
Chapter 492 Crossroads

Hudson is gone, but the Arcane Academy is in a state of excitement. No matter how distinguished a student is, his first reaction when receiving this news is - Impossible!

The Arcane Academy has many sponsors, and the rich nobles in the kingdom have provided them with sponsorship, but no one is so bold as to spend millions of gold coins.

"Who spread this news? If you dare to spread rumors about Marshal Hudson, you may risk your life!"

Norman said angrily.

As a son of a great noble, he knew far more information than ordinary students.

To ordinary people, rumors are just rumors, but to big nobles, family honor is more important than life.

If things get serious, even if it's false, it can only become true for the sake of face.

The senior management of the college just offended Marshal Hudson a few days ago. If this happened again, it would be fatal!

Being forced to take out a potion worth one million gold coins was unbearable for any normal person, let alone a powerful marshal of the kingdom.

Those who rip off people don’t dare to be so cruel!

"Cousin, you are thinking too much. This is an announcement from the college, how could it be a rumor!

According to the announcement, not only we will participate in this skills competition, but students from the Magic Academy will also participate.

The assessment method is very simple. Make a certain amount of magic crystal cards. Whoever makes the magic crystal cards with good quality and speed will be the winner.

The top twenty students will share the one hundred bottles of magic potion. The higher the ranking, the more rewards they will get.

We'd better act quickly, because the laboratory will be robbed late, and it will be difficult to find a place to practice! "

Karim urged.

In the Alpha Kingdom, even the families of great nobles are not necessarily wealthy. The name of "Ha's Magic Potion" resounds throughout the continent, but not many people have actually enjoyed it.

Limited sales are only secondary, the main reason is that everyone is too poor. So much so that almost all of the high-end magic potions released by Hudson were bought by the great nobles of the Southern Continent and the Central Region.

Most of the potions purchased by the nobles of the kingdom are for Warcraft, and their cost performance is much higher than potions that assist human beings in their cultivation.

The same raw materials, the same formula, the sky-high price of the human version of Ha's magic potion, the production cost is even lower.

Others need to consider eliminating side effects when making medicine, but when it comes to Hudson, they actively add side effects to the medicine.

One less process reduces the production cost of the magic potion, but the selling price adds a zero.

Everyone takes such a high price for granted. The main reason is that Hudson has done a good job in publicity.

Eliminating the side effects of medicines is inherently difficult. Only the elves in the entire continent have this technology, and only a handful of elven alchemy masters can do it.

The limited output is not enough for the elves. With the relationship between humans and elves, it is simply impossible to trade high-end pharmaceuticals.

The emergence of Hudson broke this record.

Coupled with the lineup: "The magic potion master personally refines it, the dragon is responsible for controlling the firepower, and the earth bear is responsible for guarding the potion furnace..." The lineup. Just know that the price will definitely not be cheap.

The high price has driven away many buyers, and at the same time made the concept of high-end popular among people.

Anyway, everyone who bought it agreed that after three years of reservation orders, the price on the black market had already doubled.

In fact, the customers who bought it did not take it out for takeout at all. The sales limit is not enough for even my own house.

The sellers on the black market are all Hudson's vests.

It doesn't matter whether the transaction can be completed or not. The key is that the price must be raised so that everyone feels that they will make a profit if they buy it.

If someone took the order, he would sell a few bottles of medicine. If not, let the vest trumpet play by himself.

"What, the news is true!

Come on, let’s go..."

As he spoke, Norman dragged his cousin straight to the laboratory.

On the surface, they are grabbing potions, but smart people know that this is a good opportunity to show their face.

With such rich prizes, it will definitely attract the attention of all the big guys in the kingdom. If you stand out in this situation, you will create a qualitative gap with your peers.

Whether it is competing for the resources of the academy, the support of the family, or future development in the kingdom, the sooner you can show your prominence, the better.

Hidden clumsiness is not suitable for Arcane Academy. From the beginning of entering here, what is needed is to be sharp.

As long as it doesn't bring hatred and is exposed to the eyes of big bosses, it will be safer.

Suppression and fear are simply overthinking.

The kingdom is in need of thugs, and the more talented they are, the more popular they are. The orc prairie is very vast, and everyone doesn't mind adding a group of new nobles to the prairie.

When the increment is lost and the stock game enters, the unscrupulous involution begins.

In the misty sea area, a man, a bear and a dragon were looking down from the clouds in all directions. Suddenly three auras rose into the sky, followed by a turbulent storm.

"Maxim, stay away, don't be affected!"

Hudson ordered hurriedly.

There was a thunder disaster in the Aslant continent. He didn't know how to complain. The only thing he could do was to stay away.

If they were accidentally affected, the thick-skinned dragons and bears might be fine, but his hard-working master might become a scumbag.

After retreating for twenty miles in a row, the sense of danger of Hudson's death slowly disappeared.

The ghost ship broke through the sanctuary, which had exceeded his cognitive scope. He searched through the kingdom's classics but could not find any relevant records.

I never imagined that the world also has racial discrimination.

Maxim and Bear Stearns broke through the sanctuary and completed it directly in their sleep, without any twists and turns in the whole process.

Robert broke through the holy realm, and although he found someone to protect him, he didn't make any big noise. It's nothing more than the magical elements between heaven and earth becoming more active.

Switching to the ghost ship and directly giving away the Thunder Tribulation package is enough to prove how unpopular these aliens are.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for these three ghost ships to break through, but Hudson fed them too much.

Not only did he make a fortune from the coastal nobles, but all the blood he harvested from the battlefield became the ghost ship's supplies.

Under normal circumstances, even if they looted all the ships at sea, they wouldn't be able to get so much supplies.

Hudson didn't know how powerful the thunder was. The biting cold wind had already torn his magic shield.

If Bells hadn't been on top, he might have become the first dragon knight to fall off the dragon's back and die.

Of course, the greater possibility is that it will be torn apart by the wind blade, directly shattering into pieces, even saving the step of collecting the body.

Can't afford to offend, can afford to hide. Mr. Hudson looked down upon this kind of excitement.

Deep down, Hudson was already worried about the three ghost ships below. It took a lot of effort to fatten them up, but if they fall apart after being tossed around, it will be a huge loss.

"You two, do you know what's going on?"

After avoiding the storm, Hudson asked with concern.

"A Dragon King recorded in his dragon life experience that creatures from other worlds will encounter thunder disasters when they break through the holy realm.

It seems that the ghost ship is an alien species. I don’t know exactly when it came over. Anyway, the first time this thing appeared in the inherited memory was more than 9,000 years ago. "

Maxim's words made Hudson happy. This silly dragon of my own has actually recovered his inherited memory.

In the world of dragons, there is a saying that has been circulating: Dragons without inherited memories are second-class disabled.

Although the Dragon Mother can teach inherited knowledge, the Dragon Clan's inherited memory is so huge that it is usually only read when it is needed.

Without the inherited memory and the valuable experience accumulated by our ancestors, it is almost impossible to break through to a higher realm.

Maxim, who committed suicide and lost his inherited memory, has now recovered. This is definitely a good thing.

Then Hudson focused his attention on "more than 9,000 years ago". It was estimated from the time nodes that the Dragon King who left behind the information was likely to have experienced the last 10,000-year catastrophe.

Maybe the ghost ship is an alien species left over from the last 10,000-year catastrophe.

There are more and more products proving the existence of the Ten Thousand Years Catastrophe, but the specific information has been erased, which makes Hudson's heart sink.

It is very easy for short-lived races like the human race to tamper with history and hide some information. As long as three to five hundred years pass, the truth can be tampered with beyond recognition.

Long-lived races such as giant dragons are different. Even after thousands of years, the dragon in question may still be alive.

Unless the dragon is killed or a piece of their memory is forcibly erased, it will be difficult to keep it secret.

Even if the gods gave orders, it would be difficult to make the unruly dragon obey. In the ancient myths spread on the continent of Aslant, there are many stories of giant dragons rebelling against the gods.

Seeing that the dragon clan is living very well now, you know that the gods are not omnipotent. At least in this world, the ancient dragons can fight against them.

"Maxim, in your inherited memory, is the probability of these alien species successfully surviving the tribulation high?"

There was no room for Hudson to not care about these three ghost ships, but they were an important part of his plan.

It takes time for the navy to grow, and if you want to control the sea, you must make unique moves.

The notorious "Three Kings of the Netherworld" are undoubtedly the best helpers. They can do all the dirty work at sea.

"have no idea!

In the inherited memory, I just casually mentioned that these things are not what we dragons care about, and no dragon will do statistics. "

Maxim said, shaking his head.

The thunderstorm was still going on, and Hudson could only wait anxiously. Success or failure lies in this wave. If we lose control of the sea area, most of Xueyue Territory's development plans will be scrapped.

The Kingdom's navy still has some foundation, but its financial resources are limited and it simply does not have the ability to develop sea power.

The aristocratic private army cannot be counted on either. Power is only relative. Looking at the entire continent, it is nothing at all.

As time passed, Poison Dragon Island once again revealed its true appearance. The fog that shrouded it was dispersed by the storm, and the sky became exceptionally bright.

The "Three Kings of the Netherworld" lurking here are now more embarrassed than the last. The original majestic battleship has now become dilapidated, as if it may fall apart at any time.

The ghosts on the ship were all busy listlessly, as if they were repairing the battleship.

Just looking at it from a distance, Hudson felt endless sadness, as if it was about to completely devour this world.

Seeing their master coming, the embarrassed ghosts hurried out to greet him. The three ghost kings headed by them were the worst, and their auras were a little unstable.

"Have you succeeded in breaking through?"

Hudson asked concerned.

They can recover if their condition is not good. Anyway, the kingdom is not short of wars, and there is plenty of blood evil energy, which can serve as food for their growth.

The key is that as long as there is a breakthrough in the realm, the energy replenishment can be completed quickly.

"Master, we are half successful. Fortunately, the materials you prepared for us were sufficient, so we were able to survive the thunderstorm.

It’s just that the ghost ship was promoted just now. If the three of us want to be promoted to the sanctuary, we still need to understand the rules.

However, with the assistance of the ghost ship, we can understand the laws much faster than ordinary people, and it shouldn't take much time. "

The Ghost King's answer made Hudson's heart drop. As long as the ghost ship breaks through, it is enough. The ghost on the ship is not in a hurry.

Ghost ships have always been known for their sturdiness, and ghost ships at the sanctuary level are already immune to most attacks.

It's the perfect way to bully the soldiers. Except for the strong men at the sanctuary level who can pose a threat to them, it has been difficult for the navies of various countries to wipe them out.

Even if it is a high-profile way to attract hatred, it is not a big deal. Anyway, ghosts can be resurrected after they die. If you want to consume them to death, you must first see if you can afford it.

"In that case, you should repair the battleship first! Try to understand the law as soon as possible. We will not arrange combat missions for you in a short period of time.

Now that you are in a weak stage, you must be on strict alert, especially when the fog clears.

Once someone sees through the truth, you will be in big trouble. If you find that the situation is not good, you can evacuate to the sea first. "

Humanity's understanding of the sea is very limited, and unfamiliar sea areas that have not been explored are often forbidden areas in everyone's mind.

Those who dare to explore deeply are warriors before setting off, but will soon become martyrs.

Bad weather, monsters, sea tribe...these are all enemies.

If you want to go deep into the ocean, you will need to make further breakthroughs in shipbuilding technology to withstand various tests.

Just like the extreme weather changes just now, the storm was mixed with wind blades, and ordinary ships would be torn apart very quickly.

Only a few warships equipped with magic arrays could withstand it, but damage to their hulls was inevitable.

The most troublesome thing is the cost. Once the magic circle is activated, hundreds of magic crystals are gone. If you persist a little longer, it will cost you thousands of gold coins.

Using such a gold-eating behemoth for ocean exploration is really a waste of money.

If an accident occurs, the loss will be even greater. Unless it's true love, everyone will think twice before taking action.

But the risk only belongs to ordinary humans. Creatures like ghost ships have always been other people's risks.

In the Orc Prairie, after a round of killings, the royal competition has reached a critical moment.

"Three of you, we can't continue like this!

The scale of the war is getting bigger and bigger, and countless small and medium-sized races that are not qualified to participate in the competition are now involved.

In just half a year, millions of orcs died in internal fighting.

These are the vitality of the empire. If we don't take measures and let them carry out genocide, I am afraid that many races will disappear from the continent.

For the future of the empire, I propose that we all jointly issue an announcement: royal competitions are prohibited from involving other unrelated races, and races that are not participating in the competition are also prohibited from appearing on the battlefield! "

Silver Moon Wolf Emperor said worriedly.

The original plan was to use the position of the royal family to force the powerful races to kill each other and consolidate their royal status.

I never expected that the situation would change in the blink of an eye. The competing races that were supposed to be fighting each other to the death have all started forming cliques.

Many times when two competing races go to war, the nearby neutral race is wiped out while fighting.

It might have been an accident once or twice, but when it happened too many times, the Silver Moon Wolf Emperor realized that something was wrong.

This is not fighting each other, it is clearly taking the opportunity to expand their strength and deliberately putting on a show for the four royal families.

Realizing the problem, he looked back and found that the Silver Moon Wolf Emperor had no choice but to find that his family seemed to be unable to interfere.

The various clans that form cliques are not as comprehensive as the royal family, but they are not soft persimmons who can do whatever they want.

There is no doubt that this kind of private collusion is something that the four royal families will never tolerate.


I completely agree with the Wolf King's proposal. These races are really too rampant. If we don't take action, they will almost forget who is the master of the prairie.

It is not enough to issue an announcement, you must also add fire to them and make them really fight with each other.

I propose to hold a royal competition conference. All races participating in the competition can sign up. The competition method is a legion battle.

Designate an area and let the participating races send elite legions into it to hunt down opponents. Whichever race has the highest record will become the new royal family! "

The Yingren Emperor said indifferently.

Among the four royal families, they have the lowest force value. If all races with the ability to fly had not been destroyed by them, their status would not be so stable.

However, this world is always dominated by the weak and the strong, and some races whose strength is close to that of the Eagle Tribe no longer buy into their account.

If you disobey, you will be destroyed!

In the face of racial interests, the empire must also take a detour. These powerful fighting races that have the power to threaten their royal status must be suppressed.

Determining the ownership of the royal family through legion war is simply forcing a group of powerful races to kill each other.

Even if there is a winner, there will still be a huge loss in strength. Even if you successfully become a royal family, it is difficult to have a say in the empire.

"Eagle Emperor, the leaders of all clans are not fools. If we do this, the backlash will be huge.

The more forced you are, the stronger your resistance will be. Maybe all ethnic groups will resist and refuse to participate in this..."

Before the Bear King could finish his words, the Eagle King interrupted: "Bear King, there is nothing to be afraid of!

With so many races, there will always be those who are willing to cooperate with us. Anyway, there is only one vacant royal position, and if you want to ascend to the throne, you must fight for it.

If there is a race that does not participate, then their qualifications will be immediately disqualified and they will be listed as key targets for suppression.

Find an opportunity to join our four families and destroy them in one fell swoop, just in time to scare the monkeys! "

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