Deep in the dark forest, a well-dressed spearman was fighting a female centaur archer. The centaur archer had a hole in her right wrist, so her strongest archery skills could not work. She could only use a short sword to fight the spearman in close combat!

And in the open space 20 meters away, a female magician holding a magic wand, wearing a round pointed hat and a purple magician robe would release magic attacks on the centaur from time to time.

The two cooperated very well. Although the centaur archer was very strong, she could not hold out for long under the coordinated attack of the two.

“The casualties of adventurers have increased rapidly recently. Even many of the top 50 are in danger. The real demons in the Dark Forest may have come out. Catherine, be careful!”

The spearman checked the ranking in the magic manual while attacking. He frowned and shouted to the magician behind him.

“How could I be in any danger! You should worry about yourself! Idiot!”

The magician named Catherine sneered and waved the magic wand in her hand.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck the centaur.

The spearman jumped back the moment she made the move, avoiding the conduction of the lightning.

Then, before the centaur could react, another shot pierced a bloody hole in his abdomen!

The centaur’s dagger stabbed out, bringing with it a whistling sound of the wind, but the spearman had dodged in time.

Even the spearman did not dare to take the centaur’s attack head-on.

Although the centaur was covered with scars, none of them were fatal, and the recovery ability of the monsters was amazing.

Except for the wound just stabbed by the spearman, which was still bleeding, the other wounds on the centaur had stopped bleeding.

The battle between the two sides will obviously continue for a long time.

And all of this was seen by two groups of people hiding in the dark of the forest.

“That spearman looks familiar, like a character from the original Gossip Girl.”

Seventh Brother frowned as he looked at the combination of the spearman and the magician, and felt that they looked very familiar. Seventh Brother was originally a boss of a small business, and was usually very busy. He basically didn’t watch anime or other two-dimensional things. Although he tried very hard to catch up after starting the King Selection Game, he still couldn’t remember many details.

“Who cares who he is? I will release the dogs to harass the female magician, and we will focus our fire on killing the spearman first. Remember, let me deal the last blow, and then we will switch our fire to the dying centaur, and you deal the last blow. Then we will go back and fight three against one. We can definitely kill the magician easily, and I haven’t tried what it’s like to play as an NPC yet.”

The dog thief rolled his eyes, not caring about such details at all. If you ask him about various characters and plots in anime, he can tell you for three days and three nights, and he doesn’t care about anything else.

After quickly making a plan, the dog thief stared at the magician Catherine with greed, and it was obvious that he had already imagined countless postures in his mind.

“Kill directly, be careful of rollover”

“That’s right, the mission is important, anyway, the corpse won’t get cold that quickly.”

Seventh Brother glanced at the dog thief coldly.

The dog thief nodded, and he also knew the seriousness of the matter, but the sentence he added later made Seventh Brother look at him creepy.

At the same time, Fang Yuan was wearing a homemade simple plant camouflage uniform, hiding his body completely in the bushes. His eyes were also locked on the spearmen and magicians who were fighting with the centaurs. At the same time, he also glanced at the location of Seventh Brother and the dog thief from time to time, and it was obvious that he had discovered the traces of the two.

The mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole is behind. Now it depends on who is the cicada, who is the mantis, and who is the oriole!

After the battle between the spearmen and the centaurs lasted for half an hour, the centaurs were obviously about to collapse, and even the hands holding the dagger were shaking violently.


As the spearman knocked the dagger out of the Centaur’s hand, the Centaur finally showed fear!

“”Go to hell!”

The spearman laughed loudly, and thrust out the spear in his hand, piercing the Centaur’s lower abdomen, leaving a bloody hole!

The Centaur howled and fell to the ground!


Just when the spearman was about to make the final blow, a vicious dog bark suddenly came from the direction of the magician! At the same time, the magician Catherine’s scream was also heard!

The spearman paused and looked over subconsciously!


At this moment, a sharp arrow shot out from the spearman’s blind spot, accurately passed through the gap in the spearman’s armor, and nailed him on the shoulder!


The spearman screamed and almost lost his grip on the spear!

“”Leap and slash!”

It’s not over yet! A black shadow jumped out from the other side, and Brother Qi raised a sword in his hand and chopped it down with all his strength at the spearman’s head!

It must be said that Gou Zei and Brother Qi are hunters who have experienced three hunting worlds after all. They have a good grasp of the timing and succeeded in a sneak attack!

And they all used skills, which Fang Yuan, who had only experienced one hunting copy, did not have. In the world of the Black Bible, Fang Yuan relied entirely on his IQ and his own combat power to kill through, and did not learn any skills at all.

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