
Chapter 561 Chaos

The farce ended with the ministers in the court taking their places and the king promoting two of his close associates to the throne.

But Hudson knows this is just the beginning. The subsequent court is destined to not be peaceful.

This wave of internal strife in the royal camp has severely damaged their voice in the court.

According to the practice of the Alpha Kingdom, the ranking of important ministers in the court has always been: the Prime Minister is first, the Minister of Military Affairs is second, the Minister of Finance is third, the Minister of State is fourth, the Minister of Foreign Affairs is fifth, and the Minister of Agriculture is sixth.

Of course, this is just everyone's private default order. In fact, except for the prime minister whose status is clearly above everyone else, the remaining ones are ranked according to the power in their hands.

And this ranking will also change as the external situation changes.

For example, the powers of the Minister of Military Affairs and the Minister of Finance will change from time to time. Usually, the Minister of Military Affairs will have greater power during wartime, while in peacetime, the Minister of Finance will have a stronger voice.

The power of the Minister of Foreign Affairs changes with the changes in the international situation. If everything were peaceful, the Foreign Secretary would probably have less presence than the Agriculture Secretary.

Although Hudson has entered the kingdom's decision-making circle, he is not one of the six giants and is a temporary addition. Non-permanent positions are not included in the ranking.

In this context, even if Caesar IV forcibly appoints two members of the royal family to the decision-making level, they can only start with the lower-ranked Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Foreign Affairs at this moment.

The anger was relieved for a while, and then the crematorium was released.

This sudden head-on confrontation was certainly a sign that Caesar IV's patience had reached its breaking point, and it was also the case that the Grand Duke of Newfoundland and Grand Duke Efiero had obviously underestimated his determination to control the court.

Perhaps in the eyes of these two grand dukes, Caesar IV was still their younger nephew, ignoring his status as king.

Suddenly being stabbed in the back by one's own nephew would lead to a scene where he would be angry and give up his son on the spot. If it were an ordinary political struggle, Hudson would not believe that the two old guys would be so restless.

The pros and cons are a set of accompanying relationships. The royal family's power and voice in the court were damaged, but Caesar IV's cronies were given opportunities.

It seems that only two people have resigned, but in fact, the positions vacated are starting at triple digits.

When ministers change people, the subordinate officials and court ministries who originally served with them will inevitably have to make personnel adjustments.

It is unrealistic to replace all of them with our own people, but after this wave of personnel adjustments, there are people in the court to help Caesar IV wave the flag and cheer for him, so that he will not fight alone.

As for how to appease the royal camp in the future, that is Caesar IV's own business. Anyway, Hudson knew that the next court was going to be lively.

If nothing unexpected happens, Caesar IV will suffer a lot in a short period of time.

At this moment, the balance in the court has been broken. The king lacks strong support from his ministers. It is still unknown whether he can defeat those old foxes.

If the resigned former prime minister and minister of military affairs were unwilling to give up and caused some troubles, Caesar IV would probably be disgraced.

In order not to get involved in the ensuing political struggle, as soon as the meeting in the palace ended, Hudson left directly on the pretext that military affairs on the front line were busy.

In the Royal Palace of Lutetia, Charles III was busy handling government affairs, looking out the window in a daze from time to time.

Facts have proved that he still underestimated the impact of becoming emperor. Even though it was chosen at a time when countries were busy suppressing rebellions, it still encountered strong resistance from all countries.

As if overnight, the fledgling Frankish Empire fell into a situation where everyone was the enemy.

Fortunately, governments of various countries are currently clamoring loudly, but when it comes to taking concrete actions, each one of them has become conservative.

However, the criticism from international public opinion still made Charles III feel the pressure. It's just that in matters like proclaiming emperor, there is always progress and no retreat.

The more critical the moment, the stronger they have to be. Any weak concession will embolden the anti-French alliance.

“Your Majesty, the Holy See and the Kingdom of Iberia have announced that they will join forces to form an intervention coalition, and eight countries have already announced their participation.

There are also many countries that are considering it, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working hard on public relations, but the final result will most likely not be optimistic.

The only good news is that our previous northern strategy was successful. The Five-Nation Alliance is still very well-intentioned towards the empire. Apart from publicly issuing a warning proclamation, there is no sign of participating in the anti-French alliance.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has communicated with many dignitaries in the Kingdom of Alpha. Unfortunately, their court has just experienced major changes, and many ministers who were originally close to us have resigned.

Fortunately, Marshal Hudson stood up clearly and opposed military intervention. This man's status in the Alpha Kingdom was very transcendent. No one will offend him until the fighting between the factions is over.

As long as the Alpha Kingdom does not join the anti-French alliance, the three countries in the Central Continent, which are deeply involved in the crisis of cult rebellion, will be unable to do anything even if they want to do something! "

The report by Marquis Jesus made Charles III breathe a sigh of relief. Without the participation of the Five-Nation Alliance, the Anti-French Alliance would be a regional organization.

This is very important politically. Regional organizations and continental organizations represent two completely different concepts, especially their impact on people's hearts.

"well done!

To be able to stabilize the Five-Nation Alliance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has done a great job. The remaining interventionist coalition seems to be powerful, but internally it is a mixed bag.

Now our real enemies are the Holy See and the Iliban Kingdom. As long as we kill these two guys, all problems will be solved! "

Charles III said calmly.

Logically, there is no problem. As long as the Five Nations Alliance does not participate, the threats from foreign races can be ignored, and the Frank Empire only needs to face challenges within the human race.

It just so happens that many big countries in the southern continent are not in a state of affairs at the moment. Reform after reform, ruin after ruin, civil war after civil war, it is just not suitable for fighting anyway.

Before internal issues are dealt with, it will be difficult for everyone to have the energy to engage in international affairs. Joining the Anti-French Alliance is basically just making up the numbers.

If it hadn't been for the emergence of the Frank Empire, which made everyone feel threatened, it is estimated that most countries would have suffered like the Five Nations Alliance.

"Your Majesty, the anti-French alliance is already being formed. We cannot sit still and wait for death. Instead of waiting for the enemy to come to our doorstep, it is better to kill the chickens first and scare the monkeys.

I propose that before the formation of the anti-French alliance is complete, we should attack the Kingdom of Oprus first to force them to leave the anti-French alliance and stand with us again.

If things go well, we can continue our efforts and bring the war directly to the Iliban Kingdom.

With the Holy See's style, it would be difficult for them to support their allies in the first place. As long as we are fast enough, we have every chance to hit the Ilibans hard first.

Even after the Holy See reacted and actively participated in the war, it fell into a comprehensive strategic disadvantage.

After this battle, the empire will truly stand on the top of the continent! "

The Minister of Military Affairs, Earl Phils, said with high spirits.

This is the arrogance of the most powerful country in the human race, and it is also the confidence that Charles III dared to proclaim himself emperor. Against any major force alone, there is no rival within the human race.

The declining Holy See has long been ignored by the Franks. If he hadn't been afraid of the inheritance they had accumulated over countless years, Charles III would have sent troops to the Holy See.

They didn't feel confident about sending troops directly into the Holy See's lair, but when the Holy See's army came over for a decisive battle, everyone still didn't give in.

"Your Majesty, Earl Fels's suggestion is good. The kingdom really needs to strike first.

If we deal with the Holy See, in addition to a decisive battle on land, we can also attack from the sea.

A few years ago, they were desperate and wanted to blackmail the Alpha Kingdom with fleet weapons. As a result, the main navy force that went on the expedition was brutally destroyed, and they have not been able to recover to this day.

If our navy prepares in advance, it can completely disarm them at sea within three months and then land anywhere! "

Duke Bergson said murderously.

A prime minister with a military background has a different style of conduct. Even if he is not in the army, this keen judgment on the battlefield still exists.

Although sea attack does not conform to the tradition of war, war can be innovative. If we really stick to tradition, the Frankish Kingdom will not become the Frankish Empire.


This time we bet with the enemy! "

After a slight hesitation, Charles III said decisively.

After taking the throne for several years, this is the first time he has bet on the fate of the country. It's not like Frank hasn't encountered difficulties before, but they were all solved smoothly.

The Falcon Kingdom watched helplessly as the continent was in turmoil, but they had no time to participate.

After the rebels withdrew, the noble lords who were divided into three camps refused to submit to anyone, and they fought with each other not once.

The three-legged structure is often the most stable. There was not much difference in strength between the three parties, and they all had the support of big forces behind them. For a time, they actually created a situation of equal strength.

After all, it is just a civil war in the aristocratic world. Even the broken bones are still connected, and everyone does not have the fierceness to fight to the death.

The war lasted for a long time, and all parties suffered considerable losses. The nobles who participated in the civil war were unable to bear it.

Led by the nobles of the neutral camp, the heads of the three parties reluctantly sat at the negotiating table and began a difficult negotiation process.

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