
Chapter 733 The Wheel of the Times

Due to political reasons, the Kingdom of Hesse had to fight a battle to defend the County of Kolubia, and the situation faced by the Mossi people was even worse.

The army of elves is aiming to destroy the country. There is no other way except fighting to the end.

This is determined by geographical location!

There are too many places bordering the Principality of Moxi and the Kingdom of Alpha. After taking them, the rear of the Kingdom of Alpha will be filled with smoke.

The elves are also unsure whether they can destroy the Alpha Kingdom in one fell swoop, but if they want to save the Orc Empire, expanding the scope of the war is the best choice.

An all-out war started in the Northern Continent, and other forces were also involved.

In just a few days, the entire Aslant continent was enveloped in flames of war.

The battles on all battlefields were in full swing, and the battle on the prairie also entered a critical moment.

The northern and southern armies advanced from above and below the grassland. Hudson personally led the army to attack the enemy's main camp, intending to encircle the orc army.

Seeing this posture, the orcs would naturally not sit still and wait for death.

Some unlucky ones were left in place to attract firepower, and the main force completed the evacuation in batches with the help of night cover.

What was supposed to be a peak showdown ended up being a torment for the rookies.

Looking at the raging fire in front of them, everyone knew that the army had failed.

"Pass the order, expand the scope of investigation, and be sure to find the location of the enemy's main force.

Send someone to inform Count Ebert and Marquis Medel that the main enemy force has escaped our sight and is probably heading towards them. "

Hudson ordered without changing his expression.

As a local leader, he will definitely have an advantage when fighting in the local area.

The enemy's main force briefly escaped their sight, which was completely expected.

However, the enemy's ruthlessness was somewhat beyond his expectation.

In order to mislead their judgment, the enemy was actually willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of tribesmen and pretended to be the main force to deceive them.

Fortunately, there are no city walls on the prairie, and the reality is immediately exposed after the close combat. Otherwise, this game can be played for a while longer.

"As you command!"

After replying, the herald immediately took action.

The expressions of all the generals present became solemn.

The enemy paid a huge price for such a trick, so he must have a big plan.

It was unrealistic to attack the kingdom's rear by surprise. The main army in the border areas was out, but there were still a large number of mobilized serf soldiers in the city.

It may not be possible to fight in the field, but it can always be done by relying on the strength of city defense to hold on for a period of time.

Unable to make a breakthrough quickly, once the main force returns to support, they will have nowhere to go.

As long as the enemy is not stupid, he will not use his elite troops to attack the city wall.

The remaining goals are very obvious.

"Marshal, the enemy has paid such a heavy price for their layout, and I'm afraid they have already taken action now!"

Earl Gulen said worriedly.

The plan to divide the troops into multiple routes was proposed by Hudson, but the specific implementation was completed by the Combat Staff.

Once something unexpected happens, it is almost inevitable that the staff will take the blame.

After all, during the planning process, Hudson made a request: Consider the enemy's concentration of troops to attack all the way.

The strength of each army participating in the battle has been accurately calculated to ensure that it will be delayed until reinforcements arrive.

"Don't worry, we have divided our troops in so many ways, just waiting for them to attack.

Today is different from the past. The Orc Empire no longer has the ability to eat hundreds of thousands of Kingdom troops in a short period of time! "

Hudson said calmly.

The most important reason for choosing Earl Ebert and Marquis Medel as the coach is that these two people are not only obedient, but also known for their conservative fighting style.

In previous battles, the armies they led were "fortified and fighting stupidly."

In fact, the main military generals of the Alpha Kingdom are moderates and are incompatible with the military's radical image.

This situation was entirely caused by Hudson.

At military meetings, he, the coach, emphasized "stability" from time to time, and repeatedly praised "strengthening the stronghold and fighting the war stupidly" in front of everyone.

He also said in private: If you don't have a talented person to lead an army, stability is the best choice.

With the endorsement of him, the number one general in the mainland, this conservative method of using troops soon became popular in the military.

Of course, the most important thing is to be eager to learn!

Although the knowledge of the great nobles is rich, most of them are knowledgeable but not sophisticated.

Complex operations are difficult for everyone to learn. Basically, it is all done in theory, but in practice it is full of loopholes.

Even if there are abundant case references, it is difficult to encounter exactly the same battlefield.

It was rare for a set of universal military tactics to appear, and it quickly gained the favor of the great nobles.

Even so, only a few can learn it. More nobles have only learned a little bit.

After someone stood out, Hudson decisively chose to promote these "moderate" generals.

Most of those generals with active minds were put into the staff department and were responsible for assisting the commander in formulating battle plans.

"Every benefit will bring about a disadvantage."

This kind of operation, while ensuring the normal performance of the army's combat effectiveness, also stifles the growth space of talented generals.

But Hudson didn't care about these sequelae at all.

After the orc empire was destroyed, everyone went back to their homes and became emperors behind closed doors.

There is no need for him, the marshal, to worry about the subsequent series of issues.

Gascon grasslands.

Because it is close to the world of ice and snow, the melting snow water every year nourishes this land, creating a land of lush water and grass.

Passing through this grassland, further ahead are the Salar Hills, which are connected to the Nikola Plateau to the north. The Ural Mountains, a dangerous place in the Orc Empire, also extends to this place.

In other words, after passing through this area, all that is left is bad land.

The Northern Route Army came all the way to cut off the orcs' retreat.

The generals didn't understand why the Kingdom of God's invaders were the first to occupy these areas, so they had to make a roundabout way to outflank them.

However, it is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders. Since the commander orders it to be done, it is only right for everyone to carry it out.

If you don’t understand the reason, it’s because your coach is awesome, and only ordinary people like them can understand.

"Earl, a large enemy force has been spotted ahead!"

After receiving the message from the Griffin Dragoon, Count Ebert did not hesitate at all and immediately ordered:

"The whole army stopped advancing and set up camp on the spot to prepare to meet the enemy!"

The prairie is such a convenient place, and there are plenty of places suitable for setting up camp.

The water source does not need to be considered.

The army went deep all the way, and for the safety of the army, all artificial water was used.

In the fantasy world, there are many secret poisoning methods.

Drinking water at will without verification is irresponsible for your life.

Before setting off to the prairie, Hudson specifically ordered special treatment for the officers and soldiers' camps to facilitate the collection of dew.

The technical difficulty is not high. It is nothing more than carving a simple magic circle on the tent to convert the moisture in the air into a source of water.

For this reason, all the magicians in the kingdom turned into laborers and worked hard for two full months before completing this great project.

In addition to these devices, there are water magicians who can create water.

Adequate preparations shattered the enemy's poisoning plan and ensured the smooth travel of the army.

Inside the orc army headquarters.

“The enemy must have discovered us, and they chose to camp where we were just two hours after setting off.

Judging from his marching style, Count Ebert should be a cautious general.

However, no matter how cautious the enemy is, they will never expect that our main force will be concentrated here to ambush them.

If the enemy troops turn around and run away immediately, we really have no confidence that we can keep them all.

Now that they are setting up camp on their own, they are throwing themselves into a trap.

No need to hesitate, attack with all your troops and surround this enemy force!

After destroying the enemy's army and breaking the legend of Hudson's invincibility, the empire will regain everything we lost..."

The Lion King said with high spirits.

After planning for such a long time, and even using tribesmen as the main force to mislead the enemy, it was finally time to reap the rewards.

In the past few days, the Orc Empire has failed too many times, and they desperately need a big victory.

There is no guarantee of defeating the Great Demon King Hada. Defeating the enemy forces under the Great Demon King along the way is also a great victory.

It will play a vital role in boosting military morale.

"The Lion King is right, we must fight quickly.

The camouflage deployed in front cannot confuse the enemy for long. Once the enemy noticed something was wrong, Hudson would surely be able to guess our motives.

The infantry cannot catch up, but the cavalry can only take a few days.

The enemy's central camp has a large cavalry. Once Hudson personally leads the troops to reinforce, we have no confidence that we will eat them! "

The Bear King echoed.

As the earliest boaster in the Orc Empire, perhaps because he blew too much, his fear of Hudson went straight into his bones.

When there is no Demon King Hada, the Bear King can strike hard. Once he meets the big devil, he doesn't know how to fight.

In order to avoid a head-on confrontation with the big devil, this war must be fought quickly.

"Bear King, Lion King, you are too conservative!

The main enemy force is thousands of miles away from here.

We can completely use this enemy force as bait to encircle the enemy's cavalry units for reinforcements, waiting for an opportunity to eat up the enemy's cavalry units.

The Alpha Kingdom army without cavalry is just a sick man with broken legs, and it is nothing to worry about! "

The Leopard King retorted.

The opportunity was too rare. In his opinion, not encircling the point for reinforcements and inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy would be a mistake for the sacrifices made earlier.

"Leopard Head, you are still too young.

When encircling a point for reinforcements, it also depends on who the enemy is.

If Hudson personally led the troops, who could have ambushed him?

Back then, with tens of thousands of cavalry, they were able to gallop freely throughout the empire, and even if they mobilized millions of troops, they were unable to stay.

Maybe if the ambush fails, the enemy will take advantage of it and give us a central flower.

You should be aware of the impact that the appearance of the dragon-bear war flag on the battlefield will have on the morale and morale of both warring parties! "

The Bear King replied unceremoniously.

Years of combat experience told him that only what you swallow is meat.

Being greedy will only bring disaster.

Two different opinions emerged, immediately triggering a heated discussion.

However, the debate did not last long, and the conservative camp gained the upper hand.

Having lost too many times, most of the top orcs are pessimistic about the situation and are extremely risk-averse.


"Since most of the races are against it, then according to everyone's wishes, we will immediately send troops to eat the enemy army in front of us.

If we have enough energy left after the war, we will find a way to severely damage the enemy's reinforcements! "

With the words of the Silver Moon Wolf Emperor, this controversy came to an end.

The orc army, which had been well prepared, quickly attacked from all sides and surrounded the Northern Route Army.

The loud sound of the horn kicked off the battle.

Looking at the dense enemy troops outside the camp, the generals of the kingdom were nervous, mixed with a little excitement.

Risks and benefits are equal.

The greater the number of enemy troops, the greater the military success.

In the eyes of young officers who are accustomed to victory, the dense enemy troops outside are military glory coming to their doorstep.

Compared to the excitement of the young officers, the expressions of the older generals were much more serious.

Although military merit is good, it must be earned with a life.

"Give the order, reload the magic crystal cannon, aim at the enemy camp and shoot!"

After glancing at the enemy troops outside, Earl Ebert gave a decisive order.


Almost at the same time, the orc general issued the order to attack.

Countless orc soldiers raised their shields and approached the North Route Army camp with relatively neat steps.

Just as they were about to approach the camp, the roaring sound of magic crystal cannons suddenly sounded, and dense shells fell, directly clearing an open space of several thousand square meters.

Shields, rotten meat, and spears, mixed with the dust kicked up, flew around in the air.

The tragic scene was like being baptized by a forbidden curse.

The sudden scene shocked the orc officers and soldiers on the battlefield.

When did the enemy have such strong attack power?

Before this question could be answered, thousands of square meters of open space appeared on the battlefield again.

Then the third, fourth... empty spaces continued to appear on the battlefield.

The rapid fire strike directly disrupted the plans of the top brass.

There was no preparation in advance, and the attack was still carried out in the traditional way. The neat military formation was a target for the enemy.

The shield soldiers originally formed to restrain the enemy's crossbows instantly turned into corpses all over the ground.


Almost at the same time, the generals of all ethnic groups gave orders to withdraw their troops from the enemy's fire coverage.

The leaders of various races who were watching the battle from behind saw this scene, and their faces were gloomy and terrifying.

As soon as they reached the enemy's camp, they were hit by merciless artillery fire.

Not only have they seen the magic crystal cannon, they even have their own equipment.

But these bulky big guys have always been used to attack cities. Who has ever seen how powerful they can be in the field?


"How can this be!"

In a short period of time, tens of thousands of soldiers were killed and wounded, and the wails of the wounded were everywhere in the military camp.

Countless orc high-level officials issued soul tortures, but unfortunately, the earliest victims, the earth-centered race, had already entered the earth.

Not many people in the human world know the specific situation, let alone the orcs.

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