“Oh, that’s in trouble for you. I have completed the task of killing the hunter. I was lucky this time. As soon as I came in, I met a self-righteous young lady. Isn’t it a waste of food for such a person to be a hunter? So I have helped her get rid of it. But speaking of it, this kind of spoiled young lady is really delicious, so the rest is just to survive.”

When he heard the main task of Brother Qi, the dog thief immediately showed a gloating smile, and also proved Brother Qi’s guess. Seeing his face full of smirk, Brother Qi snorted coldly.

However, Brother Qi, who has experienced three hunting worlds, knows very well that the psychology of hunters who can survive will be more or less distorted. Killing, conspiracy, betrayal, without the constraints of morality and rule of law, anything can happen.

So Brother Qi didn’t mean to jump out to enforce justice, but asked the dog thief coldly:”Then what do you want to do with me?”

Since the main task of the dog thief is already stable, what else does he want to cooperate with himself?

“Although I have basically completed the main mission, I have accepted a side mission, so I want to cooperate with you.”

The dog thief looked at Brother Seven mysteriously, as if waiting for Brother Seven to ask questions, but Brother Seven looked at him coldly and had no intention of speaking at all.

“It’s really boring. There’s no girl, why are you pretending to be cool?” Seeing this, Gou Zei rolled his eyes, complained, and continued:”When I killed that girl, I was seen by a troll from the demon tribe. He gave me a task of [Demon Tribe’s Insider]. As long as I can kill three adventurers within two days, the demon tribe will give me a reward. The more I kill, the richer the reward!”

“What good is there for me?”

Seventh Brother frowned slightly, feeling a little envious, but still asked coldly

“I will help you get into the top ten. As long as you can get into the top ten and enter the Demon God Temple with the brave, then it will be no problem to upgrade to the bronze level. Your melee ability is so strong, and my archery is not weak either.……”

“Just tell me what you want to do.”

The dog thief smiled brightly and told the good things about Brother Qi. Brother Qi narrowed his eyes and interrupted the dog thief’s nonsense. He didn’t believe that the other party would be so kind. He must have other plans.

The dog thief shrugged and said directly:”Robbing monsters and killing people, the adventurer will be mine, and the monsters and points will be yours. It’s a win-win situation.”


After thinking about it, the seventh brother nodded. He already understood Gou Zei’s idea.

Just like playing online games, when others have almost killed the boss, he will jump out directly and kill the boss and the person who killed the boss together. In this way, both of them can benefit. It is indeed a good way to deal with lone adventurers.

The two quickly reached a cooperation, and with the help of Gou Zei’s hound, they also started to kill people and rob monsters!

A day passed in the blink of an eye. Fang Yuan’s operation was also very smooth. The most common thing in the outskirts of the Dark Forest is goblins, and goblin nests can be seen everywhere. Other adventurers were too lazy to do anything here before they found the bug that killing goblin cubs can earn points. There was no time wasted here, so this place almost became Fang Yuan’s territory.

In a whole day, Fang Yuan raided 29 goblin nests in a row. The number of adult goblins and cubs in the goblin nests was basically 2:1. In the nests of 20 adult goblins, there were often more than 10 goblin cubs. On average, each goblin nest could provide Fang Yuan with 30 points, allowing Fang Yuan to get a total of 870 points.

This speed is definitely like riding a rocket. However, when Fang Yuan opened the magic manual, he was stunned because he didn’t make it into the top ten! To be precise, he didn’t make it into the top 17, because the top seven were all heroes, the seventh place had several thousand points, and the eighth place had only 1,500 points.

“I almost vomited from killing goblins. It was a bug. With such high efficiency, I am only ranked 21st? As expected, there are still many talented people among adventurers. The points given for hunting high-level monsters are still too many.”

Fang Yuan couldn’t help but sighed when he saw that the difference between himself and the 17th place was 180 points.

What Fang Yuan didn’t know was that there were many small teams among the adventurers. In order to ensure that their captains could compete with the heroes, they all”contributed” their points. Many people beat a monster half to death, and then dragged the monster to the captain, letting the captain complete the final kill. That’s why there are so many high-scoring players. The top 30 are basically all in a team. Only Fang Yuan is a real outlier!

“It seems that we have to resort to extraordinary means. Alas, I am kind and pure, but the world is so dangerous.”

After a short silence, Fang Yuan showed a somewhat evil smile, and then walked into the depths of the dark forest.

It was not only Gou Zei and Qi Ge who could think of robbing monsters and killing people. Basically, every hunter would think of this idea. After all, this is the nature of hunters.

And it just so happens that Fang Yuan’s strongest ability is not to kill monsters, but to kill people.

Fang Yuan is not opposed to killing people at all. The feeling of cutting open the human body even makes Fang Yuan excited and happy! Otherwise, he would not choose to be a forensic doctor!

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