Kiss Addiction

Chapter 4 I am the man you must be with for the rest of your life

When Qiao Ran returned home, she learned from Qiao's mother that Lin Meili wouldn't eat a grain of rice at night, as if she was trying to use this hunger strike to force her family to let her go...

When Qiao Ran entered Lin Meili's bedroom, she was sitting on the balcony, motionless, staring into the distance. Looking from the side, her pretty nose and impeccable facial features were all beautiful and translucent. , eye-catching!

However, now she seems to be trapped in a whirlpool of grief, and no one can drag her out...

Moreover, at this moment, even if Qiao Ran came in, she completely regarded him as a transparent person and turned a blind eye! The look in her eyes that looked into the distance easily revealed her longing for Jiang Chengyi.

Even though she will live her life like a normal person now, Jiang Chengyi has never left her mind for a second, and she can't help but think of him no matter what!

Today is Jiang Chengyi's birthday. Lin Meili remembers all the days related to him clearly. The first time they met, the first time they were intimate, the first time he said "I love you" to her, the first time he looked at her on the surface. Maybe she wasn't as careful as Jiang Chengyi, but in fact, she had never forgotten anything about them.

Happy birthday, my dear! Is everything okay?

Lin Meili stared at the night sky. The dark curtain was like an airtight net, which was a little suffocating, but she still tried hard to find Jiang Chengyi...

Honey, where are you? Come out and meet me.

The hysterical longing in Lin Meili's heart began to scream wantonly, and the crystal tears couldn't stop sliding down her cheeks. She looked forward to Jiang Chengyi saying hello to her and telling her: He is fine.

In the past, she would dream about Jiang Chengyi from time to time. Whether it was a good dream or a nightmare, at least she could still see him in her dreams. But recently, even though she tried to go to bed early and looked forward to meeting him in her dreams, he seemed to It seemed to have disappeared and never appeared in her dreams again.

Qiao Ran approached her with steady steps. The master bedroom on the third floor was not too high, but if Lin Meili fell down, breaking her bones, or even falling to death... there was a great possibility.

He didn't dare to speak, for fear that he would scare her and fall down if he didn't pay attention. Lin Meili was completely immersed in her own thoughts, without any distractions...

It wasn't until Qiao Ran's arms stretched across her waist, hugging her firmly that she caught her attention. Lin Meili frowned, and she could easily tell that it was Qiao Ran from the familiar aura. He reflexively refused and tried to open Qiao Ran's hand, "Let go..."

"What do you want to do? Are you sick again?" The questioning voice was unceremonious. Qiao Ran's gaze went sharply to the side of her face. His hot breath rushed towards her, making Lin Lin feel hot. Beauty tilted her head, but when she turned her head, she just brushed his lips.

The intimate moment between lips and her face...

In an instant, Qiao Ran's body seemed to be filled with thunder and fire, and the desire in his body was rolling out instantly!

It's not like they've never kissed before, but this moment was more sticky than any previous kiss.

And Lin Meili obviously didn't like any intimate behavior with him. Her beautiful eyebrows were knitted even deeper, and she frowned together. She didn't speak, but just looked at him defensively and broke away from his arms.

She struggled to break free, as if she regarded Qiao Ran's chest as a poisonous snake and beast, "Let me go..."

She raised the decibel level and became a little angry, as if she was blaming Qiao Ran for ruining the "meeting" between her and Jiang Chengyi. She sat so high, thinking she was closer to Jiang Chengyi. As long as she can get a little closer, she is not afraid of anything...

"Are you going crazy again?" Qiao Ran's tone was just as unhappy as hers, and his harshness could clearly be felt in his voice. The last thing he wanted to see was Lin Meili half-dead because of Jiang Chengyi. Although Lin Meili was completely quiet when Qiao Ran came in just now, that feeling... Qiao Ran could easily think of death.

It was as if her soul had left her body again, leaving only a body floating around alive, but her heart had long since left with Jiang Chengyi.

Finally, because of Tong Mai's accident, her mind was a little distracted and her spirits improved a lot, but she didn't expect that she would return to her original appearance again...

"Leave me alone! Let go!" Lin Meili choked with a strong tone. At this moment, she was not afraid of falling. I don't know if she trusted Qiao Ran not to let her fall, or if she was not afraid of falling at all.

When her behavior became more and more resistant, Qiao Ran couldn't help but hug her down. The two of them started a tug-of-war and finally fell to the carpet. "Asshole...let me go...when will you let me go?" go home……"

There were no tears under his eyes, but the tears remaining on his face looked particularly pitiful. Even though his expression was full of sullenness, he looked more like a helpless child!

But Qiao Ran would not let her go back. He put his hand on her body, clamping down on all her struggles, until Lin Meili's hands were also strangled, unable to move at all. She stared at Qiao Ran angrily. She finally finally There is extreme anger.

He preferred her angry expression to Lin Meili's expressionless look, "Meili... I have made it clear to you many times that I am not going to let you go."

Maybe in the past, he was half-truth and half-lie when he said he wouldn't let her go, and was in a state of uncertainty, but now, Qiao Ran knew exactly what he was going to do! Looking at Lin Meili's eyes, she was extremely solemn.

Facing Qiao Ran's seriousness, Lin Meili couldn't help but feel fear in her heart, especially now that her back was against the blanket, her sense of danger was getting stronger...

Her legs shrank and she swallowed hard, "Qiao Ran, don't tease me! I beg you not to play with me! I can't afford to play! I don't want to play either!"

Ever since Jiang Chengyi left, she couldn't tolerate any man in her heart, and she thought she would never fall in love with any man other than Jiang Chengyi again!

Therefore, she can't afford the so-called love game, and she doesn't want to play it either...

She could vaguely feel Qiao Ran's possessiveness toward her. His eyes and behavior clearly showed his desire. But is it just desire? This is the most primitive instinct of a man towards a woman. Lin Meili does not think this is love.

Lin Meili's words reached Qiao Ran's ears, and to him they were a complete taunt. Unexpectedly, in her eyes, he was just playing for fun...

Since this is the case, then just follow her wishes and just have fun!

"What if I insist on playing? Do you dare to stay with me to the end?" The question remained unvarnished, and he even looked at her with an extraordinarily deep gaze, unable to detect the truth or lies in his eyes.

If it were Lin Meili, who used to be high-spirited and full of confidence, she would have answered in the affirmative without hesitation. Without her, it would have been impossible to accompany him to the end!

However, now that she has lost Jiang Chengyi, she has lost the whole world. In her world, there is only darkness, and there is no trace of light. How can she find the strength and energy to stay with him to the end?

Lin Meili did not avoid Qiao Ran's eyes at this time, but looked at him calmly. Qiao Ran was now in Lin Meili's eyes: he was like a child fighting for toys with others, not because of how many I like this toy purely because I am very competitive and want to win. After I win, I put the toy aside.

Unfortunately, she is the toy!

What's even more unfortunate is that he can never become the master of her toy...

They looked at each other, as if it was unnecessary for anyone to speak at this time. Qiao Ran kissed her lips desperately, plundering her lips with all his strength, and the strength between his lips and teeth was not light. He almost used up all his strength to kiss her lips. Struggle with her...

"Um..." Lin Meili's pain sound came out, and she didn't know where the strength came from. It seemed that she couldn't bear Qiao Ran's frivolity anymore and escaped from his lips. The look on her face was like a frightened rabbit, but The anger in his eyes was more like a ferocious female beast, "I am Jiang Chengyi's... Even if you get me, you will only get a ruined body! According to your status as the second young master of the Qiao family, what kind of Do women? If you insist on playing with a woman who has been infected by others, you will lose face if word spreads, and you will also have a shadow yourself! "

Lin Meili could clearly see Qiao Ran's irreversible desire in his eyes, as if he couldn't stop at this moment and was completely overwhelmed by desire. So, she had to remind him!

Moreover, which kid from a rich family doesn't have a little bit of mysophobia and likes to play with other people's leftover women?

"I do not care!"

But Qiao Ran's answer was beyond her expectation, but she couldn't tell whether Qiao Ran's words at this time were true or false...

He is an extremely difficult to understand and elusive person. Sometimes he seems to be just a playboy, sometimes he is calm and seems to be a king. At the same time, he seems to be a very particular person, and he should be disdainful of "second-hand women".

When Qiao Ran had to take off her unsightly clothes, Lin Meili's sense of luck was completely shattered at this moment!

"Before, you could have other men, you could miss Jiang Chengyi endlessly, and you could resist and hate me, but from this moment on, I have to tell you personally that I will be your last man! This is what you must do in this life. The man you are determined to follow!”

Qiao Ran's seriousness and dullness made Lin Meili breathless, and he didn't seem to give her a chance to breathe. He covered her lips wildly, and his tongue stirred and swept in her mouth, as if he was deliberately trying to Let Lin Meili clearly realize that he was not just talking, and he was not joking.

He is more serious than anyone else!

He really didn't care much about whether the women around him were clean, but he did care that Lin Meili's heart must be filled by him in the future. From this moment on, whether in his heart or in his mind, the person he thought about should be him, Qiao Ran. Not Jiang Chengyi...

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