
Chapter 379 Mobilization Order


"Your Majesty, all preparations have been completed. Now we are just missing an excuse to attack the orcs."

Marquis Sunil said murderously.

The autumn harvest has just been completed, which is the best time to launch a war. However, as the first kingdom on the mainland, the Frankish Kingdom still has its cards.

Even if it is launching a war against foreigners, it must be "justified".

There was no direct answer, just a hint in his eyes, and the understanding Foreign Minister Marquis Jesus immediately took over the topic.

"Three days ago, the diplomatic envoy we sent was attacked in the border area. Based on the assassin's body left at the scene, it can be determined that it was an orc.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent a note to the Orc Kingdom asking them to hand over the murderer, but has not yet received a satisfactory answer.

The deadline has now passed, and the Kingdom's diplomatic efforts for peace on the mainland have failed.

The next step is to take extreme measures to let the evil orcs know that our Kingdom of Frank cannot be humiliated! "

It can be seen from the strange expressions of everyone that everyone does not know that the "assassination of the envoy" was obviously planned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs temporarily to create an excuse for war.

They don't know, so the orcs are confused. After receiving the diplomatic note in a daze, it would be strange to be able to hand over the murderer.

It doesn't matter whether the orcs are confused or not. Since the charges have been attached, whether they admit it or not will not affect the final result.

Anyway, it is for foreigners, an excuse is enough, there is no need to be so serious.

According to the plan, after this war is over, the Orc Kingdom will be wiped off the map, and the dead will not be able to come out to reverse the case.

"The hateful orcs actually dare to attack the kingdom's envoys! Your Majesty, please order the dispatch of troops to severely punish this evil race for provoking the dignity of the kingdom!"

After Prime Minister Duke Bergson finished speaking, the ministers responded one after another. In the blink of an eye, the orcs became the most evil race on the continent and must be physically destroyed.

"If we start a war against the Orc Kingdom now, how will the countries on the mainland react?"

Charles III asked with concern.

Before the war broke out, the Orc Kingdom was already sentenced to death in the mind of Charles III, and the dead enemies could naturally be ignored. Such arrogance naturally comes from strength.

After years of suppression and bloodletting, the Orc Kingdom has been severely weakened. Especially a few days ago, a large-scale locust plague broke out in the Orc Kingdom, and this year's crops were almost wiped out.

The competition for racial living space leaves no room for any tenderness. Killing you while you are sick is just a routine operation.

The human race has been able to go from a small marginal tribe all the way to the pinnacle of the continent because of its ability to seize opportunities.

Through victory in war after war, we finally created the glory of the human race today, but this is still not enough!

After all, the overlord of the mainland cannot compare to the one who dominates the mainland. Keeping foreign races on the side is always a threat.

In the past years, the hatred between humans and aliens has been deeply rooted in the bones of the human race through war after war, and there is no possibility of easing.

It’s not that no one tried to fight for peace. Unfortunately, when the last unified empire of the human race collapsed, the alien races formed an alliance and launched a major counterattack.

All the allies and younger brothers of the human race at that time chose to betray their alliance and join the alien alliance, completely burying the last trust between the two sides.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured! Everything is going according to plan. We have reached an agreement with the Kingdom of Iliba, the Kingdom of Dante, the Holy See, the Kingdom of Hesse... and everyone will launch a war against the aliens at the same time.

Except for the countries in the northern continent, the entire human world will be involved in this war, and we already have an absolute advantage.

Unless the elves, the ancient remnants, and the severely injured orcs desperately fight out to coexist and die with all other races in the early stages of the war, the defeat of the alien alliance is only a matter of time.

After so many years of hard work, the alien alliance has long been divided and disintegrated by us. Until the final moment of life and death, it is impossible for them to put aside their suspicions and cooperate sincerely.

Not long ago, we showed mercy in the war against the orcs, which also misled many people.

It is estimated that many races in the alien alliance now think that the coming continental war will be similar to the past, just to consume the excess population.

As long as they were fooled through the early stages of the war and after several alien races were destroyed, even if they realized the danger, it would be too late to unite for survival.

But it's not entirely without risk. Once the continental war breaks out, the shrunken orcs are likely to come back, and the newly established seven grassland kingdoms may not be able to maintain their foundation.

The Warhammer Kingdom in the middle of a civil war is also in a dangerous situation, and will be destroyed by the ancient relics and elves if they are not careful.

At present, there are only one and a half powerful countries left in the Northern Continent. The Alpha Kingdom and the Principality of Moxi can only protect themselves at most, and it is difficult to stop the three major alien forces!

What's even more troublesome is that the Alpha Kingdom has not yet realized the threat of aliens, and has devoted a lot of energy to preventing the Hessians from taking advantage of it. "

Marquis Jesus analyzed rationally.

The human race is the weakest in the Northern Continent, but it happened to encounter the strongest alien race. If the elves had no desire to fight, the Northern Continent would have long been dominated by foreign races.

“After the war breaks out, we will send someone to remind Caesar IV, but the effect should not be too great.

When the orcs invaded, the countries in the northern continent did not fully assist them. Now that the situation has changed, it may be difficult for them to make the decision to send all-out troops for reinforcements at the first time.

In addition to the revenge mentality, there is also the issue of strength. In the previous war, the Alpha Kingdom was damaged, and now it has recovered slightly.

It is really embarrassing for them to have to work on an expedition at this moment. We cannot have high expectations for the situation in the Northern Continent.

Notify the Farland Kingdom that if they cannot stop the orcs' advance, they will stay at the port and wait for reinforcements. "

Never mention the Principality of Moxi. It was obvious that half of the powerful countries were directly ignored by Charles III.

Even during the orc invasion, the Principality of Moxi performed well, but it was not based on the help of allies.

In the early stages of the war, the Mossi people's performance was not up to standard. Sora had military strength, but he failed to make good use of it.

If it weren't for the Warhammer Kingdom at the bottom, which highlighted their excellence, the Principality of Moxi might also have become a laughing stock during the war.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry about the situation in the northern continent. No matter how unbearable the Seven Prairie Kingdoms are, such a large territory can still hold back the orcs for a year or two.

Those elves who are addicted to art are all indecisive. It may take a year and a half before they make up their mind to attack with all their strength.

How could those small countries in the Northern Continent be able to sustain themselves for a few months? Such a long buffer period is enough for the Alpha Kingdom to prepare.

There is no hope of counterattack. With the strength of the Alpha Kingdom, it is still feasible to hold on for a year or two.

At least within three years, these alien races will be dragged to the northern continent and unable to truly interfere in the continental war.

In such a long time, even if we didn't destroy the Orc Kingdom, we still crippled them, and the others are probably about the same.

By then, the overall situation has been decided, and no matter how hard the alien alliance tries, it is unable to reverse the situation.

For the eternal hegemony of the human race, it is completely worth it for the countries in the northern continent to make hundreds of millions of sacrifices! "

Duke Bergson said indifferently.

"One general can achieve great success," let alone the rule of a continent. It's simply impossible without sacrifice.

Taking history as a guide, all the continental hegemons in the past dynasties were overthrown by vassal races when they declined.

When you are strong, everyone will be submissive and try to please you in every possible way. Once a flaw is revealed, you will immediately attack in groups.

The human race, which drew on the experience of its predecessors, formulated a racial strategy to suppress foreign races from the moment it ascended to the position of overlord.

Regardless of whether the relationship is good or bad, as long as the strength is strong, we will suppress it. Such a high-pressure policy makes the human race have no friends, and it also makes the human race become stronger and stronger.

Under the pressure of everyone in the world, the glory of the human race was created. With the current development, there is even hope of unifying the continent.


Since the general trend is mine, let’s go for it!

This battle must be fast. There is no need to continue to hide and tuck in. Let the people below show their true skills. This battle must bring out the majesty of our Frankish Kingdom! "

Charles III said domineeringly.

In the Blackstone Mountains, Mr. Hudson, who did not know that the continental war was about to break out, was still staring at the herds of beasts below from the clouds.

He had heard about the "beast tide" countless times, but this was the first wave he had experienced personally.

After receiving the news, I rushed over to check it out immediately. In addition to being worried about the Blood Moon defense line, I was also curious.

Frankly speaking, Hudson didn't want to take action against these monsters. Even though there was an army of Warcraft ahead, he did not enter the Blackstone Mountains to hunt Warcraft.

It's not that it can't be done, the main reason is that these monsters also play the role of "barrier". If some guys are around, the Hessian Kingdom cannot easily kill them.

If all the monsters are killed, just a forest will not be able to stop the Hessian soldiers.

Even if a war does not break out, humans will still be unable to help but expand externally according to their style. Today the territory is extended a few hundred meters into the forest, and tomorrow another area is encircled.

As long as the land underfoot is suitable for cultivation, this kind of spontaneous expansion is inevitable. A forest barrier of less than a hundred kilometers cannot withstand the torment of the nobles on both sides.

Maybe after the monsters in this area are cleared, there will be monsters from other places to replenish them, but this will take time after all.

The ever-closer distance also means that the probability of conflict is increasing. Especially the fight for the Borderlands is the most common trigger in human civil wars.

Seeing the cub return, Hudson hurriedly asked: "Bear Stearns, how many high-level monsters are there down there?"

There are many types of beast tides, but the most powerful ones are commanded by high-level monsters. The more high-level monsters appear in the beast tide, the greater the destructive power they can cause.

Each of these high-level monsters are antiques that have lived for countless years. Their wisdom is no less than that of humans, and their experience is even more abundant.

Fighting against the herd commanded by high-level monsters is a war.

"There aren't many, there are only three high-level monsters in total, and the rest are ordinary goods.

Hudson, let's get the ugly stuff out of the way first. Ben Xiong will not interfere in the war between humans and monsters, and don’t expect me to gather information.

You have to be careful not to rush to the front line. If you encounter danger, I am only responsible for carrying you back to a safe area. If it affects the command of the operation, I will not be responsible! "

As soon as he came up, he put down his pick. Hudson was about to get angry, but then suppressed it again.

The Earth Bear is also a Warcraft. Although it is not the same species as the group of Warcraft below, it still belongs to the big family of Warcraft.

Now it's a war between Warcraft and humans. Bear Stearns, who is caught in the middle, can help both sides, which already gives him a lot of face. Asking people to betray their own race is going too far.

Except for low-level monsters without intelligence, other monsters that have signed contracts with humans will not participate in such a war.

"No problem. During the war, you are only responsible for protecting my safety. I will leave the fighting to Maxim."

Hudson waved his hand nonchalantly and said.

Instead of a bear as a thug, he still has a dragon. What's more, this war is not just his war, there are allies who can share the pressure.

Perhaps seeing Bear Stearns succeed in paddling, Maxim also spoke: "Hudson, me too..."

"Mr. Maxim, are you also a monster? Are you not going to take the dignity of the dragon clan?"

Hudson exclaimed in feigned surprise.

There is no unified conclusion on the continent of Aslant as to whether giant dragons are considered Warcraft. Some people include them in the big family of Warcraft, while others list them separately.

However, the arrogant dragon never admits that he is a lowly monster. Anyone who dares to say to their face that they are monsters will immediately turn against them!

"Of course this dragon is not a monster!"

"Hudson, that's not what I want to say. It's okay to fight, but we have to negotiate the cost first.

As long as you have gold coins of the same size as this dragon, I will stop the following three high-level monsters for you! "

As he spoke, his mouth watered. That greedy expression made Hudson once again confirm that his mount was indeed a pure-blooded dragon.

No wonder the other three dragon knights are not very active. I guess all of them were frightened by the asking price of their own dragons.

Maxim is considered good. Due to the additional restrictions in the contract, at least he will not be charged for daily actions. This is not necessarily the case for other dragons.


One word expressed Hudson's mood.

Dare to ask for gold coins of the same volume as himself, Maxim is no longer just asking for money, he is simply robbing.

Hudson didn't have time to calculate the specific number. Anyway, he couldn't afford it and couldn't accept this kind of blackmail.

"Hudson, don't be angry. The price is negotiable. With our relationship, we can let you owe it first.

What's more, you don't have to pay for this money. After a little bit of operation, someone will contribute money. How about giving you a hundred gold coins? "

Maxim's greedy words made Hudson lose his temper. Reason told him that if he wanted to get angry with this idiot, he could only come out at noon.

"Stop dreaming, Maxim, do you think I can be bought with a hundred gold coins?"

After saying that, Hudson wanted to give himself a big mouth. As expected, he was so angry that he didn't even think about what he was talking about.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you want gold coins, go capture prisoners for me. I only capture living monsters.

One hundred gold coins for a first-level monster, 200 gold coins for a second-level monster, 500 gold coins for a third-level monster, 2,000 gold coins for a fourth-level monster, 4,000 gold coins for a fifth-level monster, 8,000 gold coins for a sixth-level monster, 30,000 gold coins for a seventh-level monster, eight One hundred thousand gold coins for level 1 monsters, and 500,000 gold coins for level 9 monsters.

The price of female animals in the reproductive period is doubled based on the above. "

This bounty price is definitely not comparable to the market price of Warcraft. But those captured were all wild monsters, which were difficult to train.

If a trained Warcraft adds a zero to the above price, everyone will rush to pay.

"Warcraft lasts forever, and one will be passed down forever."

Unlike wild monsters, even if a contract is signed, the owner will leave once he dies. A trained monster can be used as a family heirloom.

This is also the reason why Warcraft cubs are so popular. Only cubs can be trained. Once a high-level monster reaches adulthood, it is no longer possible to train it.

There are many magical beasts in the hands of the great nobles, but there are very few high-level magical beasts. The main reason is that these intelligent races are difficult to raise.

Even cubs raised since childhood still hold grudges. If you dare to feed them ripening potions, there will definitely be backlash in the future.

Raising them at a normal pace requires a long growth cycle, not to mention the huge cost. The key is to ensure that their power can last for hundreds of years.

If the monsters are not raised and their family declines first, all the previous investment will be in vain.

If this is all it is, it is not unbearable. For the nobles, the cost of raising a few more monsters is still affordable.

The most pitiful thing is that these monsters are easily destroyed in the long growth cycle. There are too many high-level monsters that are still at the fifth or sixth level after being raised for hundreds of years.

For example: Governor Pierce's flaming lion was originally a high-level monster, but when it grew to level five, it reached adulthood early.

After trying every possible means, he finally stopped at the sixth level, unable to cross the threshold of the seventh level, let alone continue to grow.

Spending hundreds of years cultivating a mid-level monster is undoubtedly a costly business.

But no matter how high the probability of failure is, there are still success stories. These successful cases are the motivation for everyone to continue investing.

At this moment, Hudson was trying to impress Maxim, mainly for the low-level monsters. For these low-intelligence races, contract difficulty is relatively low.

Especially for the female beast here, it doesn't matter whether she can be contracted or not. If she is captured and bred with Maxim, there will be another litter of cubs soon.

"No, what kind of dragon do you think I am? How can you do what a slave trader does? You have to pay more!"

After listening to Maxim's words, Hudson almost fell off the dragon's back. I was still talking about principles before, but in the blink of an eye, I became only interested in money.

Gold coins have no substantive meaning to the dragon. I really don't understand where the dragon's wealth-obsessed attribute comes from.

Returning to the camp, he briefly explained the situation to Governor Pierce, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became heavy.

"Earl Hudson, are you sure the beast tide is coming towards us?"

Governor Pierce asked with concern.

Once the beast tide breaks out, the construction progress of the Blood Moon Defense Line will definitely be affected. Even completed foundation projects may be damaged.

Even if the beast tide is overcome, it will be a lose-lose situation for both the Warcraft and the nobles of the Southeast Province. Only the Hessian Kingdom can benefit from it.

"Judging from the current movement direction of the beast herd, the beast tide is indeed heading towards us.

Maybe we stimulated them by building a defense line; or maybe there are too many monsters in the Hessen Mountains, and the resources in the mountains cannot support so many monsters. The high-level monsters control the number of monsters through the beast tide.

It is also possible that a certain mercenary group caused trouble and stimulated the high-level monsters in the mountains and wanted to retaliate through this method.

There are so many possibilities, none of them matter now. The crux of the matter is how we should deal with this beast wave now. "

Hudson said calmly.

The size of the herd is indeed not small, but this is Blood Moon County, which is still a long way from the mountain territory, so the disaster will not be able to harm him for a while.

There were so many nobles along the way, and after blocking them at all levels, the herd was almost exhausted.

“The border between the Southeast Province and the Hessian Mountains is too long, and the herds can choose a breakthrough point at will, making it difficult to stop them.

With high-level monsters commanding them, it would be impossible to set up traps to ambush them.

The nobles of Blood Moon County are going to suffer, and the neighboring counties may not be able to escape either.

Earl Hudson, issue a military mobilization order! If you want to extinguish the beast tide in a short period of time, you must use the military power of the entire province. "

Governor Pierce's words made Hudson slightly stunned. As the military commander of the province, he was just a decoration from beginning to end, and he never thought that he would have the time to give orders.

Then it dawned on me. It seems that Governor Pierce has given up the initiative, but in fact this is another hot potato.

No matter how we defend ourselves, some nobles’ territories will surely suffer. Whoever directs the battle will bear the grievances of these unlucky people.

There was no standing army in the southeastern province, so Hudson seemed to have obtained military power, but in fact he only had the power to temporarily command the private armies of the nobles.

No matter how hard it is, the private army of the nobles is just a private army. The Lord's orders carry far more weight than the words of a provincial military officer.

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