
Chapter 579 Selling Humanity

The alliance meeting has not yet been convened, and the title of marshal has only been written in horoscopes, but the morale of the troops on the front line has been mobilized in advance.

At this moment, all the noble officers are gearing up and want to do something big.

Hudson could understand that the younger generation was excited, but the older generation also joined in the fun, which left him speechless.

As soon as the news spread, there were suddenly more noble officers on the front line. Many elderly antiques also came to the front to join in the fun.

The problem of age in the extraordinary world can be overcome. As long as the strength is strong enough, people who are hundreds or dozens of years old can still pick up a sword and go into battle to kill the enemy.

There is no doubt that the strong will always be in the minority. Under the eldest son inheritance system, no one can guarantee that the heirs of the family are all cultivation geniuses, and most of them are ordinary people.

Many elderly nobles are still at the knight stage, and their actual combat effectiveness is still at a discount.

Their personal combat power is small, but the key is that they are already sluggish and lack the courage to move forward, so they are simply not suitable for going to the battlefield.

But what they focus on right now is: participation!

Whether or not to go into battle to kill the enemy depends on the actual situation. If the situation worsens, these old guys can also fight hard.

In fact, in the past orc invasion wars, when the fighting was at its fiercest, a group of old guys would stand up and trade their lives with the enemy in order to continue the inheritance of the family and the kingdom.

We haven't fought so hard in recent years. The main reason is that the front line has been fighting well and the situation has not deteriorated to the point where we have to fight hard.

Although these people do not intervene in command, it is still uncomfortable to have a group of old men in the army who may die at any time.

In recent days, five elderly nobles have died in the army. Two of them died on the road, and they were delayed until they arrived at the battlefield before being mourned.

There is no way, the aristocratic world is also a human society. In line with the principle that the dead are the most important, Hudson still added their names to the "killed" list.

At one point, Hudson tried to persuade him to quit, but everyone was determined to leave this opportunity to leave a mark in history.

Even if you don't go into the history of youth, it is still a good choice to make a strong note in the history of the family.

In life, there are two words: "fame and wealth".

After all, there are only a few people who can look away. Most people value their predecessors and posthumous names. This is especially true in the aristocratic world. The older you get, the more you want to leave something for your descendants.

The reality is so wonderful. The originally cruel battlefield was suddenly turned into a "comedy" by everyone.

No matter what the cause is, the current front line is "military morale is available!"

With the continuous siege battle, the defenders can still maintain high morale, which can worry the orc army outside the city.

After the company was burned down, Daniel's military style suddenly became conservative.

To put it nicely, it’s called “steady and steady.” In fact, it means building high camps and storming cities.

The orc army was tightly guarded. After strengthening the alert, Hudson, who couldn't find a fighter plane, simply ordered the defenders to guard the city and kill time with them.

With the previous outstanding record as a foreshadowing, no one would point fingers at this time. What Hudson can afford does not mean that Daniel can also afford it.

The endless "war of attrition" is the most annoying thing.

Coupled with the previous disastrous defeat, the morale of the orc officers and soldiers was not high. Especially the low-level orcs who needed to charge into battle saw their companions die one by one, and their morale was extremely low.

The mood of failure gradually permeated the entire camp. First, the lower-level officers and soldiers lost confidence, and then the top orcs also shook their confidence in winning.

Spring is here, but the front line is still compressed into a corner. After the ice and snow melted, the roads became muddy and unsuitable for marching.

If you want to expand the front line and increase the probability of breaking through the enemy's defense line: either continue to wait; or risk the entire army being annihilated and forcefully launch an attack from the cursed land.

There is no doubt that the top-level orcs, who were reduced to frightened birds, no longer had the courage to gamble their lives and directly chose to wait for the opportunity.

In this context, all the pressure is on the coach. The high-spirited Daniel seemed to have aged ten years overnight, with his hairline receding again and again.

Although the empire's top officials didn't say anything clearly, Daniel still understood everything from everyone's distrustful eyes.

Things have reached a stalemate at this point. Obviously everyone is dissatisfied with the current coach, but they can't find a more suitable candidate.

When communicating in private, except for a few middle-class orcs who were eager to try, the rational officers avoided the position of head coach.

It is difficult to command thousands of troops, and it is even more difficult to command a group of thousands of orcs composed of different races!

Involving the mobilization of millions of troops, not to mention launching a battle, the deployment and scheduling of troops in ordinary times is not something that ordinary people can accomplish.

It seems to be testing the coach's ability to lead troops to fight, but in fact it is also testing the coach's overall planning ability.

After all, there are very few geniuses. If you don't accumulate experience step by step, and you are in a high position right away, there is a high probability that it will end in tragedy.

In this regard, only four emperors have the right to speak. The other seven kings were severely beaten by Daniel during the civil war, and they lacked the confidence to speak.

It's just that they were very disappointed with Daniel's performance and did not come out to express their support immediately. By the time they realized something was wrong, rumors were already flying in the military.

Orcs are realistic. In their eyes, a commander who cannot win battles is nothing.

"Marshal, there have been a lot of rumors in the military recently. There are even rumors that the imperial court is trying to use the war to commit genocide!"

Count Purvi's words caused the expressions of all the generals present to change drastically.

Anyone with a sane mind knows that under the current situation, as long as the top brass of the Orc Empire is in their right mind, they will not engage in "genocide" that destroys their martial arts.

Although everyone usually has their noses in the sky and doesn't pay attention to the vassal races, if the orc empire really doesn't have these races, it really can't control the situation.

There are not enough cannon fodder, not to mention invading the Alpha Kingdom, it would be nice not to be pushed back by others.

The small population of the four imperial courts and the seven royal families alone cannot control the prairie. Once it encounters a human invasion, it may be overturned at any time.

However, orcs have never been a race that can be judged by normal standards. Those who have only evolved their bodies but not their brains are all easy to fool.

As long as someone with good intentions guides them and deliberately amplifies their inner hatred for the imperial court, it is not difficult to make them believe that "genocide" is not a difficult thing.

"The damn cult has jumped out to cause trouble for us again!

Send the order to all the troops to strictly investigate the cult organizations. Cult members who spread these rumors will be severely punished! "

Daniel said solemnly.

"Rumors" kill people. If the orcs at the bottom believe these rumors, the subsequent war will be impossible to fight.

Originally, they were not happy if they were forcibly recruited. If you stimulate it a little more, people might just mutiny.

Daniel knew Hudson too well. Once he discovered that there was a problem in their army, the enemy would definitely add insult to injury.

There are many ways to lure the enemy out for a decisive battle, so don't use the stupidest method.

There are many contradictions within the Orc Empire, and even if it is acting, it can eventually escalate to a fake show.

Blaming the cult is also a last resort. Judging from the current battlefield situation, although the Imperial Court has not committed genocide, it is an indisputable fact that it uses war to weaken various military forces.

As the specific executor, Daniel, the commander, has long been stinky in the eyes of the low-level orcs.

"Marshal, I'm afraid it won't work to suppress them directly.

In recent days, all ethnic groups have suffered heavy losses, and the people below have been complaining.

If we continue to take drastic measures, it will easily lead to a violent backlash and even a mutiny.

A few days ago, we caught two spies who were delivering messages to the humans.

After interrogation, it was found that the tribe they belonged to had lost more than 60% of their youth. They couldn't bear it anymore, so they chose to go with..."

Before Count Purvey could finish his words, Daniel interrupted forcefully: "Shut up!

Purvi, remember: some things should not be said carelessly.

The current strategy of the empire is a decision jointly made by the four emperors and the seven kings, and it is absolutely unmistakable.

As for these guys who sent messages to the enemy, they have all become traitors. Their words have no credibility, they must have been bribed by the enemy!"

Environment can change people the most. As a general, you don't have to understand politics, but to become a commander-in-chief, you must learn politics.

Unknowingly, Daniel has become the person he once hated the most.

It was this change that allowed him to secure his position as commander-in-chief of the three armies, and also allowed him to defeat a number of competitors and become the heir to the Werewolf Imperial Court.

The sequelae are also very obvious. If you pay too much politically, you will inevitably have to make sacrifices in the military.

The current gossip in the camp is the result of priority politics.

Even though he knew that unfair treatment of various races would prevent the army from cohesively uniting, Daniel still chose to carry out the empire's orders.

The reason is very simple, war always kills people. If the royal family and the royal family don't want to kill their own people, they can only kill the cannon fodder race below.

After the interlude, Daniel looked at the map on the wall and was speechless for a long time. After a long while, he slowly said:

"The order goes down, all the troops participating in the siege will be given extra meals three days in advance, and they will have enough food and wine!

Order each tribe to prepare military prostitutes for the soldiers to vent after the war! "

From the beginning, "Destroy and capture Canglan City, capture Caesar IV alive, destroy the Alpha Kingdom, and make everyone a Marquis of Ten Thousand Houses..."

To the later part of "Capture Hudson alive, the prince will be passed down for generations..."

Let’s go back to the recent “Tear apart the enemy’s defense line, enter the city without sealing your sword, and half of the spoils will belong to you…”

Daniel's pie was getting smaller and smaller, but he was finally able to eat it.

Unfortunately, this piece of cake is poisonous, and the price you have to pay for eating it is your life.

As the date of the Human Alliance meeting approaches, Canglan City, which was under the wartime economic system, is also full of vitality.

As long as there is a system, there must be loopholes.

Representatives from various countries who had known for a long time that the Alpha Kingdom was implementing material control had already started preparations in advance.

Truckloads of supplies, in the name of diplomatic mission luggage, passed through many checkpoints and were successfully delivered to the royal capital.

Except for keeping a small amount for my own enjoyment, more materials flowed into the black market privately for trading.

Earl Miles is one of the best. As an economically minded nobleman, he purchased a large amount of daily necessities as soon as he received the news.

We rented a fleet, entered the southeastern province by sea, and then started a journey of bringing goods along the way.

"Master Earl, we have hosted a banquet for the nobles from the southeastern provinces. They don't seem to be interested in these supplies. Only a few of them have placed orders."

The old housekeeper said with a sad look on his face.

There is no way, my master has prepared too many products. Others only carry a few carts of supplies, and they can dispose of them casually when they arrive at the royal capital.

As the representative of the Hessian Kingdom to the Alliance, Earl Miles was greedy because of the short distance and early departure.

Considering how poor the nobles of the Alpha Kingdom were, their purchasing power might not be strong enough, so he chose to sell all the way along the coast.

As an envoy, he naturally enjoys tax-free treatment, and the nobles along the way are also open to convenience.

In order not to cause disputes, Earl Miles chose the banquet transaction mode very carefully.

Invite nearby potential customers directly, and if interested parties complete the transaction by exchanging gifts, this avoids legal risks.

The results are very good, but the order volume is seriously insufficient. Except for high-quality weapons, which are easier to sell, other luxuries are despised.

It’s no wonder that the old housekeeper is worried. Even the wealthy southeastern provinces are like this. It is obviously even more unrealistic to expect the nobles of the provinces with poorer economies to pay for it.

"Don't panic!

Although the impact of the war is great, there are some wealthy people in every country who are not affected.

The situation in the Kingdom of Alpha is special. The atmosphere of war is too strong. Affected by the social atmosphere, the nobles do not have high requirements for enjoyment.

From the beginning, I was not prepared to do their business. The main reason for inviting these people over is to spread the news.

Stay here for two days and someone will come to you soon.

Those businessmen who are dependent on the nobles, and some noble children who are neither capable nor greedy for pleasure, are my real customers! "

Earl Miles' explanation made all the accompanying servants shout out that they had learned a lot.

This is not selling goods, it is clearly selling humanity.

Not having high requirements for luxury and enjoyment does not mean that there is no demand.

Affected by the general social environment, nobles need to worry about their face and naturally have to be more reserved in front of everyone.

Not buying doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it. Since the birth of many products, users have never expected to pay for them.

As long as the news spreads, no matter whether these nobles are interested or not, someone will buy the things and deliver them to their door.

In the Emerald Palace, all the small actions of envoys from various countries were brought together in front of Caesar IV without exception.

There is no trivial matter in diplomacy. Because of the special status, even personal actions will inevitably be interpreted politically.

"What do these people want to do? Is it really just to make a fortune?"

Although I know that the business atmosphere in the Southern Continent is stronger, it would be too ugly for the representatives stationed in the Human Race Alliance to take advantage of the opportunity to make money by visiting.

“Your Majesty, there is actually a precedent for this kind of thing, but this time the movement is a little bigger.

Perhaps it is because we have implemented material control, which makes them think that there are great business opportunities and want to take advantage of it to make a fortune.

Of course, this cannot be ruled out as a political hint.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent people to contact them, and I believe there will be results soon..."

Wrong time set, sorry

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