Kiss Addiction

Chapter 80 Never leave

Yes, if Tong Mai can't be happy, if Tong Mai can't be happy with Huo Yize, neither his fulfillment nor Yin Yuqi's departure will be reconciled.

But as long as she and Huo Yize can be together happily and grow old hand in hand, he and Yin Yuqi will be happy to give their blessings.

"Little a..."

Tong Mai was so moved that he couldn't speak, his words of thanks were stuck in his throat, and his pupils shone with tears of happiness.

Because of her bad life experience, because she suffered a lot in London, and because she also experienced a lot of pain in her relationship with Huo Yize...

There was a time when Tongmai thought he was the unluckiest person in the world! But now, she is more and more certain that she is actually the happiest person in the world.

There are people around her who love her, people who understand her, people who are tolerant and blessing her, and people who are more caring and considerate... How can I have so many people's love and tolerance for her?

Tong Mai's tears were like broken beads, washing down her cheeks one by one, "Xiao A, I'm sorry..."

She owed Yin Yuqi for being sorry, and even more owed Li Xianning for being sorry. Tong Mai lowered her head, as if she had no face to face Li Xianning, she was ashamed in front of him!

"I don't accept any apology from you, and you haven't sorry to anyone! From now on, you will only have one identity in my eyes, and that is: my forever confidant."

Perhaps, by returning to the position of close friends, they can go further and be happier...

Li Xianning stroked Tong Mai's shoulder and pulled him into his arms smoothly, but this hug was purely a friendly hug between friends.

Huo Yize saw Tong Mai not far away. Although he believed in Tong Mai, even if he didn't trust anyone, he would trust Tong Mai unconditionally, but he still couldn't see her behave at all intimately with any other man.

He quickly came to her and Li Xianning's side. When Li Xianning noticed Huo Yize's appearance, he let go of Tong Mai's shoulders in time and distanced himself from Tong Mai to avoid misunderstanding. "If you don't treat Xiaomai well, I will Even with force, she will be snatched back to me."

Li Xianning's voice was rarely strong in the past. He had too many problems with Huo Yize. For a while, he couldn't speak to him properly, and he also used this "tough" way to express his feelings to Huo Yize. Declaring his letting go.

Let go...

After working hard, fighting for it, and struggling, I finally let it go!

Such a painful surrender cast a thick layer of haze over my heart. I was so sad and heartbroken that my breath was almost taken away, but I still had to pretend to smile...

Love... is really a very heavy thing! Even at this moment, Li Xianning would have a delusion, feeling that he might never love again in the future, at least not as devotedly and selflessly as he loved Tongmai, but in the end his love turned into despair.

Li Xianning's words made Huo Yize immediately lose his vigilance and guard against him. He could understand the fulfillment and blessings in Li Xianning's words, and he could also see his discomfort and reluctance from his dark brown pupils...

"Wheat is more important to me than my life." Huo Yize was so arrogant that he could not say "thank you" to anyone other than Tong Mai, but this simple promise also contained the guarantee and promise to Li Xianning: The woman they both love equally deeply, he will love her, love her, and protect her regardless of anything.

Li Xianning nodded, his eyes no longer dissatisfied with Huo Yize's past!

Love cannot be forced, and ordinary people like them cannot control who loves whom and who doesn't.

Those who are hurt in love and those who have a happy ending in the end can only mean that they are unfortunate and lucky...

But hard-earned luck requires people who love each other to have an unwavering heart. Li Xianning stared at Tong Mai and Huo Yize, and had to admit that he admired their determination and waiting for each other.

No matter how many things or people I have experienced around me, I always know what my heart wants, without hesitation or hesitation, with such determination and unwavering...

When Yin Yuqi's body was cremated, the cries of Luo Luo and Tong Mai were filled with deep reluctance and sadness.

"Mom...Mom...don't go...Mom, I love you very much...don't leave Luo Luo..." Luo Luo cried, not wanting Yin Yuqi to disappear like this.

Huo Yize hugged his body and didn't allow Luo Luo to get close, "Luo Luo, calm down, let Yu Qi's mother leave in peace, without worries or nostalgia."

Huo Yize's eyes stayed on the flames. He also felt absolutely indebted and sorry to Yin Yuqi...

If he had been more sensible and clear-headed six years ago, and had not lost his temper with Tong Mai, maybe things wouldn't have gotten out of hand like they did today, and Luo Luo wouldn't have suffered as much as he did today.

I can’t ask her for forgiveness, but I beg her on the other side of the earth to stop being obsessed, stop being stubborn, cherish yourself, love yourself...

Yin Yuqi's portrait is engraved on the tombstone. The photo is of her innocence when she was in college, with a pure and generous smile on her face.

Xiaomai, Yize... I used to really hate you, and I believed that what happened to me was caused by you. In fact, whether it was my previous bad situation or my final death, it was all my own fault. I was too persistent and refused to let go, so in the end I even risked my life.

Now...I no longer hate or blame you! To me, heaven is happier than I am on earth. This is my happiness. I can finally start over without hatred, complaint, or struggle.

On the day of Yin Yuqi's burial, the hot weather was filled with raindrops, which gently hit her face. It did not wreak havoc, but instead brought a coolness to the hot climate. In the rain, Yin Yuqi's smile became even brighter. Because it is bright, there is no haze, no ferocity, there is just relaxation and relief...

Tong Mai knelt down in front of Yin Yuqi's tombstone. Yin Yuqi's tombstone was placed not far from her father's tombstone, so that she and her father could keep each other company!

"Dad, sister... please forgive me for my mistakes. I will pray hard, do good deeds, and beg that we will still be a family in the next life. Let me be a good daughter and good sister in the next life, so that you will not be sad or sad anymore."

And if she meets Huo Yize again by chance in the next life, or if she and Yin Yuqi fall in love with the same man again... then she will definitely stay away from Huo Yize.

During the farewell ceremony for Yin Yuqi's body, Chen Yuhua did not appear from beginning to end. She hugged a pillow in the mental hospital and tried her best to force food into the pillow. "Yu Qi, eat more. Only by eating can you grow taller and more beautiful. Dad and Mom wants Yuqi to grow up quickly... Baby, don't cry, don't cry... As long as mom is here and she protects you, no one can bully you."

Chen Yuhua leaned close to the pillow and coaxed her lovingly. Tong Mai watched the situation outside the window for a long time, the pain in his heart spreading wantonly and wantonly...

Tong Mai asked to go into the room to see her, but was stopped by the dean, "The patient is quite aggressive when seeing people. Let's wait until her condition improves a little before going in to see her."

"Director, please help enlighten her and help cure her disease." Tong Mai sincerely begged the director of the hospital.

"Ms. Tong, this situation may be difficult to treat, especially if the patient deliberately avoids it. If the knot cannot be resolved, it is impossible to return to normal in a short time. Similar to Ms. Chen's situation, we have seen many cases. Some people cannot return to a normal life until they die. Even the more we help her remember and the treatment will cause her greater emotional fluctuations, which will be more painful for her. However, please rest assured, Ms. Tong, we will do our best. Try to heal.”

In fact, Tong Mai could tell that the dean's words clearly indicated that Chen Yuhua might not have a chance to recover...

The pain was growing and flowing in Tong Mai's heart all the time, especially when he saw Chen Yuhua acting crazy, it was extremely uncomfortable.

"Dean, please trouble me."

Maybe if Chen Yuhua is not allowed to remember what happened, it will be less painful, but the once rich lady, once the wealthy wife, has now fallen into madness and entered a mental hospital. How can she feel so unbearable?

"Aunt..." Tong Mai's fingers touched the visiting glass. In the room, Chen Yuhua, with her hair disheveled, hugged the pillow, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying. Tong Mai's body was shaking and sobbing uncontrollably.

In the past, Chen Yuhua no longer cared about Tong Mai's various bad behaviors. However, this punishment was so painful for Chen Yuhua. She was like a walking zombie...

When Tong Mai walked out of the hospital, Huo Yize was waiting for her at the door. He almost never left her side, worried that something might happen to her. He gently wiped away the tears hanging from the corners of Tong Mai's eyes, "I can't make you not sad, but I hope You can be strong and cheer up. We still have a long way to go, and there may be many unexpected things happening in the future, but I will always be by your side, and no matter what happens, we will never be apart. abandoned."

Taking Tong Mai's hand and placing it in his own palm, Huo Yize put it under his palm as if he had found a treasure and promised her.

Tong Mai nodded and put his arms around Huo Yize's waist.

Her relationship with Huo Yize was based on a lot of blood, pain, and even human lives...

If such a hard-won relationship were separated in the end, they would not only be sorry to all the people who loved and cared for them, but also themselves.

However, the wedding must be postponed. It is impossible for them to hold the wedding with great fanfare just after Yin Yuqi passed away. This is so unfair to Yin Yuqi, and it is also a great harm...

However, what she can be sure of is that her person and her heart will always be tied to Huo Yize and will never be separated from him. Naturally, the wedding ceremony is no longer that important!

Huo Yize also understood Tong Mai's thoughts more and more, and then put the wedding on hold and took care of it with Tong Mai, enlightened Luo Luo, and created their future together...

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