
Chapter 730 Emergency treatment

The gathering of the elven army directly brought the situation on the mainland to a critical point.

Anyone with a little knowledge knows that a new round of continental war is about to break out.

The situation suddenly got out of control, and the person who was most frightened was not the igniter of the Alpha Kingdom, but the Chiyu who was affected.

The dwarf kingdom, the trolls, the principality of Moxi, the kingdom of Hesse, the kingdom of Dante, and a series of unlucky ones who were caught in the middle were all shattered at this moment.

The situation ahead is tense, and everyone still has a sense of luck.

The frequency of conflicts between the Alpha Kingdom and the orcs has always been high, and it is expected that something will happen every now and then.

It was about to turn into a continental war, and all the forces involved were panicking at this moment.

Although more than ten years have passed since the end of the last continental war, in the past ten years, everyone has not been able to live in peace.

The current military strength of some forces that are not developing smoothly has not even returned to the level before the last war.

Even if the reforms are effective, they are still in the digestion stage at this time. It is still a long process to transform the dividends of reform into military strength.

Complaining is meaningless. In troubled times, the weak have no say.

Once you enjoy the protection of the alliance, you must bear corresponding obligations.

When war comes, neither the human nations nor the major alien forces have the right to choose.

Emerald Palace.

The sudden deterioration of the situation on the mainland, coupled with the panic of allies asking for help, directly prompted the convening of a new round of palace meetings.

After glancing at the assembled dignitaries of the kingdom, Caesar IV put down the stack of official documents in his hand.

“The performance of the elves was much more intense than we expected.

Preserving the Orc Empire should be their bottom line, which seriously conflicts with the kingdom's strategy.

The situation on the mainland has reached a crossroads. As long as we insist on implementing the strategy of destroying the Orc Empire, a new round of war on the mainland will be inevitable.

The main reason for inviting everyone here today is to unify our stance and discuss what the kingdom should do next! "

They said it was a negotiation, but in fact everyone knew that this was just a routine procedure.

According to the original plan, the Alpha Kingdom was indeed not prepared to destroy the Orc Empire so quickly, but it could not resist the enemy and exposed its flaws.

Regardless of the fact that the kingdom has suppressed the orcs in recent years, everyone knows that destroying the orc empire and defeating the orc empire are two completely different concepts.

It is not unprecedented in history that external enemy pressure prompted internal unity.

The slogan of annihilating the orcs was loud and earth-shattering. Deep down in our hearts, we didn’t have much confidence. We mainly relied on hatred for support.

Everyone knows that a united orc empire cannot be destroyed by the kingdom alone.

The invaders from the Kingdom of God disrupted the Orc Empire, and the kingdom's top officials were almost going crazy with joy.

With these guys stirring things up behind the scenes, no matter how much the orc races try to unite, it won't help.

It would be unjust to not take this opportunity to destroy the orcs.

"Your Majesty, please mobilize the whole country!

The eastern front is responsible for the attack, while the western and southern fronts are responsible for the defense.

The kingdom does not fight alone, our allies will share the pressure on our home front for us.

The Dwarf Kingdom faces the countries of the Southern Continent directly. It has too much time to take care of itself and is unable to intervene in our war with the orcs.

The Trolls, Three-Eyed Tribe, and Stoneman Tribe are dealt with by the Three Kingdoms of the Central Continent. The Moxi people are responsible for dealing with the Alliance of Ancient Relics. Only the Elf Tribe is truly capable of intervening.

Those decadent elves are immersed in art and unable to extricate themselves, and their efficiency is horribly low.

If we are fast enough, we might be able to finish off the orc empire, but the elven army is still on the way! "

Duke Richard's remarks were a bit exaggerated, but they also represented the aspirations of many nobles in the kingdom.

For this war, the kingdom did not hesitate to risk offending other countries and forcibly dragged the Human Alliance into the water.

After paying such a high price, the war must be fought.

As for solving the Orc Empire before the Elf army attacks, that is purely a dream.

Judging from the map, if the elven army wants to invade the kingdom, it must borrow a road from the Principality of Moxi or the Kingdom of Hesse.

But the problem is that there are only a few provinces in the middle.

As long as the two countries are not stupid, they will not concentrate their forces in these provinces to fight against the elven army.

If nothing else goes wrong, the two countries will put up a symbolic resistance and give all parties an explanation before opening up the channel.

There is nothing to blame. It is understandable for a country to do anything in order to survive.

The kingdom's expectations for its allies are limited to containing the younger brothers in the alien alliance, and being able to slow down the elven army means they perform well.

"Duke Richard is right. When the situation has developed to this point, the kingdom is on the verge of breaking out.

Now that the enemy is already alert, I have to speed up and catch them off guard! "

After Count Oran finished speaking, a group of emerging nobles followed suit.

As an emerging aristocratic group that relied on military merit to rise, it was born to be the most determined militant group.

What's more, when the elven army attacks, the first ones to bear the pressure will only be the established nobles on the western and southern fronts.

The north is already covered with ice and snow, making it unsuitable for large armies to pass, and the east is the kingdom's main attack direction, so the safety factor of their territory is directly maxed out.

For the emerging nobles, it would be even more perfect if they could also weaken the power of the established noble camp while destroying the Orc Empire.

Of course, these thoughts will only be hidden deep in the heart. On the surface, everyone still needs to be in the same boat.

After all, most of the emerging nobles come from the old nobles, and their bones are broken but their tendons are still connected.

We just have differences of interest, and they are far from life-or-death situations.

Even if it is a political struggle, it is just to suppress the other party, without any real blood.

"Your Majesty, no one objects, it's time for you to make a decision!"

Seeing that the scene was heated and the king had not yet made his position clear, Prime Minister Becket reminded him.

He naturally knew the plans of the emerging nobles, but as the spokesperson of the established nobles, Prime Minister Beckett was not worried.

Risks do exist, but high risks also come with high returns.

The kingdom has been expanding to the steppes, and those who benefit most are the emerging nobles near the front lines.

The old nobles seemed to have a lot of profits, but due to the distance, it was difficult to rule directly and had to be divided among the family's children.

Although the family's power has grown stronger, the direct line's control over these branches has also continued to weaken with each expansion.

There cannot be only one voice within any great country. The voice of destroying the Orc Empire is the mainstream, but the voice of southward expansion and westward expansion also exists.

Without ambition, the nobles of the Southeast Province would not have taken over the Hundred Mile Corridor alone.

The existence of the "covenant" prevents these two voices from appearing in the court, but existence is existence after all.

Continental war is undoubtedly the best opportunity to break the shackles.

Even if the allies open up the road, the elves will not really feel relieved. There will definitely be a massacre and a large number of no man's land will appear.

If the Human Alliance is defeated, then all talk will be over.

But the Human Alliance has won a great victory, so the interests of the northern continent and the central continent must be redistributed.

If the kingdom is destroyed or the orc empire is defeated, and the attack of the elven army is withstood, then you are naturally qualified to get a share of the pie.

Once you take the first step, the subsequent steps will be easy.

The great cause of revenge was completed, and the obsession of the kingdom's nobles to move eastward also disappeared. Occupying the prairie was the limit.

The remaining remote areas cannot arouse the desires of the nobles, so the strategic shift is logical.

If one day they fall out with their allies and start a annexation war within the human race, it wouldn't be a bad idea.

Once there is no danger of alien races, the value of the alliance's existence will be gone.

Due to the nature of the human race to fight among themselves, it is difficult for this kind of organization that strongly restrains various countries to survive forever.

Either it becomes a tool of a big country, or it disappears into the long river of history.

No matter what the situation is, it has lost the ability to forcefully interfere in the decision-making of several major countries.

The era of the weak and the strong will come.

There are so many ideas that are completely based on strength.

In recent years, the entire Alpha Kingdom has worked hard to expand its military strength.

The old aristocrats, who have an overall advantage in financial, human and material resources, have much richer families than the emerging aristocrats.

It is not an exaggeration at all that a wealthy county in the rear can equal a province in the front, and it is even beyond.

With the support of this family, everyone was not afraid of the upcoming invasion of the elf army.

As the defensive side, we only need to fight a war of attrition with the enemy until the elves can no longer bear the casualties.

The real trouble is the advantage of the elves in high-end power, but the kingdom is not alone. There is also the support of the human alliance behind it.

When it comes to the high-end power game, the worship group will naturally take action.

I don't know if the enemy can be suppressed. Anyway, if you cooperate with the defenders to contain them, it won't be a big problem.


"Marshal Hudson, formulate a battle plan immediately.

This time we want the whole continent to know how powerful the kingdom is! "

Caesar IV said with a slap on the table.

With a "boom" sound, the wood chips fell apart.

Seeing this scene, Hudson shook his head secretly. The king's show of pretentiousness was too obviously coercive.

A strong man's control of power is far more subtle than this.

After all, the Silver Knight, which relied on resources, could not compare with those killed on the battlefield.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that the battle plan will be produced as soon as possible!"

There is no doubt that the battle plan must have been formulated in advance.

Ever since the kingdom decided to go to war with the orcs, the Ministry of Military Affairs has been busy formulating a battle plan.

There are hundreds of large and small combat plans, waiting for the kingdom's senior officials to finalize them.

Being robbed of his job, Duke Richard, the Minister of Military Affairs, looked a little ugly, but he still didn't say anything.

When it comes to the future destiny of the kingdom, face is worthless.

This is not the first time that power has been usurped. As early as the period of the former Minister of War, similar situations often occurred.

Under the system where the army owns the country, whoever can fight has always had a higher say.

The palace meeting ended and the kingdom's war machine was fully activated.

A relatively conservative plan was selected from many, and after slight modifications, Hudson signed his name.

Just stay on the western and southern fronts and use the defensive lines to compete with the elves for attrition. There is no need to risk going out for a decisive battle.

The kingdom doesn't care about allies or anything like that at this time.

Going to war with two big clans at the same time, the Alpha Kingdom had to use all its strength.

In a sense, this is a big gamble.

Hudson was betting that the elves would not sacrifice their vitality to rescue the orcs.

If they win, the kingdom will dominate the northern continent; if they lose, the kingdom will fall directly from its peak, and the established aristocratic group will suffer heavy losses.

Fortunately, the senior officials of the kingdom did not know his true thoughts, otherwise they would not be so optimistic.

Half of everyone's confidence at the moment comes from their own strength, and the other half comes from the kingdom's consecutive victories in recent years.

Several times in adversity, under the command of Hudson, they completed comebacks against the wind.

When assessing the strength of the kingdom, everyone habitually includes Hudson's commanding ability.

Maybe other countries are afraid of the elven army, but the nobles of the kingdom have no feelings.

In the battle for the Warhammer Kingdom, the elven army was also beaten by Hudson and suffered heavy losses.

After the noble officers who returned from victory boasted for a while, everyone's fear of the elven army disappeared without a trace.

Many people have the impression that the combat effectiveness of the elven army is approximately equal to that of the kingdom's elite. Even if it is stronger, it won't be much stronger.

The great nobles know best what level their elites are. It is completely feasible to use several times the second and third line legions to kill an elite team.

Calculating paper data, the kingdom's military strength at this time is very terrifying.

The three million field soldiers who have returned from the defense change, and the three million field soldiers in the border areas, take up weapons and add officers to form a third-line army. After a few battles, they can transform into a second-line army.

Coupled with the kingdom's original military strength, this is a very terrifying number.

With soldiers in hand and food in the warehouse, it is difficult not to have overwhelming confidence.

In the eyes of many nobles, the kingdom is already invincible, and the Frankish Empire, the Iliban Kingdom, and the Elven Kingdom are just floating clouds.

At least in the Ministry of Military Affairs' combat plan, Hudson saw a three-front attack to defeat the alien alliance in one fell swoop.

There is no doubt that Mr. Ha would not dare to use the genius who formulated such a strategic plan.

Deep in the prairie.

After completing a wave of blitzes, Princess Madeleine and her party did not return directly to the kingdom, but wandered around on the prairie.

The management of the Orc Empire was originally very chaotic. After the civil war broke out, the chaos became even more serious.

The question of who is the invader is itself a mess, and it is common for rival tribes to frame each other.

After disguising themselves as orc adventurers, it became their daily routine to kill a few unlucky ones from time to time and throw them into the territory of the hostile tribe.

After provoking someone, they run away and don't pay any attention to what happens next.

The wanton destruction triggered a large-scale regional melee, which quickly attracted the attention of the top orcs.

At first, I thought it was the intruders who were causing trouble, but after a series of killings, I finally found out that it was my own people who were fighting.

Realizing that something was wrong, the orc executives quickly thought of the powerful human race who had infiltrated.

The grassland is too vast. Using conventional methods to find out the disguised human race warriors is no less than finding a needle in a haystack.

“Priest Santiago, it’s up to you now.

These infiltrators must be found at all costs! "

After hearing what the Bear King said, Priest Santiago's expression turned ugly.

After meeting the eyes of the top orcs, he had to swallow his words of rejection.

The number of diviners is rare, and he is not the only one in the huge orc empire.

This drudgery fell on him. In addition to the difficulty in prophesying, the most important thing was that the Fox clan was too weak.

Several other diviners were from wealthy families, so he was the easiest to bully.

“Your Majesty Bear Emperor, before conducting divination, we must first determine whether Hudson is among them.

You know, the last time the empire..."

Halfway through the words, Priest Santiago hurriedly took back what he said after seeing everyone's ugly expressions.

Demon King Hada is not only a taboo in the empire's military, but also a taboo in the world of diviners.

Back then, when Hudson led his troops to wreak havoc on the grasslands, many diviners in the empire worked together to peek into the future and lay traps in advance.

As a result, as soon as the divination ceremony was completed, they all died from the backlash, leaving no useful information at all.

From then on, no fortune teller dared to pry into anything involving Hudson.

Originally, Priest Santiago, like countless orcs, gnashed his teeth in hatred for Demon King Hada, but now he desperately hoped that Hudson would be among them so that he could reasonably refuse this mission.

“The Santiago priests can rest assured that Hudson is certainly not among them.

The spies we planted in the Alpha Kingdom sent word that the Alpha Kingdom had just held a palace meeting.

Hudson would never be absent from a meeting of this level. "

The Yingren Emperor's affirmative answer disillusioned Priest Santiago's final illusion.

If I had known it would be like this.

From the moment the Bear King said "at any cost", he knew that he would become part of the price.

“Then decorate the altar and start as soon as possible!

But after all, the enemy is a strong person in the sanctuary. My own strength is definitely not enough, I must have helpers. "

Priest Santiago said in a low tone.

Even though he knew the risk was huge, he still didn't have the capital to refuse.

If you risk divination, you may die from the backlash, but if you refuse divination, you will definitely die.

And not only will he die, but his tribe will also suffer misfortune.

"Priest Santiago, don't worry, the divination team to assist you is waiting outside.

We have prepared tributes for you to deal with the backlash! "

Seeing that Priest Santiago agreed, the Bear King sounded much more polite this time.

It's just that it's useless. The danger of the mission will not be weakened in the slightest because of his politeness.

After a slight nod, Priest Santiago appeared outside the camp. Looking at the fortune tellers who were busy setting up the altar, a wry smile appeared on his lips.

In recent days, in order to deal with the invaders of the Kingdom of God, the empire has sent away many diviners.

In the team in front of him, there were figures of royal family members, and the situation was more serious than he expected.

In the continent of Aslant, fortune telling is a tragic profession.

At the peak of their power, there was basically no work for them, as long as they could practice with peace of mind.

Whenever they need to play, it's a tragic moment. This is often the time when a family's power declines.

After the tedious ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens, Santiago started the divination, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and instantly aged fifty years.


As soon as he said a word, he immediately died. All the diviners who acted together were also killed and injured.

Everything happened so suddenly that the items prepared to resist the backlash were not put to use in time.

After making such a big sacrifice and gaining only one word, the faces of all the top orcs looked ugly.

"Priest Santiago left a divine word. Judging from his facial expression, it is very likely that he was talking about gods.

The gods have fallen, and what appears at this time may be the remaining clones of the gods, or the remnant souls of the gods.

There is too little specific information, and we cannot pinpoint the specific location of the enemy at all. "

Silver Moon Wolf King shook his head and said.

Fortunately, the gods have fallen. Otherwise, if you peek at the messages related to the gods, you may not even have a chance to leave a word.

The fallen gods are not terrible, but the power of the world in the hands of the gods is extraordinary.

"Wolf King, there is actually another possibility, that is, the gods are resurrected!

The gods are all characters who have spanned the ages and will never die easily.

It is too abnormal to suddenly fall collectively without even struggling. "

The Yingren Emperor's speculation made the atmosphere at the scene more and more tense.

Everyone knows very little about the information about the gods, and all they remember is that they are powerful and omnipotent.

Even if the death of the gods diluted this impression, the deep-rooted knowledge is that they are still full of awe of the gods.


If the gods didn't fall, why didn't the beast gods return to the empire?

With the help of devout believers like us, we will definitely be able to help him get back to the top faster! "

After saying this, a trace of embarrassment appeared on the Wild Boar King's face.

It seems that the orc empire at this moment is really not suitable for the return of the beast god.

"Pious believers", that's just everyone's catchphrase.

From the moment the gods fell, the image of the omnipotent gods collapsed in everyone's minds.

If the beast god really returns and exposes his weak side, I guess many orcs will have the idea of ​​"he can replace him".

Once greed arises, it is only a matter of time before it is acted upon.

If you don't want to die in confusion, exposing your identity before you have enough strength is asking for death.

After all, not all gods have the power of disaster, and countless people are afraid of them when they appear.

The power in the hands of more gods is not small, but everyone can see it clearly.

Understanding means being able to find ways to deal with it.

When the top orcs were confused, the situation in the border area suddenly calmed down.

The 100,000-strong human army that was supposed to massacre all directions withdrew early due to the sudden change in the situation on the mainland and because Hudson was out for a meeting.

In the military camp by Xueyue Lake, a large number of field soldiers were recruited and picked up weapons for final training.

A large number of troops are constantly gathering towards the front line, and only the commander's order is needed to launch a full-scale attack on the enemy.

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