
Chapter 588 Pressure

The light of the sunset shines on the prairie, and complements the broken flesh and corpses on the battlefield, forming a unique dusk landscape.

As the victor, Graeme looked at his soldiers with an angry expression. Even though they had an absolute advantage, the battle just now almost caused the enemy to overturn the situation.

If it hadn't been for the critical moment when he turned the tide and killed the enemy's leader and destroyed the enemy's morale, they might be the ones lying down now.


“You idiots are still laughing.

Have you put all my usual training into the pig’s brain?

Why don't you follow the training formation to fight the enemy?


Perhaps he felt that scolding was not enough to relieve his anger, so while he was scolding everyone, his hands and feet were not idle.

Either he slapped this person on the forehead, or he gave that person a kick in the butt. The scene was very eye-catching.

However, this is the method of military training summarized by Gram.

Facing this special group of people, reasoning is of no use. The most effective way is to suppress them with force.

There is no problem that cannot be solved by a beating. If the impression is not impressive enough, then give it another beating.

All good words and persuasion will be useless in the end; all fists and kicks will leave a deep impression on everyone.

It's like if you don't beat them when you tell them things, they are all unimportant issues. Only the tasks given after being beaten must be completed.

This bizarre performance made Gram dumbfounded. He really couldn't imagine that he was of the same race as these idiots.

Every time in the dead of night, what he misses most is the golden pig family in his dream. Compared to these idiots, those are the tribesmen he recognizes.

Moving forward with a group of pig teammates, Graeme was under tremendous pressure. If he hadn't had no choice, he would have abandoned these idiots long ago.

The golden match is also a match, and he himself is the best example. Theoretically speaking, Pige can evolve into a golden Pige as long as he activates his hidden bloodline.

Once you awaken your bloodline, your IQ and talent will evolve. The rulers of the Pig clan have much more flexible minds, and they may have awakened their hidden talent bloodline.

It's just that the Pige family has been passed down for countless years, and the blood in the body is also very complicated. Even if you awaken, you may not be able to become a golden Pige.

No matter how low the probability was, Gram could only bite the bullet and cultivate it. Fortunately, the Pig family has no other abilities, but they have a strong ability to reproduce.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the base number goes up, there will always be bloodlines that will evolve successfully.

Deep down in his heart, Gram had already begun planning to borrow seeds from the quilboar. As a closely related race, marriage is also a good choice to improve bloodlines.

The most important thing is to counteract the laziness of Pige and improve the fighting consciousness of future generations. As long as the pigs are half as warlike as the quilboars, they will not be at the bottom of the orc empire.

Even being beaten couldn't cover up the excitement of everyone. In the battle just now, they killed nearly a hundred Elephants, setting a record.

Besides them, which other Pidge tribe has such courage?

I'm afraid the other heroes' legs and feet were trembling when they saw the Elephant Man. They might have picked up weapons and fought with the enemy.

The clumsiness in the battle was automatically ignored by everyone. If you don't run away when you encounter an enemy, you are already a warrior in the Pidgeon clan. Anyone who dares to fight is a super warrior.

There is also a faint hint of bloodthirsty desire in the eyes of some pigs. This kind of performance should usually appear in wild boar people.

"Clean up the battlefield and we'll have extra food tonight!"

Hearing "extra meals", everyone's enthusiasm was quickly aroused. Part of the reason why I was able to fight the Elephant Man just now was because of Graeme's training. The more important factor was that I was so hungry that I couldn't stand it!

Although the Pigs are not picky eaters, the problem is that the army in front of them has just passed through, and everything that can be eaten has been cleaned up.

At the risk of destroying the unity of the empire, hunting other races secretly is actually a last resort.

In the multiple-choice question of either turning himself into food or turning others into food, Pige also chose the latter.

As night falls, the grassland becomes quiet. There was no movement among the wolves that should have been active.

As a sign of the winner, the bonfire was raised, the barbecue grill was set up, and they began to enjoy the trophies they had hunted during the day.

Among the fleeing Pige tribes, this Pige tribe is definitely unique in its treatment.

No one can remember the last time they ate meat so openly. Even many qualified people did not have such luxury in the first half of their lives.

After enjoying delicious food that they had never dared to imagine before, the hearts of the people began to transform in the dark night. Perhaps this is the life they should have.

For the first time, "desire" appeared in many Pige's eyes, as if they were cutting themselves off from the ones who used to eat and wait for death.

The killings on the prairie continue all the time. In order to survive, various ethnic groups launched fierce competition.

The killings on the way back are just the beginning. The wave of mergers between grassland tribes was the beginning of the troubled times that followed.

Especially the tribes whose main force was wiped out were either annexed by the same tribe or simply disappeared on the prairie.

Tenderness is not suitable for grasslands. Any kindheartedness will bring disaster to oneself.

The royal family and the royal family, who were supposed to "uphold justice" and maintain the peace and stability of the grassland, chose to remain deaf and dumb and allowed the wave of annexation to spread.

The rules of the game must also be compromised with reality.

The Orc Empire, which had gained nothing on the battlefield and lost a large amount of strategic supplies, no longer had the ability to feed everyone in the country.

If there is not enough food, then you have to fight for it. In this moment of crisis: the small tribe is the granary of the big tribe, and the weak tribe is the food of the strong tribe.

The four royal families at the top of the food chain are also licking their wounds at this moment. But everyone knew that the storm had just begun.

After the war, the overall strength of the various ethnic groups on the grasslands has changed drastically. The imperial court, which had the most heavy cavalry and heavy infantry before the war, became the biggest loser in the war.

On the contrary, the rising royal families were limited by their own financial resources and had only a small number of armored soldiers, thus preserving more strength.

When the "balance" of power is broken, the political landscape will inevitably be affected. Races with this ideological consciousness are quietly making preparations.

At the edge of the grassland, looking at the glacier appearing in front of him and looking back at the grassland behind him, Daniel sighed deeply.

This battle was really too cowardly to lose. Even now, he still can't let go.

"Let's go!"

Daniel spoke slowly.

The hundreds of people of the same clan who were able to escape all the way here are all direct descendants of his close relatives that he deliberately cultivated.

It was originally a preparation for taking power in the future, but I didn't expect that it would be used for escape.

Once you take this step, it will be difficult to come back!

In fact, in the past years, there were many orcs who fled to the ice world because of failed power struggles.

But there are only a few who can return to seize power. In Daniel's memory, King Behemoth was the only one who succeeded in recent years.

When things came to a head, there was no room for hesitation. Such a big thing happened. As the coach, "die on the battlefield" is the best explanation for all parties.

At Satex Fortress, Hudson, who inspected the city's epidemic prevention situation, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, the measures he took earlier still worked.

Although "typhoid fever" is highly contagious, it never turned into a plague. As long as the body is strong enough, it can resist it.

Among the tens of thousands of confirmed patients, there is not a single practitioner. The main infected people are the elderly, weak, women and children in poor health, and the wounded lying in hospital beds.

In the extraordinary world, although medical technology is backward, the treatment methods are very powerful. What cannot be cured by physical means is magic.

After a month of hard work, more than two-thirds of the patients have walked out of the ward.

As a price, nearly one-third of the patients were reduced to ashes.

"Krypton Life Therapy" has always been so simple and unpretentious. While killing the virus, it can also kill the patient.

There was no way. Pharmacy had been suppressed for many years, and was released after Hudson took office. It could only solve some minor problems.

Corresponding to this is the magic potion science that specifically serves the nobles. This thing is developing really fast, and a treatment plan has been produced in the shortest time. The only problem is that it is too expensive.

Looking at the "water of life" in the formula, Hudson just drank one.

This is not a joke. This is not an elven tribe. Where can we get a large amount of water of life?

In this context, letting the priest release divine magic has become the most cost-effective treatment method.

In addition to the higher consumption of vitality and the higher mortality rate, divine magic is definitely the biggest nemesis of the virus.

"Marshal, the Royal Capital has started urging me again. Do you think you should go back first and attend the awarding ceremony?"

Tom persuaded tactfully.

Nearly two months have passed since the Alliance Council decided to award Hudson the "Marshal of the Human Race", and he, the protagonist, was left to complete the awarding ceremony.

Some time ago, the battle situation on the front line was urgent, and the coach could not leave the army. If the time of awarding the title was postponed, there would naturally be no problem.

Now that the war has subsided, the counterattack has been temporarily put on hold because of the ravages of "typhoid fever".

Of course, these are all explicit remarks.

The real reason why no troops were sent was that Hudson saw how fierce the orcs were fighting among themselves and did not rush over to ease their internal conflicts.

Hudson was waiting for a better fighter plane at the front, which was a pain for the royal government. They had to find ways to hold back the Alliance Parliament.

The “investment” ceremony is the highlight moment of the kingdom. If there are no witnesses, the influence will be greatly reduced.

In order to extend the meeting time, the Alpha Kingdom was not only busy looking for trouble, but also mobilized its allies to help delay the meeting.

The most heated discussion in the parliament now is: "The huge debt issue of the Principality of Mossi".

This problem has been solved before. Bringing it up for discussion again is purely because it is highly controversial and can delay time.

In addition to the Alpha Kingdom's support for the "debt cancellation" proposed by the Mossi people, representatives from various countries expressed strong opposition. However, everyone still made some concessions on the specific repayment methods.

The specific measures are as follows: allow the Moxi people to postpone the payment of debts in the year of great disaster; allow the Moxi Principality to pay debts in kind...

This is just a proposal to make up for the loss. Naturally, the Moxi people will not have any objections if they can achieve these gains.

After all, they are pretending to be poor, but they are not really unable to uncover the truth.

The most injured one is the Kingdom's Ministry of Finance. If the proposal to forgive the debt of the Principality of Moxi is passed, then the financial bankruptcy of the Alpha Kingdom can also be put on the agenda.

Although doing this is very embarrassing and seriously damages the image of the kingdom, it is more beneficial.

Only by erasing the foreign debt of hundreds of millions of gold coins can the Alpha Kingdom be able to move forward with ease and develop better.

It's a pity that these can only be thought about. The bankrupt Principality of Moxi has not received debt relief, and naturally the Kingdom of Alpha does not need to think about it.

The Franks and Ilibans are not stupid. After defeating the Orc Empire alone, the only thing that can curb the development of the Alpha Kingdom is debt.

If this last shackle is lifted, I am afraid that within a few years, the Alpha Kingdom will be able to annex the Orc Empire and become the most powerful country in the human world.

If the two countries and the Alpha Kingdom were not far apart, the relationship between the three countries would be the Aslant continent version of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

"Tell the country that I will arrive in the royal capital in three days, and let them arrange the ceremony for me!"

In the Holy Mountain of Light, the physically and mentally exhausted Shelter VII became furious looking at the information in his hands.

In just a few months, the situation in the Holy See took a turn for the worse. Originally, they wanted to resist the decision made by the Alliance Council, but the Franks increased their troops again.

"Hasn't the Alliance Council already ordered a truce? Why do the Franks dare to continue to increase their troops?"

Hearing the Pope's question, the cardinal in charge of external affairs could only complain secretly, and then replied bravely:

“Your Majesty, the truce announced by the Human Race Alliance is predicated on both parties abiding by the content of the resolution.

Out of protest against the content of the Human Race Alliance's resolution, our members in the Alliance Parliament did not sign the resolution.

Therefore, the armistice agreement is currently only effective for the remaining participating countries, and we are still at war with the Franks.

But you can rest assured that since the Anti-French Alliance has appeared and the countries have already stood on the opposite side of the Franks, it is impossible to watch them continue to grow.

The current increase in troops is nothing more than forcing us to compromise. As long as these enemy troops are annihilated, the situation will be completely different..."

After hearing this explanation, everyone rolled their eyes. If the enemy army could be annihilated, how could the Holy See be in this situation now?

Anyone with a little bit of political common sense knows that this unreliable explanation is purely to deflect blame.

After all, someone needs to take responsibility for selling out the interests of the Holy See in exchange for peace.

The archbishop in charge of foreign affairs did not want to shoulder the blame himself, so he could only shift the responsibility to the defeated military.

Seeing that everyone did not buy it, Bishop Jarvis added again: "In view of the deterioration of the war situation in the Holy Court, the Anti-French Alliance has decided to send reinforcements to us.

It is expected that reinforcements will arrive in the Holy Court in half a month and join us in dealing with the Frank army. "

Pius VII, who was originally hesitant, could no longer sit still at this moment. The Anti-French Alliance had already betrayed them at the Human Race Council, and sending reinforcements at this moment was obviously a sign of bad intentions.

They are reinforcements in name, but they might turn into enemy troops when they arrive. Testing the integrity of a bunch of traitors is obviously asking for trouble.

"Bishop Jarvis, tell the Anti-French Alliance that we don't need reinforcements now, they don't need to come!"

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