
Chapter 493 Strategic Extension

The benefits were exciting. Stimulated by the generous prizes, the students started a crazy involution mode, and the laboratory was overcrowded every day.

In fact, it is not only the students who are eager for magic potions, but also many academy instructors. It's just that this is a competition for students, and they really can't lose face.

Everyone was busy, laying the technical foundation for the establishment of the Near East Development Bank.

The first batch of magic crystal cards were in place, and the three major outlets opened together. They opened quietly without flowers or applause.

For a bank that keeps such a low profile, its performance will naturally not be much better. The users who came to open a card in the early stage were all old friends.

It's not that Hudson doesn't know the importance of publicity, it's mainly that banks are still in the process of developing their business and simply don't have the ability to serve more customers.

After all, the main people being contacted now are noble masters, so we can’t let people queue up to handle business, right?

Since you have chosen to take the high-end route, you must provide matching services. There were few customers in the early stage, so it was just a good time to train the team.

The three major outlets issued a total of 136 magic crystal cards. This number was reached when the business opened, which made Mr. Hudson very satisfied.

The number of customers is indeed small, but they are all high-quality customers. More than a hundred card customers deposited more than 300,000 gold coins in cash, which gave him enough face.

The most important thing next is not to expand the deposit business, nor to find loan customers, but to let everyone see the benefits of the bank.

Anyway, once the money is collected, it can be piled into the warehouse, and there is no need to pay interest on the funds. The biggest expense is nothing more than personnel salaries, and Hudson is not worried about cost pressure at all.

Soon it was time for the skills competition. As the largest sponsor and honorary principal of the event, Hudson attended the event as a matter of course.

The theme of the event is a competition of skills, which is naturally not limited to the production of magic crystal cards. The two major academies also added alchemy, refining medicine, divination, fighting, magic circle...

As projects grew, so did sponsors. In addition to Hudson, the royal family, some big nobles, and chambers of commerce also came to join in the fun.

The value of the prizes provided is definitely not comparable to that of Hudson, but it is better in that there are many categories and are applicable.

The scale is getting bigger and bigger, and the attention of the outside world is also increasing. Perhaps out of boredom, all the princes and ministers, including King Caesar IV, came to join in the fun.

Hudson, who was not prepared to continue to be in the limelight, declined the invitation to give a speech at the opening ceremony and chose to sit in the VIP seats with a group of dignitaries from the royal capital.

Looking at the dense crowd of melon-eating people at the scene, Hudson was very suspicious that the nobles in the royal capital were now running over to join in the fun.

He just wanted to watch the fun, but he actually took care of his family. Before the game started, the scene became lively.

The students who maintained order couldn't resist it. In the end, Caesar IV called in the palace guards to maintain order.

"Robert, how many tickets did you sell? Why are there so many people watching?"

Hudson asked jokingly.

Comparing the flow of people on site with the seats prepared in advance, we can see that the plan is out of touch with reality, and it is obvious that there is a lack of relevant experience in hosting events.

It is estimated that the senior management of the college did not expect that the nobles of the royal capital would be so enthusiastic, and all of them brought their families to watch the fun.

Not only was it crowded outside, even the VIP seats were a bit crowded. Many dignitaries brought their families, so the organizers could only temporarily add chairs.

“Tickets, what tickets?

Marshal Hudson, you cannot slander my innocence! "

Robert explained hurriedly.

Conscience, he only invited a few sponsors to this event, and the rest of the guests came uninvited.

In order to limit the flow of people and prevent "cult members" from sneaking in and causing trouble, he ordered the college security personnel to strictly check identities and prohibit non-nobles from entering.

It's a pity that he still underestimated the enthusiasm of the people who eat melon. Everyone wanted to come and take a look at such an important event. The nobles were not alone, and the number of people ended up exceeding expectations.

The chaos at the scene was embarrassing enough. It would be even more embarrassing if someone misunderstood him as "profit-only" again.

Thinking that Robert was a strong man in the Holy Realm and the principal of the Arcane Academy, how could he give up for a little money!

"There are no tickets, no wonder there are so many people. With such a large flow of people, you old boy is not afraid to sneak in..."

Halfway through his rant, when he saw Caesar IV's face turning pale, Hudson decisively chose to shut up.

The last king, Caesar III, died young because of an assassination. Talking about such a sensitive topic is giving the king eye drops.

Looking at the arrangement of the VIP seats, Hudson knew that he would have to work part-time as a bodyguard today.

Deep down, he already secretly despised Robert's lack of financial acumen.

If you are flexible and sell tickets at different prices according to different viewing positions, you will not only limit the flow of people, but you can also earn at least hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

If we put up some more banners, engage in advertising sponsorships, and sell tea and snacks, the income will be even greater.

No wonder the college is short of money. Such a good monetization channel has been given up by themselves.

Anyway, the prizes are all sponsored. If you do this kind of activities several times a year, you can earn millions.

As long as we can invite all the dignitaries in the royal capital, we won't have to worry about no one buying tickets.

The nobles of the kingdom are poor, and that is only for large expenses. The admission fee of one or two gold coins is still enough for everyone.

Despite his contempt, Hudson still didn't mind his own business. This kind of suggestion is purely thankless.

If word spreads about the nobleman who went out to pay for tickets, he will be scolded to death behind his back.

The students were competing hard below, and the guests in the VIP seats were already chatting with each other. Some commented on the game, and some rambled on.

Except for his own children who paid special attention to the results of the game on the field, the remaining dignitaries came to eat and watch the fun.

This is the age of nobility!

Except for times of war, or when they need to develop new territories and need to be busy for a while, the nobles are idle most of the time.

The inherent production model, the productivity that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and the territorial governance can be directly copied according to the original experience.

There are slightly more things for the king, but it mainly depends on whether the monarch wants to pursue a career.

A salty king is no different from a noble lord. In normal times, as long as you don't look for trouble, you will basically be fine.

A career-oriented monarch is another model. Every day there are endless official duties and countless plans waiting to be planned.

There is no doubt that Caesar IV was a career-oriented monarch. He inherited the wishes of all the kings of the Alpha Kingdom and prepared to deal with the threat of the orcs in his lifetime.

Compared with previous monarchs of the kingdom, the situation faced by Caesar IV was much better. Not only does it have a good foundation left by Caesar III, the key is that the Orc Empire has entered a period of decline.

"Marshal Hudson, I heard that the Orc Empire has begun to move again. The four royal families want to start a legion war and select a new race to fill the vacancy left by Beamon. What do you think?"

Caesar IV asked with concern.

The smuggling trade has restarted and a large number of caravans have entered the prairie. The biggest convenience is that it is easier for the kingdom to collect intelligence on the Orc Empire.

There are so many orc races and tribes, and there will always be a few who are willing to cooperate. Especially those tribes on the verge of destruction, they dare to sell any news.

Of course, intelligence gathering is also mutual. It is easier for the kingdom to collect intelligence on the orcs, and it is easier for the orc empire to collect intelligence on the kingdom.

The moral integrity of those smugglers is usually relatively flexible. As long as the price is in place, everything is easy to negotiate.

It's just that these people don't have a high status in the kingdom, and the information they can sell is mostly ordinary information.

In comparison, the Kingdom still took advantage. If you can't buy the news from this tribe, you go to the enemy tribe to buy it.

In the context of stabbing each other and holding back each other, almost all the big orc tribes and the kingdom have established information files.

Big news such as "Legion War" that may affect the future political structure of the Orc Empire was immediately spread back to the country.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this matter won't be easy to succeed. Although the four royal families of the orcs are using conspiracy, each family has to consider the consequences of failure.

Directly putting the main force into the battlefield to fight, even if they win the final victory, they will inevitably lose their strength.

Not having enough strength, but occupying the position of the royal family, that is the second Behemoth clan, even worse than the Behemoth clan.

For the kingdom, it would be best if the fifth royal family could never be chosen, allowing the enemies to continue fighting among themselves amid suspicion.

Unfortunately, from the current point of view, this is impossible. The four major orc royal families have already realized the problem. Maybe our previous actions have been exposed.

It is almost impossible to use the royal family dispute to bring more orc races into the water.

If possible, it would be best to have all races unite to boycott legion wars!

The rule of the five royal families is too ancient and cannot keep up with the times. I think we should help them and introduce the orcs into the civilized world.

Fighting and killing will not solve the problem. The struggle for the position of the royal family is not impossible to solve.

Nowadays, the various clans are fighting fiercely, mainly because there is only one position for the royal family. It will be different if there are a few more seats.

Anyway, no one stipulates that the Orc Empire can only have five major royal families. Broadening your horizons a bit, co-governance by the ten royal families is also a good choice.

If you feel that it is not enough, you can also change it to co-governance by twenty royal families or co-governance by thirty royal families.

Your Majesty, as a good neighbor of the orcs, I think it is necessary for the kingdom to teach them to use more flexible means to solve problems! "

Hudson suggested with a smile.

When it comes to royal family, more is never better. The original co-governance of the five royal families was already chaotic enough.

Now from the five-yuan monarchy to the N-yuan monarchy, there are more and more races with the highest decision-making power, and the voice of a single royal family is getting weaker.

If you want to unify your position, it is far easier to convince only 4 people than to convince 9 people.

Lowering the efficiency of decision-making is second. The key is the emergence of new models, which is also accompanied by an increase in the number of leaders.

If the emerging royal family wants to strengthen its race, it is too slow to rely solely on "farming" to accumulate strength.

The best choice is to exploit the small and medium-sized races in the country, gather resources and wealth in the shortest possible time, and lay a material foundation for the growth of their own race.

The heavy pressure will inevitably aggravate the internal conflicts of the Orc Empire. The small and medium-sized races may not be able to resist, but the four royal families whose interests have been harmed will not give up.

The cake that was originally divided among the four of them is now divided among a group of people, and no one is mentally balanced.

What's more, what everyone is competing for is not only simple interests, but also the living space of their own race. Every political concession is accompanied by a shrinking of the racial living space.

When things develop to that point, there is no need for the kingdom to instigate, civil strife will break out in the Orc Empire itself.

“Marshal, you are playing with fire!

If the plan succeeds, the Orc Empire will indeed fall into chaos. But this kind of chaos also comes with opportunities. If the Orc Empire is unified amidst civil strife, it will be in big trouble.

The rule of a single emperor is far more capable of integrating the power of the Orc Empire than the rule of five emperors. The power that can be unleashed by then will definitely be several times greater than it is now! "

Caesar IV said with a serious expression.

Hudson's plan is "high risk, high return". If it succeeds, the kingdom will soar into the sky, if it fails, it will face the challenge of extinction.

"Your Majesty is overly worried. If the orcs could be unified, they would have been unified long ago.

Looking at the major races of orcs, none of them can account for one-tenth of the country's strength. How can they rule this empire?

No matter how powerful a person is, he must be based on strength. The strength between several big orc clans is very close, and no one will win over the other.

In the orc world, compromise means decline. The internal fighting between various races is much more intense than in the human world.

If it were not forcibly suppressed by the royal family, I am afraid that all the weak races in the orc empire would have become food.

It is impossible to unify the orcs. The trouble is to return to the era of joint rule by the five royal families. They have been using this system for hundreds of years and have accumulated rich experience.

Once the fifth royal family is born, the Orc Empire will soon be on the right track, and it will be the greatest threat to the kingdom.

In addition, whether it becomes the co-governance of four royal families or the co-governance of countless royal families, it is a new governance model.

Any new political model takes time to adapt. It would be impossible for them to understand it without struggling for ten or eight years.

What the kingdom needs most is time. If there is ten years as a buffer, the Near East strategy will basically take shape.

The twelve northern provinces that were originally threatened by orcs have become the hinterland of the kingdom, able to continuously provide money and food to the front line.

When the next war breaks out, the kingdom will have a qualitative breakthrough in terms of financial, human and material resources.

Under this ebb and flow, our probability of winning the war greatly increases. As long as we defeat the orcs again, we can replicate the success of the Near East strategy and continue to encroach on the orc empire.

After several twists and turns, within fifty years, the Orc Empire will inevitably come to an end! "

Hudson said calmly.

I don’t know why, but from the beginning of the Near East Strategy, Hudson always felt that he was possessed by the success master.

He was promoting a strategy that he didn't believe in in a serious manner, but his heart was completely calm.

Every time the picture is drawn, it is the most ideal result. To fully achieve your goal, you must have the right time, place, and right people at the same time.

The game between the Alpha Kingdom and the Orc Empire is actually just a microcosm of the competition between humans and aliens. One's own strength is one aspect, and the situation on the mainland is also an important factor affecting the final outcome.

Perhaps because too few people were deceived, Caesar IV enjoyed eating these unreliable pictures every time.

Not only was the king deceived, but many old foxes in politics also liked to eat the pie he painted. This is outrageous!

“Since the Marshal is so sure, the task of stirring up chaos within the Orc Empire is left to the Marshal.

From now on, the kingdom's intelligence personnel within the Orc Empire will obey the orders of the Marshal.

However, the marshal should be aware that these intelligence personnel are not necessarily reliable. Many of the orc spies were bought by us at a large price and have no sense of belonging to the kingdom.

It's okay to inquire about the information. If we want them to fight hard, or if it affects the interests of their race or tribe, these people are likely to stand against us again! "

Caesar IV's words made Hudson swallow his rejection. It is indeed very troublesome to operate this plan, but he really needs an intelligence organization.

The intelligence organization of the Caotai team in the mountainous area is now limited to collecting intelligence circulated in major cities and does not have the ability to engage in high-end penetration.

The nobles who can be monitored are limited to their own subordinates. Other major forces cannot penetrate at all, and can only bribe a few fringe figures who are unwilling to achieve their goals.

The understanding of the Orc Empire comes entirely from the information provided by smugglers. This information was collected incidentally and is not professional at all.

If you want to cause trouble in the orc empire, the only thing you can rely on is the kingdom's intelligence organization.

Perhaps the five major families in the North also have spies inside the Orc Empire, but the relationship between the two parties determines that it is not something that Hudson can peek into.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that apart from normal intelligence transmission, I will not easily use these intelligence personnel.

Even if a task is assigned, it will be within their capabilities and they will never use the task to test their loyalty! "

Hudson assured immediately.

It is not easy to penetrate into foreign races. The Kingdom must have paid a heavy price for establishing an intelligence organization in the Orc Empire.

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