
Chapter 734 A plan within a plan

The brief confrontation ended with the orc army retreating. The impact caused continued to ferment in the two armies.

After the victory in the first battle, the morale of the Northern Route Army became even higher. The patrolling soldiers walked with more energy than usual.

The corresponding orc camp is a completely different scene. A group of senior officials were busy thinking of ways to deal with the enemy's magic crystal cannon, and the soldiers below were frightened to death.

They have also seen many tragic scenes on the battlefield. But it was still too shocking to see a large piece of it blown up into the sky.

No matter how brave the soldier is, he will not be able to fight back when he is attacked by enemy artillery fire.

"Queen, if you powerful men from the sanctuary take action, you should be able to break into the enemy camp and destroy their magic crystal cannon, right?"

The Eagle Man Emperor asked expectantly.

In recent years, the Orc Empire has also given birth to a group of powerful saints. It's just that these guys rarely participate in worldly affairs, and the Dark Elf Queen is an exception.

Including those who move with the army, most of the powerful men in the Holy Domain also stay in seclusion and seldom come into contact with those in power.

Everyone has a very limited understanding of the strong men in the sanctuary. They only know that their combat power is strong, but they don't have a clear idea of ​​how powerful they are.

"Theoretically, it can indeed be done, but unfortunately there is a human sanctuary in the enemy camp. Everyone has locked their auras with each other. Once we get close, we will be discovered immediately.

Even though our army has more powerful men from the holy realm, the enemy also has magic crystal cannons.

If the intensive attack just now was hit directly, it would be difficult for a strong person in the holy realm to survive. "

The Dark Elf Queen shook her head and said.

Although the strong men in the holy realm are powerful, they are still mortal bodies. Except for the rough-skinned and fleshy monsters, the physical bodies of the saintly warriors of other races on the mainland are not strong.

In the past, they were not afraid of the enemy's magic crystal cannon. That was because the magic crystal cannon used alone had limited coverage, and they had to avoid it before being hit.

When the range of this attack expands, it is not that simple to dodge it.

The strong men in the holy realm are not dead warriors.

It's okay to let them contribute to the race, but forget about sacrificing their lives. People have a lot of life, and they are reluctant to risk their lives unless they are forced to a dead end.

While answering the message, an ominous premonition had already arisen deep in the Dark Elf Queen's heart.

Her intuition told her that the big ship of the Orc Empire was about to sink!

With most of the country's main force concentrated, they were unable to capture even one of the enemy's partial divisions.

It is true that the magic crystal cannon is extremely powerful, but that does not mean it has no shortcomings.

For example: the consumption of magic crystals is large, and there are dead spots in the range...

When the Orc Empire was at its peak, it had already launched an all-out attack and would have to take down the enemy's camp even at the risk of death.

"If it is inconvenient for the strong men of the Holy Domain to fight, they can only use the magic crystal cannon against the magic crystal cannon.



He was rudely interrupted mid-sentence, and the Wild Boar King immediately became furious.

The eyes full of murderous intent were locked on King Behemoth.

That expression seemed to tell King Behemoth that if there was no reasonable explanation, he would have to lie down today.

“The news that we have surrounded the enemy has most likely spread by now.

Maybe the enemy's reinforcements are already on the way. By the time we gather the magic crystal cannon from the rear, the enemy may have already killed us.

What's more, in recent years, we have been in a strategic passive state. Who is going to build a magic crystal cannon! "

King Behemoth's reasoned explanation instantly won the approval of the top orcs.

We are already competing for time, so we must not delay it easily.

Magic crystal cannon bombardment is good in theory. In fact, everyone knows that the productivity of the Orc Empire is not as good as that of the human race.

The magic crystal cannon with the same power was much larger and heavier when they were cast, and there were many problems in operating it.

The two countries have been fighting fiercely for hundreds of years, and the Orc Empire has never taken advantage in terms of firepower.


After expressing his dissatisfaction with a cold shout, the Wild Boar King turned his head away angrily.

If you lose face in front of your enemies, you will be laughed at for a whole year.

However, the eyes of the orc high-level officials did not stay on him.

A little battle of spirits means nothing in the face of the life and death of the race.

"Let's attack!

Use a large army to attract the enemy's firepower, and then invite a group of holy domain sages to wait for the opportunity to see if they can eliminate the enemy's magic crystal cannon. "

Silver Moon Wolf Emperor slowly suggested.

Even if there are no good ideas, stupid solutions will have to be adopted.

The situation has developed to this point, and the Orc Empire must capture the enemy in front of it no matter what.

Once the battle plan fails, it means that they will be completely passive and subsequent wars will be impossible to fight.

Low military morale will be the last straw that brings down the Orc Empire.

Almost at the same time, brutal fighting broke out across the mainland.

Perhaps it was because of the multi-ethnic alliance. Overall, the two camps were victorious, but it always felt like the anti-human alliance was at a disadvantage.

The elven army continued to march forward, and both the Kingdom of Hesse and the Principality of Moxi chose to focus on defense after symbolic resistance.

Without waiting for the enemy troops to attack, the people in the border areas were relocated and huddled within the built defense lines.

The Dwarf Kingdom also performed well. With its advantages in weapons and equipment, it stole the show after the war broke out.

Taking advantage of the reinforcements from various countries in the Southern Continent on the way, they launched many counterattacks in the border areas and achieved impressive results.

The Three-Eyed Tribe and the Troll Tribe performed quite well, performing their containment tasks perfectly and killing their old enemies.

There are excellent students, and naturally there are also inferior students.

The Ancient Relics Alliance mustered up their courage and gathered their forces to prepare for war. However, while the army was still on the road, it was ambushed by a joint ambush by the Mossi army and the Alpha defenders.

They were defeated miserably. If the elf army hadn't arrived in time to relieve them, they would have been out of the game.

The performance of the Orc Empire was also unsatisfactory. The tactics of luring the enemy were kept secret. The outside world only saw that they lost hundreds of thousands of troops.

Regardless of whether they are elites or cannon fodder, as long as the head is beheaded, it will not affect the publicity of the human race.

Seeing that all the tribes were busy working non-stop, the Stonemen, who had long been unable to hold themselves back, joined the war after completing the preparations.

Kashgar Pass.

As a border fortress between the Stoneman Kingdom and the Hessian Kingdom, it has become the focus of contention between the warring parties.


At the commander's order, countless stone soldiers took up weapons and launched an attack on the city wall.

The brutal battle on the battlefield did not cause the stone commander to be moved, but instead revealed a mocking smile.

Different from previous continental wars, this time the elven army also joined the siege of the Hessian Kingdom.

With the help of allies, the enemy had to divide his forces to meet the enemy.

So since the outbreak of the war, the enemy, which lacked strength, adopted the most conservative tactic - defense.

On the battlefield, the magic crystal cannons of both sides launched a fierce exchange of fire, and rain of flying rocks and arrows continued to pour down from the top of the city.

The attacking Stonemen soldiers were killed and wounded in an instant. This kind of sacrifice was valuable.

Under the continuous attacks, the magic shield on the city wall became shaky, as if it might be breached at any time.

After seeing this scene, the demon-breaking gun obtained from the race in the center of the earth was also pushed out at this moment.

Just wait for the coach's order to launch the most violent attack.

For a time, the morale of the Stonemen officers and soldiers was greatly boosted. The broken city was in front of them, and military achievements and wealth were waving to them at this moment.

The feeling on the defender's side was not so wonderful.

Especially after seeing the enemy launch the crossbow and prepare to fire the magic-breaking gun, the faces of the senior generals who knew what was going on changed drastically.

"When will reinforcements arrive?"

Marquis Simonyi asked with concern.

The strategic location of Kashgar Pass is dangerous, and the Hessian Kingdom has deployed a total of 50,000 troops here.

These troops are enough to handle ordinary border conflicts and local wars.

But it's different now. The mainland war has broken out.

The Hessian Kingdom and the Stoneman Kingdom are in the middle of the situation and must fight with all their strength.

After the war broke out, the two countries each mobilized millions of troops. Such troops would certainly not be able to reach the front line in one day.

Not everyone is like the Alpha Kingdom, which directly deploys a large number of field soldiers in the border areas, and can pull out a million troops with just one order.

"It is estimated that there are still three days left!"

Count Ivo on the side replied.

As a large country, the Hessian Kingdom has a very long border with foreign nations.

In addition to guarding against the Stonemen, we also have to guard against the Elves.

There is no doubt that the menacing elves' army threatens far more than the familiar Stoneman Kingdom.

After the war broke out, the troops mobilized by the Hessian Kingdom naturally gave priority to reinforcements in areas with greater danger.

Kashgar Pass has always been a heavily guarded place and cannot be captured by the enemy in a short while. It is relatively behind in the reinforcement sequence.

"If the order is passed, once the enemy breaks the magic shield, the army will gradually open the middle door and let the enemy in.

Let everyone remember that the time must be delayed until dusk! "

Marquis Simonyi ordered calmly.

Naturally, there will not be only one defensive fortification in the strategic location of Xiongguan.

It is only the outer city walls that are in danger now. Even if the city defense is lost, there are still three layers of protection inside.

It is impossible to block the enemy permanently.

It's just a three-day delay, but it's not that difficult.

Obviously, Marquis Simonyi is a man with pursuits and will not be willing to defend the pass.

There is an old saying on the continent of Aslant: "If you defend it for a long time, you will lose it!"

Referring to previous mainland wars, the Kashgar Pass, which the Kingdom invested heavily in building, has a nearly 60% chance of falling.

In the past few years, he followed Hudson to conquer the inner earth race, and saw the demeanor of the mainland's number one general, and his military style was also affected.

Marquis Simeone, who was originally like many generals in the kingdom, became very disgusted with passive defense.

If it weren't for the lack of troops at hand and the enemy's opponent in the field, he would have led his troops out long ago.

If you don’t have the initiative in your hands, then find a way to create it yourself.

As an important defensive area, Kashgar Pass itself is the best bait. It is not difficult to lure the enemy into the city. The difficult thing is how to eat the enemy.

Deep down in his heart, Marquis Simonyi kept praying that the Ha's magic crystal cannon tactics would work, otherwise the early preparations would be in vain.


After a loud noise, the city wall burst.

Seeing this scene, the nearby Stonemen soldiers rushed forward to prevent the defenders from repairing the breach.

A fierce fight unfolded at the gap in the city wall.

However, this was really the beginning, and soon the second and third gaps continued to appear, and the small gaps gradually turned into large gaps.

The sky gradually darkened. Looking at the afterglow of the setting sun on the horizon, the Stoneman Clan commander frowned slightly.

They are not a race from the center of the earth, and their fighting ability at night is better than during the day.

But if you want to keep the results obtained, you must increase your offensive intensity and send more troops to participate in the battle.

If it were delayed for one night, the defenders might repair the city defense magic array and plug the torn gap.

In order to tear a hole from the enemy's city wall, the two sides had been fighting fiercely here for seven days.

The Stonemen army had to pay a total of nearly 20,000 casualties to achieve the current results.

If there is a truce at this time, then there will be another siege tomorrow, and a lot of losses will be incurred by then.

"Pass the order, the 16th Army, the 17th Army, the 24th Army, and the 27th Army will join the battle together. We must capture the enemy's outer city tonight!"

The commander of the Stonemen clan decisively ordered.

The Stoneman Kingdom can bear some additional casualties to the troops, but no one can afford the loss of time.

The enemy's reinforcements are on the road. If we don't speed up and break the city, it will be more difficult to fight later.

From the perspective of a local battlefield, this is just a battle for Kashgar Pass; looking at the overall situation, it is a battle for racial destiny.

Whoever can defeat the enemy faster and provide support to allies will have a greater chance of winning.

Originally, the anti-human alliance's cooperation efficiency was pitifully low, and its need for time was even greater.

Taking Kashgar Pass as early as possible, tearing through the enemy's defense line, and advancing into the hinterland of the Hessian Kingdom is crucial to the decisive battle in the Central Continent.

With the addition of four more legions of fresh troops, the Stoneman army, which already had the upper hand, gained an increasingly obvious advantage on the battlefield.

A large number of troops rushed into the city through the gap, defeating the defenders and defeating them. Victory had already waved to them.

On the inner city tower, looking down at the battlefield, Marquis Simon had been wandering at the top of the city for a long time.

"How many enemy troops have entered the city?"

The net has been set and it’s time to harvest.

Marquis Simon personally measured the space between the inner city and the outer city, and it was certain that these areas were within the range of the magic crystal cannon.

The magic crystal cannon originally placed in the outer city had been evacuated to the inner city and redeployed at the top of the city.

If it weren't for the cover of night, the enemy would probably have noticed something was wrong.

If the normal city wall is lost, there will be no time to move the magic crystal cannon!

All the defenders can do is destroy the magic crystal cannon before evacuating to prevent these sharp weapons from falling into the hands of the enemy.

"About 70,000 to 80,000 people!"

Count Ivo replied smoothly.

After hearing this number, Marquis Simonyi frowned slightly.

It could be seen that the number of enemy troops did not meet his expectations.

"Go down with the order and fire off the flares.

Order the magic crystal artillery unit to immediately implement comprehensive fire coverage and strive to severely damage the enemy troops entering the city.

Notify all troops and prepare for counterattack! "

Even if it falls short of expectations, we still have to fight. At this time, the arrow is already on the string and we have to shoot.

The first time he used the new tactics he learned, Marquis Simonyi felt very uneasy.

After all, I came here by stealing from others and did not gain systematic learning. He was not very familiar with some taboo points.

The anxiety didn't last long. The rising flares illuminated the city like daylight, and the roaring sound of the magic crystal cannon eased his inner anxiety.

Looking along the fire coverage area, the original houses and buildings were sent to the sky together with the enemy soldiers.

A round of attacks cleans up an area, just like a hard-working scavenger dealing with the filth in the city.

The sudden change directly deceived the Stonemen.

The enemy's magic crystal cannon is clearly a forbidden curse that can be fired continuously.

After realizing this, the Stonemen soldiers in the city fled frantically outside the city, trampling on countless people at once.

However, the more you try to run away, the faster you will die.

The defenders quickly adjusted their firing angle, and the area leading outside the city became the focus of the attack.

Except for a few lucky ones, most of the Stonemen soldiers staged a show of giving away their heads.

The changes that occurred in the city were quickly reported to Duke Lev Drion, the commander of the Stonemen.


After scolding angrily, Duke Levdrian found out in embarrassment that he couldn't do anything now.

Sending troops for reinforcements will only increase the enemy's record.

After ordering the artillery to launch a counterattack, I don't know if they can attack the enemy's inner city. Anyway, my own army in the city will definitely be accidentally injured.

To launch an effective counterattack, the magic crystal cannon must be pushed into the city wall so that it can be effectively aimed.

If they really do this, the troops in the city will be blocked by their own magic crystal cannon if they want to retreat.

"Quickly pass the order, let all troops strictly guard the camp and beware of the enemy's counterattack!"

In the panic, his rich combat experience still came into play.

Realizing that the enemy might counterattack, Duke Lev Drion decisively issued the order.

Just as he expected, after the artillery attack, the horn of the enemy's counterattack sounded.

The morale of the army in the city collapsed, and the remaining stone soldiers were soon faced with a disaster.

The human defenders, who had won a great victory, did not stop their attacks and continued to launch counterattacks against the stone army outside the city.

If Duke Lev Drion hadn't issued the order in time, allowing the troops in the camp to prepare in advance and not letting the defeated troops enter the camp, there might have been another big rout.

After blocking the enemy's counterattack, there was no trace of blood on Duke Levdrian's face.

Thinking about his military life, he was also a veteran on the battlefield.

There was no classic battle that was famous in the mainland, but it had been fighting in the south and north for many years with few defeats.

Unexpectedly, he personally led an army of 300,000 to besiege Kashgar Pass, but was actually defeated by the enemy's 50,000 defenders and suffered heavy losses.

The specific number of casualties has not been calculated, but based on the analysis of the situation on the battlefield, there is a high probability that only one out of every ten officers and soldiers who entered the city will survive.

The nine main battle legions were directly scrapped, and coupled with the losses in the previous siege, the cumulative battle losses exceeded 100,000.

It seemed that he still had a large number of troops, but Duke Lev Drion knew very well that the offensive and defensive battle at Kashgar Pass had been lost.

The main battle legion was almost wiped out, and the remaining second and third-line legions had low morale and morale. Their combat effectiveness was only three to four points out of ten.

Continuing to launch siege warfare will only bring humiliation to ourselves.

Although the garrison force in the city is not large, they are all the standing army of the Hessian Kingdom, and their combat effectiveness is not comparable to that of second and third-line legions with low morale.

"Give me the order, send someone to collect the corpses, and leave camp early tomorrow morning!"

Duke Lev Drion ordered in a low tone.

It is impossible not to retreat. Military morale cannot be restored overnight.

The enemy did not launch a strong attack on their camp, mainly because the soldiers were physically and mentally exhausted after the continuous fighting.

After the enemy recovers, it will not be so easy to evacuate later.

After all, he was a unit that suffered heavy casualties and was unable to engage in any high-intensity battles.

The end of the Kashgar Pass offensive and defensive battle was inconspicuous in the war between the two camps, but its impact was huge.

The unexpected victory not only saved the precarious defense line, but also injected hope into the Hessian Kingdom.

With the official publicity, the battle report quickly spread all over the world, and Marquis Simonyi immediately became famous in one battle.

The biggest impact is the promotion of new tactics.

After seeing the powerful tactics of Ha's magic crystal cannon, the generals who originally studied it only because of Hudson's reputation suddenly regarded it as a treasure.

On the prairie.

Looking at the assembled battle reports, a smile appeared on Hudson's lips.

The outstanding performance of the Hessians was a little unexpected. Originally, he thought that the Mossi people would be the first to create miracles.

It's not that the Principality of Moxi is so powerful, it's mainly that King George likes to study too much.

Especially after the marriage between the two countries, George often borrowed people from Caesar IV with the help of his marriage relationship.

Privately, Hudson also provided much help. In addition to the lack of a military strongman in the Principality of Moxi, the military structure was a replica of the Alpha Kingdom.

In the past ten years, the Alpha Kingdom has carried out military reforms on the front foot, and they have followed directly on the back foot.

The sequelae are also quite serious, that is, it has followed the path of militarism, and the country's development has been too military-focused.

It is a disadvantage for other countries to develop in such a scientific way, but it is an advantage for the Principality of Moxi to do so.

The poor geographical location determines that they must strengthen their army.

As for other issues, let’s survive first.

King George was very sober in this regard, just watching his neighbors copy their homework.

Limited by their overall national strength, they may not be a match for the elves, but they can definitely make their enemies suffer enough on the battlefield.

The sudden outbreak of the Hessians made Hudson very happy, which meant that the chances of winning the continental war had increased again.

A miracle can happen once, and it may happen a second or third time.

There are too many cases of Arrancar being destroyed on the battlefield.

The human race itself is a race that is good at creating miracles.

To be able to rise from a small tribe to become the overlord of the continent is a pile of miracles.

"Send the order, let the Warcraft Legion and the cavalry troops pack their bags, and follow me to sweep the Orc Empire tomorrow!

Send someone to notify the Southern Route Army and the Maritime Forces, targeting the empty hinterland of the Orc Empire.

Tell them that on the continent of Aslant, only dead orcs are the best orcs.

They are allowed to accept the surrender of the orcs, but the surrendering troops must submit a certificate of surrender! "

Hudson ordered domineeringly.

The headquarters had already received the news that the Northern Route Army was under siege, but it was not prepared to lead reinforcements immediately.

The orc thought his plan was successful, but he didn't know that this was exactly what he wanted to see.

The enemy can just go one way regardless of which way the kingdom's army comes, and he can also use his tactics to his advantage.

On the battlefield, it's useless to just ambush and surround them, you have to be able to eat them.

The enemy could not swallow up the Northern Route Army in a short time, but it was very simple for the Kingdom's army to cleanse the empty orc tribe inside.

One tribe after another was destroyed, and even if the top orcs could keep their composure, the soldiers below couldn't stand it.

Even if the orcs were ruthless and wiped out their vitality, the war would not be a loss.

It would be better if the orcs couldn't help but return the favor.

The released Northern Route Army is the candy that has its eyes on them, and will always stick to their backs.

Once you can lock the location of the enemy's main force and then engage in a decisive battle with the enemy, things become easier.

The roaring magic crystal cannons kept ringing, and the orc army, which had learned their lesson, no longer gathered together, but launched an attack in scattered formations.

Once hit, it is also difficult to escape the fate of destruction, but the loss of troops is greatly reduced.

"The enemy's artillery fire became sparse, and it seemed our plan was successful.

The number of magic crystals carried by the enemy is limited and cannot withstand high-intensity continuous consumption.

At this moment, they are trapped in a tight siege and cannot replenish themselves. The enemy coach must be afraid that all the magic crystals in his hands will be used up! "

After the Lion King finished speaking, all the orcs showed joy.

There was no time to celebrate, and the Yingman soldiers with the word "urgent" embroidered on their clothes attracted the attention of all the orcs.

“Your Majesty, the enemy troops are divided into many groups and are attacking our scattered tribes.

It was too late to migrate, and the clan’s troops were empty, so the high priest asked..."

Before he could finish his words, the Yingman soldier fainted.

"Hurry and save people!"

While issuing the order, the Yingren Emperor took the letter requesting help and opened it in front of a group of orc high-level officials.

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