
Chapter 731 Running away

The kingdom's army is gathering in large numbers, and the orcs are not idle either.

On the one hand, each ethnic group sent troops to suppress the civil strife, and on the other hand, they organized large armies to prepare to face the enemy.

In order to increase the chance of winning, the Orc Empire adopted a strategic contraction. Instead of directly guarding the borders, it moved the tribes in the border areas inward.

To be precise, when the tension began, tribes in the border areas spontaneously began to migrate.

The tribes that were massacred by the human army in front were slow to react.

Within the headquarters.

Looking at the simulated sand table, Chief of Operations Count Gurren pointed to a small flag and calmly introduced:

“The enemy’s main force is gathering eight hundred miles away, with a very obvious intention, which is to lengthen our logistics line.

And this is just the beginning. As the war begins, they may continue to retreat.

A typical tactic of exchanging space for time. The last time the Alliance besieged the Orc Empire, they relied on this tactic to escape.

The enemy now chooses to repeat their old tricks, which means that they have no better choice, only this last choice.

In the next war, we must not only eliminate the enemy's main force, but also ensure the smooth flow of logistics transportation lines.

The strategic goal is very simple: drive the enemy out of the prairie and trap and starve them to death in the remote areas of the east!


Tactics require showmanship, but strategy is public.

The orcs' strategic plan and the kingdom's strategic goals are no secret.

The clear strategic goal is the direction in which everyone strives. As for the final effect, it is purely a fantasy.

It is only an ideal state to starve the enemy to death and trap them in remote areas.

Lack of resources does not mean there are no resources. It just means that life is harder and it is difficult for the race to develop and grow.

The stomachs of the orcs have long since evolved. They can only eat meat on the grasslands, but in the mountains and forests they can only eat grass, bark, and leaves.

In nature, changing from a carnivore to a vegetarian is inevitably accompanied by a decrease in individual combat effectiveness.

In less than five years, the brave orc warriors will become wilderness people running for a living.

The living environment is harsh and the reproduction rate will definitely be affected.

For the orcs, once they lose the prairie, they embark on a path of continuous decline and no return.

With the hatred between the Alpha Kingdom and the orcs, they would not be left with any chance.

If you retreat into the mountains and forests, you can only survive temporarily.

Even if there is nothing worth peeking at, the war between the two countries still cannot end.

In addition to interests, there is something called hatred in the world.

“Everyone knows the basic situation now.

The kingdom decided to go to war with the Orc Empire. If nothing unexpected happened, this would be the starting point of a new round of continental war.

To tell you the truth, the kingdom needs a three-front battle this time.

The Eastern Front is the main battlefield, and our mission is to attack, attack, and attack again until the Orc Empire is crippled.

The pressure on the Western and Southern Fronts is very high, leaving us with less than two years.

If possible, we will pursue a quick victory this time.

Now give me my order to divide the army into four groups, each along..."

While giving the order, Hudson drew four lines on the sand table.

In addition to one sea attack, the remaining three were stuck on both sides and in the middle of the prairie, like octopus claws trying to swallow up the entire orc empire.

"I now announce the appointments:

The commander-in-chief of the Northern Route Army was Earl Ebert, who had jurisdiction over three cavalry regiments, fifteen infantry regiments, a crossbow regiment, an artillery regiment, and twenty-five auxiliary regiments.

The commander-in-chief of the Southern Route Army was the Marquis of Medel, and its troop configuration was the same as that of the Northern Route Army.

The general commander of the sea is held by Duke Gaspar, who has jurisdiction over three cavalry corps, five infantry corps, one crossbow corps, seven auxiliary corps, and the first and second fleets of the Royal Navy.

The center army is under my personal command and consists of ten cavalry legions, thirty infantry legions, two Warcraft legions, three crossbow legions, three artillery legions, and fifty auxiliary legions.


A series of personnel appointments were announced, and the eyes of countless people in the command center became hot.

Position level doesn't matter, the key is troop allocation.

There is no general who does not want to command thousands of troops, and this battle fulfilled many people's wishes.

We are not afraid of not having an army to command, but we are afraid that our abilities will not keep up and we will not be able to command large armies in battle.

The formation of the legions of the Alpha Kingdom is very regular, with uniform legions of ten thousand people.

Especially after Hudson took office, he further standardized the organization of the corps and created a three-level corps system.

In order to enhance wartime mobilization capabilities, these legions are usually not fully staffed in peacetime, but their officers are over-provisioned.

After the war breaks out, as long as enough soldiers are added, one legion can become multiple legions in an instant.

This system not only played a role in the kingdom's standing army, but was also imitated by noble lords everywhere.

Being able to pull out more than two hundred legions at a time, in addition to the expansion of the kingdom's standing army, the contributions of noble lords from various places are also huge.

The main battle legion is composed of the kingdom's standing army and elite private armies of the nobles, while the remaining auxiliary legions are mainly composed of field soldiers.

There is no doubt that deploying so many troops to participate in the war is obviously aimed at destroying the country.

In order to prepare for the orcs' counterattack, there are also large reserves in the border areas.

After the excitement, everyone was keenly aware that the kingdom's military deployment had undergone earth-shaking changes from before.

The most obvious thing is the proportion of cavalry, which far exceeds any previous war.

Nineteen cavalry regiments, a number that no one could have imagined ten years ago.

If it were not for the increase in productivity, this army alone could directly overwhelm the kingdom.

Even now, maintaining this cavalry force is a big pressure on the kingdom.

Unlike the previous separation of ordinary cavalry and knights, this time Hudson made adjustments and each cavalry regiment was equipped with a knighthood.

The purpose is very clear, which is to increase the attack power of the cavalry legion in order to maximize the speed advantage of the cavalry.

If the scale of the Warcraft Legion was not too small and not suitable for splitting, Hudson would prefer to use the Warcraft Legion as the main attack force.

There are no walls on the prairie, so it is the best battlefield for cavalry.

It was decided from the beginning that this war was the cavalry's home turf.

Different from the previous calculations where the men and horses were added together, the cavalry legion at this moment was a cavalry legion of ten thousand people in the true sense.

The current cavalry corps can match the previous three cavalry corps.

Not only are the soldiers well-trained, but all the war horses are also carefully selected Warcraft hybrids.

Whether it is explosive power, endurance, or carrying capacity, they are among the best in the continent.

In addition to the extensive use of cavalry, the emergence of crossbow and artillery corps was an epoch-making change.

If it weren't for Hudson's previous successful experience in using magic crossbows and magic crystal cannons, it might not have been possible to carry out such a large-scale military change.

The resistance did not come from the military. With Hudson's prestige in the military, it was not difficult to gain support from the generals.

The point is these things are too expensive!

Whether it's a magic crossbow or a magic crystal cannon, they are both big swallowers of "crystals".

Every attack takes out money.

The kingdom's own magic crystal production cannot support the consumption of many large crystal swallowers, so it must purchase large quantities from outside sources.

In order to gather enough magic crystals, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been running around for the past year.

They reached agreements with more than 20 human nations, and the official even personally started smuggling trade with foreign races to get half of the share requested by Hudson.

The most direct consequence is that the price of magic crystal in mainland China has doubled.

The Ministry of Finance said: I can’t afford it, I really can’t afford it!

The total amount of debt that has increased can best illustrate the problem.

No matter how much pressure the military exerts, it is useless. They have borrowed everything they can, and will never pay cash for those who can be owed on credit.

Lower-level officials had their salaries cut, while high-level bureaucrats simply gave them free money. Even the salaries of frontline generals like Hudson were in arrears.

All official banquets that cannot be held have been cancelled, and those that must be held have been downgraded.

In order to raise money, the royal government levied three war taxes and even added a special tax.

It's really special, it's levied directly on wealthy people. A group of big nobles, including Hudson, became the main contributors to taxes.

If such an abnormal "special tax" can raise money, there will naturally be compensation.

But that was after the war. Now the public statement is: Donate!

There is a slight disharmony with the emerging nobles. Their own pockets are not rich and they cannot afford to participate in this high "consumption" game.

After the personnel appointments have been announced, the most important next step is to integrate the team.

Hudson had the experience of commanding an army of millions, so it was not a big problem to operate it, but the other three commanders did not have such confidence.

The three of them were able to stand out from the many generals mainly because they had performed relatively well in suppressing the invasion of the earth's inner races.

There are several similar outstanding generals in the kingdom, but they are not on the Eastern Front.

In the eyes of the kingdom's senior officials, with Hudson personally commanding the Eastern Front, victory was basically guaranteed. The Southern and Western Fronts were what they were most worried about.

As the leader of the alien alliance and the oldest race on the Aslant continent, no one dares to underestimate the strength of the elves.

In order to increase the chance of winning, it is logical to arrange for more outstanding generals to go over.

After all, the kingdom's main force is on the eastern front, while those on the western and southern fronts are mostly second- and third-level legions, whose combat effectiveness is inferior.

Time passed day by day, and the eyes of the entire continent were focused on the Alpha Kingdom.

Anyone who knows a little bit about the international situation knows that this powder keg of the Aslant continent is about to explode again.

In the past three hundred years or so, every time a continental war broke out, it was inseparable from the Alpha Kingdom.

The difference is that in the previous wars, the Orc Empire was the first to ignite the war, but now it is the Alpha Kingdom that is causing trouble.

Anxious waiting is always the most painful.

The Kingdom's army was slow to move, making the top brass of the orcs restless.

According to the original plan, they were preparing to lure the enemy in and then attack the logistics line to bring down the Alpha Kingdom.

In order to make the plan more realistic, the orc tribes deliberately sent a large number of troops to suppress the rebellion, showing that they were exhausted.

However, the Alpha Kingdom, which has always been very resourceful and fast, was extremely slow this time.

A large number of troops were obviously gathered, but they just stayed on the border and did not attack.

Even if they sent people over to test and provoke, they only attracted a small group of troops to encircle and suppress them, and there was no sign of anger at all.

In the camp.

"The enemy seems to have seen through our plan. Hudson is the most vicious in using troops, and he will definitely not be led by our noses.

The plan to lure the enemy failed, gather your troops quickly!

If we continue to drag it out here, the pressure on all races will be too great. We do not have the ability to fight a war of attrition for a long time. "

The Silver Moon Wolf Emperor said without much interest.

Anyone can start the continental war, but they cannot take the lead.

Within the Anti-Human Alliance, there are too many forces that are dissatisfied with the Orc Empire.

It would be hard for the allies to say anything if they were passively involved in the war. It would be different if they took the initiative to cause trouble.

Everyone is trying their best to avoid war. The first shot fired at this time is to fight against the allies.

In addition to this reason to convince myself, the more important thing is to take the initiative and see no chance of winning.

The reversal of the balance of power between the two sides led to the relocation of the leadership of the war.

Luring the enemy deep is already the biggest risk everyone can bear, and it is also the one with the best chance of victory.

"Wolf King, the enemy has been slow to take action. Is it possible that they are waiting for us to gather?"

As soon as King Behemoth's guess came out, the faces of all the top orcs turned gloomy.

In the vast prairie, it is very difficult to find the main force of the Orc Empire for a decisive battle.

If you want to avoid it, maybe the war will last for three to five years, and both sides will continue to play the hide-and-seek game.

From the perspective of the Alpha Kingdom, instead of searching around by yourself, it would be better to wait for the orc army to assemble on its own.

Sometimes slow is fast.

If you want a quick victory, you must kill him with one blow and destroy his main force.

Theoretically, it is very difficult to encircle and annihilate their main force, but the enemy is Demon King Hada.

Thinking of Hudson's horrific series of battles, most of these battles seemed impossible to win.

In the end, I not only won, but also won very beautifully.

It seems that it is not impossible for a guy who is good at creating miracles to create another miracle.

What's more, there is no peace within the Orc Empire. The invaders from the Kingdom of God have not been dealt with. A guy related to the gods also brought a group of human saints to cause trouble on the grassland.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that this was the truth, and cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of many orcs.

It was just a small step away from falling into Hudson's trick again.

After the joy, then comes the trouble.

Seeing through the enemy's plan does not mean that they will be able to find a proper way to deal with it.

Dividing the troops to delay time seems to be a good choice, but the war is about money and food.

After being tortured for so many years, the blood of the Orc Empire has long been drained, and life is difficult for all races.

Fifteen years ago, when the five royal families dominated the empire, the population of vassal races accounted for as high as 95%.

The situation has developed to this point, and the population of the vassal race has accounted for less than 40% of the total population of the empire.

On the one hand, it is because the big families in the country have joined the power center, which has led to the growth of the ruling group; on the other hand, the situation is too bad, and countless weak races have been eliminated.

In an era when vassal races accounted for 95% of the population, it was natural to do whatever you wanted.

It's okay to use these cannon fodder as food, but that's not possible now.

If we continue to use the previous methods of playing, it is estimated that these weak races will soon disappear from the prairie.

In fact, many weak races have chosen to leave the grasslands and enter the mountainous areas where supplies are scarce.

The situation on the grassland was in chaos, and the top brass of the orcs were unable to stop this spontaneous migration.

They all run away because they can't survive. There is no point in killing chickens to scare monkeys.

Hunger defeated fear, and sending troops to intercept them was nothing more than a matter of fighting.

If you win the battle, you will continue to migrate; if you lose the battle, the tribe will be destroyed.

If you stay, you will die, but if you give it a try, there is still a chance of survival. This kind of multiple-choice question is easy to solve.

The more severe the oppression, the more vassal tribes fled.

When "cannon fodder" or "grain reserves" are limited, everyone must use them sparingly.

"There's no need to make wild guesses, Hudson's tactics are unpredictable.

No one knows his true plan until the dust settles.

The enemy didn't do anything, so we messed up our position first, which was the real failure.

Simply ignore it and continue according to the original plan.

We cannot afford to delay, and neither can the enemy.

The elves have already mobilized. If they delay for a long time, the elves army will appear on their backs.

Feed back the news directly to the allies to let them know the enemy's sinister intentions, and at the same time urge the elves to speed up. "

The Bear King said with a slap on his forehead.

Playing tricks with Hudson on the battlefield, the odds of winning are really low.

If he hadn't considered the impact, he would have wanted to tell his colleagues: The big devil's brain is not on the same level as theirs, and there is no need to use his own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strong points.

Since you don't have the confidence to defeat the enemy head-on, then follow the plan and circle the enemy on the grassland, constantly delaying time.

Leave the responsibility of defeating your enemies to your allies.

Perhaps if you do this, the losses of all races will be very heavy, but the advantage is that the probability of success is high.

When you can't find a better solution, stupid methods are also a way to solve problems.

"What Emperor Xiong said makes sense. The more critical the moment comes, the more we must remain calm.

If the enemy wants to delay, then just waste time with them. We will accept the heavy losses!

While we are competing for patience, the best option is for us to first find a way to resolve the empire's internal dangers. "

The Yingren Emperor said cruelly.

Before fighting against the outside world, you must first settle down the inside, otherwise the Orc Empire will not be able to be integrated at all.

Just as a group of orcs were discussing specific plans, an urgent battle report came, causing the scene to become silent.

The army sent to encircle and suppress the invaders of the Kingdom of God was defeated, and the troops participating in the battle suffered heavy losses.

The invaders, whom they regarded as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, did not continue to stay where they were after their victory. Instead, they moved eastward with the tribes under their control, preparing to leave the prairie.

There are no secrets about the empire's territory to the top orcs.

At this time, the enemy was migrating eastward, obviously preparing to escape into the mountains, forests and plateaus to avoid the next battle.

If the human army hadn't pressed down on the border, everyone would have immediately sent troops to intercept without any hesitation.

The eastern part of the empire is indeed mostly remote and remote, but these areas also have an advantage - they are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Once the orcs decline, this remote and remote land will be their last habitat to continue their racial heritage.

"We have to do something. Once these invaders take control of the eastern and northern parts of the empire, there will be no way out for everyone!"

The Wild Boar King, who couldn't hold his breath, spoke first.

These intruders from the Kingdom of God were so abominable that they not only disrupted the Orc Empire, but also jumped out at the critical moment to cut off their escape route.


“We underestimated the enemy’s strength, which led to the disastrous defeat of the encirclement and suppression army.

Most of the empire's main forces are gathered here. If you want to send troops to intercept them in a short time, you can only draw troops from the main camp.

The human army is eyeing us. If we divide our forces at this time, it will be easy for the enemy to take advantage of us.

Eight hundred miles is a long distance for infantry, but nothing for cavalry.

Judging from the intelligence collected, the Alpha Kingdom has deployed approximately 200,000 cavalry in the border area.

Everyone knows how powerful such a huge force can be in the hands of Hudson.

Once our troops are divided, our plan to lure the enemy will most likely turn into a large-scale suicide attempt!

The invaders cut off our retreat. What seemed like a disaster was also an opportunity to consolidate the empire.

With no way out, everyone can only work together and concentrate on winning this war! "

After the Yingren Emperor finished speaking, the scene instantly became chaotic.

There was a quarrel between those who supported the division of troops and those who opposed the division of troops, and for a while the two groups actually came to a stalemate.

Not everyone has the capital to fight a desperate battle.

Internal integration sounds simple but is very complicated to operate.

One of the biggest characteristics of a multi-racial country is that it cannot suffer defeat, at least it cannot suffer consecutive defeats.

If the beast god is alive, it is very simple. An oracle comes down and the problem can be solved by relying on common religious beliefs.

In a godless era, a leader with high enough prestige is needed.

Ever since the old Emperor Behemoth committed suicide, there has never been such a person in the Orc Empire.

All ethnic groups can sit down for a meeting and make decisions relatively efficiently, which is a sign of taking the overall situation into consideration.

A few hours after the orcs received the news, Hudson had the same information in his hands.

His intuition told him that the leaders of these Kingdom of God invaders were not simple.

Decisively abandoning the prairie and retreating into the remote countryside is not a good decision to make.

Especially the timing is excellent.

If they tried to run away earlier, the Orc Empire would not let them leave; if they tried to run away later, the Kingdom's army would not allow them to leave.

From the analysis of the information in hand, these invaders from the Kingdom of God clearly have the strength to defeat the encirclement and suppression army.

However, in order to wait for the opportunity, he held back and kept it secret, hiding it from the top brass of the orcs.

"If the order is passed, the officers and soldiers on vacation in the army will immediately cancel their vacation and return. Seven days later, all four armies will attack!"

The situation has changed and it is no longer appropriate to continue to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers. It is the turn of the kingdom's army to take the field.

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