
Chapter 328 Development Meeting

After sending away Archduke Efiero, who had initially reached an agreement, Hudson began to worry.

Maxim's brain is not very good, but it is mainly due to his lack of common sense and cognition, which does not mean that he is really stupid.

The method of drugging can only be used once or twice at most. If he does it more often, he will definitely find a problem.

The main reason is that the current aphrodisiac potion for giant dragons lasts too short and is not enough to complete the dragon breeding plan.

The kingdom wants to build a dragon army. It is already lagging behind other countries. If it wants to catch up in a short time, it can only recruit more female beasts to mate.

Even though the giant dragon has strong fighting power, if it has to face hundreds of female beasts in a short period of time, it is estimated that the true dragon king will have weak legs when he comes.

As a member of a vested interest group, Hudson still has a strong sense of belonging to the Alpha Kingdom.

If the kingdom really falls behind in this round of military reforms, I don’t know how much it will cost to make up for it in the future.

Not catching up now is like a fool who still insists on taking the pure infantry route when cavalry is widely popularized.

With the kingdom's research and development capabilities, magic crossbow and magic crystal cannon technology, Hudson has always been skeptical about whether it can catch up with the mainland's top level.

Even if we catch up technically, mass production will still be a big problem. The core components must be imported from the dwarf kingdom, which is the most fatal flaw.

Although the top powers on the continent, such as the Holy See and the Frankish Kingdom, also need to import some components, they can also make them themselves.

Even though the cost of making it yourself is more expensive than buying a dwarf, it is different if you have the production capacity.

Originally, there were more alchemists in the southern countries, and they were further advanced in technology. What could the kingdom pursue in a short period of time?

The gap is not limited to these, including the magical modification of transportation vehicles during the war, and the technology also comes from the southern country.

The only advantage of the northern countries is their sturdy folk customs. However, in the extraordinary world, these advantages are really insignificant.

Anyone with a little bit of brains knows how hard it would be to use flesh and blood to resist the extraordinary troops of various countries.

Shoot the first bird.

As the emerging coach in this war, if a major foreign war breaks out in the kingdom, especially a war in which the enemy is strong and we are weak, there is a high probability that Hudson will lead the army.

There is no way to shirk it. It's no joke that with greater ability comes greater responsibility. Otherwise, why would the kingdom give him such high treatment?

If some things are not prepared in advance, if they happen, it will be too late to cry.

Fortunately, the mainland is still in a period of overall balance. The existence of foreign races has restricted the internal fighting of the human race, and the major forces have no intention of starting a war for the time being.

The brainwashing work against the Red Dragon must begin. Otherwise, when the kingdom gathers the female beasts, it will be embarrassing if he has not yet taken down Maxim.

Hudson had never doubted the military sensitivities of the kingdom's aristocracy. As long as the royal family takes the lead, all parties will definitely choose to cooperate.

That's how it is in a joint-stock country: where there's money, money comes out, and where there's beasts, beasts come out. In addition to the Kingdom's standing army's share of the trained Warcraft mounts, everyone will also take a share from them.

As for setting up the Warcraft Legion on his own, it's not that Hudson looks down on others, but based on the strength of the kingdom's major families, no one really has the confidence to do so.

Of course, the relationship network of nobles is complicated, and it is not ruled out that someone can obtain Warcraft mounts from abroad.

It's just that this probability is very small. At least at this stage, it is difficult for a large number of war beasts to flow out. Even if it can be obtained, the price required will not be smaller than supporting the kingdom itself.

On the holy mountain, Pius VII was looking at the newly released map of the continent and felt worried. This wave provoked the orcs to invade, and the Holy See suffered a huge loss.

The Alpha Kingdom has indeed been severely damaged, but it is still far from the expected decline.

"Didn't you say that you have succeeded? Why is Caesar III still alive after so long? Is your plan to let him live until the end of his life?"

Pius VII asked angrily.

As long as Caesar III lives, the plan against the Alpha Kingdom cannot be implemented. No matter how much internal conflicts are stirred up, it is useless. There is no chaos if there is a backbone.

The orcs, their original partners, were beaten to the point of death and had to survive in the narrow cracks. The northern nobles who have high hopes for Cholera Alpha Kingdom, but want to commit suicide themselves, the Holy See doesn't know where to start if they want to help.

Now that the war is over, the situation in the Alpha Kingdom has stabilized, and Caesar III is still alive and well.

If this situation continues, it is estimated that it will take less than a few years to get out of the weakness.

At that time, this staunchly anti-papal kingdom will most likely come out to cause trouble again. In the eyes of Pius VII, Charles III and Caesar III were the biggest heretics on the continent.

However, these two heretics were difficult to deal with, and even the Holy See did not dare to attack them easily.

"Your Majesty, the situation may have changed. The Alpha Kingdom is a big country after all, and it still has some heritage. It is normal to have some treasures that can extend life span.

Caesar III is still alive for the time being, but his body bones have long been broken. Relying on some treasures to extend your life has its limits.

Perhaps in two or three years, we will hear the news of his death.

In a sense, it's better to delay it like this. If Caesar III had died too soon, everyone would have linked his death to the assassination case.

At that time, all the major forces in the mainland will make every effort to investigate. Although we have been covert and have arranged multiple scapegoats, we still cannot guarantee that everything will go wrong.

After all, some heretics still have a certain ability to predict the past and the future. At a certain price, it is still possible to trace us! "

Ulisse explained hurriedly.

If you take credit for assassinating Caesar III, you will have to bear the consequences. No matter how ridiculous the reason was, he would make arrangements.

As for whether Caesar III will die in two or three years, we can wait until then to decide. Anyway, the longer time passes, the harder it will be to verify.

It was originally a forced task, but deep down in his heart, Ulisena was extremely resistant to it. If there were any flaws, he would definitely become a scapegoat.

“Let’s leave aside the problem of Caesar III, then what’s the problem of the Archmage of the Undead?

Your holy hands keep saying that Earl Hudson is pretending to be an undead archmage, but the reality is that he has no problem at all.

Because of this incident, we were unable to hold our heads high among the coalition forces and had no choice but to give up the leadership to the Franks! "

Blake asked with an angry look on his face.

Because he believed the intelligence organization's words, in order to attack the Alpha Kingdom that day, he confidently exposed the matter of the Archmage of the Undead.

I thought I could embarrass the Alpha Kingdom in front of the coalition forces, but I never expected that the clown would be me in the end.

But when he raised this question at this moment, Blake really didn't add insult to injury, but seemed to be helping Ulise out of trouble.

Compared with Caesar III's delay in meeting the Lord of the Dawn, the small errors in intelligence are not worth mentioning at all.

"Captain Blake, there may be another story behind this matter. The people we sent that day saw with their own eyes: Hudson released undead magic, and it was instantaneous.

Judging from the intensity of magic, only the Archmage of the Undead can do it.

If you can't detect it in the coalition forces, it only means that you met Earl Hudson himself, and the last time we dealt with it was an undead archmage.

I suggest increasing the level of surveillance on Hudson and digging out the Archmage of the Undead hidden behind the scenes as soon as possible. Maybe there are other blasphemous organizations hidden inside! "

Ulisse explained in serious political terms.

In short, there is only one core: everyone is fine, the problem is that the enemy is too cunning.

It's a pity that the masterful blame-shifting state, no matter how slippery he is, can't hide it from Pius VII above.

These were all his tricks. If he believed it so easily, how could he still be the Pope?


"Since you are all right, it is my fault. I should have left you to retire in the Holy Mountain. I should not have sent you wastes out to perform tasks!"

As soon as the Pope finished speaking, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became solemn.

Blake and Ulisse's expressions were even more gloomy and terrifying. It was indeed wrong to blame the enemy for messing up, but they had no choice!

There is no right or wrong in the adult world, only pros and cons. Even if you know you shouldn't do many things, you can only do them bravely.

"Your Majesty, heretical organizations have become quite rampant in recent years. In big countries such as Frankia and Iberia, they even dare to show up in public.

It is said that the heretic Charles III is in contact with them and is preparing to form an arcane academy and invite these guys to give lectures.

Once their plan succeeds, the achievements of our ancestors who have worked hard for thousands of years will be destroyed in one day! "

Facts have proved that changing the topic is still necessary at critical moments. Compared with the upcoming Arcane Academy, the previous ones can only be considered childish.

As soon as Bishop Sauron's words came out, Pius VII didn't care to continue cursing. If the Arcane Academy that pursues the truth appears, the impact on the divine power can be imagined.

The necromancers, wizards, arcane masters, and diviners who have been hunted by them for many years will all resurrect and become active on the continent again.

In the Mountain Territory, after completing personnel adjustments, the first territory high-level meeting also quietly kicked off.

As a good leader, Hudson will naturally not treat people differently. The "important ministers" who were dispatched were also called back to participate in the meeting and jointly made suggestions for the development of the territory.

“The main purpose of calling everyone here this time is to discuss the future development of the earldom.

We are all important managers of the territory, and I would like to hear your opinions before formulating a development plan. "

After hearing what Hudson said, everyone looked a little excited.

Those who are qualified to participate in the formulation of the future development plan of the territory undoubtedly have entered the core decision-making level of the territory, which obviously treats them as "one of their own".

Making such a decision, Hudson was also very helpless. Winning people's hearts is second. The key is that now to develop the territory, he must rely on the people present.

As for the issue of loyalty, as long as they can serve the territory now and don't betray immediately, then they can be considered loyal ministers.

Even if he occasionally passes on some information, Hudson can turn a blind eye or close one eye.

The development route of the territory is too obvious, and it cannot be hidden from the experienced old fox. If it is destined to be impossible to keep secret, then it should not be kept secret at all.

The original mountain territory was a small boat, but now the mountain territory is a luxury ship. Also sailing in the sea, the ability to resist risks has been greatly improved.

Hudson can still withstand some wind and waves. Even if the outside world knew about his development plan, it would be difficult to do anything.

"Your Excellency, our territory is too scattered. We can only formulate reasonable development plans based on the actual conditions of each region.

Considering that the territory's resources are limited and it is impossible to take into account multiple aspects, the best option is actually to exchange land with nearby lords and gather the fiefdoms together as much as possible. "

Andrea suggested first.

As the former head of the intelligence organization, he was appointed Lord of Xueyue City by Hudson after a new round of personnel adjustments.

It seems that he has been reused, but he is also far away from the center of power. But he couldn't say anything yet. After all, the intelligence organization was in his hands. He could only say that the basic structure had been completed, but there was no talk of efficiency at all.

All information is effective. If it cannot be obtained immediately, it will lose its due meaning.

The lagging development of intelligence organizations is not Andrea's responsibility. After all, if you want to install spies, it won't be a problem overnight.

The most critical thing is that Hudson does not have that many talents to use for intelligence. Most of those sent out to collect intelligence have poor management skills.

Compared to the spies placed by other nobles in their territories, they are not on the same level at all.

Not to mention entering the decision-making level of other people, there are only a few people who can sneak into the camp of the established nobles.

Most of the time, their mission is just to collect major developments in various places. It's all information on the surface, and more in-depth information is beyond the imagination.

Without tangible results, you naturally have no right to speak. Being able to play outside and get a high position is already considered lucky.

But no matter how good Xueyue City is, it can't change the fact that it is far away from the lord's mansion. And it's not that far away, directly out of the southeastern province.

There is no way, just a carrot and a pit. Although most of Hudson's territory is in the southeastern province, there are still a few enclaves outside the province.

It's always difficult for outsiders to get along. If he hadn't been at the height of his popularity, all kinds of conspiracies might have struck him.

He was able to smoothly complete the territory handover because the local snakes were afraid that he would secretly go over and sap him. Similar things happen from time to time in the aristocratic world.

If a certain noble is unhappy or has a grudge against a certain noble, he will privately lead someone to beat him up.

As long as no one is killed, even if someone discovers him and takes revenge, the worst he can do is get beaten back.

The methods are indeed a bit unsavory, but this is also part of the struggle of the nobles. As the saying goes, the more high-end the fight, the more unpretentious the methods.

"Well, I have already made arrangements for this matter, but the coordination period may be longer. In a short period of time, everyone still needs to develop the territory.

Even if it is a territory replacement, the value of a prosperous territory and a depressed territory is not the same.

What we need now is to formulate a short-term development plan. The time period can be based on the actual situation of each place, and there is no need to pursue synchronization in each place.

There are only two prerequisites, namely:

1. Focusing on enclaves far away from mountainous territories, strive to develop the territory in the shortest possible time; pursue long-term development in the core areas of the territory;

2. Control budget investment. The plan must be based on the actual situation of each place, cannot be divorced from reality, and cannot invest too much money. "

Hudson said frankly.

His desire to replace the fiefdom was no secret in the kingdom, so there was no need to hide it.

It's all part of the deal for the dragon breeding plan, and the subsequent political PR is just a formality.

If the main nobles in the kingdom do not object, the remaining people will not be able to make waves. What really needs communication and coordination is the parties changing places.

This is not a big problem. As long as we let them take a small advantage when changing places and subsidize everyone's moving expenses, the matter will basically be solved.

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