Kiss Addiction

Chapter 5 Love you, miss you, love you

A large box with a slightly antique charm. The box exudes the faint scent of lavender. It is filled with glass bottles of various sizes.

I heard that if you write your wishes in a glass bottle filled with lavender seeds, your wishes will come true! Lavender is the seed of hope, it can carry wishes, bring hope and bring miracles.

In fact, she knew that this was just a spiritual sustenance, but she still believed in it. Always believe: as long as you believe, your expectations will come true.

Tong Mai's weakness seemed to change every minute. He held the pen with all his strength and wrote on the paper stroke by stroke:

Luoluo, when you read this letter, maybe your aunt is no longer here, but she still wants to tell you in this way: I am not your aunt. In fact, I am Luoluo’s mother, and I am Luoluo’s biological mother. Yuqi’s mother is the aunt.

But no matter whether Luoluo treats me as her aunt or her mother, as long as she knows that Luoluo loves me, she will be satisfied.

Luoluo and Niantong, my dearest and most sorry babies, please forgive me for not being a good and conscientious mother and unable to stay with you and share the joy of childhood with you. Mom only hopes that no matter whether you can see this lavender bottle in the future, you will be healthy and happy; no matter where Mom is, I will always love you.

Her handwriting is very neat and clean, with a cute doll body, large appearance, and the strokes are heavy but clear, which is pleasing to the eye.

After finishing writing, Tong Mai stared at the note reluctantly, her eyes couldn't help but feel sour. At this moment, helplessness, debt, and heartache occupied her body. She seemed to be falling into an endless abyss, with no way out, no way out. There is no way out, and I don’t have enough courage to end this deep pain...

Tong Mai put the written note into the bottle and stopped it, hoping that her wish would come true. She also hoped that Luoluo and Niantong could tolerate her irresponsible mother with a broad heart and forgive her. Unqualified.

And Xiaosha, she also has a lot to say to Xiaosha:

My dearest Xiaosha, Xiaosha, your appearance has given me great hope. When I was hesitant and desperate, you were the most precious gift given to me by God. You stayed with me and supported me.

You have asked me many times, who is my father? Where did dad go? Why do other people have dads but you don't? Once, I was annoyed by being asked, and in the end I yelled at you and scolded you loudly, "Your father is dead!" You don't have a father! Your father didn't want you as soon as you were born...

After you listened, you cried very sadly that day. In my memory, that was the saddest and saddest day you cried. Because I don’t want you to ask about your father over and over again, and I’m also afraid that under your constant questioning, I will uncontrollably tell you: In fact, you are not my biological child. So, that day, I gave you a firm reassurance that you were not allowed to ask about daddy again. From then on, you really never mentioned the word "Dad" again.

Your life experience is pitiful enough, so I have been working hard to cultivate you into a bold and brave character. I hope that if the truth is exposed one day, if one day you know your life experience, you will not be sad. Because no matter whether you are my biological child or not, you are the child I love and worry about the most. I have never treated you as someone else's child.

You are my mother's daughter, I love you, my mother loves you very much.

But I still hope that you can find your biological parents. Even if this may not be a good thing for you, they are always the parents who gave you life...

After Tong Mai finished writing the letter to the three children, her hands were trembling, tears had completely blurred her vision, and she lost control of her emotions.

If one day she leaves in a hurry, even if she knows Huo Yize, she will treat Xiao Sha as if she were her own. However, Xiao Sha has the right to know the truth about her life experience.

It was at the "Elisa Home" that the dean picked up Xiao Sha. Xiao Sha's parents left nothing but a note. On the note, there was only "Xiao Sha"'s name and birth date, so Tong Mai later called her "Xiao Sha".

Maybe Xiaosha's parents left a note, still hoping to find Xiaosha one day in the future, right?

Maybe it was justifiable to leave Xiao Sha alone. Maybe it was because she was too poor to support Xiao Sha, or maybe it was because she had more compelling reasons...

Therefore, Tong Mai has begun to ask the dean to find Xiaosha’s biological parents...

Tong Mai folded the notes neatly again, and put them neatly together with those written to Luoluo and Nian Tong. Finally, she touched the largest glass bottle, which had a note stuffed inside.

This bottle was something she once wrote to Huo Yize. After Huo Yize and Yin Yuqi left for Las Vegas, in fact, she couldn't bear the pain of losing Huo Yize at all, and even behaved like a child in various childish ways. Huo Yize would suddenly appear in front of her one day, but she didn't expect... He would be gone for several years.

Therefore, when I saw Huo Yize again, my feelings of hate, love, surprise, and fierceness could not dissipate for a long time afterwards, but I was afraid of revealing my emotions, deliberately pretending, and deliberately being indifferent.

From the time they met Huo Yize to the present, it has been more than seven years. Others have the seven-year itch, but they have fallen in love deeper and deeper during the seven years, the deepest love, but the love is also very short-lived.

But they have always experienced strong winds and waves together, and her heart has calmed down a little. She doesn't hate or complain, nor is she impatient. Even like now, she can clearly realize that her body is getting worse day by day, but what should come will eventually come. Come on, it's useless even if she tries to escape, she can only accept the fact.

Maybe she was too immersed in her own thoughts. Her hand slipped, and the large glass bottle containing Huo Yize's wishes fell to the ground unexpectedly. In an instant, the glass fragments made a crisp sound, and then fell quietly. Lying on the ground, his body was in pieces like a broken heart. Tong Mai was suddenly startled, followed by a stiffness in his body, which was so tight that he was about to burst...


Is this an omen?

It was destined that all her thoughts about Huo Yize would be broken one by one! For a while, beautiful flowers bloom among them, but in the end they are short-lived and cannot last long.

Tong Mai was sitting in a wheelchair, with her fingertips touching the ground with some difficulty, trying to piece together the broken glass, and also trying to pick up the note that fell on the ground, but at this moment, a pair of familiar black lights appeared in her eyes. The leather shoes and the note were also picked up in the next second.

When Tong Mai raised her eyes in shock, she found that Huo Yize had miraculously appeared in front of her...

In fact, Huo Yize had already appeared when she was scribbling on the paper. Just seeing her struggling and frowning, he hesitated to move forward. Although he had seen her in a wheelchair in the video, But it's far less shocking than seeing it with your own eyes.

He was afraid that he would be unable to control his emotions in front of Tong Mai, and he didn't want Tong Mai to feel that she needed pity now, so he tried his best to adjust his emotions outside until she bent down to pick up the note...

At this moment, when Huo Yize saw the words written on her note, his heart was dripping with blood as if he had been bombed, and he was in pain, especially when he looked at the date signed on the note, which was when he and Yin Yuqi left China. Days to go to Las Vegas:

Huo Yize, do you know that I miss you very much? Do you know our child is gone? Do you know that I actually don’t want you to leave at all? But since I left, can I come back soon? I'm waiting for you, waiting for you here...

The ink handwriting has faded with the passage of time, and the handwriting is not as good as the handwriting written to Nian Tong and Luo Luo. The crooked handwriting can completely show the messy and painful mood of Tong Mai at that time.

Huo Yize's hands couldn't help but tremble...

damn it! He really deserves to die!

Because he was young and energetic, because he was arrogant, because he was stubborn, he and Tong Mai missed too much precious time all because of his fault...

And she had never shown her emotional side in front of him before. She was heartless and seemed to not care about anything, and nothing could enter her heart! At least at that time, only hatred occupied every corner of her body.

Huo Yize has never hated himself more than at this time, and he was annoyed with himself. He suddenly felt that he was the most bastard in the world, so when Tong Mai called him a bastard before, he was not wrong at all. He was a veritable bastard... …

She used to say she didn't deserve him, but in fact, it was he who didn't deserve her!

Even if I spend my whole life and all the remaining time to make up for her, it is not enough...

After Tong Mai looked at Huo Yize calmly for dozens of seconds, and when she was sure that it was really him who appeared in front of her, she smiled awkwardly and said, "Hey, the surprise you gave is a bit... too unexpected... "

From the beginning to the end, she hoped to show her best side in front of Huo Yize. Even if he saw her in a wheelchair with his own eyes, he would still try to find an excuse to cover it up, "But you came at the right time. These days...I My leg is twisted, which just gives you a chance to show off."

The clear and clean voice, without any trace of impurity or sadness in it, reached Huo Yize's ears. The overwhelming discomfort enveloped him deeply, making him breathless. Even the air in his chest felt extremely painful. .

She knew clearly that Huo Yize had seen her note, but even though many years had passed, Tong Mai could still remember her words heartily...

Her face was a little blushing, especially when she saw the heavy haze on Huo Yize's face flickering, and layers of pain engraved on his face, she smiled, "Bring it here! I was writing it for fun! You can't You think I also have such a sentimental and sentimental side! I am deliberately pretending to be deep..."

Before she finished speaking, Huo Yize stepped forward and hugged her tightly, hugging her tightly...

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