but the progress is not obvious yet.

The kingdom has fallen seriously behind in this regard. If we don't seize the time to catch up and wait for the major forces to complete this military reform, we will be in big trouble! "

After hearing what Archduke Efiero said, Hudson cursed secretly for being shameless. After all the reasons, it was not just to breed dragons.

Talking about the righteousness of the kingdom is nothing more than a subtle message to him: Don't rip off people at this time, as it will cause public outrage.

“Your Majesty the Grand Duke, if the kingdom forms a Warcraft Legion, I will definitely support it 100%.

But the problem is that although I am also a magician, I know nothing about cultivating monsters. Even if I want to contribute, I don’t know how to start! "

Hudson said deliberately pretending to be confused.

You don’t need to take advantage of the situation, but you still have to fight for the initiative. As the Minister of Military Affairs, Archduke Efiero was still very busy and did not have time to spend time with Hudson. He immediately got straight to the point:

"Your Excellency, you can definitely help with this matter. Judging from the Warcraft legions currently formed by major forces, they are all dominated by sub-dragon beasts.

Most of the seeds for cultivation and research come from giant dragons. As the fourth dragon knight in the mainland, the future of the kingdom rests on you. "

Hearing this explanation, Hudson's face almost turned dark. What does it mean to be placed on him? It is obviously placed on Maxim.

The one who wants to breed with the monster is Maxim, the red dragon, and not Earl Hudson.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally didn't open his mouth to refute. It was just a slip of the tongue, nothing to worry about.

“Your Excellency, it’s useless to just convince me, the key is for the dragon to cooperate.

As you know, the dragon's estrus period has no rules at all. Although in theory, adult dragons can actively enter estrus, there are too few successful cases.

At least the other three dragon knights could not convince their dragon to agree.

As a new dragon knight, I know less about the dragon's habits. I'm afraid it will be quite difficult to convince the red dragon to actively enter the estrus period! "

We are not afraid of "difficulties", but we are afraid of not being able to handle them. Whether it's deception or bribery, Grand Duke Efiero only needs the red dragon to contribute its seeds, and he doesn't care about the process.

The worst outcome is to wait for the dragon to come into heat naturally. If it can be opened in advance, it is worth paying a certain price.

"Your Excellency, if you have any difficulties, please feel free to ask. As long as the kingdom can solve it, we will definitely help you solve it!"

Grand Duke Efiero rubbed his forehead helplessly and said.

When it was related to interests, he immediately felt a headache. But I couldn't refuse this kind of thing. After all, it was too difficult to control the dragon's estrus manually.

It’s not that no one has thought about secretly drugging them, but the problem is that the dragon is not easy to fool! If the gang was discovered, it would be a major accident.

The kingdom just wants to borrow seeds from the giant dragon, but is not prepared to enmity with the dragon. What's more, Hudson, the dragon knight, would definitely not agree to such an immoral thing.

"The Grand Duke is serious! It's not me who is in difficulty, but Mr. Maxim the Red Dragon.

You don't know how big the dragon's appetite is. My pasture is almost not enough. However, Maxim was a very picky eater, so he had to have fresh cattle and sheep, and they had to be raised under his watch.

In order to solve this problem, most of the land in the earldom was turned into his pasture, but it was still not enough.

The main reason is that the earldom is too scattered, and the area where the lord's mansion is located is mountainous and mainly mining areas, lacking suitable pastures.

If the territory could be replaced and the scattered fiefdoms could be gathered together, I think this problem would be easily solved.

Mr. Maxim is very affectionate. Even if he borrows a seed, it will still be his offspring. You can't take away all the offspring produced by the monster, you must leave some thoughts for him.

It's okay if he wants to take away the heir he doesn't like, but he must give adequate compensation. I think His Excellency the Grand Duke also knows about the dragon’s hobbies! "

Seeing the troubled expression on Hudson's face, Archduke Efiero cursed in his heart for being shameless. He was obviously seeking his own interests, but he chose to use the banner of the dragon.

It is true that the dragon is greedy for money, but if they sell their "life seeds" for money, that would be an underestimation of the dragon's arrogance.

Compared with trading, the dragon obviously prefers robbing. For the dragon, problems that can be solved with fists have never been a problem.

"Your Excellency, on the issue of fief replacement, I can only promise to persuade the king as much as possible. But the parliament will probably encounter trouble.

Especially those northern nobles, they never care about the overall situation of the kingdom and often do ridiculous things.

The other two troubles should not be a big problem as long as Mr. Maxim's appetite is not big. "

Inadvertently, Archduke Efiero hacked the Northland nobles again. Apparently, the royal family had already broken the relationship with these guys and didn't even bother to cover up the suppression.

It is easy to act as an opposition in the Parliament of Nobles, but resolutions do not require unanimous support, and it is feasible to have some dissenting votes.

Except for the family that had issues with Hudson, everyone else was preparing to join the "borrowing" team. At this juncture, everyone would only choose "trading."

"Grand Duke, there is no need to worry, our Alpha Kingdom is not decided by those guys in the North.

What's more, today is different from the past. The internal disputes alone are enough to keep them troubled for several years. How can they have the energy to cause trouble?

The biggest trouble next is to convince Mr. Maxim. I think you have heard of the dragon's arrogance. If you want to convince him to agree, it will probably take several months at the earliest, and you don't know how much trouble you will encounter during this period.

During this period, the kingdom must first prepare the female beast. After all, we have no experience with dragons in heat. If the duration is too short and we miss the opportunity and want to do it again, we will be in big trouble! "

Hudson said bitterly.

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