Kiss Addiction

Chapter 6 Diary related to him!

Tong Mai was a little frightened by his sudden warmth, and because he hugged him too tightly, his breathing was a little unsmooth, "Yize..."

Call him quietly, gently, so carefully, and at the same time, the two short words are full of uncertain factors.

She couldn't tell how she felt now. Should she be happy? Or should I worry? But one thing is very certain, Huo Yize's tight hug gave her great warmth, as if it was driving away the fear in her heart bit by bit.

"I might die. If I die..." This question has become unavoidable now. Tong Mai said without a trace of sadness, but before she could finish speaking, Huo Yize locked her red lips tightly. The smooth tongue drove straight in, teasing her lips that were as sweet and fragrant as honey.

There is always an alluring body fragrance on her body, which triggers the wild factors in his body. The ultimate tenderness spreads around the lips, and the burning breath gradually heats up, getting hotter and hotter. Hot...

This kiss seemed like they had devoted all their strength to each other, just to let each other remember this beautiful and lingering moment and remember that they had loved so deeply.

He loved her to the point of becoming terminally ill, and wanted to be with her at all costs, regardless of responsibility and ethics, and to the detriment of heaven and earth.

She loved him so much that she would risk her life to keep him alive, even if she cruelly sacrificed another person's life.

Now, Huo Yize felt the same as Tong Mai at that time. No matter what, he must save her life, even if it means losing everything and losing everything, as long as she can live, she will be happy and the greatest satisfaction.

After a long time, Huo Yize let go of her lips, held the back of her head, and said very seriously, word by word, "No, you won't die, and I won't allow you to die!"

He told her so firmly and clearly - she was not allowed to die! There was no trace of exaggeration or joking in his determined and confident eyes, as if he was really completely sure to let her live...

"Even if I won't die, my legs... seem like I really can't stand up! If I spend my lower body in a wheelchair in the future, it will be even more uncomfortable than death."

Between paralysis and death, she would rather choose the latter!

"Let me ask you, if I were in a wheelchair, would you leave me and ignore me?"

Regardless of whether Tong Mai answers this question or not, whether her answer is yes or no, Huo Yize is absolutely certain that she will not! A thousand won’t, ten thousand won’t! It was like when she knew he had a heart problem and he was about to die, she stayed by his side.

Not only could he feel that touch and true affection deeply, but he also concluded that this relationship could withstand the erosion and test of time, and no matter what happened in the future, they would not change their hearts...

Tong Mai didn't answer, she couldn't lie to him, and she couldn't give him hope!

"Even if you don't say it, I know you won't! I am as determined as you, even if you can never stand up again from now on, or your body may not be able to support it, no matter where it is, heaven or hell... I'm with you, I won't let you be alone."

Every word comes from the depths of his heart, without any falsehood.

It's not that Tong Mai didn't believe him, but as he became more determined, she became more and more panicked. He may not care about her current situation, but she does!

If she did not die, if she spent the rest of her life in a wheelchair, not only would she become Huo Yize's burden all the time, but one day in the future, when Luoluo and Niantong grow up, the children would be curious and confused. Why did my father marry my disabled mother? Mom can't even take care of herself, so why do she still follow dad?

How should she answer? Or can she persevere and have enough courage to accept every surprised look from the people around her?

She can't! Absolutely not!

But Huo Yize's seriousness was hard for her to refuse, and the atmosphere between them was too serious at this time. Tong Mai couldn't help but ask, "I seem to have more shortcomings than advantages. I am impatient, unloving, and have no love." Good intentions! What exactly do you love about me?"

What is it about her that attracts him to love her unwaveringly, gives her confidence, and warms her heart...

Because of Huo Yize's seriousness, Tong Mai even really wanted to do what he said, no matter what, no matter heaven or hell, life, old age, illness or death, she would wrap around his body and his heart.

"Love without reason! Everything about you, whether it is your shortcomings or advantages, can deeply attract me."

Even if we are really old forever, and we will grow old in the end of the world... this love will not change one day, but the way of love will have different manifestations with age and maturity.

Listening to his words that were as sweet as honey, Tong Mai could not help but have thunder in her heart and be shaken involuntarily. After all, she needed him by her side now to give her strength and the courage to live. …

"Dr. Yu's research has made progress. We may still go to Las Vegas to stay for a while, but this time when we come back, we will bring Luoluo and Xiaosha with us! Nian Tong will be discharged from the hospital soon. , then our family will be reunited and live happily."

The vision is beautiful, and the outline of the future is also very happy, but unfortunately, the reality is often not satisfactory.

"I miss Luo Luo very much." She missed Luo Luo very much, but when Luo Luo called "Auntie" in front of her, she couldn't help but feel hysterical and uncomfortable...

"Don't you miss me?"

Huo Yize blurted out this sentence completely unconsciously. He was not jealous of his child, but the thought that she could abandon everything and avoid him made him worried and scared, even if he found her now. , but he seemed to have a premonition condensed in his heart. Sooner or later, or in the not-too-distant future, she would hide far away from him, so that he could never find her again...

Thinking of this, Huo Yize swallowed hard, feeling flustered. He stared at Tong Mai for a moment. She was right in front of him, and he could even clearly and truly touch her cold palms. However, he was always uneasy and scared.

Unprecedented fear and discomfort gathered together, and he flattened the note in his palm and reviewed what she had written again, but Tong Mai suddenly turned red and said, "Don't read it...let me put it away" It hides."

As he spoke, he grabbed the note in his hand, but Huo Yize treated it like a treasure, "I'm by your side now, what else do you need these things for! Confiscated!"

Xiaomai, although I came back late, but once I come back, I will never leave again and will protect you all my life.

There was clearly a lot of tenderness in his eyes, and he put the note back into his pocket seriously and confiscated it.

He once heard about Tong Mai writing a love letter to Jiang Chengyi by mistake, so he just thought it was a love letter written by Tong Mai to him. In Huo Yize's eyes, it was the most precious and touching love letter in the world!

"You... scoundrel! Bring it..." Tong Mai couldn't bear to have the evidence of her love in his hands, and used it as a way to show off in the future. She hurriedly wanted to snatch it from his hands, but Huo Yize dodged around. , can easily avoid her, but will not let Tong Mai get away, staring into her eager eyes, he really likes her noisy, he used to be too noisy, and he would not adapt; but now she doesn't make noisy anymore , it became quiet, but he didn't adapt to it.

"No! Hmm... what is this? A diary? Can't you tell... you can still write a diary?" Huo Yize seemed to have discovered a new world, and his eyes were shining with surprise and joy.

She is very unexpected, there are obviously some little girl things... you can't get along with her, but you can be closely connected with her!

"What? Do you have any objections to writing a diary? Please return the diary to me!"

"What? Did you write a lot of secrets in the diary? You have a crush on Sam, you like Xiao A, you hate Huo Yize... is that something like that?"

Huo Yize said mischievously, with a happy smile on his lips, as if he didn't mind what Tong Mai wrote in his diary at this moment!

Even if I write something that I shouldn’t write, it’s still in the past, it’s the past mood! As long as he can deeply feel that the person Tong Mai loves is him, that's enough!

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm not as superficial as you! Please return the diary to me. It's very immoral to peek into other people's diaries. Do you know that it's very tasteless?"

Tong Mai was preaching in a childlike manner, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. She was very reluctant to let Huo Yize peep into her past thoughts, even though most of the contents in the diary were related to him...

But always, Tong Mai didn't want Huo Yize to see it.

"Idiot, the first day you met me? You actually talked to me about moral issues!"

Even though he was an absolute gifted student when he was studying in school, in front of Tong Mai, ethics, morals, character... were all put aside!

However, as if reading the diary, Huo Yize was just teasing her, holding her busy hand tightly, "Tell me, have you missed me these days? Tell the truth, and I will return the diary to you. .”

As he spoke, he raised the diary in his hand as a temptation.

He knew that she must miss her endlessly, but what he knew deep down in his heart and what she said to him personally were two completely different concepts...

Helpless, Tong Mai could only compromise, "I think about it! I think about it! You can return the diary to me!" The answer was perfunctory and extremely reluctant.

Huo Yize was also dissatisfied with her answer and murmured unhappily, "Is it so difficult to say you miss me? It's like going up a mountain of swords and down a sea of ​​fire."

Even though he was unwilling, he still returned the diary to Tong Mai. Tong Mai heard his displeased mutterings. When he reached the diary, he hugged his neck affectionately and said happily, "Not only I miss you so much and still love you, are you satisfied?"

However, while speaking, blood began to slowly flow from the tip of her nose, and it started to drip down...

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