
Chapter 564 Mobilization

"To start a war now, the imperial court is crazy!"

Looking at the official document in his hand, Chief Aedo couldn't help but exclaimed.

Under the current situation, guarding the border is dangerous enough. If a war breaks out between the two countries, the Tauren clan on the border will soon face a life and death test.

Half of this danger comes from enemies and half from allies.

Whether the enemy strikes first or someone within the empire holds back, it can kill the Niutou clan.

All the tribal chiefs present knew that the tauren in the Slit had no ability to decide their own destiny.

“I don’t know if the imperial court went crazy or not, but the war mobilization order has been issued and we have no right to refuse.

No one knows what will happen after the war breaks out. What we can do now is: find a way to hold on until the imperial army arrives.

Unlike previous wars, this time our neighbor is the Hudson!

This man has never been defeated since his debut, and countless races in the empire have suffered heavy losses at his hands.

On the surface, the Alpha Kingdom has only 120,000 troops stationed in the Near East, but with the addition of the private armies of nobles from various places, this number can be doubled at least.

According to the Alpha Kingdom's own published data, the total population of the Near East region last year was approximately 3.5 million, and may now exceed 4 million.

They use a national reserve force. If a full-scale war is mobilized, the total force is likely to exceed 500,000.

According to the intelligence collected, Hudson, the frontline commander, had great power. In addition to governing the Near East, he was also able to control the twelve provinces of Northland during the war.

Theoretically speaking, even without nationwide mobilization, the total force that Hudson can mobilize can easily exceed one million! "

After analyzing the strength in the enemy's hands, Stark couldn't help but secretly lament the rapid growth of the Alpha Kingdom's strength.

The human race suffered heavy losses in the Northern Continent, but the only two remaining countries in the Northern Continent both reaped the dividends of the war.

Both territory and population have grown significantly.

The Alpha Kingdom seems to have suffered heavy losses in the past two wars. In fact, after five years of recuperation, its overall national strength has increased instead of falling.

It once took the entire country to mobilize an army of one million, but now Hudson, the frontline commander, was able to mobilize an army of one million.

Of course, these are theoretical numbers. The mobilization of troops during war is never determined by the upper limit of troop strength, but also subject to logistical constraints.

Unfortunately, the Orc Empire cannot take advantage in this regard. Although the maritime technology of the Alpha Kingdom is not very developed, maritime transportation has entered the era of 1,000 tons, and the largest merchant ship has a carrying capacity of even more than 5,000 tons.

Five thousand tons of strategic materials in the cold weapon era were enough to consume a 10,000-strong army for several months.

Sitting on the Crescent Port and enjoying the convenience of shipping, supporting the consumption of the army in the Near East is not a problem at all.

This means that the Alpha Kingdom has the ability to wage a full-scale war with the Orc Empire in the Near East.

"Stark, you invited us here just to tell everyone that the Alpha Kingdom is very powerful, right?"

Chief Primrose on the side said angrily.

Obviously, he has not recovered from the last patriarchal election. I'm still resentful of Stark's rise to power, and even the clan leader doesn't bother to call him.

"Of course not!

Introducing the enemy's situation is just to give everyone a clearer understanding of the current situation between the enemy and ourselves, so that we can make the right choice in subsequent decisions.

In fact, although the Alpha Kingdom is powerful, the empire's military strength is also not inferior.

In terms of total population, the combined population of all races in the empire is at least twice that of the enemy.

In terms of mobilization limits, the empire has all the people in the army. Except for children, all of our tribe can go to the battlefield, which is much more thorough than the enemy's national reserve force.

In terms of numbers, the empire still had the advantage. But the empire is the empire, and we are us!

Although my tauren clan has many members, due to financial and resource constraints, the number of armored elites we can train is very limited.

Take the Tatim tribe as an example. There are 200,000 tribesmen, but there are only 3,000 armored warriors, accounting for only 2%. I think everyone is in a similar situation.

It took a lot of effort to accumulate such a small amount of wealth. If you lose it, it will be a big loss. Under the current situation, directly confronting the enemy head-on is obviously not what a wise man would do.


After hearing Stark's words, everyone's faces turned ugly.

If the outcome of a war is determined by numbers, then the four royal families of the Orc Empire should be: ratmen, rabbitmen, pigeons, and frogmen.

In the Orc Empire, soldiers of the same race are also divided into three, six or nine levels. You can tell whether he is an elite or not by looking at whether he has armor.

Even though Stark was talking about a mere three thousand armored warriors, among the Tauren, this was already a first-class configuration.

Even the Archibald tribe, known as the first tribe of tauren, cannot gather so many elites.

It's not that the Archibald tribe lacks warriors, the key is that armor is hard to come by.

In the Tauren clan, which can hardly afford even a spear, armor is a luxury item. Not to mention iron armor, even leather armor has a very limited number.

On the battlefield, three thousand armored warriors can easily defeat tens of thousands of unarmored tauren soldiers.

It seemed like a casual example, but in fact it was Stark showing off his force and warning the tribal chiefs to calm down. He, the leader of the tribe, was not just a piece of paper.

"Stark, are you sure you can do this?

If the imperial court discovers it, this will be the disaster of annihilation! "

Primrose asked solemnly.

The Orc Imperial Court is able to control all directions by means of thunder. Especially during the racial war, the result of both positive and negative consequences is - genocide!

In past wars, lessons have been learned.

If the skin is gone, the hair will not be attached.

When it comes to the survival of the race, personal grudges must be put aside. Primrose was just not ashamed of Stark's methods for ascending to power, but he was not ready to die together.

"Whether it works or not, we have to give it a try. In this situation, we have no choice at all.

If we don't do this, I'm afraid we will be exterminated before the imperial army comes.

With Hudson's style, it is impossible to wait to be beaten passively. Just wait, we will receive news that the enemy has sent troops in a few days.

Anyway, from the day we were dispatched to the frontier, we became the abandoned sons of the empire. Why should we sacrifice our lives for them? "

After Stark finished speaking with a sneer, the scene suddenly fell silent, and all the tribal chiefs weighed the pros and cons.

"You bunch of stupid pigs who haven't evolved yet, get them trained!"

On the prairie, Gram skillfully wielded the whip to train the tribesmen.

I have to admit that racial talent is really important. Laziness is Pige's biggest enemy. Otherwise, as close relatives of the wild boars, the strength of the two sides would not be so disparate.

Other races are cultivating painstakingly after receiving inheritance, but this group of pigeons must practice under the supervision of whips.

After struggling for several months, he barely managed to master a few basic training moves. Graeme was almost furious.

Compared with the golden matches in the dream, these matches are really too disappointing. According to this kind of training, in what year and month can we train into an army?

He had long known that ordinary qualifications were of no use. The expectations were not high, and the disappointment was not strong.

What really made him angry was the order from the boss above, asking him to act as a liaison between the Minotaur clan and the Alpha Kingdom.

It's not a matter of trust to be able to take on this important responsibility. From beginning to end, people communicated with him verbally and did not leave any written documents. If the matter was leaked one day, the blame for colluding with the human race would fall on him as the executor.

However, as a vassal tribe, Gram had no choice. If you don't accept the order, you will die immediately.

There was a time when Grim wanted to tell the Empire, tell the whole story clearly, and give Stark a hard blow.

After much hesitation, Gram gave up this unreliable idea. If it were so easy to tell the truth, the tauren would not entrust him with such an "important matter".

Putting aside everything else, meeting the senior officials of the Imperial Court in person is a difficult problem. Not to mention a little pig like Graeme, even the patriarch of the pig family is not qualified to talk directly to the empire's top officials.

Even if he found an opportunity and met with the senior officials of the empire, there was no evidence of what had not happened yet, so why should he win people's trust?

Even if the imperial court wants to deal with a big family like the tauren, it still needs a reason that can convince the public. Mere suspicion cannot convict someone.

The final result is most likely that the imperial court will use his head to knock the mountain Zhenhu, warning the tauren clan to work with peace of mind.

The curses were mixed with the crackling of the whip, expressing the grievances in Graeme's heart.

This is the tragedy of the small tribe!

Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps.

Suddenly the whip stopped, and looking at the sunset on the horizon, Graeme fell into deep contemplation.

Recalling what happened in the dream, his eyes became firm, and a light of hope slowly appeared.


From the moment you choose to base yourself on the border, you are destined to be accompanied by risks. Compared with the risk of being cannon fodder, the risk of exposure is actually small.

Deep in his heart, there was a voice that kept reminding Graeme to seize this opportunity.

After all, he is just an inconspicuous pig. No one in the imperial court would doubt him.

When a race reaches a certain level of waste, the label of waste on the body itself is a kind of protection for itself.

Unless the human general is crazy, buying anyone is more valuable than buying a pigeon.

The pace of war is approaching, and the tense smell of gunpowder smoke has filled the entire Near East.

As Hudson's military order came out, the originally vibrant Near East suddenly became chilly.

Without too much intervention, the lords from all over the country spontaneously began to strengthen the walls and clear the country. Fortunately, the autumn harvest has been completed now, otherwise everyone would be heartbroken to death.

In order to prepare for the war, countless noble lords reluctantly decided to cancel winter grain planting.

Except for some vegetables near the castle, crops in other places have been artificially eradicated. The nearby aquatic plants have also entered the harvesting period ahead of schedule.

Not sure how long the war will last, everyone can only increase the difficulty of the orc invasion in their own way.

Even if their hearts were bleeding, no one hesitated at this moment.

The originally lazy militia team also started practicing. Everything was so logical, as if it was engraved in everyone's genes.

Nervous emotions are always easy to convey. The land in the Near East is preparing for war, and the neighboring provinces in northern Xinjiang are also affected.

Although no military orders were received, military training in various places became more frequent.

Then came the central and southern provinces of the kingdom, and everyone spontaneously followed suit and started training teams.

It can be seen that the past ten years have not been in vain. Two consecutive wars made the noble lords of the Alpha Kingdom learn to behave.

In order not to be beaten in the war, everyone has become smarter now. A profound understanding: On the battlefield, everything else is empty, only the strength in your own hands can be relied upon.

Against the backdrop of the country preparing for war, Hudson once again stepped into the Emerald Palace. The main hall is still the same main hall, but the people in the court have changed.

The eight-person meeting of the Six Giants + King + Hudson still dominates the future destiny of the kingdom.

Unfortunately, without his two old partners, the old prime minister and the military minister, Hudson always felt uncomfortable inside.

As soon as they entered the hall, the two newly appointed ministers stood up from their seats to say hello, slightly diluting Hudson's dissatisfaction.

With one emperor and one courtier, the Alpha Kingdom has inevitably entered this stage.

The impending war interrupted the internal fighting in the court. Caesar IV, who had already grasped the opportunity to continue to attack, was forced to stop.

"Marshal, tell me about the situation on the front line!"

Caesar IV said straight to the point.

Once alive, twice familiar.

After experiencing two wars, he was no longer panicked by the new round of orc invasion.

"Your Majesty, the current situation on the front line is generally under control.

The orc army only began to assemble half a month ago, and the main force is not expected to arrive at the front line until next month.

The defenders were already prepared, and a group of noble lords also began to prepare for war. The Near East Defense Line was completed a few months ago.

If a war breaks out, the front line can sustain the enemy's full attack for at least half a year, enough for the kingdom to mobilize its troops.

The biggest problem now is the coordination of reinforcements from various places and the transportation of strategic materials after the war breaks out.

As far as I know, the kingdom's strategic reserves are not enough to support a full-scale war.

The next priority for the government is to raise strategic materials and organize and mobilize armies from various places. The specific time to reinforce the front line must be decided based on the actual situation! "

Hudson replied seriously.

It seems to be introducing the situation, but in fact the whole article emphasizes one key point: to demand power!

The armies in the Near East and Northern Xinjiang can only protect themselves from the invasion of the orcs at best. To win the war, they still need to devote all their strength to the country.

The court had just undergone personnel changes, and Hudson was completely unsure of the abilities of these new bureaucrats.

We are all powerful ministers anyway, so we should simply be more thorough and take over these complicated tasks together.

I don’t know if it can ensure that all work is carried out in an orderly manner. At least at critical moments, Hudson dares to kill people.

When it comes to killing decisively, he is definitely more decisive than these civil servants. This kind of killing is very important to deter the bureaucracy.

In the two previous wars, the former prime minister and minister of military affairs personally slashed people with their swords during the process of coordinating supplies.

"Marshal, please don't worry!

All departments in the court will fully cooperate with the front line..."

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