Kiss Addiction

Chapter 81 Try to be a good dad

Yin Yuqi's departure was a huge blow to Luo Luo, especially since he saw Yin Yuqi explode and die in the car with his own eyes. This image may never disappear from his mind.

Therefore, Luoluo is no longer as difficult as before, nor is he constantly attacking Tong Mai. He is quieter than ever, sitting quietly for several hours, as if no one can walk into his world.

Tong Mai would rather he continue to make things difficult for her like before, but he just doesn't cry or make trouble, and is surprisingly calm...

"Luoluo, it's time to go to the training school." Tong Mai whispered in Luoluo's ear.

Luoluo glanced at her with a calm expression. Although he didn't speak, he still packed his schoolbag and went to school consciously and obediently.

When Tong Mai and Luo Luo came out, Huo Yize was waiting for them in the car. For the first time, his parents sent him to school. This warm feeling... was something he had never experienced before.

When he was in school in Las Vegas, either the driver or Yuqi's mother would take him to class. Even if his father sent him to school, he would almost avoid being with his mother...

Tong Mai seemed to have something to say to Luo Luo alone. After arriving at school, he deliberately asked Huo Yize to wait for her in the car and sent Luo Luo into the classroom alone, "Luo Luo, I know Yu Qi's mother's departure makes you sad, but , Mom, can you please talk to me? Whether you are sad or hating me, can you vent all your emotions? If Luoluo continues to be unhappy like this, Yuqi’s mother is watching in heaven Luoluo, she will be very sad. We living people do not have a banquet that lasts. One day in the future, mom and dad will take the first step and leave Luoluo. However, Luoluo needs to be brave and strong! Regardless of mom and dad, , or Yuqi’s mother, whoever leaves Luoluo, we will always love Luoluo in our hearts and hope Luoluo is well."

Huo Zhengluo remained silent and stared at Tong Mai for a long time, as if he had no intention of speaking. Tong Mai had pain in his eyebrows and stroked the top of his son's hair, "Baby, go to class quickly. Mom and dad will take you there tonight." When we release the Kongming Lantern, we write all our blessings and love for Yuqi’s mother on the Kongming Lantern, so that it can bring our full love to Yuqi’s mother.”

Luoluo didn't know what a Kongming Lantern was, so he frowned, but still didn't speak...

In fact, it's hard to say how much she hates Tong Mai now, especially when Tong Mai said that she and her father would leave him one day, Luo Luo's eyes flashed with a trace of sourness, and she also didn't want them to be like each other. Yuqi’s mother also disappeared forever.

"Baby, bye." Tong Mai waved goodbye to him, but Luo Luo always stood there without any response.

However, the moment Tong Mai turned around, the tears hidden in Luoluo's eyes immediately fell down, and she muttered in a low voice, "It's really annoying. Why do you call me a baby when I'm so old? You're so inferior!"

It seems that he doesn't like this affectionate name, but in fact... there is a little sweet taste spreading in his heart.

Without Yuqi's mother, will no one love him in the future? However... Yuqi's mother's love. For a long time, until Tong Mai had left for a long time, Luoluo was still looking at the point where Tong Mai disappeared.

I am a little happy to have my parents with me, but also a little lonely, inexplicably lonely. Without Yuqi’s mother, life seems to be without any happiness in an instant...

Tong Mai and Huo Yize were very trustworthy and took Luo Luo to set off the Kongming Lanterns together. The slight cold wind was not blowing wildly, so it was the best weather to set off the Kongming Lanterns.

"Luoluo, write what you want to say to Yuqi's mother on it." Tong Mai handed the pen to Luoluo. Luoluo crouched down with a grimace, his dark eyes pondering the Kongming Lantern for a while, Asked, "Can Yuqi's mother see it?"

"I believe Yuqi's mother will be able to see it."

She believed that she could only rely on it.

After all, no one can really give a definite "yes" or "no" as to whether there are two worlds of yin and yang in this world.

Luoluo held the pen and carefully wrote "Mom, I love you" crookedly on the paper.

The font is not very nice, it is large, and the arrangement is not neat. However, it is the most touching font that Tong Mai has ever seen. Tong Mai really wants Luoluo to be able to say "I love you" to her one day.

Huo Yize actually disagreed with these things, but he also tried his best to cooperate with Tong Mai. Don't women like to believe in something to find a spiritual sustenance for themselves?

Since doing so would make her happier, of course he would respond positively.

Huo Yize actually didn't believe in reincarnation, so he cherished the precious time he spent with Tong Mai in this life as his last life, and firmly waited for this hard-won fate...

Tong Mai also wrote seriously on the paper, stroke by stroke: Sister, I'm sorry, whether you hate me now or you have forgiven me, please be happy.

Luo Luo and Huo Yize were holding Kongming lanterns. Tong Mai lit the candle. With the slight wind, the Kongming lanterns slowly rose up in the sky. The faint light lit up the darkness of the night. Tong Mai and Luo Luo held up a candle. A sky lantern was placed in the sky. Although these lights could not dispel the darkness of the night, they brought wisps of light to Luoluo's heart at this moment...

"Mom, I miss you, I miss you very much..." Luoluo raised his eyes and stared at the Kongming Lantern in the distance, his vision blurred by tears, and his choked voice revealed his endless longing for Yin Yuqi.

When Tong Mai wasn't paying attention, he wrote a sentence in Pinyin on the Kongming Lantern: Mom, if you leave, who will love me in the future?

At this time, in Luoluo's heart, he didn't think Tong Mai would like him very much. After all, he was very bad to Tong Mai.

Luoluo felt sad about Yin Yuqi's departure, but also filled with endless panic and fear about the future, as if his little world was suddenly filled with darkness...

Although Luo Luo secretly wrote his thoughts to Yin Yuqi, Tong Mai saw it, and when he saw the string of words he wrote in Pinyin, his heart became heavier and became more and more uncomfortable, regardless of Luo Luo's wishes Or not, she held his little hand and said, "Although Yuqi's mother can no longer take care of Luo Luo, she will always take care of Luo Luo until she grows up. Even if Luo Luo doesn't like me, my mother loves you very much." "

"Dad, too, and dad loves you too! Luoluo has worries, sadness, grievances... No matter what it is, you can tell dad and mom. You are not alone, Luoluo, you have a complete family, And my lovely sister, you are as happy as other children. Dad and Mom will try their best to make time to accompany you. In the was Dad's fault. It was me who always let you down, Luo Luo, but I won't do it in the future. Yes, I will try my best to be a good father. Please give Luoluo a chance for his father and a chance for his mother! When Luoluo is tolerant and understanding of others, he will be much happier. Give it a try and try to talk to your parents. Communicate, be intimate! Don’t isolate yourself.”

In the impression, Huo Yize felt that he rarely spent time having such thoughtful conversations with Luo Luo, and he had never been very patient with children. However, after experiencing some things, he became close to Niantong, and got along with Xia Niuniu in the countryside. , the accumulated experience made Huo Yize understand that no matter how mature, sensible, or even independent a child is, he or she always needs care and love...

Tong Mai hugged Luoluo's shoulders and finally pulled Luoluo into his arms. "Mom did not do well in many places and hurt Luoluo. Please Luoluo please stop arguing with mom. Mom will work hard to make up for it."

Luoluo's eyes were completely wet. Even though he did not respond positively to what Huo Yize and Tong Mai said, he did not refuse or resist as angry as before, which was a step closer to their relationship... …

Tong Mai and Huo Yize couldn't be anxious and could only slowly provide psychological counseling to Luo Luo to help him get over his sadness.

Huo Yize put his arms around the two of them. This was the first time for the three of them to hold each other so closely. There was less grudge, less resistance, and more intimacy...

When the three of them finally returned, a meteor flashed across the starry sky...

"Luoluo, look! It's a shooting star! Make a wish quickly." Tong Mai quickly crossed his hands together, a little childishly, closed his eyes and made a wish.

The expressions of father and son Luo Luo and Huo Yize had the same indifference, and the eyes they cast on Tong Mai seemed to be making fun of her stupidity.

But Luoluo finally learned from her, closed her eyes, and made a wish.

If Meteor can really help people realize their wishes, then he hopes that Yuqi's mother can be happy in heaven, and that Yuqi's mother can also have a baby to accompany her in the future, but the person Yuqi's mother loves most must still be him.


And there is hope...

When Luoluo made her second wish, she opened her eyes and glanced at Tongmai: I hope she loves him more than she loves Nian Tong!

Huo Yize put his hands in his pockets. Naturally, he would not do such a childish thing as making a wish, but the smile on his lips showed that he was so deeply in love with this fool, big and small, in front of him...

"Baby, what did you wish for?" The moment Tong Mai opened his eyes, he saw Huo Zhengluo making a wish seriously and couldn't help but ask.

Luo Luo rolled her eyes and ignored her coolly.

"I guess you must have me in your wish, right?" Tong Mai always clings to him and keeps being sentimental.


Luoluo quickened his pace in the direction of parking. It seemed that Tong Mai had guessed his mind and was very unhappy.

"Luoluo, you guessed it, right? Otherwise, why would your face be so red..." Tong Mai jumped up to her and stared at Luoluo's rosy face, which was so cute.

"There must be a father in the wish, right? I guess Luoluo's wish must be to live happily and happily with her parents and sisters from now on, right?"

Huo Yize also joined the ranks of fighting alongside Tong Mai. Luoluo's face was so red that he ran away from them a little shyly and quickly ran into the car to hide his worries...

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