Kiss Addiction

Chapter 7: Full of sunshine, don’t be dim!

"Wheat..." Huo Yize's voice trembled obviously when he saw the blood gurgling out from the tip of Tong Mai's nose. Tong Mai also felt a slight pain in her mouth and nose, and the bright red blood slid onto her white clothes. Shocking blood flowers appeared.

Her breathing suddenly became hot and unsmooth. Tong Mai was breathing heavily. At this time, she almost felt like someone was pinching her neck. She couldn't breathe and was about to die. But she had many things to say to Huo Yize, " I’ll try to survive if I can.”

I don't want to leave him at all, even if I look at him from a distance, I will be satisfied.

Therefore, she will do her best to hold on!

Listening to Tong Mai's angry words, Huo Yize's pain hit him from all directions in an instant. He picked up Tong Mai by his waist and said, "Baby, it's okay. I'll take you to the hospital right away."

After saying that, he eagerly hugged her and left. When he was in the car, Tong Mai couldn't hold on anymore. He originally had a lot of things to say to Huo Yize, but it was difficult for him to utter a single word in his lips...

If one day, I stop breathing, I can still remember the way you held me anxiously. With such eagerness, I can easily feel your heartbeat, your care, and your reluctance.

Knowing that you love me and cherish me very much makes me very satisfied!

After going to the hospital, it was obvious that the hospital could not detect the toxins in Tong Mai's body. They only knew that the unknown substance in his body was rapidly spreading to his limbs and bones! It was gradually eroding her body step by step. This was the most fundamental cause of the coma! The situation is clearly getting worse day by day...

Although the doctor said that Tong Mai would wake up and it was unlikely that he would stay awake like this, but a day passed and there was still no movement. He looked so quiet and silent. Huo Yize was not only worried, but also sad. I can't breathe.

She still clearly remembers the time when they first met. She was so afraid of going into the hospital. Later she heard that it was because her mother never came out after going into the hospital. Therefore, she was also worried that once she went into the hospital, she would never come out again. There was no chance to go out.

Huo Yize held her hand firmly, as if conveying energy to her, "Idiot, if you don't wake up, I'm going to peek into your diary."

No matter what is written in Tong Mai's diary, no matter whether he exists or not, he will not be angry or sad. He just wants to know her better and about her past... She almost never mentions it, Huo Yize I also vaguely know about the difficult years in her past, and I don't want to touch her past and cause her sadness.

While holding the diary, he continued very "gentlemanly", "If I don't wake up, I will open the diary..."

The diary is not exquisite. On the contrary, it looks old. It is not difficult to see that this diary has been with Tong Mai for some years.

"You don't believe that I will open your diary, do you? I will read it to you now..." His tone was a bit childish, more like coaxing a child to tempt Tong Mai to wake up! In fact, reading the diary was not the purpose, he just hoped that she would wake up and talk to him so that he could be sure that nothing would happen to her, at least she would not leave him so unexpectedly.

Thinking of this, Huo Yize's eyes were a little moist, and his hands could not help but tremble when he turned the pages of the book. When he opened the first page, the handwriting was not as neat as the doll he expected, but crooked and childish written in pencil. , green words:

Mom is gone and I am alone.

I don’t cry because my mother says that a child who loves to cry is not a good child. I want to be a good child for my mother. Only if you are a good child, your mother will not be sad.

I met my father, my aunt, and a beautiful sister, but they didn’t seem to like me.

He is my father, is he my father? Just why doesn't dad like me?

When he saw this, Huo Yize couldn't stand it anymore, tears fell uncontrollably, and his fingertips were brushing against her sloppy handwriting. She even couldn't write many words at all, and even used pinyin instead, but she could deeply understand it. I deeply felt Tong Mai’s strength and loneliness at that time.

She had no one to talk to, only a diary to accompany her, and it was the best object for her to talk to.

No wonder she is so afraid of being alone!

When people have been lonely for a long time, the first possibility is that they are used to being alone, and the second possibility is that they are more afraid of being alone. Tongmai belongs to the second type...

The loneliness and loneliness that had been laid upon her when she was a child became even more fearless when she grew up!

Even though hysterical pain was flowing around Huo Yize's body at this moment, he still insisted on watching...

On the first day I entered the orphanage, I slept in a crowded room with many children, but I was very cold.

I dreamed of my mother in the middle of the night. My mother said that she would buy me many toys. However, as long as my mother came back, I would not be cold if she was there.

On the second day at the orphanage, a child in the clinic said that I was a child that my parents didn't want and that I was a bad boy. I beat him, so the director made us stand there for a long time. From then on, I understood the meaning of the orphanage. It turned out to be A place to adopt unwanted children from their parents.

I am really a bad boy that my parents don’t want!

I thought my mother was dead, just asleep temporarily, and would come back to life! The child said that if he died, he would die and he would never come back.

Mom, when will you come back? will you come back?

I saw my father and aunt again! I heard they were going to send me to London, but I didn’t know where.

I said I was going to find my mother, but she beat me and said I was a bitch!

Huo Yize's tears completely blurred his vision. His body felt like it had been run over by steel nails, and his internal organs were torn apart!

There were many typos in the diary at the beginning, and many words were replaced with pinyin, but this was the bravest word Huo Yize had ever seen! The loneliest heart!

Because he grew up in a prosperous and sunny world, he was completely unable to appreciate how much suffering and torture a six or seven-year-old child went through at that time.

Later, it was no wonder that she hated Chen Yuhua so much and everyone in the Yin family...

I arrived in London, and the people here were different from us, with blond hair and green eyes. I was very scared.

When my father and aunt left, I grabbed my father's hand and cried loudly. I couldn't speak, I just cried and kept crying...

Finally they left!

I dreamed of my mother again. My mother hugged me and told me not to cry. A child who loves to cry is not a good child!

When I woke up, the surroundings were dark and I cried. I didn’t want to be a good child. Even if I am a good boy, no one will like me!

Here, they treat me as a weirdo, pull my hair all day long, and call me ugly!

For a long time after that, Tong Mai seemed to be numb, as if there was nothing to write about during her time in London. Or maybe something else happened to her and she didn't write a diary for a long time.

Then one day suddenly, she started writing again. Huo Yize looked at the time and saw that it was when she was about eighteen years old:

I finally managed to get into a university in London, but the bad news came that Mr. Yin would no longer bear all my tuition fees and living expenses in London.

On the phone, I heard Chen Yuhua call me a "bitch" again.

I listened and said nothing! There is no way to argue, and there is no way to plead in a low voice! But after hanging up the phone, I'm going to get out of here! Chen Yuhua, you are a slut!

I was angry, angry, even hesitant, helpless, and for a moment I didn’t know what to do!

However, after calming down, a crazy thought grew in my heart: No matter what, I want to finish college in London. I want to be happy and appear in front of them happily, and see them unhappy and unhappy!

I have full motivation towards this dream!

This summer vacation was very busy. I worked early and late, worked five or six part-time jobs, and counted the pounds in my wallet over and over again. I really wanted to count more and more.

Although tired, I am full of energy.

No matter what I want to prove to anyone, at least I can be independent now.

Mom, did you see it? After more than ten years of living and paying for tuition, I was finally able to make money on my own.

But, mom, I miss you so much!

I seem to miss you more and more, can you let me be coquettish for a while? How I wish I could hug my parents' arms and act coquettishly like other girls...

Today, Yin Yuqi called and said that she was getting engaged. The sweet and happy atmosphere on the phone made people angry, and it seemed to deliberately bring out my desolation and abjection.

She invited me to her engagement party and even mentioned how wonderful her fiancé was over the phone! Such boasting!

Get lost!

I said: If you are not afraid that I will curse you, just invite me!

A very profound question was mentioned - boyfriend!

I have no interest in foreign men! Of course, I am a "three desperate girl" and do not have the time or leisure to get to know men in depth.

The new semester has started, and the tuition fees are not in the plan, it is completely beyond the plan!

Just when I thought I was going to be kicked out of school, a Chinese man named Sam lent me £1,000.

White shirt, slim and tall height, a bit cold face, but the most enthusiastic heart! He exudes the aura of nobility and is a little melancholy.

He is like a prince charming from a fairy tale! Favored and liked by all the girls.

When I held the heavy 1,000 pounds in my hand, I was flattered. No one had ever extended a helping hand to me. He was the first person to help me.

It turns out there are still good people in this world! I can't help but feel the warmth flowing through my heart, telling myself: don't be gloomy, be full of sunshine.

Christmas Eve.

I had agreed to pay back the money to Sam, but after waiting at the school gate for several hours, I didn't see him.

A little disappointed, a little worried, and a little sad...

When asking for news about Sam, he seemed to have suddenly disappeared from the world. All the classmates didn't know where he had gone...

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