
Chapter 563 Changes in the Orc Empire

With the addition of graduates, the ranks of middle- and lower-level officers suddenly became bloated. Especially at the battalion level, there are several deputy positions.

Except for a few outstanding graduates who can directly serve as battalion commanders or regimental staff members, the rest are deputy positions. (One hundred men per battalion)

The standards cannot be lowered. Graduates are all knights, and no one below can be called an officer.

Higher-level positions are not yet within the capabilities of these new recruits. Although many students have participated in combating pirates and exterminating bandits during their internship, they are still far from being able to command thousands of troops.

What's more, the army is also a carrot and a pit. The officers in front are all shot out of the battlefield with swords and bullets. The training potential is a bit low, but he is still qualified for his current position.

Compared with these young military academy graduates, they are only a few years older, in their teens, and are far from the age to retire.

Mr. Hudson has gained fame and wealth, but the group of people who followed him to conquer the country just drank a bowl of soup and cannot give up their position and go home now.

In fact, a lot of thought was put into arranging personnel for Hudson, and he basically managed to make good use of people.

Those who had excellent academic performance were assigned to serve as officers in the infantry or cavalry regiments after joining the army; those who only had good talent in training but were a mess in cultural classes were admitted to the knights.

The final result is: all three knight regiments are fully staffed, five cavalry regiments and two infantry regiments have a lot of deputies. After adding the Warcraft Legion, the total number of officers and soldiers directly exceeds 30,000.

According to the customary statistics from the outside world, this is a proper 50,000 troops. If you lead an army to fight, claiming to be an army of 100,000, there is nothing wrong with it at all.

For example: The Southern Expedition Corps that had just set out had a total strength of only more than 70,000 people, but it was claimed to be an army of 200,000 people.

If there were really 200,000 troops, it would not be to help suppress the rebellion, but to occupy the magpie's nest.

"Fifty thousand soldiers and horses" means fifty thousand gold-eating beasts. Relatively speaking, the cost of the infantry regiment is slightly smaller. The cost of the cavalry regiment, the knights, and the Warcraft regiment are each more expensive than the other.

In order to save money, Hudson canceled the knight's retinue. You can feed your own horses, maintain your own armors and weapons, and wait until you become a regimental-level officer if you want to serve as a retinue!

Although somewhat unseemly, these people were trained by Hudson himself. Most of them are the children of serfs, and they have nothing to do with respectability.

Even if he is a son of an aristocrat, he is still the second son and collateral line of a small aristocrat without inheritance rights. Even the life essence must be provided by Mr. Hudson, so he has absolutely no capital for arrogance.

Even with such frugality, the territory's military expenditure still accounts for 70% of the fiscal revenue, and this proportion is still on the rise.

In peacetime, there is such a huge military expenditure, which is obviously an extreme case of militarism.

Fortunately, there are many graduates in the first class, and the number of subsequent trainees is only more than 6,000 every year. After being eliminated along the way, there will only be a few hundred new officers every year.

The resettlement was difficult, only in the first few years. After a few years, when older officers are transferred to the reserve force every year, positions will naturally be freed up.

In the era of cold weapons, you need to rely on physical strength to fight on the battlefield. If you are not a practitioner, your physical strength will begin to decline in your thirties.

According to the rules set by Hudson: Unless the ability is particularly outstanding, ordinary soldiers will be transferred to the reserve force at the age of 28, and non-practitioner officers must not exceed the age of 30.

Soldiers below the third level will be transferred to the reserve force at the age of 35;

Fourth to sixth level warriors, transferred to the reserve at the age of 50.

Then there was nothing more. Because of the lack of life seeds to nourish the body, Hudson had never seen a warrior over fifty years old.

Naturally, a short life makes it difficult to produce a strong one, and the strongest warrior under Hudson is only at the third level. If the average life expectancy wasn't already low, I don't think anyone would choose this desperate path.

In comparison, knights have much longer service years.

Knights below the third level will be transferred to the reserve after the age of 45;

Knights of the fourth to sixth levels will be transferred to the reserve after the age of 60;

Knights of the seventh level and above are not restricted by their service years.

Of course, these are theoretical numbers. The actual retirement time will definitely be a few years earlier. Unless you serve as an officer with outstanding performance, it is difficult to survive until the final time of service.

Frankly, these rules are unfair. The command capabilities of many ordinary officers exceeded that of most knights.

Determining the time of career development based on cultivation is almost a one-and-done rule, with an obvious tendency.

To a certain extent, it will also affect the appointment of military officers. When being promoted, generals with higher cultivation levels will obviously have more advantages.

However, the military has never been a place where fairness is considered. What is needed here is the strong.

Relatively speaking, now is still the best time. Because of the frequent wars, there is also the core indicator of "military merit" as the first criterion for officer promotion.

If it comes to peacetime, personal cultivation will play a greater role in the appointment of military officers, and there will even be an unspoken rule: one must first reach a certain level of cultivation before he can hold the corresponding military position.

This is not a bad habit. On the contrary, it is the best way to avoid inbreeding in the military.

To a certain extent, the combat effectiveness of the army can be guaranteed. Even if the command ability is average, at least the officer himself is good enough to lead the charge.

It is better than a group of second-generation people in high positions who are nothing.

In this regard, reference can be made to the Frankish kingdom. During the counterattack against the Orcs a few years ago, Hudson had contact with them. What impressed him most was the strength gap between superior and subordinate officers.

Those with a high level of cultivation may not be able to serve as high-level officers, but those with a low level of cultivation will definitely not be able to get there.

It is said that in some legions, there is a tradition of officers taking up posts and accepting challenges from their generals. Only after winning the fight can you officially take up your duties.

Under this atmosphere, the command ability of the officers is difficult to evaluate, but the combat effectiveness of the troops will never be weak.

Under this system, the big nobles still had the advantage, but the small and medium-sized nobles were also qualified to participate in the competition.

After all, talent is mainly determined by nature. Although acquired resources can make up for it, the price to pay is too high.

The resources of the great nobles do not fall from the sky, and cost-effectiveness also needs to be considered when using them.

The resources needed to train a waste might be greater than the resources needed to train hundreds of geniuses. This account is easy to calculate.

Playboys are basically eliminated. It doesn't matter if you lose in a one-on-one duel at the same level, but if a subordinate with a lower cultivation level counterattacks, it will only be embarrassing.

Generally speaking, the protagonist in the bard's story wins across realms, and the background panel is all about them.

After signing the personnel appointment, Hudson stretched. Most tasks can be delegated, but some tasks must be done personally.

Although Hudson did not meet every one of the more than 3,000 students who had just graduated in person, he read all the files before signing the personnel appointments.

Background, personal strengths, performance in school, and behavioral habits are all reference factors for future appointments.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for officers with complex backgrounds to enter the core management of the territory. Although Hudson had appointed a large number of spies to important positions during his rise, that is now a thing of the past.

In recent years, it seems that nothing has been done. In fact, every personnel adjustment in the territory has been purifying the team.

The once hard-working spies have now gradually faded away from the management. Those who take the initiative to explain themselves can still get a tedious but unimportant job, which is regarded as recognition of their past contributions.

Those who endured to the end and were identified were all killed in attacks by cult believers.

After all, cult organizations are all over the world, so there is no reason why the territory of Hudson is as quiet as water when other places are making trouble.

There is no doubt that this is a good result for the spies.

Otherwise, Hudson was nostalgic and gave them a dignified death. Now each of them would be ruined and the whole family would go to hell together.

"Marshal, there is news from the grassland: there is something strange happening in the orc tribe.

Many orc races are gathering together and are suspected of invading the kingdom.

However, the four major royal families and the seven major royal families have not yet mobilized for a full-scale war, and only a few tribes are preparing for war.


While talking, Zero directly handed the collected documents to Hudson.

After a quick glance, the content was almost the same as what No. 0 said. To sum up, the conclusion is: Orcs are going to invade the kingdom!

Hudson was not surprised at all. Orcs invading the Alpha Kingdom were nothing new. Being able to hold back until now is enough to prove that this generation of orc emperors is stable enough.

According to the initial estimates, Hudson never thought that the Near East would be peaceful for so many years.

Five years have passed since the war ended in the spring of 99993. The once barren land of the Near East has now changed drastically.

It will take some time before all the land is developed, but the military facilities have been improved first.

Of course, compared with the Northland where castles and fortresses abound, the defense lines in the Near East are still very immature.

However, today is different from the past. The military advantage of the Orc Empire over the Kingdom no longer exists.

Judging from the data on paper alone, the Orc Empire can indeed beat the Kingdom, but it is a pity that their 1+1+1+1+... model is not done well.

The combat effectiveness that can ultimately be exerted is less than half of the total number, and may even be lower.

When it comes to military strength, it is still unknown who is stronger and which is weaker between the two countries. After all, war is not about paper data, but a comprehensive consideration of all aspects.

After putting down the paperwork, Hudson fell into deep thought.

Autumn is the peak period for orcs to invade the kingdom, and it has been relatively peaceful in recent years. According to records in the kingdom's historical materials, over the past three hundred years orcs invaded the kingdom in 90% of the years after autumn.

It's just that most of these invasions are plunders initiated by orcs in border areas without authorization.

There were only nineteen real wars between the two sides. On average, the interval between all-out wars is less than twenty years.

If you include this time, it is already the third time the two sides have met in the past ten years.

No country can stand such frequent wars. Unless forced to do so, the orcs would not fight so hard.

"Tom, forward the message to the lords everywhere and let them prepare to clear the country.

After the war breaks out, I don't want the orcs to be able to get a grain of grain or a bundle of fodder from the kingdom's land.

Those who fail to do so will be directly punished as collaborators! "

Hudson said murderously.

This order is undoubtedly very fatal to the newcomers who have just come to expand. Almost asking them to abandon everything they have now and evacuate directly into the city.

If there was a better option, Hudson wouldn't want to do it. Unfortunately, most of their castles and fortresses are still under construction and have nothing to do with fortified cities.

Forcibly staying where you are is not only irresponsible for your own life, but also irresponsible for the safety of the people in your territory.

Fortunately, these territories outside the Great Wall defense line have not yet been registered by the kingdom, otherwise it would be difficult to give up.

It is the lord's duty to defend his territory. If you want to give up your territory and evacuate to a safe zone, the order from the frontline commander Hudson is not enough. You must also get the approval of the royal government.

At this moment, the royal capital is in a fierce internal fight, and it takes time to deal with the back and forth.

Of course, the Orc Empire's invasion at this moment also saved the kingdom's politics to a certain extent.

Based on past experience, I estimate that when the news reaches the royal capital, it will be time for the major factions to compromise with each other.

On the prairie, the Stark clan leader received the mobilization order for all-out war, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Having just established a foothold at the border, he was originally grateful that the banks of Xueyue Lake were rich in water and grass. Even if there was a severe drought that had not happened in a century, the grasslands along the coast were not greatly affected.

This kind of treasure land can only be owned by the royal family. If it weren't for being reduced to the front line and everyone didn't want to be neighbors with the big devil, such a good thing would never be their turn.

In addition to the previous secret contacts, he and the Demon King Hada reached a tacit understanding. As long as they survived the border guarding period, they could return home.

I never thought that war would come so soon!

Once the war breaks out, these frontline races will definitely be the first to suffer.

Maybe before the imperial army arrives, the enemy will strike first and kill them.

He had just ascended to the position of patriarch and had not had time to show off his ambitions. When he encountered such a bad thing, Stark just wanted to cry!

In the dispute between the two countries, the little tauren clan was caught in the middle. If they were not careful, it would be the disaster of annihilation.

"Send the order and immediately summon the chiefs of each tribe to come over for a meeting. Tell them that it is an urgent matter and it is related to the life and death of our tribe. They must come in person!"

Stark ordered the guards with a solemn expression.

The new clan leader is a hard worker. Before consolidating his position, he wants to convene a meeting with all the tribes, but he is worried that some people will not buy it.

"Yes, patriarch!"

After saying that, the middle-aged tauren guard turned around and left, leaving Stark alone in his thoughts.

War is the coexistence of "risks" and "opportunities". But at this moment, he only saw the "danger" and could not capture the "opportunity" at all.

The imperial court's order has come. With the current geographical location of the Niutou clan, this war is destined to be unavoidable.

If you can't avoid it, you can only participate.

Stark had no intention of paying attention to the outcome of the war.

Referring to past practices, the victory of the Orc Empire does not mean the victory of all races; conversely, the failure of the empire does not mean the defeat of all races.

After almost every war, some races in the Orc Empire will fall, and some will rise.

Six of the current seven major royal families have risen because of the defeat of the empire. Stark has long been greedy.

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