
Chapter 562 Graduation filled with smoke

The human world is in chaos, and the alien world is not much better. The endless emergence of cult rebels has caused great headaches to all races.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Extraordinary power provides rulers with military protection and is also the source of social unrest.

There will always be a lucky person who has a blood feud, and suddenly gets an adventure by chance, and then soars into the sky and embarks on the road of revenge.

However, this kind of revenge and counterattack model is not what those with vested interests want to see. Even if the revenge is successful, it can only become a heresy.

There is no doubt that these adventures come with a price tag.

In recent years, there have been an especially large number of orcs who have had strange encounters on the prairie.

Although they are all incomplete cultivation methods, plus some quick potions that forcibly generate potential krypton life, these are not a problem for the protagonist who wants revenge.

With the rise of the smuggling trade, some "protagonist revenge novels" tailored for orcs also spread on the prairie.

The protagonists all carry out blood feuds and fight back all the way. For people who have had similar experiences, the sense of immersion is super strong.

What these novels have in common is that they advocate decisive killing.

If there is a conflict, kill them, no matter what is right or wrong, and no matter what the background of the other person is. As long as you kill too many, you will become the embodiment of justice.

It seems that if you don't kill, you can't become the protagonist. You can only spend your whole life being a cow or a horse, being enslaved and tormented by your enemies.

Soon these books became banned in the prairie. However, the stories in the book are widely circulated among the orcs.

If there are too many "protagonists", the world will be in chaos.

Infighting among tribes, vendettas between tribes, and racial vendettas...happened almost every day on the prairie.

These pretentious orcs have proven with their lives that not everyone can be the protagonist. Most of the orcs died before they left the army, and only a few of them completed their revenge.

Successful revenge does not mean reaching the peak of life. Because of their outrageous revenge methods, they are destined to be unlikely to be accepted by vested interest groups.

Either die in the aftermath of the ruling group's reckoning; or join a rebel organization and work hard to overthrow this decadent world.

Similar things are happening all over the continent. The only difference is that Hudson's work is more professional, even the theoretical planning of revenge is arranged.

The specific operation is very simple. Create an orc hero, arrange a touching revenge story, and present it in the form of a diary.

In fact, these arrangements are not easy. More than 95% of orcs are illiterate and do not meet the "protagonist character" standard.

If you want to have adventures, you must at least be able to read and write. You must not be too stupid or too smart.

In order to select the "protagonist", the kingdom's intelligence organization took great pains to find an orc who met Hudson's requirements.

Now these protagonists are either immersed in hard work or running on the road to overthrow the rule of the Orc Empire.

Thanks to the racial conflicts in the Orc Empire, there is no need to arrange hatred. With a little personal gain, these people embark on the road of anti-imperialism.

Mass production caused qualitative changes. One or two quick-made "pseudo-protagonists" could not shake the rule of the Orc Empire. However, when the number of "protagonists" increased, the situation was different.

Coupled with the problem of drought, the group that wants to overthrow the rule of the Orc Empire is constantly growing.

It's a pity that success is caused by racial conflicts, and failure is also caused by racial conflicts. There are many people who want to overthrow the rule of the Orc Empire, but they cannot unite and can only be scattered on the prairie to fight on their own.

Including the cult organizations that are currently leading the way and attracting the firepower of the Orc Empire, they are unable to transcend racial conflicts.

It was okay to develop the congregation secretly, but when they jointly launched an armed rebellion, the situation changed.

So much so that the rebels active in the Orc Empire at the moment are mostly based on tribes and races, and it looks like intra-racial fighting.

Because of the lack of information and lack of local control, many tribes and even races were controlled by the rebels, but the royal family and royal family above still knew nothing about it.

The chaotic situation seriously affected the rule of the Orc Empire. The tribes secretly controlled by the rebels used the lack of water as an excuse to stop paying tribute to the superiors.

Not only did they not pay the protection fee, these guys also encouraged their neighbors to resist the tax.

It just so happens that life is difficult for everyone at the moment. If we pay a large amount of livestock and fodder to the above, we will not be able to survive this winter.

Choosing to resist taxes is just the beginning. All the chiefs know that resisting taxes alone will definitely lead to a tragic death.

For their own lives and for the continuation of the tribe, these guys continue to export to their good neighbors.

One spreads to ten, and ten spreads to a hundred. With the spread of pyramid schemes, the anti-tax trend quickly spread across the prairie.

By the time all the royal families and royal families reacted, the situation was completely out of control.

"The matter has been clarified. It is all caused by the drought. Currently, more than 90% of the tribes are unable to afford the offerings we have set.

Coupled with the fueling of the cult organization, the current situation has emerged. Should we continue to collect this year’s offerings? Let’s unify our stance first! "

Silver Moon Wolf Emperor said with a frown.

Obviously, this is a dilemma.

The disaster affects everyone. If we don't collect offerings from below, life for the royal family will not be easy this winter.

But if the offerings are forcibly collected, a fight is almost inevitable given the current situation.

For many tribes, what is now being collected is not offerings, but their lives.

The fragile grassland ecology cannot withstand the blow of famine. Grain can be stored, but livestock cannot.

Slaughtering and making jerky is easy, but the problem is: it only takes one order to reduce the number of animals, but it will take years to recover.

It is not easy to get through the long days in between.

"I don't know about your situation. Anyway, many tribes within our sphere of influence of the Bear Tribe have ordered to stop having children.

Some small tribes even began to eliminate the old and the weak.

Conflicts between tribes are increasing day by day. If it weren't for the imperial court's forcible suppression, there's no telling how the situation would have deteriorated.

Those cult organizations that we suppressed have also become very active recently, and it is estimated that the shadow of Alpha people is indispensable behind them.

Judging from the current disaster situation, the possibility of surviving the crisis normally is extremely slim.

Instead of worrying about the offerings here, why not start a war and invade the Alpha Kingdom with these tribes!

If you want to survive, just grab it. At this critical moment of life and death, we are not afraid that these vassal races will not fight hard.

We are directly risking our lives against the Alpha Kingdom. As long as we fight steadily, there will be no room for Hudson to use his troops no matter how powerful they are!

If you are lucky, you might be able to take back the Xueyue Lake area. "

The Bear King said murderously.

Before the disaster, no one took Xueyue Lake seriously. After all, the orc prairie is vast enough, and there is no shortage of grassland.

But when the drought hit, the situation changed. Any place with abundant water has become a valuable asset.

In the current orc prairie, many rivers have been depleted of water before they reach the sea. The riverbeds in some areas have dried up to the point of cracks.

“You have no choice, then fight!

It's just that this time, we have to learn from the previous lessons and we can no longer let the enemy lead us by the nose.

In recent years, many smuggling ports have also been added to the coastal areas. Once a war breaks out, it must be destroyed as soon as possible, and the enemy must not be left with a chance to land.

Those tribes that dare to refuse to pay tribute cannot be let off easily. I think it's better to let them play the vanguard and compete with the enemy.

In order to avoid accidents, we temporarily took care of their fodder animals for them! "

The Lion King said with a sneer.

I've been feeling aggrieved for so long, and it's time to vent. Although the Orc Empire has not yet recovered its strength at this moment, the international situation is very favorable.

Internal strife breaks out in the human world. Each country has its own affairs to be busy with and has no time to provide support to the Alpha Kingdom.

Even with the existence of the Five-Nation Alliance, the Alpha Kingdom would not be able to get military help due to the constraints of the Anti-Human Alliance.

Considering the impact of natural disasters and cult rebellion, even material assistance will be difficult for the Alpha Kingdom to obtain this time.

Compared with previous wars, this time it was completely a one-on-one battle between the two countries.

“The Lion King is right, these unstable elements really need to be cleaned up.

But this alone is not enough. There are also a large number of cult organizations lurking on the prairie. These guys who have betrayed their ancestors and forgotten their ancestors have already colluded with the human race.

If we go on an expedition, they are likely to cause trouble behind the scenes. So before that, the prairie must be cleaned! "

The Yingren Emperor echoed.

All persimmons are weak, and cult organizations are no exception. Although there are active cult members in all clans, among the four royal clans, the Yingren clan is the most troubled in their sphere of influence.

These are all the sequelae of the last grassland war. Although the Yingren clan, whose strength was severely damaged, gave up some non-core territory, the territory they left behind was still very large.

The Yingren royal family, which lacks the strength to control large tracts of grassland, is inevitably jealous and spied upon by others. Because of their special strategic role, it’s hard for each tribe to say anything.

"Children holding gold bricks in the busy city" are destined to be unstable. On the surface, the various tribes have made no moves, but secretly, they have never stopped making small moves.

Especially the major royal families, when encircling and suppressing the cult rebels, always like to drive people to their territory.

After several twists and turns, a large number of cult members gathered on the territory of the Yingren Imperial Court, causing chaos everywhere.

The imperial court sent troops to exterminate him many times, but with little success. The angry Emperor Ying Ren was furious.

At this moment, when he heard about the invasion of the Alpha Kingdom, the Yingren Emperor breathed a sigh of relief. A foreign war has begun, why don't we continue to stab others?

You must know that during the war, the Yingren Imperial Court, which controlled the only air force of the Orc Empire, had great autonomy.

Leaving aside air combat, we cannot do without them just to deliver intelligence messages. Compared to the cavalry running on the ground, the hawks flying in the sky have a great advantage.

"The Eagle Emperor is right, the cult organization is indeed a threat. I think everyone will send troops together to organize a coalition to wipe out these rebellions in one fell swoop!"

King Behemoth said with a smile.

As former allies, the relationship between the two races has always been good. Including this cult turmoil against the Yingren clan, the Behemoth clan did not participate.

Perhaps because of their "bad brothers," King Yingren and King Beamon, who were once just acquaintances, have become friends in private.

Sell ​​a favor, King Behemoth has no pressure at all.

In Mountain Territory, Hudson is reviewing student soldiers on the school field. After several years of study and training, the first batch of students finally graduated.

As a military academy with a strict admission and strict exit policy, compared to the large number of students at the time of enrollment, only the last 3,000 people are left.

Hudson is still satisfied with this report card. It's not about having many soldiers, it's about being skilled.

The students who can be retained until the end are all the elites selected from them. In the army, serving as a junior officer is not a problem at all.

The best among them have become high-level knights, and a few are even on the verge of becoming great knights.

The academy's training resources are one thing, but the most critical thing is talent. There is no way, the continent of Aslant is a world that relies on talent to make a living.

Hard work is important, but the problem is that everyone in the military academy works hard. The students who enter here are all in similar situations.

Even the children of aristocrats were sent to work for Master Hudson because their families were not wealthy and could not afford to provide them with life essence.

With the blessing of birth, except for some personal connections, if you want to become a knight, you still have to work hard on your own.

The strong go up, the mediocre go down.

The assessment once every three months is the moment that determines the fate. Regardless of whether they are children of serfs or children of nobles, they are all evaluated according to the same standards.

The continuous elimination made everyone's nerves tense and they did not dare to relax at all. After persisting until now, it is finally time to graduate.

Looking at the excited students below, Hudson smiled slightly. It is too early to be happy so early.

Even if his family was big and his business was big, it was impossible for Hudson to canonize more than 3,000 knights. Even if these people have the strength of knights, they still have to fight on the battlefield if they want to get the title of nobility.

It was difficult to become a noble, but it was even harder to obtain a fief. More than 99% of the knights here are destined to work for Hudson for the rest of their lives.

Even if you get a fief, you can only choose fief trusteeship. It's not that Hudson is making things difficult for others. The main problem is that the poor cannot afford to develop their fiefdoms on their own.

Especially the fiefdoms in border areas, even if they are obtained, ordinary people cannot hold them.

In a sense, this is also a transition from the feudal system to the county system. The only difference is that Hudson's approach is more subtle, and he will still divide fiefdoms for everyone according to mainland tradition.

It's just that these grassroots nobles are unable to operate alone and must ask Mr. Hudson to cooperate and share the fruits of fiefdom management.

"When you step out of school, you have graduated. Here, I would like to congratulate you on successfully completing your studies and graduating from the Mountain Terrier Army Academy.

But there is still a long way to go in life, and you have only taken the first step, which is also the most critical step.

Compared with those students who were eliminated midway, you are outstanding and successful.

As a reward for those who succeed, you are qualified to have an unlimited future, but it is just a qualification.

If you don't work hard in the future, you may be overtaken by them in the years to come.

Today is a happy day. I won’t say any unpleasant words. I just hope that I can remember: The strong should never stop fighting!

According to the tradition of the kingdom, honors are obtained on horseback.

Next, you will be assigned to internships in different armies based on your performance in the academy. Unlike the reserves you have been to before, this time it is a real army.

Don't get excited, joining the army does not mean you are a qualified officer. Compared with those officers who fought on the battlefield, you are still very immature.

What you learn in school is only basic knowledge, and you have to explore and learn more things on your own.

Compared with these limited theories, I look forward to you using the knowledge you have learned on the battlefield to integrate and innovate..."

Hudson's heartbreaking speech announced the end of studies for all the students.

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