
Chapter 373 The Longest Road

"Burn, burn, burn..."

At almost the same time, similar scenes occurred in major cities across the mainland.

The recovered war bonds were thrown into the blazing fire under the witness of everyone.

Creditors who were originally skeptical about Alpha Kingdom's ability to repay debts suddenly became more confident after seeing this scene.

No matter where the money comes from, it is always true that the Alpha Kingdom is recycling bonds, and it is also true that the bonds are destroyed.

The nobles who were still hesitating whether to cut their meat now put their worries back in their stomachs and wait for the market to pick up.

In the entire market, Alpha Kingdom is the only one that is still selling bonds on a large scale. However, it has not been discovered yet because it was dismantled and sold in batches.

A strange scene happened. The more people from the Holy See tried to cash out the war bonds, the faster the Alpha people cashed them out.

At the beginning, there was a series of approval procedures, but in the later stage, the office location was simply moved to an open square.

For small-amount payments, all gold coins will be settled on-site. Only when the amount is larger, you will have to queue up. Once the transaction was completed, the recovered bonds were thrown into the fire pot and destroyed without any hesitation.

On the holy mountain.

Seeing the "good news" sent by his subordinates from all over the mainland, Pius VII, who was good at mathematics, finally realized that something was wrong.

The supervision team was sent out, and the people responsible for carrying out the specific tasks also sent evidence of their hard work - the photo stones.

However, despite having done such a good job, the Alpha Kingdom, which had suffered a run, still showed no sign of collapse.

"The Alpha Kingdom has only issued so many war bonds to the outside world. Why have we destroyed so many and there is still no decrease?"

Pius VII asked angrily.

This is an embarrassing question. Before taking action, the Holy See also conducted market research.

According to statistics from the Holy See, the war bonds issued overseas by the Alpha Kingdom are roughly between 30 and 40 million gold coins.

The original plan was to purchase 10 to 20 million bonds in batches and run on them, destroying the credit system of the Alpha Kingdom. For this reason, Pius VII was mentally prepared for the backlog of millions of bonds to become useless paper.

Now that the plan has been completed, it has even greatly exceeded expectations, but the Alpha Kingdom shows no signs of financial collapse.

Although Caesar IV repeatedly announced that this was the joint effort of all the great nobles of the kingdom, Pius VII did not believe it at all.

How could this be possible if the nobles had no selfish motives?

Even if the big nobles of the Alpha Kingdom worked together and now have paid more than 30 million gold coins, their cash flow should be exhausted.

Even if money is not considered, they have purchased so many war bonds that the bonds circulating on the market should be exhausted.

After all, it is impossible for everyone to be willing to cut off the meat and sell it without losing credibility.

"Your Majesty, according to the investigation, we found that some nobles of the Alpha Kingdom also secretly sold war bonds.

Perhaps the bonds that were issued came from the hands of these people. "

As soon as Ulisse finished speaking, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

If the guess is accurate, wouldn't it mean that the money that the Alpha people used to pay was all given by them.

Thinking about how they used money to buy bonds, Alpha took their money, took the profits, and then used it to pay them back.

In an instant, everyone felt more uncomfortable than eating flies. They were really bullying people, and they were clearly being taken advantage of!

"Your Majesty, we cannot suffer this loss. We must expose the matter and let everyone know how despicable the Alpha Kingdom is!"

Blake said angrily.

Someone must take the blame for this, and it can't be the higher-ups of the Holy See. It can only be because the Alpha Kingdom is too despicable.

"Idiot, calm down.

You said it was done by the Alpha Kingdom, but they did it?

Where is the evidence? "

Pius VII immediately scolded him.

I don't know why, but in recent days, he has become more and more displeased with Commander Blake.

If it weren't for the stability of the Holy See, he would have replaced this guy who failed to achieve anything but failed.

After a pause, Pius VII added:

"Have someone put a mark on the gold coin to verify whether the guess is accurate. Stop all redemptions until the news is confirmed."

It was obvious that Pius VII hesitated.

Theoretically speaking, as long as this payment continues, Alpha Kingdom's arbitrage game will collapse sooner or later.

After all, the number of bonds is limited. As long as the war bonds in the hands of the Alpha nobles are consumed, subsequent bonds will really consume their cash flow.

The only problem is that the price paid is a bit heavy. Now that the plan has been carried out, they have lost nearly four million gold coins.

If this continues, even if they can defeat the Alpha Kingdom, how much money will they have to lose?

Five million, six million, seven million, eight million...

The price of early redemption is constant, but the price of the bond continues to rise. The more aggressive acquisitions are, the higher the price of bonds circulating on the market will be.

Correspondingly, the money they need to lose will also increase.

The fire could not be contained in the paper. Although the Holy See repeatedly blocked the news, there were too many insiders and the news finally got out.

The spread of rumors is like a fire in the forest. Once it is ignited, it cannot be stopped.

What's more, this was still a rumor mixed with part of the truth. Even though he was busy transporting bonds everywhere, Hudson also received the news.

The first person to leak the news was not the Holy See, but the Alpha Kingdom.

There is no way, and the number of war bonds in the hands of the great nobles is not unlimited. After being continuously burned, in order to continue to arbitrage from the Holy See, the kingdom could only "borrow bonds" from the small and medium-sized nobles in the country.

The number of insiders suddenly expanded from dozens to tens of thousands, and the news could no longer be concealed.

Fortunately, the kingdom had covered up the matter, and the people who came forward to borrow bonds were all big nobles from various places, and they did not directly use the banner of the kingdom.

However, this low-level cover-up only kept it secret for a few more days, and soon the truth was mixed with rumors and spread.

"It seems we should go back!"

Hudson said with a smile at everyone.

In recent days, they have been working day and night, traveling to and from various parts of the mainland.

If it weren't for the remarkable results and the spiritual comfort, everyone might just go on strike.

It doesn't matter whether there is money or not, the key is that the situation in the kingdom has stabilized.

What Caesar IV promised these people did not concern Hudson at all, as long as his share was not left out.

"It's really time to go back. After suffering such a big loss, the Holy See will not let it go.

After all, he is the established overlord, and the number of experts in the Holy See still exceeds the entire continent.

This is not our territory, if they block it, it will be a problem!"

Grand Magister Robert responded with a smile.

Just looking at his eager expression, it seemed as if he was looking forward to this scene happening. Intuition told Hudson that this person probably had a problem with the Holy See that could not be eased.

"Okay, we got a bargain, let's get over it as soon as possible!

If someone from the Holy See really targets him, it is still unknown whether he can escape unscathed.

If you want to cause trouble for them, then take the lead in establishing an arcane academy to train disciples and grandchildren to fight against them.

I'll take care of the king's side, and I promise to provide you with the greatest support. "

Morrison retorted unceremoniously.

"What Morrison said is right, Robert can do what he wants to do, and we all support him.

Anyway, they are all very old, and they don’t have many years left to live. If you don't do it now, you won't have the chance to do it later. "

Listening to the conversation among the "old-timers", Hudson felt that there was a lot of information.

Originally, he was still full of doubts about why the Alpha Kingdom, thousands of miles away, was always targeted by the Holy See. It was a gathering place for heretics.

The identities of each of these old guys present are not simple.

Robert: Grand Magister, former dean of the Kingdom’s Academy of Magic.

On the surface, one-third of the magisters in the kingdom are students he brought out personally, the kind who have officially become their disciples.

Morrison: Sky Knight, Royal Family.

The specific identity is unclear, but he has a high status in the royal family and can influence the king's decision-making.

Frost: Sky Knight, leader of the Kingdom’s Guardian Knights, and member of the royal family.

Upon hearing this, the Guardian Knights knew that they were a subordinate institution of the Holy See, but the church institutions of the Alpha Kingdom were controlled by the royal family and a number of the country's great nobles.

Lambert: Sky Knight, an ancestor of the Alam family.

"Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix".

The ancestors were all heretics against the Holy See, and the younger generations below would inevitably be affected as well.

With such a mass base, it is not surprising that Caesar III dared to face the Holy See.

Even Caesar IV, who was clamoring for someone from the Holy See to be crowned, turned around and stabbed the Holy See. It is estimated that there is no lack of influence from these old guys.

Hudson soon figured out that the Holy See declined more than three hundred years ago. What exactly happened is not recorded in the history books, but it is certain that a war must have occurred.

Three hundred years is a long time for ordinary people, but for experts, it may only last two or three generations.

Maybe the masters and elders of these old guys had participated in the anti-Vatican battle, and their hatred was directly instilled in them.

Hatred can be diluted by time, but it will never disappear in one or two generations. Countries in mainland China are unhappy with the Holy See. Perhaps the root cause is the influence of the older generation.


You guys, half of your body is about to be buried in the ground, how can you still be so capable?

It's okay if you want me to take the lead in forming the Arcane Academy, but you all must come here to serve as mentors, otherwise I won't be able to withstand the thunder and wrath of the Holy See. "

As soon as Robert finished speaking, Hudson realized something was wrong. The "you" just now seemed to include him, a melon-eater.

"Routines" are proper "routines"!

Being able to agree to such a big thing with just a few words clearly shows that there has been some reconciliation beforehand.

Maybe the scene before him was specially prepared for him.

The same group of uncles with an average age of over 160 were theorizing, but before Hudson's brain got wet, he decisively chose to escape.

Unfortunately, as soon as he took a step forward, he was stopped by someone.

"Earl Hudson, as one of the founders of the Kingdom's Arcane Academy, don't you want to give me some advice?"

The melon-eating crowd became a "mentor" and was immediately upgraded to the founder of the academy. Hudson felt that the world was crazy.

Take a look at the Arcane Academy in the Frankish Kingdom. Ever since its establishment, there have been frequent problems.

The college's founders, tutors, and even ordinary students were all on the Holy See's hunting list.

Dozens of people were killed, including two magisters. If the Frankish Kingdom had not spared no effort to protect them, all of them might have died.

Although Hudson also had conflicts with the Holy See, those were secret confrontations. On the surface, he was still a "devout" believer.

It hasn't risen to the level of "heresy" yet, so there is no need to be on the hunting list.

"Knight Lambert, it would be great if seniors like you were involved in the establishment of the Arcane Academy. I don't understand anything so I won't get involved."

Hudson decisively refused.

Secret support is ok, and even money and effort can be discussed, but going into battle in person is out of the question.

"It's okay not to get involved. I don't expect you to do anything anyway, but your portrait will be on the admissions brochure.

The Franks' Arcane Academy has dragon knights stationed there, so we can't lose our aura! "

Morrison's perfect explanation left Hudson speechless.

If this trend continues, there will soon be four major arcane academies on the Aslant continent, which will happen to divide the four dragon knights.

As for whether it's voluntary or not, that doesn't matter at all. It's enough to be able to publicize it. Anyway, no one expects the Dragon Knight to teach in person.

"Can I say no?"

Hudson asked tentatively.

“Of course, but when it comes to publicity, your name will still be at the front.

Don't worry, we are just using it for publicity and will not ruin your reputation.

What's more, this is a win-win situation. We have expanded our influence, and your reputation has also been increased!

When a new era opens, your deeds will surely be indispensable for future generations when they study history.

Maybe among the future epic heroes of the human race, your name, Earl Hudson, will be included! "

It's impossible not to be tempted by Robert's beautiful blueprint, but Hudson is even more afraid of trouble.

Looking at all the epic heroes of the human race, very few of them could die a normal life. Most people's lives can only be described as bleak.

While I was busy organizing the verbal rejection, a group of old guys forcefully decided on it.

If he hadn't looked at their age and worried about being blackmailed if something happened, Hudson would have wanted to go over and give them a slap.

Of course, the fight must be when these guys are alone, otherwise he is likely to be beaten.

Who let his own lack of strength hold back his mount?

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