
Chapter 587 Grassland Hunting

The top leaders of the kingdom were shocked, and representatives from various countries were shocked.

If it hadn't been for the official announcement from Alpha Kingdom, they would have thought it was a prank.

Who can be stupid enough to build a dam and drown themselves?

Even with the "reasonable explanation" given by Hudson, everyone still didn't believe it.

Compared to these illusory "pressures", they prefer to believe that it was the Alphas who lifted the dam of the orcs.

After all, the small losses incurred by the Alpha Kingdom were nothing to the representatives of various countries.

In order to confuse the enemy, there is nothing strange about releasing some bait.

One general's success and ten thousand bones withered!

After so many years of fighting in the north and south, who would think that Hudson was soft-hearted must be out of his mind.

Especially after verifying the news, everyone obtained "detailed battle conditions" from the Orc Empire, which strengthened everyone's judgment.

The turmoil not only rippled through the Alliance Council, but was also affected within the kingdom.

There was no other way. The grain transport team that was washed away by the flood happened to be the private army of the northern nobles, and the civilians were also recruited from their territories.

Everyone knows that Hudson and the Northland nobles are not willing to deal with it, and it happens to be them who are responsible for the accident, and they are properly "eliminating dissidents."

Of course, the rumors stop among the people. As soon as there was a disturbance in the court, it was suppressed by Caesar IV.

It seems to be a defense of Hudson, but then it becomes more difficult to explain.

For a moment, the northern nobles on the front line were in panic, fearing that they would be tricked by their coach again one day.

Hudson, who had been wronged, could only greet Caesar IV and his family from the bottom of his heart.

Giving small shoes to the nobles of the North was clearly ordered by him, the king. Because he was also unhappy with this group of people, Hudson chose to ignore them.

Therefore, the seemingly "good job" of escorting grain and grass fell to the nobles of the North.

In the past, the death rate on the battlefield remained high. The relatively safe transportation of grain and grass has become a good job that everyone is competing for.

Not only can you shave off a layer of oil, but you can also gain military merit.

But after the strong coach Hudson took over, everything became different.

The death rate suddenly dropped, and military achievements were blown by the northwest wind. As long as you go out and fight with the enemy, you will immediately gain a lot of military exploits.

On the contrary, the logistics oil and water are gone. Anyone who dares to stretch out his hand will soon have grass growing on his grave.

Compared with the gains on the battlefield, the hard work of escorting grain and grass suddenly became cheap.

The jobs that no one wanted to do naturally fell to the northern nobles with the least popularity.

In particular, the officers of the royal camp were the most diligent in suppressing the nobles of the North.

With the help of all parties, the Northland nobles with many enemies became the captain of the transportation team.

Even if you want to refuse, this is their old profession. They have been doing it for hundreds of years and have rich experience.

Normally, no one sees anything wrong with doing this. Now that there is a problem, some people suspect that Hudson is purging dissidents.

Once some things are determined, explanations are meaningless, so Hudson simply doesn't bother to respond.

There is no evidence and only a few rumors can't shake his position as head coach.

What's more, at this time, the Northland aristocratic group has also reached the point of falling apart, and the younger brothers below no longer obey the orders of the five major families unconditionally.

According to the current development of the situation, the five provinces of the Northland will be normalized and turned into ordinary kingdom provinces within ten years at most.

If they really dare to cause trouble, they can mobilize half of their troops, which is considered to be a strong control.

The greater possibility is that his subordinates were sold out just after the operation started.

In recent years, Hudson has not been idle, and the group of nobles from the North who work for him have been visiting frequently.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the Northland military group is about to die. If they don't change camps quickly, will they still stay and be buried with them?

The more critical the situation becomes, the more low-key the five major families in the North become. It seemed like he was a little timid, but actually he was just trying to avoid being caught.

Everyone is in the same circle. Whether it is the king or the commander-in-chief Hudson, if you want to deal with them, you must stay within the rules.

The effect is very obvious, no principled mistakes have been made, and no one can do anything about them.

Except for the occasional wearing of small shoes, the five major families in the North actually lived a pretty good life.

Political factions are turbulent, and that's just a minor issue. What nobles value is long-lasting inheritance, and temporary gains and losses are nothing at all.

What's more, no matter how many ideas the people below have, they are still attached to the five of them. After all, both Hudson and Caesar IV were too far away from the Northland, but the five major families were at their doorstep.

It's okay to hook up secretly, but no one dares to take the lead against the five major families.

It is better to be still than to move and do nothing, and you will not make mistakes.

It can be said that as long as the five major families don't mess around, the Northland Military Group can continue.

Maybe it will slowly decline in the future, but that will take a period of time.

"You also think that I am using a borrowed knife to kill people?"

In the headquarters, Hudson asked with a half-smile.

When rumors arise in the military, they always need to be addressed. Forcibly suppressing rumors will only make them spread wider.

After all, Hudson is not a gold coin and cannot be liked by everyone.

No matter how "respectable" he is, there are still some people who hold a grudge against him, and they will definitely be seriously injured if given the chance.

Rather than bothering to explain to the outside world, it is better to pull out the person involved to refute the rumors.

"Marshal is joking. Everyone knows that you are the most just. How could you do such a thing?

If it was really targeted, those of us would have gone to see the Lord of the Dawn long ago, how could we continue to sit here! "

Duke Rodriguez answered first.

Deep down in his heart, he had already paid his respects to the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of the rumor-mongers. Is it possible to talk about this kind of thing?

As a mature nobleman, reason always comes first. After something like this happened, it makes no sense to investigate whether someone was targeted.

If there is no evidence, they will only suffer the consequences if they make a fuss. If you can't pull Hudson from the position of commander-in-chief, you can't just turn your back.

Compared with losing thousands of private troops and tens of thousands of civilians, being directly targeted by the commander-in-chief is the most terrifying thing. It would be the most tragic thing if he was used as an abandoned child in the war.

Now that something like this has happened, the best option is to try our best to seek compensation from the kingdom.

If you have doubts in your heart, then write down the account first and take revenge when there is an opportunity in the future, instead of openly breaking with the king and the frontline commander without any evidence.

"Marshal, Rodriguez is right, your character is well known to the world, how could you do such a thing.

It is just a routine matter for the logistics troops to go out to transport food. When encountering a flood, the orcs are completely useless..."

The other four dukes who reacted hurriedly made up their excuses.

The orcs want to pass the blame for the defeat to the humans, and the five Dukes also want to pass the responsibility for their heavy losses to the orcs.

As for the truth of the matter, it doesn't matter at all. Anyway, since Hudson didn't admit that he destroyed the dam, they thought it was the orcs who did it.

From the standpoint of the kingdom, nailing the orcs to the pillar of shame is far more strategic than a legendary victory.

Once the inherent impression is formed, in the future orcs will be synonymous with stupidity in the Aslant continent.

This impression will affect many people's ideas. When all races, including the Anti-Humanity Alliance, make decisions, the first thing they think of is the stupidity of their allies, the "orcs".

No one likes to lead pig teammates.

The next time the orcs want to cause trouble, even if the elves continue to support it for the sake of the overall situation, they won't be able to do it with the same intensity as now.

"You all think so, so that's the best. The orcs are out of skills and can't find a way to deal with it, so they can only use these little tricks.

It’s true that some people don’t have any brains and just believe whatever the enemy says. You are all the pillars of the kingdom, and you must grasp your position at critical moments. "

Hudson said with a smile.

The hint is obvious enough. If they still can't understand it, they will be eliminated. The internal competition in the aristocratic circle is also very fierce.

The current situation is beneficial to the kingdom. Next is the time to expand the results. All actions must serve this strategic center.

Any individual or group that affects the plan is the common enemy of the kingdom and will be jointly strangled by all walks of life.

The fire burned non-stop in the Near East, and the smell of rotten corpses and the aroma of meat were mixed together, drifting in the wind for dozens of miles.

Looking around, the prairie is filled with black smoke. There is a burning point every fifty miles, and the rising black smoke merges to form an independent landscape.

At the corpse burning site, the priests and the undead magicians, two groups that were supposed to be in opposition, were actually working together to deal with the aftermath.

If this scene spread to the Southern Continent, it would definitely be big news, but in the Alpha Kingdom where racial conflicts outweigh religious conflicts, everyone has long been accustomed to it.

Especially after the religious reform, necromancers are no longer heretics. Only necromancy that violates the laws of the kingdom is heresy.

Other suppressed niche professionals also receive the same treatment, and can obtain legal status in the kingdom as long as they do not cause trouble.

The label of "heretic" was taken off, everyone worked together, and it became normal.

After the raging fire ended, the soldiers suppressed their nausea and collected the loot inside the fire.

Someone has already done the work of touching corpses. Even if Hudson gave repeated orders to forbid the soldiers to touch the things on the corpses of the orcs, it could not stop the greed of the people.

Some people dare to hide small items such as gold coins, but no one dares to touch the armor on the orcs. Not only is that kind of bulk hard to hide, but it's also a big problem to show off in the military camp.

After experiencing the burning of the fire, now it's time to test the quality of the armor. Some armors are intact, and some armors have been changed beyond recognition.

Of course, these are minor issues. Because of the size difference, the armored human soldiers of the orcs cannot be used at all, and they have to be remade regardless of whether they are good or bad.

As for selling for cash, that's impossible. It is the kingdom's national policy to encroach on the orc empire. How can it be willing to subsidize the enemy just for some benefits?

What's more, the current orc empire's financial resources have long been drained. Even eating is a problem, how can I afford to buy armor!

The Ministry of Finance's hope that the loot will bring back a wave of blood is purely a dream. The weapons and armor collected from the grasslands alone are not enough to cover the expenses of the army for ten days.

There is no way around this. The most valuable animals in the hands of the orcs were swallowed up by the flood, and now they can only be burned.

A group of orc emperors and kings in the distance glanced at the rising black smoke with nostalgia, then turned around and left this sad land.

Their intuition told them that it would be difficult for them to drink from Ma Xueyue Lake this time.

But there was no way. Continuous heavy losses had brought the Orc Empire to the brink of collapse.

At this moment, the balance of military strength between the two sides has been overturned. If they continue to fight here, they may really be in danger of annihilation.

If you don't leave while the defenders are cleaning up the mess, it won't be that easy to escape when the enemy reacts!

After running wildly all the way, all races tacitly chose to act separately.

Once the Orc Empire suffers heavy losses, its allies will become the biggest potential threat.

There is no such thing as being in the same boat. They are not born with this gene.

With no luggage left, the return journey is destined to be full of blood and killing!

What everyone has to face next is the test of survival, either killing others or becoming food for others.

The law of the jungle on the grassland has always been so cruel.

"What, there are a lot of typhoid fever patients in the city?"

Hudson asked with a gloomy expression.

Other times, when this symptom occurs, it may be true typhoid fever.

But at this juncture, it was difficult for him not to think too much.

"After the great disaster, there will be a great epidemic!"

The recent flood caused countless deaths and injuries. Even if Hudson took timely preventive and control measures, it still could not prevent the virus from breeding.

"Yes, Marshal!

Since you ordered the start of epidemic prevention measures, we have been counting the number of injuries and illnesses every day, and patients with typhoid fever have appeared since three days ago.

It’s just that the base at that time was very small, and no one paid much attention to it.

As of last night, the number of typhoid fever patients suddenly exceeded a thousand, and we realized something was wrong.

In accordance with epidemic prevention measures, the headquarters has ordered all typhoid patients to be isolated for treatment, but new patients are still appearing! "

Marquis Zuel explained with a solemn expression.

I originally thought that Hudson was being too cautious when implementing anti-epidemic measures, but he never expected that contagious typhoid fever would appear just after the epidemic began.

You must know that there is more than one city on the Near East front line. Since Sutex Fortress can find problems, other cities can also appear.

Even the typhoid fever that appeared in Satex Fortress might be malaria or plague in other cities.

For the defenders, no matter what kind of disease occurs, it is a disaster.

“Inform the local garrison of the situation here and ask them to strengthen epidemic prevention work.

Notify the royal government and ask them to immediately send priests and magic pharmacists to support.

In addition, from now on, no one is allowed in or out of Satex Fortress. No one is allowed to leave without my military orders.

All tents where typhoid patients are found must be immediately disinfected with quicklime, and all clothes and tableware used by patients must be boiled in boiling water..."

A series of measures were skillfully poured out of Hudson's mind. As for how effective it is, it just depends on luck.

Anyway, having emergency epidemic prevention measures is better than having none at all. Even if it doesn't work, keep everyone busy.

In times of great disaster, the most fearful thing is that people's hearts will be in confusion.

Although there are many typhoid fever patients at present, they are mainly civilians. Strong soldiers have obviously stronger resistance.

The sudden illness bought time for the orc army to evacuate, but this did not reduce the killings on the grassland at all.

As the bottom of the grassland food chain, Gram, who had a chance to escape, led a group of hungry tribesmen and cautiously advanced on the grassland.

In order not to collide with the powerful fighting race, he also deliberately slowed down the speed of the team, and even the direction of advance was deviated a lot.

In fact, this team has no real destination.

It is obvious that there is no way back to the tribe’s old land. After suffering such a huge defeat, losing the city and losing territory is inevitable.

Now Graeme can only hope that the various races have suffered heavy losses and do not need so much pasture, leaving them a habitat in the leftovers.


Smelling the smell of blood, Gram immediately stopped the team, but there were too many pig teammates and he was still discovered by the enemy.

If they had encountered these "foods" delivered to their door earlier, maybe the Leopard Man Tribe and the Elephant Man Tribe would not have fought.

Unfortunately, there were hundreds of corpses of leopards and elephants lying on the battlefield alone, and the two tribes were already furious.

After discovering that there was no threat, the two sides started fighting together again.

At this moment, none of them noticed that a cold light flashed in the eyes of Graeme, who was ignored by them.

Strong soldiers are created by fighting. If the Pige clan wants to rise, they are destined to fight.

The team that has been training for such a long time finally comes into use today.

The previous siege battle did not work out because the enemy was too strong.

Playing in the peak match right from the start does not reflect the "well-trained" nature of Gram's troops.

Seeing that the two warring parties were still killing each other, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of Graeme's mouth.

Time passed by, and the Elephant Man, who had the upper hand, finally won the victory after suffering a large number of casualties.

However, before they could enjoy their spoils, they saw a group of armed men charging towards them.

The Elephant Man chief frowned and ordered angrily: "It seems that they are so hungry that a bunch of rubbish dare to show their swords at us!

Elephant soldiers, stand up, take up your weapons and kill all these stupid pigs who are provoking us! "

Hearing the call from his chief, the Elephant Soldier, who was lying on the ground panting and resting, picked up his weapon and slowly stood up from the ground, waiting for the enemy to come.

It was obvious that no one took the incoming Pig army seriously, and in addition to anger, there was also a trace of pity in their eyes.

Maybe it’s time for a snack tonight, Pidge’s meat is much better than the Leopard Man’s.


Graeme ordered slightly excitedly.

At this moment, the warlike genes of the Golden Pidge clan were inspired by him.

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