Xiaoxing is also a hunter, but unlike Fang Yuan, she is not good at fencing and has a talent for forensics. She is just an office worker who works diligently in reality. This is her fourth time to participate in the hunting world, but she still can’t help the fear in her heart.

In the first three hunting worlds, she survived until the end and never killed a hunter. She did kill some monsters, but they were all vomited. Fortunately, the main line of the task was quite friendly to her, and the main line issued was not particularly difficult. So after three hunting worlds, she also reached level 5. This is completely incomparable to Fang Yuan who reached level 5 in one hunting world.

At this moment, Xiaoxing is holding a bow and arrow in her hand, looking at the simple trap not far away, waiting for the goblin to appear. Xiaoxing’s main task this time is still not difficult. It only requires her to get 200 points within seven days, which is just killing 200 goblins.

And her profession is an archer. In addition to bows and arrows, she can also set a trap, which makes her confident that she can complete the main task in 7 days.

Xiaoxing’s idea was very simple, just to collect points at the edge of the scope of the main task. There were no powerful adventurers or monsters here, so it was very safe! As long as she could survive until the end of the task, she could return to the real world, or go to the leisure world called”My Gorilla Boyfriend” to relax!

When she thought of her gorilla boyfriend’s chest muscles covered with chest hair, Xiaoxing smiled sweetly.

At this moment, a sparse sound came from the woods in the distance, and Xiaoxing immediately saw an adventurer covered in blood, limping over, and sat down under a tree and gasped heavily, without even noticing that she was hiding in the tree.

“What the hell is this main quest? How can I kill such a strong monster? Now I am in a weakened state with all attributes -50%, and there is still an hour to go. Damn, there is still a negative state of disability! My health is only 10% left, a goblin can kill me in seconds! No one will find me in such a remote corner. As long as I hide until the weakened state ends, there should be no problem. There is a tree hole here, so I can hide here and sleep to recover my health.……”

The injured adventurer under the tree kept muttering, and Xiaoxing’s breathing became heavy after hearing it! A seriously injured and dying hunter! Weak and disabled, even his health was only 10% left!

I can kill!

This was Xiaoxing’s first reaction!

Hunters can not only get score rewards by hunting each other, but also get 3 items from each other at random! This is definitely full of temptation! It’s not that Xiaoxing doesn’t want to hunt other hunters, but she knows her own strength very well, and she is not qualified to hunt others! But now she can eat this fat meat that is delivered to her door!

Just give him an arrow! He’s gone! Just one arrow!

Xiaoxing immediately began to look down, looking for a suitable shooting angle.

But after turning around on the tree branch, she couldn’t see the position of the bloody hunter from the tree.

When she thought that there was indeed a tree hole of a medium size at the bottom of the giant tree, Xiaoxing struggled in her heart, whether to go down and kill the hunter!

Xiaoxing made a decision soon!

Such a good opportunity, if you miss it, you will never have it again!

If you want to survive in the hunting game world, you must hunt other hunters. I’ll use you to break my first time!

After making up her mind, Xiaoxing put the bow on her back, hugged the tree trunk, and climbed down quietly.

Although Xiaoxing didn’t have any special skills, she was a good tree climber. She didn’t make any sound when she came down from a three-meter-high tree. As soon as she landed, Xiaoxing was stunned!

Because the adventurer covered in blood was standing straight against the tree trunk! He didn’t go to sleep in the tree hole like he said! That’s why Xiaoxing didn’t see his position in the tree before! What made Xiaoxing even more frightened was that the other party was looking at her with a playful smile. Although he didn’t speak, Xiaoxing still understood the meaning of this smile:”This girl is so stupid.”

She was deceived! This hunter had discovered her a long time ago! His previous self-talk was all fake! Weakness was fake, disability was fake, and even the blood on his body was fake!

In order to… lure me down!

That’s right! That must be it! I am an archer and he is a swordsman. I shoot him from the tree and he can’t do anything to me, but I’m down now…

In a flash, Xiaoxing’s brain seemed to have a flash of inspiration and she figured out all the connections in an instant!

Xiaoxing wanted to attack immediately, but only then did she realize that her bow was on her back, and the time she took to take the bow and put the arrow on it was enough for the other party to launch an attack! Could this hunter have thought of this to lure me down from the tree? ?

The next moment, the other party proved Xiaoxing’s guess with facts.

Xiaoxing only saw that the hunter suddenly took a step forward, and the long sword in his hand accurately left a residual image and stabbed her right breast accurately! And she also clearly felt the feeling of the long sword piercing her body and coming out from her back!


Xiaoxing screamed and fell directly to the ground!

Xiaoxing felt that she was having difficulty breathing, but she was not dead yet! She could still be saved! I still had a chance!

If I became her girlfriend and warmed her bed, he would definitely let me go! I am still the original one! This is very important!

Xiaoxing’s brain was spinning rapidly, and her heart was constantly screaming, but the wound made her breathing more and more difficult. She couldn’t speak at all, and couldn’t even ask for help!

And soon the other party’s words made her feel desperate.

“Easier to deceive than I thought, but also weaker than I thought. As expected of a hunter who was exposed from the beginning, I pierced her lung lobe and cut her blood vessels. The blood has already choked her respiratory tract, making it impossible for her to speak. At this rate of bleeding, she will die in a minute, which is just enough time to test new skills.”

??? Are you a devil? You didn’t even give me a chance to beg for mercy! And I’m about to die! You still want to use me to test your skills? After testing your skills, you won’t rape the corpse, will you? Asshole! ps: The growth of collections and flowers is gratifying, I won’t be long-winded, and I’ll update more!

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