
Chapter 372 A scene in history

Everything was ready and when he was about to set off, Maxim suddenly made a fuss.

"Hudson, the contract we signed does not include carrying these contents, so don't use me as a coolie!

The great dragon clan will never accept this kind of insult. "

Everyone's expressions changed when they heard this. The dignity of the dragon was involved, and things suddenly became troublesome.

Using a giant dragon as a pack horse is probably the first of its kind for dragon knights. Looking through the memories in their minds, no one found anyone using a dragon to pull goods.

"Earl Hudson, what should we do now?"

Q\u0026A with Morrison at a loss.

The key to this operation is Maxim. If the dragon refuses to cooperate and uses other transportation methods, many hidden dangers will inevitably increase out of thin air.

"I'll try to communicate with him first. You know the dragon's habits."

Hudson said with a depressed look.

Deep down in his heart, he had already sent greetings to Maxim's family, which was really a trick to the Dragon Knight.

It's okay if you want to rip off your money, but you have to give notice in advance!

There is no need to talk about the dignity of the dragon at this time, and I don't want to think that when I came here just now, Hudson was still carrying a big box.

If everyone hadn't paid too much attention to this operation, I'm afraid they would have discovered that Maxim's words and deeds were inconsistent.

Dragons are not easy to raise, and there is an old saying circulating on the continent of Aslant: The knight pays for the dragon's actions.

"Earl Hudson, I leave this matter to you!"

Morrison said sincerely.

"Dear Mr. Maxim, how can you be doing hard work?

These are all gold coins!

If you think it is an insult to carry gold coins on the road, then I will keep your little treasury for you. "

Hudson changed the concept without caring. If the strength gap between the two sides hadn't been too big, he would have attacked this stupid dragon long ago.

"Impossible! Hudson, you are a miser. If you dare to touch this dragon's gold coins, I will fall out with you!"

Maxim said angrily.

When it comes to gold coins, only giant dragons have always cheated people. I have never heard of a giant dragon being cheated.

Thinking of this issue, Maxim became very angry. In the past few days, he had been working hard and sowing for more than half a year, but the final results were usurped by Hudson.

Euphemistically called: daily practice expenses.

After living with the dragon knight, who has ever seen the dragon paying for it?

If he hadn't been severely beaten by society in the past and was too eager to increase his strength, he wouldn't have compromised!

"Don't worry, Mr. Maxim. I won't do such a thing without your permission.

But I think you need to think carefully about this delivery mission. After all, your daily expenses are not small, and you are too lazy to earn your hard-earned money. Being in debt all the time is not an option!

What's more, it's rare to come out of the Dragon Island. When you go back hundreds of years later, you only have so little savings, and you'll be embarrassed to say hello to any familiar dragons you encounter.

Maxim, do you think this will work? After completing the task, you will be rewarded with a box of gold coins. "

Hudson tried his best to fool him.

It was obvious that these words were not only meant for Maxim, but also for all the experts present.

This time he was on official business. As a nobleman of the kingdom, Hudson had to show his aristocratic consciousness and not ask for money.

Maxim does not have this burden. The country where the dragon knight is loyal does not mean that the dragon must also be loyal.

Anyway, the label of dragon being greedy for money has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts, and everyone can accept it if they take advantage of it.

"It's not enough, you have to give me at least ten boxes. Don't try to fool me. I heard all your previous conversations. These papers are very valuable.

The ten boxes of gold coins I want are probably less than one percent. With such a low shipping cost, you have already taken advantage of it.

And there are a few of them. If you can fly, then fly by yourself. I am not just any dragon! "

After hearing Maxim's amazing explanation, Hudson wanted to laugh, but was embarrassed to laugh out loud.

He is not a dragon casually. If he is casual, he is not a dragon. Just one estrus produced a bunch of offspring. There are hundreds of species involved, and I haven’t picked out a single meal.

Hudson did not rush to bargain. Instead, he cast his gaze at the people behind him and motioned for everyone to hurry up.

Perhaps everyone has some understanding of the dragon's habits and knows very well how stupid it is to talk to the dragon about money, so they all chose to turn a blind eye to Hudson's hints.

The hard bargaining phase is always the most excruciating. His lips were almost worn out before he succeeded in convincing Maxim.

Deep down, Hudson was already cursing. If he encounters something like this in the future, he will definitely avoid it immediately. This double act is really difficult to perform.

In the dead of night, a dragon burst out of the sky. Everyone who stepped onto the dragon's back for the first time was thrown into confusion. Especially the boxes on the dragon's back were flying everywhere.

Fortunately, the accompanying magicians reacted quickly and released the protective shield in time to avoid tragedy.

Boxes of bonds were sent out, and the increase in bond prices caused by the Holy See's sweep of goods gradually stabilized.

However, at this moment, it is no longer the previous 12% off the face value, but 93% off, 95% off, 92% off... Some high-interest bonds are even higher than the face value.

However, these high-interest bonds have nothing to do with the Holy See. Their goal is to consume the cash flow of the Alpha Kingdom. The best way to buy them is to buy them cheaply.

Although they are constantly being exchanged, due to the one-month buffer period, the Holy See inevitably has more and more bonds in its hands.

Looking at the bills reported one after another by his subordinates, Pius VII thought his subordinates were capable at first, but gradually he realized something was wrong.

Appointment-based exchange is too risky for those of them who hold large amounts of war bonds.

If it is not paid in time, Alpha Kingdom's cash flow will be exhausted and it will declare a debt default in advance, and these bonds will be lost to itself.

"Send the order, don't continue the acquisition. First exchange the bonds in our hands, and then acquire the second batch!

In addition, after the exchange is completed, someone should be sent to keep an eye on the people of the Alpha Kingdom to see if they are really burning in public. "

After all, I am not a financial person, I don’t have a deep understanding of bond trading, and my thinking mode is still stuck on buying low and selling high in ordinary commodity trading.

Being able to send people to supervise the burning of bonds in the Alpha Kingdom is the limit that Pius VII can think of.

After all, these bonds have magic marks that retain the traces of time. The specific issuance time and quantity can all be checked, eliminating the possibility of additional issuance afterwards.

"Your Majesty, Caesar IV is calling on the nobles across the country to raise money. It is said that tens of millions of gold coins have been raised. The more than 10 million in bonds in our hands alone may not be able to wipe out their finances.

Now that people in the market have stabilized, almost no one, except ourselves, is asking them to pay in advance.

If we give them time to raise money, all our previous efforts will be in vain. What's more, bond prices are still climbing slowly, and our acquisition costs will be higher as time goes by! "

Bishop Sauron stepped forward to persuade him.

From this massive operation, various departments involved in the operation made a lot of money. No matter how much the Pope emphasizes strengthening supervision, the specific operational power lies in the hands of the specific executors.

According to the current market situation, if you basically buy one million war bonds and take them back to the Alpha Kingdom to redeem them, you will lose about 150,000.

Anyway, they are all losing money. If you buy a bond worth RMB 6 to 700,000 and redeem it, you can quote a higher price of one million. If you buy a bond worth RMB 3,500,000 and redeem it, you can also quote a higher price of one million.

Given the relationship between the Holy See and the Alpha Kingdom, it was impossible to send someone to verify it. When it comes to implementation, how many war bonds were purchased is a matter of one sentence.

The less lost part is everyone’s net profit. Take the money and divide it up and down, and all the relationships will be sorted out.

On the books, the Holy See has purchased more than 10 million war bonds and completed the payment of more than 6 million bonds. In theory, Alpha Kingdom's cash flow is already very dangerous.

If there were so many war bonds, and there was a sudden impact, the Alpha Kingdom's finances would be paralyzed, if not immediately collapsed.

It would be a tragedy if the acquisition continues and the Alpha Kingdom realizes that it cannot hold on and directly starts the ruin mode to drag them into the water.

But theories are theories after all. In Sauron's view, even if the data on the books is cut in half, there is still a lot of water.

There are three pounds of nails in every broken ship. With the Alpha Kingdom desperately trying to raise money, no matter how short of financial resources they are, they will not be killed by millions of gold coins.

"Your Majesty, Bishop Sauron is right. To deal with diehards like Alpha Kingdom, they must be beaten to death with a stick.

Judging from the information fed back from various places, basically more than 20 days after applying, Alpha people will cash out the cash.

In a small number of areas, payment can be completed even seven or eight days after the application is completed. The financial resources displayed by the Alpha Kingdom are far more terrifying than we imagined.

It is said that a large part of this cash was borrowed from major chambers of commerce. The outside world's confidence in the Alpha Kingdom is far stronger than we expected! "

Blake echoed.

He didn't know whether the outside world had confidence in the Alpha Kingdom, but he had absolutely no confidence in the administration of the Holy See.

The judging criteria is very simple, just look at the reaction of the Alpha Kingdom. How could one be so calm if there was a run on a massive amount of bonds?

Seeing that all his subordinates were demanding greater efforts, Pius VII instantly realized that he was too idealistic and took it for granted that everyone in the Holy See was incorruptible.

"Since you all say so, then increase your efforts! Tell the people below not to go too far. If you still can't get results, hum!

Ulisse went to the ascetic camp to select a thousand people and assigned them to various places to supervise their implementation. "

Pius VII said indifferently.

He had long wanted to rectify the administration of the Holy See. It's just that the corruption from top to bottom was too severe, and everyone jointly resisted rectification, making it impossible for him to start.

This time is different. The investment of tens of millions of gold coins has not been able to bankrupt the Alpha Kingdom's finances, and has exposed the corruption of the Holy See.

The matter was so explicit that everyone present didn't know what to say even if they wanted to help the subordinates speak.

As orders were issued one after another, the Vatican personnel responsible for carrying out the tasks were also feeling numb.

"How did you do it? A bond of one million gold coins was sent over, and within seven days, Alpha paid it?

Lie a little bit and make it look like me. With so much cash reserves, do you think this is the capital of the Alpha Kingdom?

Do you think that since His Majesty the Pope is far away, you don’t know what you are doing? Just put the money in your pocket and say that you have completed the task!

Let me tell you, the inspection team from the headquarters is coming down soon. Spit out everything you eat, and immediately go to the market to buy war bonds, and then redeem them in the shortest possible time.

Don't explain it to me, I don't have time to listen to your explanation. Anyway, if the Alpha people refuse to pay, the mission is not completed.

The people who came here this time are all ascetic monks. Don't expect any favors. If you can't complete the task, you will report to the Atonement Camp!

From now on, I will personally take all the war bonds collected to redeem them. If the numbers and accounts don't match, you won't even have a chance to enter the atonement camp. "

Bishop Montezon scolded him sternly.

One level at a time, I thought I had received a lucrative job. Unexpectedly, the situation went awry, and the exchange point set up by the Alpha people did not collapse at the first touch.

Deep down in his heart, Bishop Montezon already hated those chambers of commerce. If it weren't for the help of these guys, where would the Alpha Kingdom have any cash reserves here?

Even if you send money immediately, it will be consumed quickly.

Unfortunately, with the intervention of several major chambers of commerce, the Alpha Kingdom only needs to deposit funds anywhere on the mainland and they can withdraw them here.

Of course, there is a time difference in this withdrawal, and timely exchange is not yet possible. In addition, the amount of funds remitted to various places must be clearly defined and cannot be freely allocated.

This means that some places have abundant cash reserves and accept exchanges quickly; some places have insufficient cash reserves and take a long time to exchange.

Bishop Montesson did not know how much exchange of interests was behind this. Anyway, he knew that his dream of getting rich was shattered. Things were very troublesome now and he had to implement the task seriously.

Bundles after bundles of bonds were brought in, and boxes after boxes of gold coins were brought out. The exchange is over, but the matter is not over yet.

The most important public destruction work had not yet begun. Bishop Montesson, who personally took action, stared intently at the actions of Alpha Man.

He was not disappointed, and the boxes of bonds were packed and hauled to Lutetia Square for public destruction.

In order to ensure that nothing went wrong, Bishop Montesson personally came to check before lighting the fire. They were all sent in just now, with the magic marks he left on them himself.

Looking at the raging fire, Lord Montessun showed a delighted smile, there would be no problem this time.

The assistant on the side had already taken out the Liuying Stone and recorded this historic scene.

No more tonight, no need to wait

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