After the heroes led by the prince announced the battle order, the heroes rushed into the Demon Temple deep in the Dark Forest to explore the way, while the adventurers began to clear the monsters on the periphery.

The most common monsters in the Dark Forest are goblins, and Fang Yuan is currently fighting a goblin.

However, he was not in a hurry to kill the goblin, but used the long sword in his hand to stab the goblin left and right. The goblin had been stabbed with several wounds and had completely lost its fighting power and was lying on the ground wailing, but Fang Yuan was still constantly inflicting wounds on the goblin.

“That person is so cruel. He could have just killed the goblin, but he chose to torture it.……”

“I didn’t expect that he was so handsome, but he was a pervert at heart.……”

Fang Yuan’s behavior made many adventurers who were also clearing out the goblins in the periphery unable to bear it, and they all criticized Fang Yuan’s actions.

But Fang Yuan seemed to have heard nothing and continued to torture the goblins in front of him. Yes, in the eyes of outsiders, Fang Yuan was torturing the goblins!

However, in fact, Fang Yuan was just conducting a normal test.

【You killed a level 1 goblin soldier and gained 10 hunting points. If the target is a goblin, you will get an additional 1 hunting point (10%).

When the 31st sword was stabbed, the goblin who had been screaming was finally freed, and Fang Yuan also received a prompt from the system.

However, Fang Yuan did not care about these. Instead, he squatted down and turned the goblin’s body over and over with his sword, muttering to himself softly:”The physique is roughly equivalent to that of a 10-12 year old child, and it has an 80% similarity to the human body structure. The vital parts are basically the same. It’s a pity that there is no scalpel, otherwise I can cut it open and study it carefully.……”

Fang Yuan’s real-life occupation is a forensic doctor.

The reason why he chose to study medicine is that when he was still studying, there was a nurse who studied nursing.

She knew that her boyfriend cheated on her, so she stabbed him 20 or 30 times in anger.

Her boyfriend was obviously hurt, but the senior sister relied on the knowledge she learned and avoided the other party’s important organs with every knife.

In the end, the court and the hospital issued a certificate that only judged it as a minor injury!

The senior sister became a legend and inspired Fang Yuan.

Since then, Fang Yuan has embarked on the road of no return to study medicine, and what no one expected is that Fang Yuan is actually very talented!

It is this talent that makes Fang Yuan know very well how to quickly make a person lose the pain of fighting power, or die quickly.

In addition, Fang Yuan’s other interest is fencing, and he has even won the championship of fencing competitions many times. The experience of fencing and his ability to see through the vital parts of the human body allowed Fang Yuan to quickly adapt to the hunting game.

That’s why Fang Yuan had excellent results in the previous hunting world.

The series of brutal attacks on the goblins just now was also to determine the characteristics of the goblin race.

Even though the goblins looked easy to kill, Fang Yuan still held a rigorous attitude.

He took out the magic manual issued by the Adventurer’s Guild.

This was a time-limited magic book that would automatically disappear at the end of the time.

It would automatically record the number of monsters killed by Fang Yuan and convert them into points.

Fang Yuan’s current point was 1 point.

Obviously, killing the lowest-level monsters like goblins was the least valuable in the Adventurer’s Guild’s point system.

Turning to the second page, the names of all the adventurers who held the magic manual were listed. No one would use their real names in the hunting game, and Fang Yuan was the same. So after becoming a hunter, Fang Yuan named himself [Jack], which was the name of the Ripper who committed a terrible murder in history. Fang

Yuan’s name Jack was at the bottom of the entire ranking list. He had already earned more than 130 points for being the first place, and the top ten all had more than 100 points. Obviously, these people had already entered the depths of the Dark Forest to hunt.

“Time is running out, so let’s get started.”

After clarifying the gap, Fang Yuan no longer wasted time. After sensing the location of the dark mark, he began to hunt goblins along the way while approaching the marked location. Before hunting monsters, Fang Yuan wanted to hunt other hunters even more!

Only by killing hunters can you get better rewards and… happiness!

When Fang Yuan, who was serious, faced the goblins again, the scene was completely different.

“”Quack, quack, quack!”

A goblin suddenly rushed out from the bushes, holding a weapon, and rushed towards Fang Yuan with a duck-like cry, while Fang Yuan held the long sword in his hand horizontally, still moving forward at the original speed. The next moment, he suddenly rushed forward, stabbed and retracted the long sword in his hand, and passed the goblin. He didn’t even look at the goblin and continued to move forward.

The goblin was still holding the weapon and froze in place, with a look of confusion on his face. On the left side of its forehead, there was a flat sword mark, which was caused by Fang Yuan just now. This sword mark just destroyed the goblin’s brain central nervous system, so that the commands issued by its brain could no longer be received by the body, which is why. He froze in place, and at the same time, the sword destroyed his brain tissue, completely killing the goblin.

A moment later, the goblin fell to the ground, dead instantly, killed with one blow!

Fang Yuan always maintained a leisurely attitude and continued to move forward. Fang Yuan’s changes did not attract too many people’s attention. After all, there were not many new adventurers present, and killing goblins was not difficult for them, but they did not take it so lightly as Fang Yuan did.

On the outskirts of the dark forest, an adventurer stood on a tree, with a nervous face, and kept looking around, as if he would encounter danger at any time, and above his head, a black mark that others could not see was flashing!

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