
Chapter 578 Prominent Ancestor

In the Holy Mountain of Light, Pius VII was completely stunned when he looked at the invitation letter issued by the Human Alliance Council in his hand.

"What's going on? Why is the Human Alliance holding another meeting without our knowledge?"

According to usual practice, when the Human Race Alliance convenes a meeting, it must obtain the support of more than half of the presidium before it can issue invitations to member states.

Although the Holy See has been declining in recent years, as one of the giants of the alliance, their participation in such things is still indispensable.

In a sense, a human alliance meeting without the participation of the Holy See is an incomplete alliance meeting!

However, everything has changed now. The weakness of the Holy See has been exposed, and countries no longer care so much about their stance!

“Your Majesty, when the Ilibians, Alphans, and Franks stand on the same page, they will be able to make decisions on behalf of the Presidency of the Parliament even without notifying us.

It can be seen from the location of the meeting that the Alpha Kingdom played an important role in it.

Nominally, the issue is to discuss the issue of granting the title of Marshal of the Human Race to Hudson. In fact, I'm afraid it is related to this anti-French war, and we are excluded..."

The voice became quieter and quieter, and the content behind it was too sensitive. Bishop Montesson really couldn't go on.

But after the hint reached this point, everyone understood it - the Holy See was betrayed!

As the two major heretics on the continent of Aslant, the Franks and the Alphas colluded together, which was completely routine.

In the past, at the Human Alliance Council, it was the combination of these two groups VS the Holy See and the Iliban Kingdom.

The boss + the fourth child fight against the second and third children, which just maintains the balance of the human alliance. The remaining countries only need to decide which side to stand on or remain neutral based on their own interests.

This balance is obviously broken now. With the strength shown by the Holy See on the battlefield, it is completely unworthy of the "top power" card.

If the Holy See falls, a partition feast is inevitable.

Obviously, after realizing that nothing could be done, the Ilibans did not stand up to share the difficulties with them, but chose to join forces with the enemy to carve up the country.

Everything is caused by strength. If the Iliban Kingdom is declining now, the Holy See will most likely choose to add insult to injury.

In the face of national interests, many things can be traded and compromised. Whoever divides the interests is divided, there is no need to be too serious.

Having figured out the ins and outs of the matter does not mean that everyone can accept the reality calmly.

"How dare the Ilibians do this? Aren't they afraid that the Franks and the Alphas will join forces and kick them out too?"

The leader of the Gulei Army asked in horror.

The Holy See has always betrayed the interests of others. When can the interests of the Holy See be betrayed?

Unfortunately, no matter how surprised, it still happened. Without the Iliban Kingdom's nod, the Franks and Alphas alone would not be enough to make the countries of the Anti-French Alliance collectively change their stance.

"Gu Lei, I'm afraid you're out of your mind!

The alliance between the Franks and the Alphas can be maintained for a long time because of our existence.

Now that the Holy Court is in decline, without the pressure we exert on them, how can those heretics be as peaceful as before.

Perhaps it won't be long before the two countries part ways due to their respective interests. This alliance is destined to disband, and the Ilibans who are sitting in the anti-French alliance will naturally not be afraid! "

Blake retorted out of habit.

From the strong smell of gunpowder in his tone, he knew that the political struggle on the Holy Mountain was becoming more and more intense.

It's not that everyone doesn't know how to take the overall situation into consideration, it's just that the Holy See suffered too heavy losses in the Battle of the Holy Mountain, and the space vacated was slightly too little.

The original political structure has been broken, and the corresponding division of interests needs to change accordingly.

When interest disputes are involved, conflicts naturally arise. Especially those political factions that were already full of contradictions are now fighting the most fiercely.

Pius VII chose to pretend not to see these changes. It is better for the people below to fight among themselves than to join forces to fight him, the pope.

As everyone quarreled with each other, many problems faced by the Holy See were also put on the table.

However, identifying a problem does not mean being able to solve it.

On the battlefield, the Holy See army was led by the Franks. If it continues like this, people in the Papal States will be everywhere.

Politically, their allies gave them another blow. If nothing unexpected happens, the new round of Human Alliance meeting will be a carve-up feast.

It's a pity that the Holy See is the one being divided this time!

As losers, they must give up a lot of benefits in order to ease relations with other countries on the mainland.

"The matter has come to this, let our people work hard to recover the losses as much as possible!

In this current situation, it’s up to you to protect your rights and interests, and you can’t expect not to pay any price! "

Pius VII said in a low tone.

Although the awarding of the title of Marshal to Hudson may sound a bit unpleasant, it is ultimately just a false title and has little to do with the Holy See.

What’s heart-wrenching is: the spoils-sharing feast. It is purely to cut their flesh and use it to satisfy the greedy desires of several big countries.

What's even more tragic is that as the parties being divided up, they have the lowest right to speak.

In Canglan City, ever since the news came out that the Human Race Alliance Council would be held here, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been busy.

Representatives from various countries gathered together, and just receiving them was a problem.

Not only must the etiquette be in place, but the relations between the countries must be straightened out beforehand. If there are grievances, the representatives may start fighting before the meeting is held.

There have been times in history where delegates fought each other and were killed, leaving the organizers of the conference in disgrace and becoming an international laughing stock for a long time.

In the past, the Human Race Alliance Parliament was held in the Southern Continent. Generally speaking, whichever country is the most powerful will host the event.

This time they traveled thousands of miles to the Northern Continent for a meeting, mainly because all the countries in the Southern Continent were involved in the anti-French war.

The war is not over yet, and it is really inconvenient for the participating countries to send representatives to hold meetings on the enemy's territory.

When it comes to the national reputation, all parties are unwilling to bow their heads first. After all, if you give in at this time, you will lose momentum first.

The two sides continued to argue, and finally the Franks and the Iberians reached a compromise and held an alliance meeting in a neutral country.

There are no human nations involved in this war on the entire continent, only the Five-Nation Alliance, and the Alpha Kingdom happens to be the core of the Five-Nation Alliance.

This wave of opportunities to expand international influence was like pie falling from the sky, falling directly on Canglan City.

"How are you preparing for the reception? Have you encountered any difficulties?"

Caesar IV asked with concern.

It was the first time to hold a grand event, and there was no experience to draw from. If something went wrong, people would be exposed internationally. Therefore, everyone in the kingdom is very concerned about this matter.

If it were not during a war, there is a high probability that the country would follow the example of the countries in the Southern Continent that had hosted events and build a palace specifically to hold meetings.

Of course, these are all games played by countries with deep pockets, and no one in the poorer Alpha Kingdom dares to suggest such money-burning suggestions.

Clean up the meeting place of the Kingdom's Noble Council, adjust the location layout according to the number of representatives, and the hardware facilities will be transformed.

After discussing with the noble lords from various places and lending them their residences in the royal capital, the accommodation problem for the representatives will be solved.

As for the representatives of various countries, it is up to them to decide whether to stay in the accommodation provided by the Kingdom or go to their own embassy.

Due to geopolitics, the Alpha Kingdom's international influence has never been able to match its own strength.

If you take a walk around the embassy area, you will find that except for a few big countries that have stationed their ministers here for a long time, most small countries behave very Buddhist.

If there are trade transactions, one or two clerks will be left behind. Countries with no business contacts did not even bother to send a representative.

You can know autumn by looking at a leaf!

From the reactions of various countries, it can be seen that the Alpha Kingdom has always been relatively low in the diplomatic sequence of the countries in the Southern Continent.

"Your Majesty, all preparations for the reception are ready. The dilemma we face now is that the royal capital implements a wartime economic model, and all supplies have quota restrictions.

Representatives from various countries..."

Marquis Omar, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, said with a troubled expression.

During wartime, it is also an old tradition to control materials. Even the king had to take the lead in following the rules, at least in public, and Caesar IV strictly enforced quota standards.

Everyone must abide by it, and it is obviously not appropriate to suddenly make an exception.

After all, there are only zero and countless precedents.

Today we can make an exception because of an alliance meeting, and tomorrow we can make an exception for other reasons. By the day after tomorrow, material control will be in name only.

In this regard, as long as bureaucrats want to do something, they will not have to worry about finding a coherent reason.


The wartime economic system absolutely does not allow anyone to destroy it for any reason.

This is my father's last wish! "

Caesar IV refused without hesitation.

He can still tell which one is more important, face or lizi. What's more, this was really the last order issued by Caesar III before his death, and many important officials in the court were present to witness it.

Having suffered the wrath of his ministers, Caesar IV did not want to do it again.

As a monarch, it would be very damaging to the monarch's prestige if he was often sprayed with blood by his subordinates.

The boss made his position clear, and Marquis Omar could only swallow his words.

But I felt very aggrieved in my heart. This was the first major thing I had handled since taking office. I originally wanted to make a name for myself.

As a result, once I started using it, my hands and feet were tied. Under the wartime economic system, there was really not much room for him to perform.

If you expect representatives from various countries to give good reviews, then there is no need to dream. If you can complete the activity smoothly, you are considered to have performed well.

"Marquis Omar, it's actually good to keep everything simple. The kingdom is in a period of war, and I think representatives from all countries will express understanding.

In fact, all countries in the mainland are interested in our military mobilization system. You might as well put some effort into it and let them experience the magic of wartime economy for themselves.

Especially those national representatives who want to enrich the country and strengthen the military through political reform, they will definitely be interested! "

Count Francis said with a smile.

Since becoming Chancellor of the Exchequer, the accelerator has been pressed on the speed of his hair falling.

Especially after the war broke out, the kingdom's finances once again embarked on the old path of "tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall."

In order to save money, the Ministry of Finance is constantly making various big moves. However, when encountering the gold-eating beast of war, it is still a drop in the bucket.

Fortunately, the front line is mainly defensive, and the consumption of strategic materials is relatively small, otherwise the financial pressure will be even greater.

Who has the heart to care about minor details before the main business of the family is done?

As the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and now the Minister of Finance, Earl Francis imparted the experience of "saving money" to Marquis Omar unceremoniously.

As for the subsequent impact, that is simply too much to worry about. With his many years as a diplomat, he knows very well how snobbish diplomacy can be.

A strong country's farts taste good, but a weak country's performance will still be criticized in various ways, no matter how perfect it performs.

As long as the kingdom's troops are marching forward on the front lines, even if there are flaws in the reception work, representatives from various countries will help them find excuses.

The news that the alliance meeting was held in the Kingdom also affected the Near Eastern front. But the focus of everyone's attention is not on mediating the anti-French war, but on whether Hudson's title of "Marshal of the Human Race" can be approved.

This "honor" belongs to Hudson personally, as well as to all the soldiers of the Alpha Kingdom.

Bragging later is the best way to talk.

If you tell people: Follow a certain "Human Race Marshal" to conquer the north and south, and conquer foreign races from all sides and achieve great military exploits, everyone will praise you.

It would be embarrassing if the coach turned into an unknown person and showed off for a long time, and people finally replied "I haven't heard of it".

Of course, those who truly share the glory can still be recorded in the history books.

For each "human marshal", historians will compile a separate life history for him.

Other "Human Race Marshals" were either awarded the title after death or while dying on the hospital bed.

Except for a few of the generals who originally conquered the world with them, most of them have turned into the dust of history.

The information collected is mostly hearsay + imagination + political correctness.

Hudson's situation is special. He was pushed forward by the tide of the times at a young age, but everyone is still alive and well.

When writing history books, all first-hand information can be used. It is not difficult for the officers to work hard and leave their names in the history books.

If we talk about human history, you are not qualified to take it. You can also study the history of kingdoms and local history.

Anyway, the achievements are real. Although they don't play a big role in it, the important thing is to participate!

These things can only be used to brag now. But thousands of years later, it will be a family's glorious heritage, which can feed future generations for many years.

If the younger generation develops well, then beautify the achievements of the ancestors, for example: changing participation in a major battle to playing an important role in a certain battle, establishing the victory of the human race.

The formality was immediately raised, and the symbol of the great nobility - "illustrious ancestor" - was immediately achieved.

Originally, striving for the title of "Human Marshal" was only a matter for Hudson himself, but driven by interests, it has now become a matter for the kingdom's military.

Some families who lack the foundation have already begun to think about rewriting their family history.

If your ancestors are not awesome enough, then start being awesome from your own generation. If you are not awesome enough, then find an awesome boss to stand up for you.

Established nobles should be more reserved, but no one can have too much of Glory. Especially the ones on my head, the more the better.

Seeing everyone's enthusiastic response, Hudson was in a good mood. It was not only these noble officers who were the first to write family history, but the Koslow family was the quickest to respond.

The Koslow family claims to have a "thousand-year heritage", but anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is just to put money on their faces.

This surname has indeed been passed down for thousands of years, but the heritage of the old nobles has not been seen at all.

The achievements of the ancestors have been beautified countless times by the younger generations. They are so awesome that they are almost flying to the sky, but they still cannot support the current family's cards.

If the ancestors are not good enough, then we should recommend those who are capable.

So, from the moment he was born, Hudson became extraordinary.

How can someone be able to speak at the age of one, be able to read and digitize at the age of three, be familiar with history at the age of five, and complete knight training at the age of seven...

Anyway, when Hudson saw it himself, he didn’t believe a word of it. Of course, he had no say in what happened when he was a child.

His father, brother, relatives and friends all swore that Hudson had been different since he was a child and had shown outstanding military commanding talents.

When he was eight years old, he commanded the family's private army and defeated many noble lords in aristocratic friendly matches, including some middle-class nobles who surpassed them in military strength.

There was no room for Hudson to refuse, because a person involved showed up to prove the authenticity of the content.

In the end, under his inspiration, everyone turned enemies into friends, which became a legend in the aristocratic world.

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