
Chapter 380: Maintain health internally and stabilize the spirit externally

The mobilization order was issued, but before reinforcements arrived, the overwhelming tide of beasts broke out first.

The half-finished blood moon defense line has no protective effect at all. For the safety of the workers, Hudson could only order a retreat to important strategic nodes.

In fact, at this time, whether "strategy" is strategic or not is not important at all. After the herd crossed the defense line, the free-spirited mode started.

The high-level monsters are qualified high-level commanders, but the low-level monsters below are not qualified grassroots officers. It is too difficult for them to command the beasts to fight.

In their eyes, the beasts under their command are equal to food. When they were hungry, they would catch a few random animals to satisfy their hunger. The wild animals were so scared that they hid far away when they saw them.

If it weren't for the restraints of the three high-level monsters, maybe the monsters would all be free to fight each other. A low-level monster with an average IQ lower than that of a seven-year-old child has no idea what the overall situation is.

After seeing the behavior of the herd, Hudson suddenly found that he was nervous for nothing. Even if there were no reinforcements, the ragtag group in front of them would be killed by nobles from all over the country.

Even though Blood Moon County was being besieged by an army of monsters, Hudson didn't take it seriously.

Everyone who needs to be notified has been notified. This is not the first time they have encountered a beast tide. The nobles of Blood Moon County have their own response plan.

The three high-level monsters that started the beast tide are all spending time outside the city. The monsters that invade other places are just trash and will never become a climate at all.

"Earl Hudson, something is wrong. A normal beast tide would not have such a rigorous organization, let alone a clear goal.

The herd of beasts gathering outside is getting bigger and bigger, and the three high-level monsters have been staying here, as if there is something in the city that attracts them. "

Governor Pierce said worriedly.

Apparently, he was less optimistic than Hudson. It is rare in history that a beast tide comes with a purpose.

"Your Majesty the Governor, I have naturally noticed this problem. But if I want to find out the reason, I'm afraid I can only ask the three-headed monster.

Our mounts did not respond, which proved that the monsters outside the city were not attracted by natural materials and earthly treasures.

Maybe it was a certain mercenary group that caused the trouble, or maybe a certain noble did something big in the Blackstone Mountains. It doesn't rule out that someone did it deliberately.

If the Hessians want to launch an invasion from here, it is entirely possible to create a tide of beasts in advance to attract the monsters from the Blackstone Mountains.

It is also a good thing that the beasts gather outside the city. We just need to hold on to the city and wait for reinforcements to arrive. "

Hudson said calmly.

Everything was caused by profit. Ever since the price was negotiated with Maxim, Hanhanlong kept going out to hunt World of Warcraft.

Probably because he has been hanging out with Bear Stearns for a long time, this guy has also learned to sap from behind, shrinking his body and sneaking out every time he makes a move.

Once they have harvested something, they don't bring it back immediately. Instead, they choose to bring it back quietly at night with the help of night cover. They are not as high-profile as normal dragons at all.

If it weren't for the increasing number of Warcraft prisoners in the Hudson Private Army Camp, I wouldn't know what this guy was doing every day.

Warcraft's noses are very sharp. If you capture too many Warcraft captives, you will inevitably be noticed by your fellow creatures.

Although there is no complete evidence, judging from the current reaction of the beast group, there is a high probability that the trouble is caused by the own dragon.

You know it, but Hudson will definitely not recognize it. It would not do him any good if this kind of thing got out.

At present, the Kingdom of Hesse is regarded as the biggest threat by the provincial nobles. They see the problem through tinted glasses, so it is right to blame them.

The bloody battle began, and it was another tragic day. Patrolling the battlefield from a distance, Hudson sighed secretly.

In his eyes, both the soldiers defending the city and the monsters attacking the city were a valuable asset. It's a pity that now I can only watch the two being wasted here.

There were no surprises. All the nobles' mid- to high-level Warcraft mounts did not appear on the battlefield, and even if they showed up, they refused to participate in the battle.

In normal times, they were free to fight, but at times like this, they all chose neutrality.

No one knows the reason behind it, but the question is: unique Warcraft thinking. Hudson couldn't figure it out and didn't have the time to dig into it.

It is obvious that the attacks of the herd are much more random than those of organized humans. Cooperation was non-existent, and even though the three high-level monsters roared continuously, they could not change their willfulness.

"If someone can control the herd of beasts and launch magic attacks in an organized manner, our city defenses will not be able to last for three hours!"

Hudson sighed sincerely.

I have to admit that the talent of Warcraft is unique, and everyone is born with both magic and martial arts. It is capable of both long-range magic attacks and melee combat.

"Earl Hudson, you're joking.

If monsters of different races could cooperate with each other, they would have become the overlords of the continent long ago, and we humans would have nothing to do with them.

The Creator God is fair, giving them their unique talents, but also depriving them of their wisdom.

If all monsters had intelligence, even low-level monsters could break through the bloodline restrictions through practice and grow into high-level monsters.

A long life, coupled with that outstanding talent. It can be said that any low-level Warcraft tribe possesses wisdom and is also an Elf tribe.

Even more terrifying than the elves, who do not have the ability to reproduce! "

Governor Pierce laughed.

There are no higher-level monsters, because the only limitation of these abnormal creatures is their low fertility.

If a certain high-level warcraft race breaks through its own fertility limit and can reproduce clutch after clutch, it will soon replace the human race and become the new overlord of the continent.

The brief conversation eased the tense atmosphere in the headquarters.

"Send the order and let the magic crossbows, magic crystal cannons, and trebuchets in the city aim at the beasts and shoot freely."

Hudson ordered accordingly.

There is no need to continue to hide and tuck in. The enemy is a monster, and people don't understand the tricks of the art of war.

Either beat the opponent to death or be beaten to death by the opponent. World of Warcraft is so simple and unpretentious.

The roar of artillery fire sounded, and the pressure on the city defenders was instantly reduced. Facing the defenders' long-range attacks, the Warcraft also launched a magical counterattack.

It's just that these idiots obviously don't know how to cooperate. It often happens that my beast's magic collides in the air and explodes before it reaches the city.

The result was: the magical counterattack launched caused indiscriminate attacks on both the enemy and ourselves. After some bad-tempered monsters were accidentally injured, they even gave their teammates a critical hit with their backhand.

The chaos of the scene left Hudson stunned. He very much doubted that if it weren't for the three high-level monsters constantly maintaining order, the beasts outside could fight on their own.

Theoretically speaking, if a counterattack is launched at this moment, as long as the three high-level monsters are held back, the unmanned beast herd will soon collapse.

It's a pity that Mr. Hudson, the dragon knight, is too precious about his life and has no idea of ​​taking advantage of the fire. Others are more than capable.

The nobles of the southeastern provinces are still lacking in high-end strength.

Judging from the information obtained by Hudson, there are a lot of magisters and earth knights in the province, but the higher level magisters and sky knights are all cut off.

Whether it is a real fault or whether the Dalton family has hidden its high-end power is still unknown. Anyway, no master of this level has shown up.

In terms of power system comparison, Magisters and Earth Knights correspond to seventh-level monsters. There is only one eighth-level magic beast and two seventh-level magic beasts outside. Assembling a dozen experts to besiege them can also achieve the goal.

Unfortunately, like Hudson, these big shots also cherish their lives. If they were caught in a siege by a herd of beasts, they would not have the ability to escape unscathed.

Hudson did not issue such an offending order, and the others tacitly agreed not to mention it, and were all quietly waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

In the Jade Palace, news of the outbreak of beast tides in the southeastern provinces has spread to the royal capital. It's just that many princes and nobles, including Caesar IV, couldn't care less about these "little things."

No nobles in the southeastern provinces have asked for help, which is enough to show that the situation is still under control and there is no need to expend too much energy to pay attention.

Looking at the intelligence gathered from all over the continent, Caesar IV couldn't help but ask: "Is the continental war going to break out so soon?"

"Your Majesty, judging from the information collected so far, all countries are preparing for war.

In particular, the Franks have issued a war ultimatum to the Orc Kingdom regarding the assassination of the mission. Armies from various places have also begun to mobilize, and it is only a matter of time before war breaks out.

The Kingdom of Oprus also had conflicts with the dwarves. In recent days, more than a hundred dwarves have had accidents on the border between the two countries, and seven Oprus nobles have also been killed.

Judging from the traces left at the scene, the finger points are all pointed at the other party. The two countries are currently busy arguing. It is said that two armed conflicts even broke out in the border area.

If the situation is not alleviated, the Kingdom of Oprus, which has received the support of the Holy See, is likely to launch a war against the Dwarf Kingdom.

The Iliban Kingdom recently had a conflict with the ogre tribe. Judging from the information they have gathered, it is very likely that they will use troops against the Ogre Kingdom again.

The central part of the continent is not peaceful either. There is an armed conflict between the South Coast Kingdom and the Three-Eyed Clan; the conflict between the Dante Kingdom and the Troll Clan escalates; the Hessian Kingdom also confronts the Stoneman Clan.

The above-mentioned are all conflicts between the human race and several powerful alien races, and there are even more conflicts between some small alien races and various human race countries.

There are various signs that a new round of continental war is just around the corner, and now it depends on who will ignite it first. "

Count Francis said with a tired look.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been very busy recently. This complex international situation of whether to fight or not is the most annoying.

A series of international conflicts broke out, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had to constantly adjust the kingdom's current foreign policy according to changes in the situation.

It doesn’t matter if you work overtime, the key is that you can’t produce results. If you are not careful, you may cause trouble.

In the conflict between the human race and the alien race, it seems that it is enough to side with the human race without any thought. But the reality is very cruel. Standing in line at this moment cannot be done by shouting a few words of support, but by taking practical actions.

Once a continental war breaks out, no one can be immune.

The Alpha Kingdom seems to have no foreign races nearby, but the Northern Continent is where the foreign races have the strongest power. If a fight really breaks out, the pressure we need to face will only be greater than the countries involved.

After all, people are well prepared and take the initiative to launch wars. If they win, they will gain a lot of land wealth.

It's different when it comes to the Alpha Kingdom. He is surrounded by human countries. Even if he wins the war and destroys the alien race, he can still get a few enclaves.

This is still the most ideal situation. It is more likely that the human race countries in the central and southern part of the continent have eliminated the alien races, the alien races in the northern continent are still living well, and the Alpha Kingdom has worked in vain.

It cannot be regarded as a vain effort, it is just that the gap between the north and the south of the mainland is even wider. It has slowly become an ordinary kingdom from a continental power, and is in an increasingly disadvantaged position in international competition.

"The continental war is now breaking out, which is very detrimental to the kingdom. Even if the human race wins a complete victory, we do not have the ability to divide the spoils.

It would be best for the kingdom to avoid this war if possible. No matter what happens, we must delay the outbreak of war to ensure that we will not be dragged into the battlefield at the early stage of the war.

The kingdom’s current finances are still not optimistic. Perhaps the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can take this opportunity to ask governments for debt relief.

We don’t have the luxury of expecting that private borrowing can be exempted. As long as government borrowing is wiped out, our pressure will be greatly reduced. "

As soon as Marquis Delgado opened his mouth, he showed the qualities that a finance minister should have, thinking about the kingdom's financial problems all the time.

"Your Majesty the Marquis, this may be a bit difficult. We owe the governments of various countries a total of more than 10 million gold coins, which is not a small amount.

If you make a request at this time, perhaps only the few small countries in the northern continent that are close to the elves will agree, but they will agree with conditions.

The kingdom does not want to intervene in the war immediately, so the best option is to find an excuse and stand still. Anyway, there are so many countries standing in the way, and the war will not reach our homeland for a while.

If it can be delayed for three to five years and the kingdom recovers its strength, it will be a different situation to intervene in the war again. "

The Prime Minister, the Grand Duke of Newfoundland, objected.

The pressure on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is already great enough, and to make unrealistic demands is really to embarrass people.

On a more personal note, if anyone owed a large amount of money to the Alpha Kingdom and suddenly asked for debt relief, he would not agree.

Even if you really have no money, you can still defer your debt. In the Aslant continent, no country defaults on its debt before it perishes.

As for choosing to wait and see the situation, it is even less surprising. In the past, we were able to adopt a policy of appeasement towards the Kingdom of Hesse, but now we can also hold our troops back.

Anyway, this kind of thing is not exclusive to the Alpha Kingdom. When the orcs invaded earlier, most countries in the northern continent did not send troops in time.

“The Prime Minister is right, the most important thing now is to gain time, and other issues must give way.

Grand Duke Efiero, if a continental war breaks out suddenly, how much military pressure will the kingdom face? Are we capable of dealing with it? "

Archduke Efiero, who was named by Caesar IV, looked embarrassed. Before he could answer, his facial expression revealed his true inner thoughts.

"Your Majesty, the international situation is unpredictable. We don't even know who the enemy is yet. It is difficult for the Ministry of Military Affairs to give a clear answer.

If you want to deduce a result in advance, I suggest calling Earl Hudson to the royal capital to report his work. In the military, he has more say. "

Grand Duke Efiero decisively threw the blame.

As Minister of Military Affairs, he naturally does not lack professional qualities. But he was pessimistic on this issue and really did not dare to give Caesar IV the guarantee he wanted.

"The southeastern province is encountering a tide of beasts, and Earl Hudson is in charge of the overall situation. He will definitely not be able to leave for a while.

The Ministry of Military Affairs will first make a reasonable response plan based on the current situation. Lest the mainland war breaks out suddenly and catch us by surprise.

Don't be so pessimistic, everyone. At least the threat to our south has been lifted for the time being. It is impossible for the three central kingdoms to risk the disapproval of the world and provoke a civil war among the human race during the continental war.

There are other countries that have to stand in front of the alien threat.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs can strengthen communication with the elves, preferably by signing a binding non-aggression treaty. As long as we can stabilize them, we will win most of this war. "

Caesar IV said bluntly.

These countermeasures were all left behind by Caesar III during his lifetime. After predicting that the mainland war was about to break out, he made plans for the future of the Alpha Kingdom in advance.

Initially, Caesar IV did not take it seriously, but he did not expect that the development of the situation would be almost the same as Caesar III's prediction.

The only difference is that the continental war broke out a little earlier, but there is still no major difference in the development of the situation.

Unable to find a better countermeasure, Caesar IV could only use the national policy left by his father - "Nurture health internally and stabilize the spirit externally."

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